Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 21


Tell Me Something

In the night of our separation,
The trees fall on the road from two to two,
The hateful blizzard strikes me in the eyes
And I came to tell you that I love you.
My path will probably lead to hell.
I stumble over a tear and I fall,
And I fall asleep again, and again I'm given a dream:
That poor number two committed suicide.
Chorus: (x2)
If I call you,
Give me at least a sign,
Even a curse
From you.
I don't know how, though,
For so much road
That began now,
Tell me something, tell me something!
And of so much harbinger blizzard,
Not my eyes, but your eyes hurt me.
How young we entered and with how much goal
And how old we get out of everything that was!
Not even the wings can fly anymore,
It's just parting everywhere
And it sounds like it's going to be harder,
Since when you and I will be away.
Chorus: (x2)
If I call you,
Give me at least a sign,
Even a curse
From you.
I don't know how, though,
For so much road
That began now,
Tell me something, tell me something!
But not for telling you that it's bad
I hit your window with big lumps,
But just so you know, in the hateful blizzard,
That I leave, and I die, and I cry, and I love you.
And I want to give you back, with papers,
The disaster of partitions to two,
So that you can understand what a broken couple is
And what it's like to be alone on earth.
Chorus: (x2)
If I call you,
Give me at least a sign,
Even a curse
From you.
I don't know how, though,
For so much road
That began now,
Tell me something, tell me something!
Tell me something, tell me something!
Tell me something, tell me something!

Frumoasa Depărtare

Aud un glas din Frumoasa Depărtare,
Glasul dimineții în rouă argintie.
Aud un glas, și un drum ispititor
Îmi învârte capul, ca un carusel din copilărie.
Frumoasă Depărtare,
Nu fii neîndurătoare,
Nu fii neîndurătoare,
Nu fii cu mine așa!
Dintr-un izvor curat,
Spre Frumoasa Depărtare,
Spre Frumoasa Depărtare
La drum eu am plecat.
Aud un glas din Frumoasa Depărtare,
El nu mă cheamă pe tărâmuri de rai.
Aud un glas, care întreabă cu asprime:
Eu astăzi ce-am făcut pentru mâine?
Frumoasă Depărtare,
Nu fii neîndurătoare,
Nu fii neîndurătoare,
Nu fii cu mine așa!
Dintr-un izvor curat,
Spre Frumoasa Depărtare,
Spre Frumoasa Depărtare
La drum eu am plecat.
Jur că voi fi mai pură și mai bună,
Și la necaz nu-mi voi lăsa prietenul nicicând.
Aud un glas, și mă grăbesc la chemarea lui,
Pe un drum pe care sunt urme.
Frumoasă Depărtare,
Nu fii neîndurătoare,
Nu fii neîndurătoare,
Nu fii cu mine așa!
Dintr-un izvor curat,
Spre Frumoasa Depărtare,
Spre Frumoasa Depărtare
La drum eu am plecat.
Frumoasă Depărtare,
Nu fii neîndurătoare,
Nu fii neîndurătoare,
Nu fii cu mine așa!
Dintr-un izvor curat,
Spre Frumoasa Depărtare,
Spre Frumoasa Depărtare
La drum eu am plecat.


Pentru ce ești tristă, copilă, deschide-ți ochii mari,
De ce, în loc să râzi, o lacrimă îți curge pe obraz?
Poate că l-ai iubit deschis, cu tot sufletul tău,
Și el nu se uită la tine, el râde de tine.
Nu fii tristă, nu trebuie, și lacrimi nu vărsa zadarnic.
Va veni o altă iubire, poate chiar mai puternică.
Copila nu poate uita, totul trăiește-n inima sa.
Tipul de pe margine va întâlni pe altcineva.
Iubirea nu-i dă pace, inima îi e plină de tristețe,
Dacă el ar fi cu tine, tristețea ar dispărea.
Nu fii tristă, nu trebuie, și nu vărsa lacrimi zadarnic.
Va veni o altă iubire, poate chiar mai puternică.

The house of cards

All right, you want
To play the old game.
Masks and make-up - everything, like yesterday.
It is time to understand -
I don’t need performance anymore,
You hear, I whisper you - it is time
To bring down the house of cards.
I don't want to play,
Clock is ticking for nothing,
What falls is lost.
All life goes wrong,
I mix a problem with a little thing,
Tinsel hides the main thing.
Day after day years pass,
More, than one star, fell,
You hear, I cry out to you - it is time
To bring down the house of cards.
I don't want to play,
Clock is ticking for nothing,
What falls is lost.
Please, understand,
That I'm a biased judge for you,
Life is not generous for luck,
Any one of us
In one blessed hour
Must tell himself - it is time
To bring down the house of cards.
I don't want to play,
Clock is ticking for nothing,
What falls is lost.
It is time
To bring down the house of cards.
I don't want to play,
Clock is ticking for nothing,
What falls is lost.

A never ending story

Sidewalks and buildings
Reflect in shop windows.
Star diamonds are scattered all over.
I can't stop time
Even for a moment,
But I wanted it so…
I live this way, I sing,
I look at the world. Again I throw everything
Into the fire without regret.
The sound does not stop,
This life is going round in a circle
Like a never ending story
Move, Tanya! Rock it out, Tanya!
It is easy to do so,
I have enough notes,
Cobwebs of words I weave.
And now there's no reason
To take aspirine,
My depth is here.
I live this way, I sing,
I look at the world. Again I throw everything
Into the fire without regret.
The sound does not stop,
This life is going round in a circle
Like a never ending story
Move, Tanya! Rock it out, Tanya!

The Elder Sister

Everybody left, even my mother, and grey rain has been pouring since the morning.
My elder sister will get married today.
There will be a black car, there will be wedding guests drunk,
Women and men dancing, and only me all alone.
You whom I loved. You are my idol, my dream.
We will live together now - we are one family now,
But as it happens, it's her, not me, who's your wife.
What a strange error? What have you done, sister?
You used to visit us for a long time, you used to greet me...
You stole a glance at me and left with my sister.
Why did you appear? Why are you with her now?
Why did you fall in love with her? After all, my love is stronger!
You whom I loved. You are my idol, my dream.
We will live together now - we are one family now,
But as it happens, it's her, not me, who's your wife.
What a strange error? What have you done, sister?


Versions: #2
The Earth is empty now without you.
How would I live a few hours without you?
In the gardens, leaves are falling the same way,
And taxis are rushing somewhere as before.
But being alone on the Earth causes a feeling of emptiness,
Meanwhile you're flying, and the stars give you their tenderness.
The Earth was just as empty
When Exupery was flying,
In the gardens, leaves were falling the same way,
And the Earth didn't know how to be without him
While he was flying
He was flying, and all the stars were giving him their tenderness.
The Earth is empty now without you.
Come back, as soon as you can.

Marea albastră

În oameni ”buni” și ”răi”
Ne împart copiii pe toți.
Noi ne jucam de-a pirații feroci
Și de-a marinarii rătăcitori și bravi.
Uitam de orice necaz
Și ne pierdeam în depărtata imensitate,
Și niciodată n-am fi crezut
Că s-ar putea sfârși, că s-ar putea sfârși,
Că s-ar putea sfârși marea albastră.
Tu erai căpitanul nostru,
Diavol al mării într-un tricou ponosit.
Tu conduceai lotca tatălui nostru
Neînfricat, prin valuri turbate.
Aruncându-ți ghiozdanul deoparte,
Tu stăteai urcat pe gard
Și țipai, cu binoclul la ochi:
”E nesfârșită, e nesfârșită,
E nesfârșită marea albastră!”
Dar într-o zi a sosit un vapor,
Nechemat, pe neașteptate,
Și un oarecare Sinbad marinarul
Te-a luat brusc, spre țări depărtate.
La despărțire tu, ca întotdeauna,
Ai zbierat: ”Curând ne vom revedea,
Căci pentru noi niciodată
Nu se sfârșește, nu se sfârșește,
Nu se sfârșește marea albastră.”
Noi am jurat că te vom uita,
O așa trădare nu ți-o puteam ierta.
Dar sirena unui vapor străin
A țâșnit în sus, neliniștitor.
Și apoi a venit o scrisoare,
Ca o durere imensă.
În scrisoare era o revelație:
”Aici se sfârșește, aici se sfârșește,
Aici se sfârșește marea albastră!”
”Aici se sfârșește, aici se sfârșește,
Aici se sfârșește marea albastră!”

When Love Ends

At home, everything's missing if you're not there,
in my bed there's plenty of extra place.
After saying goodbye,
I took a picture of you
and stored the stuff
that hurt me,
just when I'm trying
to forget, your smile
passes by my solitude.
My week wasn't easy
I must control my desires,
words are useless now,
I don't have to call you anymore.
Chorus: It's not possible
to live out of memories,
even though I know
I'll miss you,
when love ends,
it's difficult to go back.
It's not possible to live out of memories,
even though I know I'll miss you,
when love ends,
it's difficult to go back.
I don't want to be told anymore
where you are going,
it's way better not to know,
just like that.
I need a friend
to stay here with me,
and in silence, just
keep me company.
Chorus 1x


Nu e așa ușor să fiu cu tine aici
Dar știu că vreau să rămâi
Vezi tu, și noi am putea fi așa peste câțiva ani
Dar recunoaște că-ți place să te joci
E ca și cum în fiecare zi,
Lovesc în pietre.
Aș putea ajunge departe,
Dar m-ai făcut să mă opresc complet.
Cum de tu
Reușești să mă motivezi
Dar cumva mă reții din a pleca?
Vezi tu, mă distragi, dar sunt distrasă fără tine.
Nu știu cum să mă concentrez, dragule, învață-mă cum
Căci iar stau nemișcată
Dar dacă mă iubești, la fel cum te iubesc eu pe tine
Nu m-ar deranja să mă consolezi puțin.
De ce te-am lăsat în mintea mea?
Și trebuie să plec câteodată, dar tu ești mereu în mintea mea.
Nu mă ajuți...
Nu mă ajuți...
Nu mă ajuți...
Nu mă ajuți...
Nu mă ajuți...
Dar neajutorată, mă îndrăgostesc de tine.
Acum sunt în întârziere
Și nu sunt o băutoare de cafea,
Dar mi-am pierdut somnul doar gândindu-mă la tine.
Deci toarnă-mi o cană,
Trebuie să mă trezesc,
Am nevoie de iubire.
Oferă-mi-o tu.
Căci oriunde vei merge, te voi urma.
Îți voi da toată ființa mea, dă-mi toată ființa ta
Trebuie să plec câteodată,
Dar tu ești mereu în mintea mea.
Vezi tu, mă distragi, dar sunt distrasă fără tine.
Nu știu cum să mă concentrez, dragule, învață-mă cum
Căci iar stau nemișcată
Dar dacă mă iubești, la fel cum te iubesc eu pe tine
Nu m-ar deranja să mă consolezi puțin.
De ce te-am lăsat în mintea mea?
Și trebuie să plec câteodată, dar tu ești mereu în mintea mea.
Nu mă ajuți, dragule...
Nu mă ajuți, dragule...
Dar mă îndrăgostesc neajutorată de tine.
Nu mă ajuți, dragule...
Nu mă ajuți, dragule...
Dar mă îndrăgostesc neajutorată de tine.

Our Moment

It's midnight, everyone's asleep
The two of us are alone
The world is ours, come close
Don't leave anything for later
My fingers brush against yours
My mouth latches on to yours
Breathing one into the other
I'm speaking softly because I'm ready
If you want to wake everyone up
To let them know
That this is our moment
I'll scream at the top of my lungs
That you're all mine
And when I'm done, I'll back up
To do it all again
Baby I...
Love your way of loving
If I'm looking for a thousand ways to hug you
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
I can't remain alone (no)
You're my greatest sanctuary
You are my love
I see none better for me
So let's stay like this
If you want to wake everyone up
To let them know
That this is our moment
I'll scream at the top of my lungs
That you're all mine
And when I'm done, I'll back up
To do it all again
Baby I...
Love your way of loving
If I'm looking for a thousand ways to hug you
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good, baby
With you it just feels so good
Baby I...
Love your way of loving
If I'm looking for a thousand ways to hug you
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good


The mirrors are reflecting the midnight light
A cold smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke is taking them into captivity
Warm bodies are dancing all around,
We won't be sleeping today, we won't be sleeping today, we won't be sleeping today.
Night is our element, music is our soul.
Tomorrow is still the weekend, we'll be on the dance floor until dawn.
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Eastern rhythms beckon to us,
Raising the level of fire in our bloooooooood.
While the moon watches, you dance with me.
It's the dance of love! It's the dance of love! It's the dance of love!
Night is our element, music is our soul.
Tomorrow is still the weekend, we'll be on the dance floor until dawn.
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Move your body! Move, move, move, move your body!
Move your body! Move, move, move, move your body!
Move your body! Move, move, move, move your body!
Move your body! Move, move, move, move your body!
Move your body! Move, move, move, move your body!
Move your body! Move, move, move, move your body!
Move your body! Move, move, move, move your body!
Move your body! Move, move, move, move your body!
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body!
Dance! Move your body, your body!
Move your body, your body! Move your body