Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 8


Internaționala nemțească

A fost un neamț care învârti Europa
cu un afiș și o batistă roșie
atârnată de o coadă de mătură.
Afișul spunea: - Proletari!
Patria este lumea! Așa că dați la cap
cui vor să facă cheltuieli militare.
Dacă vreți pacea universală
trebuie să desființați orice frontieră.
Veniți cu toții sub acest steag
că vom cânta Internaționala!
Când neamțul s-a întors în țară,
s-a dus la casa împăratului
să-și deconteze toate cheltuielile.
- Ei bine - spuse - cum a mers? - Foarte bine!
Propaganda a făcut mari furori.
Doamne! Câți proști! N-am crezut!
Și i-am lăsat pe toți cu mania
unirii patriilor într-o singură țară ...
Și cu asta, eu îmi țin cuvântul dat
fiindcă vom face o Germanie mare.
Dar de-abia că fiecare popor a observat
înșelătoria pregătită de acești hoți,
a ridicat capul, s-a înarmat și a alergat ...
- Patria e a noastră! au spus fiii.
- Patria e a noastră! au spus mamele.
Iar Vulturoiul și-a rupt ghearele.
Și deci, împăratul convins
că steagul roșu nu are efect,
îl ținea în buzunar ca pe o batistă
și uneori își sufla nasul în ea.

What kicks are these?

[First verse]
Knock, knock. Who’s there?
Chedda is flowin’. Another track about shoes.
Mike Jordan on the feet.
We got that vibe, we got that hype,
we got that scrilla invested in them goods.
We’ve got Jordans on our feet, J’s on my feet.
Sneakers from “Distance”. Only the good stuff.
I’ve received them. Again, unboxing.
I’m lacing them up, Russian trap rap is playing in the background.
* (speaks in Russian) courier was here.
Our competitors are not lying idle. I have a feel for the market.
I’ve also received them VaporMax sneakers straight from the main Nike store.
All the best on your birthday, Nike.
[Chorus] x2
What kicks are these? I don’t know.
I don’t know nothing.
Jordan 1? No, 7.
I don’t know. I don’t know nothing.
What kicks are these? I don’t know.
I don’t know nothing.
[Second verse]
I used to know this one freaky girl. Her name was Majka.
She was good at doing “the swoosh” (sucking dick)
and “Michael Jordan logo” (spreading her legs)
Maybe I’ll clean this mess one day. Nah, fuck it.
Focus on the future. Don’t think about burned bridges.
Now even Maja is rockin’ Air Max Nikes.
Even a hipster is following this fashion trend.
I’ve got that swag, I’m changing shoes.
My first pair of J’s. 3’s Retro.
4’s are my favourite ones.
Their price is not changing and I got shit loads of ’em.
I’ve also got loonies following me on Instagram,
crying when I’m swapping laces.
Like it’s that important.
[Chorus] x2
[Third verse]
* Clubs (support), bitches (support).
Last time (support), really? (lame)
No, not this (support), I don’t know why they’re making a fuss about it.
I don’t see no (support), only Adidas support.
* EQT Support, Mahol Distance – good lookin’ out!
Instagram Gestapo will be checkin’ out what kicks I’m rockin’.
They want to know how many pairs I’ve got in my shoe cupboard.
I don’t know. Oodles.
a) He says: ” Courier was here only 5 minutes ago.”
I’m lacing them up, Russian trap rap is playing in the background. Probably a reference to
this track:
b) Clubs (support), bitches (support). He’s referring to the chorus of Hill Records track
” Support ” :
” Concert (support), party (support)
Dough (support), bitches (support)
Drugs (support), mainstream (support)
Tomorrow (support), fuck (support) ”
“Last time (support), really? (lame)” Tede thinks it’s lame/not cool that so many people
wear Adidas Support kicks that became quite popular.
“No, not this (support), I don’t know why they’re making a fuss about it.”
He’s sayin’ he was talking about the shoes not their song, therefore he
tells them not to make a fuss about it.
” I don’t see no (support), only Adidas support.”
Hill Records are not part of Wielkie Joł (record label of which Tede is a
co-founder) anymore.
c) EQT Support, Mahol Distance – good lookin’ out!
Mahol is the manager of store which often sends Tede his kicks.

I Won't Go Anywhere Without You

You say it's going slowly
Small steps in big shoes
It's quiet here
But I know that you're listening for whether or not I'm still here
And I see you now, I see every step you take
I won't go anywhere without you
We have many more steps to take
I won't go anywhere without you
Everything that we can't carry we'll leave behind
We'll make it work out
Even though hearts can't reach
We'll make it work out
Even though hearts can't reach
Each other right now
There's an angel in the living room
Which I think you do see
There are teeny tiny marks
Of warm hands on frozen snow
And I see you now, I see every step you take
And I see you now, see me the way I was
I won't go anywhere without you
We have many more steps to take
I won't go anywhere without you
Everything that we can't carry we'll leave behind
We'll make it work out
Even though hearts can't reach
We'll make it work out
Even though hearts can't reach
Each other right now
Even been all the way out to the edge
Where everything ceases
I've stared down into the darkness
But now, I'm looking up
I won't go anywhere without you
I won't go anywhere without you
I won't go anywhere without you
I won't go anywhere without you
We'll make it work out
Even though hearts can't reach
We'll make it work out
Even though hearts can't reach
Each other right now
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Am petrecut singur

Am petrecut singur
Am petrecut așa mulți ani la rând
Am petrecut singur
Culegi ceea ce semeni
SI am luptat pe cont propriu
Au luat bataile, au luat loviturile
Am luptat pe cont propriu
In fiecare zi
Și în lumina judecății tale mortale
Veșnica ploaie tornând
Apoi a venit ploaia, apoi a venit tunetul
Și mi-a spălat calea
Apoi a venit ploaia, apoi a venit tunetul
Așeaza valurile la doc
Dar dacă lumea ta e o închisoare
Detenția privată
Prefer să am dorința mea
Si rațiunea mea zilnica
Și în lumina judecății tale mortale
Veșnica ploaie tornând
Arde-ți farul
Și fă o plimbare în iad
Am petrecut singur
Am petrecut așa mulți ani la rând
Am petrecut singur
Culegi ceea ce semeni
SI am luptat pe cont propriu
Au luat bataile, au luat loviturile
Am luptat pe cont propriu
In fiecare zi
Și în lumina judecății tale mortale
Veșnica ploaie tornând
Arde-ți farul
Și fă o plimbare în iad

Partied Alone

I partied all alone
Partied for several years
I partied all alone
Shit, you reap what you sow
And I fought all alone
Took those beatings, took those blows
Yes, I fought all alone
Every single day
And in the light of your mortal judgement
Your eternal pouring rain
Then came rain, then came thunder
And washed my road
Then came rain, then came thunder
Laid the waves to dock
But if my world is a prison
Your private detention
I would rather have my longing
And my daily ration
And in the light of your mortal judgement
Your eternal pouring rain
Burn down your lighthouse
And go to hell
Suck my fat, oh
I partied all alone
Partied for several years
I partied all alone
Shit, you reap what you sow
And I fought all lone
Took those beatings, took those blows
And I fought all alone
Every single day
And in the light of your mortal judgement
Your eternal pouring rain
Burn down your lighthouse
And go to hell
Suck my fat, oh