Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 9



Iubește-mă, iubește-mă
Iubește-mă, iubește-mă
Vreau doar să fii lângă mine
Vreau ca totul să fie cum a fost
Iubește-mă, iubește-mă
Iubește-mă, iubește-mă
Să fii dincolo de limitele mele,
Știi cât mă doare
Dacă stelele ar fi avut un plan
Ai fi spus numai să fii destul de aproape de mine, yeah yeah
Nu suntem perechea ideală
Îmi frângi inima în plină zi
Și mă aiurești,
Mă-nvârți pe loc, a mia oară
Mă lași fără rost, mă faci să turbez
Îmi întorci mereu spatele, nu ești cinstit, yeah
Iubește-mă, iubește-mă...
Nu visez decât la ea.
Aș vrea să-i spun cât de mult îmi place,
Nu visez decâat la ea,
Recunosc că ea e aleasa inimii mele
Și mă aiurești,
Mă-nvârți pe loc, a mia oară
Mă lași fără rost, mă faci să turbez
Îmi întorci mereu spatele, nu ești cinstit, yeah
Iubește-mă, iubește-mă...


Simt cum mi se face pielea de găină
Tristă ca acest cântec
Peste noapte, am înțeles
Că fără tine, nu știu nimic
Mă scol și mă simt mahmură
Și simt că înnebunesc
Strâng din dinți și tac
Parcă îmi pierd mințile
Sincer și cinstit
Recunosc în sinea mea că am dat greș cu toate
Pentru că e o mască proastă
Pe care mi-o pun în fiecare seară
E vina mea, dar nu-i bai
Cumva recunosc că nu regret,
Știi, îmi iert mereu greșelile mărunte
Ies să beau, e bine
Las trecutul în urmă
A venit cineva și m-a făcut să râd
Nimic nu mă trădează
Dar în zori de zi
Realitatea mea devine rea
Știu bine când ajung prea departe
Soarele și luna nu se întâlnesc
Simt cum mi se face pielea de găină
Tristă ca acest cântec
Peste noapte, am înțeles
Că fără tine, nu știu nimic
Mă scol și mă simt mahmură
Și simt că înnebunesc
Strâng din dinți și tac
Parcă îmi pierd mințile
Simt cum mi se face pielea de găină
Tristă ca acest cântec
Peste noapte, am înțeles
Că fără tine, nu știu nimic
Mă scol și mă simt mahmură
Și simt că înnebunesc
Strâng din dinți și tac
Parcă îmi pierd mințile

Spell (Magic)

I don't know how much I drank
My smile is already not sober
And you pour me more on purpose
Acting like you know nothing, you know nothing
It's dangerous what my imagination is doing
This corset became more tight
Heart is pounding like samba
Listen (ram pam pam pam, ram pam pam pam pam pam)
What kind of spell did you cast on me
So I can't refuse your lips
What heart wants, heart gets
Just take me away (yeah)
Just love me (yeah)
With you tonight I suffer from insomnia
Because the down breaks early, the smell of salt is stronger
What kind of spell did you cast on me
Just take we away (yeah)
Just love me ( is this love or euphoria)
I don't know what it is,
But the magic turns me on
Our bottle is empty again
Feeling the groove
You play with me easily
I'm not aware of that
Still not aware of that
It's dangerous what my imagination is doing
This corset became more tight
Heart is pounding like samba
Listen (ram pam pam pam, ram pam pam pam pam pam)
What kind of spell did you cast on me
So I can't refuse your lips
What heart wants, heart gets
Just take me away (yeah)
Just love me (yeah)
With you tonight I suffer from insomnia
Because the down breaks early, the smell of salt is stronger
What kind of spell did you cast on me
Just take we away (yeah)
Just love me ( ist this love or euphoria)
I don't know what it is,
But the magic turns me on

You cad

I tell myself: 'Why are you so crazy'
On the floor, awake in tears
This love like a revolver
Takes the breath away million times
But I love you, you cad
But I love you, you cad
Oh, even when you're hers
Alcohol is in the blood
And your parfume on the skin
Oh, I'm still waiting on you
With you I'm falling to the bottom
And you put me on the throne a long time ago
Give me yourself just tonight, not ever again
Save my life one last time, you killer
But I love you, you cad
But I love you, you cad
You're a close relative to sin
Your heart is blind and touch is black
But that evil is sacred for me
Even when you stab my soul like a thorn.
But I love you, you cad
Oh, even when you're hers
Alcohol is in the blood
And your parfume on the skin
Oh, I'm still waiting on you
With you I'm falling to the bottom
And you put me on the throne a long time ago
Give me yourself just tonight, not ever again
Save my life one last time, you killer.
But I love you, you cad
You are trash like I am
I am trash like you are
You are my blood type
But I love you, you cad
I see you every night
The bad is good with you
Because we're the same, aren't we?

Tom Ford

This night showtime, I'm wandering everywhere around the club
And already in the midway some hand is squeezing me
I am used to night life, I just say bye bye
But in less than a minute, and I am crazy about him.
Black orchid could be smelled on his neck
While he is whispering on my ear to write my number down for him
The smell of his perfume is almost like hypnotizing me
He says he will call me quickly, just when he ditches his buddies.
I will call him Tom Ford until I find out his name
I am not feeling well, but I don't want everybody to notice that
Just like he's a potion, he is changing speeds on my heart
And I am worrying, what if he forgets me?
Mama mama mia, mama mi amor
Until I find out his name
I will call him Tom Ford.
Mama mama mia, mama mi amor
Until I find out his name
I will call him Tom Ford.
(I will call him Tom Ford)
My heart has a quick adjournment of film
Although I've just arrived, I haven't drunk anything yet
I don't know if this will turn out right
But even if it becomes deathful, I am leaving with Ford
Black orchid could be smelled on his neck
While he is whispering on my ear to write my number down for him
The smell of his perfume is almost like hypnotizing me
He says he will call me quickly, just when he ditches his buddies.
I will call him Tom Ford until I find out his name
I am not feeling well, but I don't want everybody to notice that
Just like he's a potion, he is changing speeds on my heart
And I am worrying, what if he forgets me?
Mama mama mia, mama mi amor
Until I find out his name
I will call him Tom Ford.
Mama mama mia, mama mi amor
Until I find out his name
I will call him Tom Ford.
(I will call him Tom Ford)


This night I'm walking again on the same track
Because I'm searching for you, and dirty thoughts are giving me strength
You know that I would recognize you always even in the darkness
By your rough voice and abs.
There is always a tiny line between some words
Between there is no chance, but only one more time
And I know I will never again tell you this
So let's go new round, let's go new round
I know very well how to dress up, when I want to easily sneak outside
And it's clear the moment I see you, I have already easily crossed the line.
(I am addicted to us)
And there is no chance that my wishes let me go
I must whisper everything on your lips
I am giving you everything and everything I will take when the lights turn off.
There is always a tiny line between some words
Between there is no chance, but only one more time
And I know I will never again tell you this
So let's go new round, let's go new round
I know very well how to dress up, when I want to easily sneak outside
And it's clear the moment I see you, I have already easily crossed the line.
(I am addicted to us)