Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 19
Versions: #1Who will be anymore,
When I wake up in my cold bed
Who will listen my heart
She will look my face
like I am beautiful
Who will keep my body in the air
at the last moment
In the felling cliff
when I hold on the my breath...
That take from your mouth...
That hide in my mouth...
So that it don't fly away.
When we growing up and world is changing
While we think each other and make love another one
Who will make love with own heart
With convicing to love...
With put to sleep with breath...
Who will warm me with his skin like a she had been my warm house
On the back from school at the winter time
Who will keep my body in the air
at the last moment...
In the felling cliff
when I hold on the my breath...
That take from your mouth...
That hide in my mouth...
So that it don't fly away.
When we growing up and world is changing
While we think each other when make love another one
A Woman And A Man
He had forgotten him lyrics of favourite songHe had seen, neither past is past or future is future...
flightless bird, non-cutting knife, a never beat heart
two alone on the ship, there is only its memory
Woman cry, man look
Woman hear, man don't hear
Woman ask, man keep quite
women go, man drink
Woman cry, man look
Woman hear, man don't hear
Woman ask, man keep quite
woman go, man drink
It was that song telling love, without be slave of words
My lung breathed the smoke from its last cigarette
It had beared, it can beared more but wasn't necessary
He couldn't chose anyone in the end, when he spread words in front of his
Woman cry, man look
Woman hear, man don't hear
Woman ask, man keep quite
women go, man drink
Woman cry, man look
Woman hear, man don't hear
Woman ask, man keep quite
woman go, man drink
Sometimes it doesn't same the story of two love
There were light years in between, the current was across.
maybe if everything is end, one thing was start
But he never talked, only looked
Woman cry, man look
Woman hear, man don't hear
Woman ask, man keep quite
woman go, man drink
Woman cry, man look
Woman hear, man don't hear
Woman ask, man keep quite
woman go, man drink
Woman cry, man look
Woman hear, man don't hear
Woman ask, man keep quite
woman go, man drink
Woman cry, man look
Woman hear, man don't hear
Woman ask, man keep quite
woman go, man drink
Before And After Than You
Versions: #2These screaming aloud waves
And gloomy beautiful gulls
Keep crushing against wind and come
They fill into my heart.
I'm alone on the edge of the cliff,
Between life and death.
My whole life flowing and passing
Under my feet.
How many more body required to me?
For me to forget you!
Before and after than you (x2)
Versions: #5I am taken my heartbrokens,
I took off my armor and hanged it onto coatstand.
Nice bodies, empty faces...
And I have eaten nails and shaking hands.
'Yes' she said 'I cheated on you too,
Even more than once.
Because you hurted me too much.'
You were a lie which I loved very much.
Delilah, oh Delilah!
Shameless at the same time
Both breaker and fragile
You tired me, Delilah.
I am taken my heartbrokens,
I took off my armor and hanged it onto coatstand.
Nice bodies, empty faces...
And I have eaten nails and shaking hands.
'Yes' she said 'I cheated on you too,
Even more than once.
Because you hurted me too much.'
You were a lie which I loved very much.
Delilah, oh Delilah!
Shameless at the same time
Both breaker and fragile
You tired me, Delilah.
Delilah, oh Delilah.
A bit real, a bit lie.
Both my plaster and my scar,
May it end, Delilah...
If I sleep a bit, maybe it gets betterOn a heart-beat far from you
If you don't want, I go immediately though
If only taxi charges me day-rate
I threw the fish I'd caught
I'm starving
You present me smiling
But I can't find where I put it
Undress me, put me to bed
As if I'm home now
Find me, no need to look for me
I'm where you put me
If I sleep a bit, maybe it gets better
On a heart-beat far from you
If you don't want, I go immediately though
If only taxi charges me day-rate
A perfect murder plan
I made for myself
Better not to take it serious
All we do is part of the act
Undress me, put me to bed
As if I'm home now
Find me, no need to look for me
I'm where you put me
Culoarea preferată mov femeieCuvântul preferat rebel
Jocul preferat rănește-mă
Resentimentul din copilărie rămân cicatrici
Günlük, femeie care rănește
Certurile trecute
Fata care se refugiază în Dumnezeu nopțile copilărești
Zilele rebele
Frânghiile zmeelor circulare
Ce putem zbura împreună, să lăsăm baltă această lume
Ce putem pleca pe drumul nostru
Vântul neîngrijit, poruncește capului
Tu și eu
İnimile rănite frânghi pe genunchi
Din nou cel mai mult te rănești pe tine
Urmele păsărilor să nu cumva
Să lași firmiturile de mâncare în spate
Vocea preferată, voce de copil
Întrucât, nu a vrut să fie mamă
Sunt multi ani
Niciodată rădăcina
Doar pentru a putea pleca
Frânghiile zmeelor circulare
Ce putem zbura împreună, să lăsăm baltă această lume
Ce putem pleca pe drumul nostru
Vântul neîngrijit, poruncește capului
Tu și eu
Din nou ne-am găsit unul pe altul
Nu mă înșela în detrimentul iubirii noastre
În lacrimi te-am iubit femeie
Frânghiile zmeelor circulare
Frânghiile zmeelor circulare
Ce putem zbura împreună, să lăsăm baltă această lume
Ce putem pleca pe drumul nostru
Vântul neîngrijit, poruncește capului
Tu și eu
Câte nopți te-ai trezit pe pieptul meu femeie
Mereu m-am trezit de unul singur
Ege Kökenli
Te iubesc inca o data
Te iubesc inca o datanu iubesc pe altcineva
imi spun ca sunt nebun
de asemenea nu pot schimba
esti inca la inceputul drumului
ei spun ca te-ai schimbat
intrucat vine la tine, am stiut toate drumurile
dragostea nu este o afacere
plăcut fără motiv
uneori pentru o mica amintire
chiar si viata se da
Ege Kökenli
Doi necunoscuti
Nu a mai ramas nici o zi de varasau 'çölde çay'* filmul
am o scenă în minte
parca actori am fi noi
nefericiti amandoi
a cui dragoste nu sa terminat niciodata
din partea noastra poate sa se termine
nu suntem capabili să iubim.
Doi necunoscuti, Doi necunoscuti...
impreuna dar singuri,
suntem doi necunoscti...
parca acest soare sa scufundat
noi am crezut in Dumnezeu
in acest moment acea noapte in mintea mea
dar era cu foarte mult timp inainte
ranile noastre nu erau grele
din nou, m-am donat mereu tie
atat tu cat si eu
Nu ești atât de mult.
Doi necunoscuti, Doi necunoscuti...
impreuna dar singuri,
suntem doi necunoscti...
Nu a mai ramas nici o zi de vara
sau 'çölde çay'* filmul
am o scenă în minte
dar este diferita de tine
de acum nu ma mai pacalesc
nu este pe tine
făcându-l frumos și urât,
daca este o vina aruncati-ma in lume
ai aflat ce este adanc
stii ca mine
desigur aceasta o sa te distruga
Doi necunoscuti, Doi necunoscuti...
impreuna dar singuri,
suntem doi necunoscti...
Ege Kökenli
Steaua ciobanului
Ai inotat fara sa stieFără a vedea marea
Nu a ars deloc soarele
Acum nu vreau sa mor fara sa strang o inima
Dragostea este mai lipsită de gust
Fara a fi cu ea nu beau
Mai mult decât oricând
Acum nu vreau sa mor nu am zambit deloc
Steaua ciobanului
Tu ramai cu mine
Steaua ciobanului
Mereu ramai cu mine
Dacă ai timp
Eu, fara nimeni
Nu am strans-o niciodata pe ea
Acum nu vreau sa mor fara sa-mi atingi inima
Haide iama si duma ca si cum inca ai fi a mea
Casa mea tara mea
Arome de fructe proaspete, în ploaie
Steaua ciobanului...
Tu ramai cu mine
Steaua ciobanului
Daca ai timp
Inca putin
Ege Kökenli
M-am săturat de tine
Ochii mei sunt arși în întunericŢi-am văzut prima dată ochii
Ca vânturile calde
Pielea a fost in valoare de recunoastere
Poate că a clipit de o mie de ori
Te grăbești
Se repetă într-o direcție
O parte se opune
Vreau o parte
Sunt un ticălos
Dragul meu nebun
Fierbinte ca un cor
S-au este la fel de rece ca apele
Nu te apropia stai
Ma tem foarte mult
Acest lucru este nebun
Nu sunt
Ege Kökenli
Acestea sunt zilele noastre bune,Totul va fi mai rău,
Lumea e un pachet de minciuni oricum,
Omul nu poate scăpa de soartă.
A fost împușcat chiar din mijlocul inimii sale.
Nu mă uit în oglindă,
Nu mă cunosc pe mine însumi
Când viața doare.
Nu iubesc lumea,
Ce păcat, un lup singuratic,
Hoinar m-am născut,
Hoinar voi pieri...
Crumbs of Love
Versions: #5Get yourself closer to me slowly,
take me inside again keep me deep in there
make me part of your hurricane.
Don't lie to me, look in my eyes
it can't have ended.
Check your pockets,
there must have been some crumbs of love left.
Rather than having my fill on crumbs of love,
I'd starve out all alone in this ilfe
If there's nothing left to share
between man and woman
I'll walk on a rope,
even without a string
It's the darkest of darkness inside me
I swear I tried so hard
to be content with this heartless world
What do I have other than you, anyways?
Come on, one more time
Check your pockets, there must have been some crumbs of love left.
Rather than having my fill on crumbs of love,
Versions: #2I will talk, even if you're sleeping
Even if you can't hear a word
While time was ending
This story that we loved most
I touch your hand,
Your half-opened legs
I'm leaning on your wet mouth
push my mouth on it for the last time
Your hair is messy
Your underwears was scattered in the room
After you cried yesterday ,
Your makeup was strewn on the pillow
Without awakening you,
I'm taking off everything that is on you...
My body is wet from sweat
I'm leaning on your body for the last time
It doesn't make me so sad anymore,
I don't even feel anything
They are just a few memories
They will go off some how in time
I left for so long
But i need it now
Sometimes a liquor bottle,
Is a life support unit
This time really, while I am going
Really, while I am abandoning
While I am pulling the door to you
I'm staring for the last time
The Whore
Versions: #3Towards morning,
A whore says I'm very sexy
We start laughing at her lie
Mutually and tactfully
On the benches on the wave breakers,
She removed her shoes
She said: 'Look, the lights on the bridge
are erasing the stars.'
When you scratch its glitter off
Beneath it, the iron is rusty
It should be burnt,
but there are fire exits everywhere
I asked her, 'Why did you sell your misery?'
She said, 'That was all I had'
'Why did you sell your body?'
'Isn't it better than selling your soul?'
Everyone is thinking in vain, she said,
about the existence of life after death,
as if
there is life before death.
'But, I like you somehow,
maybe it's because of the sorrow in your eyes
And if you hug me like you love me
This body is free for you'
I would say 'You are too young'
She said 'I am 20, but my soul is a thousand years old'
My feet were cut by rocks, but
it's still good to feel something
On this wave breaker
I was thrown into this world, with this body, alone
Love is simple, so is regret, life is harsh these times
The hawk kills the bird and the raven eats the carrion
Life is a whore, not me
I fear, like the screaming man in the painting
My hands touching my temples
How can I like this world, which is only for one person
while trying to run away
I see, I said, I think you like someone
They are always with you, morning and night
She hugged me for hours, crying
Before she went to work again
I would say 'You are too young'
She said 'I am 20, but my soul is a thousand years old'
My feet were cut by rocks, but
it's still good to feel something
On this wave breaker
I was thrown into this world, with this body, alone
Love is simple, so is regret, life is harsh these times
The hawk kills the bird and the raven eats the carrion
Life is a whore, not me