Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 63



The same situation that I can´t take no longer
and you telling me that you don´t care anymore
but stay there, but stay there
and when you´re very thirsty you´re running to me
But stay there, there, there, there
but stay there, there, there, there
because you can´t spend a night without me
because you can´t be a minute without me
But stay there, there, there, there
but stay there, there, there, there
because you can´t spend a night without me
because you can´t be a minute without me
You always call me for something
no matter how much you deny it, you see that it´s like that
he arrived where I say
he doesn´t matter what time it is
but also impresses me
his delay
giving him a thousand hours, a thousand hours
like a dog
I like it because it´s always you
the one who calls me
the one who calls me
you always escape
to enter here in my bed
I like it because it´s always you
the one who calls me
the one who calls me
you always escape
to enter here in my bed
But stay there, there, there, there
but stay there, there, there, there
because you can´t spend a night without me
because you can´t be a minute without me
But stay there, there, there, there
but stay there, there, there, there
because you can´t spend a night without me
because you can´t be a minute without me
No, no, oh oh
yeah, yeah
no, no, oh oh
yeah, yeah!
no, no, oh oh
yeah, yeah
no, no, oh oh
yeah, yeah!
But stay there, there, there, there
because you can´t spend a night without me
because you can´t be a minute without me

Come on, let´s go

Come on, let´s go
come on, let´s go
I know that these days
falling in love isn´t normal
everything is so fast
so empty and false
if you like someone
you show him that by giving him a like
and that´s not bad
Pero how nice is when they make me tremble
by looking me in the eyes
how nice looks the sunset
when it´s becomes red
I want him to kiss me and hug me
that he come with serenade and neighbours get up
a pervert who does it with romance
I want that he plays me a traditional song
a good dance to make me do whatever he wants
that conquer me as he was before
simple, simple like Pedro Infante
Ah, ah, ah
Come on, let´s go, give me your hand and make me fall in love with you
come on, let´s go, come on, let´s go
come on, let´s go, give me your hand and make me fall in love with you
I also enjoy the casual
I can´t deny that
I know that fashion is sexual
and it´s not bad, and it´s not bad
I also enjoy the casual
I can´t deny that
I know that fashion is sexual
and it´s not bad, and it´s not bad
Pero how nice is when they make me tremble
by looking me in the eyes
how nice looks the sunset
when it´s becomes red
I want him to kiss me and hug me
that he come with serenade and neighbours get up
a pervert who does it with romance
I want that he plays me a traditional song
a good dance to make me do whatever he wants
that conquer me as he was before
simple, simple like Pedro Infante
Come on, let´s go, give me your hand and make me fall in love with you
come on, let´s go, come on, let´s go
come on, let´s go, give me your hand and make me fall in love with you
come on, let´s go, give me your hand and make me fall in love with you
Let´s go, give me your hand
come on, let´s go, give me your hand and make me fall in love with you
come on, let´s go
come on, let´s go
This is life and not something stupid

Oh, love

Oh, love
you´re going crazy
oh, love
I consuming myself little by little
oh, love
you don´t cheat the one you love
oh, love
the one who live by the sword, die by the sword
Since you left
you destroyed me
you left me alone
I also belived
that I knew everything
I only have your love
I´m crying like a child
and what do I do with feelings
that burn me, that kill me from inside
Oh, love
you´re going crazy
oh, love
I consuming myself little by little
oh, love
you don´t cheat the one you love
oh, love
the one who live by the sword, die by the sword
I´ll laugh, I´ll live
I´ll continue living this life without you
I won´t suffer for a love
that I didn´t know how to understand
I´ll laugh, I´ll live
I´ll continue living this life without you
I won´t suffer for a love
that I didn´t know how to understand
Listen, if you don´t understand me
it doesn´t depend on me
the love is not for to buy or to sell
the problem is that I loved you
until you wanted
I don´t have an error
you were what you were
Now I intend
to dance with all the songs
I´m going to drink tequila
to kill the emotions
let´s go, for my thirsty heart
one that takes off
and another one that gets on
Although time passes I´ll recount it
what we live together I won´t forget
look what I suffer
look what I cried
but this time it won´t be like that
Although time passes I´ll recount it
what we live together I won´t forget
look what I suffer
look what I cried
but this time it won´t be like that
Oh, love
you´re going crazy
oh, love
I consuming myself little by little
oh, love
you don´t cheat the one you love
oh, love
the one who live by the sword, die by the sword
I´ll laugh, I´ll live
I´ll continue living this life without you
I won´t suffer for a love
that I didn´t know how to understand
I´ll laugh, I´ll live
I´ll continue living this life without you
I won´t suffer for a love
that I didn´t know how to understand
Oh, love
you´re going crazy
oh, love
I consuming myself little by little
oh, love
you don´t cheat the one you love
oh, love
the one who live by the sword, die by the sword

What irony

What irony
that night can unite with day
that rivers will join with sea
what irony
that we still can´t
What irony
that I´m yours but you don´t be mine
that is sad to fell so much joy
what irony
that even happiness would hurt us
Thalía and Carlos:
It´s not the same wanting let you go
as trying to stop loving you
if rain falls from the sky
and flowers are born from the ground
how loves can be forbidden
As much I want
to rip you out from my life, I can´t anymore
my moans are mute without your fingers
and I can´t go on anymore
imagining your mouth in other kisses
As much I want
to rip you out from my life, there is no way
summer, autumn, winter and never spring
and I can´t continue anymore
if it were easy I would throw a coin
What irony
seeing love begging to the luck
having you close but don´t be able to have you
what irony
that even happiness would hurt us
Thalía and Carlos:
It´s not the same wanting let you go
as trying to stop loving you
if rain falls from the sky
and flowers are born from the ground
how loves can be forbidden
As much I want
to rip you out from my life, I can´t anymore
my moans are mute without your fingers
and I can´t go on anymore
imagining your mouth in other kisses
As much I want
to rip you out from my life, there is no way
summer, autumn, winter and never spring
and I can´t continue anymore
if it were easy I would throw a coin
As much I want
to see you arrive
like december
wait for january
The calendar
forgets that I´m waiting for you
and although I don´t cry
a downpour is falling on my window
As much I want
my moans are mute without your fingers
And although I don´t cry
a downpour is falling on my window
What irony!

Can you hear me, do you listen to me?

Are you there, my loves, are you there?
Can you hear me, do you listen to me, do you feel me? (do you feel me)
Are you there, my loves, are you there?
Can you hear me, do you listen to me, do you feel me? (do you feel me)
Can you hear me, do you listen to me
do you listen to me, can you hear me, do you feel me?
I´m happy, happy, happy
happy, happy, happy that I have you (that I have you)
that I have you, have you, have you
that I have you (that I have you)
that I have you, have you, have you
that I have you (that I have you)
that I have you, have you, have you
that I have you (that I have you)
that I have you, have you, have you
Tiqui-tiqui-tin (tiqui-tiqui-tin)
taca-taca-tan (taca-taca-tan)
tiqui-tiqui-tin (tiqui-tiqui-tin)
taca-taca-tan (taca-taca-tan)
Thank you, thank you, I love you all, adios
adios, adios, adios
adios, adios, adios
how do I turn it off?


Ma dezbraca privirea ta cand ma duci la interzis ,
Gura ta ma da de gol , cand devii indraznet .
Vreau sa ard in bratele tale ca o luna de hartie
Vreau ca delictul de a te iubii sa merite din nou .
Sa ma trezesc langa tine , e ceea ce am visat noaptea trecuta . Ca ma vei trata asa , ca te vei duce adang inauntrul acestei inimi violente .
Tine-ma din nou ,
Ca mai tarziu nu se va putea ,
Da-i asa cum este
Incepe de la picioare
Dar incet incet incet
Fara durere sau chin .
Gente de Zona :
Tine-ma din nou ,
Ca mai tarziu nu se va putea
Da-i asa cum este
Incepe de la picioare
Dar incet incet incet
Fara regret .
Si cateodata de voi manca ,
Vei vedea cat de bine este
Cum este ?
Sa o facem cum vrei tu , unde vrei fato !
Vom trece peste pozitii
Ca tu sa vezi cum ajunge acest cubanez .
Daca nu te deranjeaza o facem pe masa .
Unde ?
Iti garantez ca in aceasta noapte iti vei perde capul.
Vom trece peste pozitii
Ca tu sa vezi cum ajunge acest cubanez .
Sa ma trezesc langa tine , e ceea ce am visat noaptea trecuta . Ca ma vei trata asa , ca te vei duce adang inauntrul acestei inimi violente .
Tine-ma din nou ,
Ca mai tarziu nu se va putea ,
Da-i asa cum este
Incepe de la picioare
Dar incet incet incet
Fara durere sau chin .
Gente de Zona :
Tine-ma din nou ,
Ca mai tarziu nu se va putea ,
Da-i asa cum este
Incepe de la picioare
Dar incet incet incet
Fara regret.
Un , doi , trei - haideti !
Gente de Zona
Cum ajunge ! Cum ajunge!
Gente de Zona :
Si eu vreau sa prind rasaritul cu tine ,
Pentru a ramane in interior am o mie de motive ,
O vom face din nou si din nou
La acest moment am visat si eu .
Ce ?
Tine-ma din nou ,
Ca mai tarziu nu se va putea
Da-i asa cum este
Incepe de la picioare
Dar incet incet incet
Fara durere si chin .
Gente de Zona :
Tine-ma din nou ,
Ca mai tarziu nu se va putea
Da-i asa cum este
Incepe de la picioare
Dar incet incet incet
Fara regret .
Vreau sa vad cum ajunge acest cubanez !
Gente de Zona :
Si eu vreau sa prind rasaritul cu tine ,
Pentru a ramane in interior am o mie de motive ,
O vom face din nou si din nou
La acest moment am visat si eu .


Sărută-mă dulce și vorbește-mi cu tîndrețe
Sărută-ma cu sufletul celor care iubesc fără să se gîndească
Sărută-mă cu focul, care mă arde, care mă vindecă
Fă-mi de mod afectuos mii de promisiuni în lumina lunii
Sărută-mi gura și spală-mă cu rîsul tău
Și fă-mă nebună pentru că vreau doar să te iubesc
Viața mea [prea] puțină este ca să-ți dau
Ca să mă uiți dacă o sa am nevoie
Ca să te urmăresc cu un zîmbet
Și să sper să se întoarcă la noi
A le săruta pe cîmpurile și pe florile
A le săruta pe luminile și pe culorile
A o săruta pe ploaia care alunecă la fereastra
Arunc-o departe pe gelozia
Și înconjură-mă cu parfumul tău.
Sărută-mă și cu un strigăt spune-mi că mă iubești
Sărută-l pe torrentul iubirilor
Scoatîndu-ți temerile
Sărută-l pe rîul pină la întîlnirea cu marea
Arunc-o pe gelozia
Și înconjură-mă cu parfumul tău
Sărută-le pe ziua și pe noaptea
Secretul tău
Cerul tău și marea ta
Sărută-mi fața cand dormi
Sarută-mi pielea ca prima data.
Fericitul sărut, de la sursa ta, din valea ta, din muntele tău
Ca copleșează si binecuvîntează acest fel de a saruta
Săruta-le pe câmpurile și pe florile
Sarută-le pe luminile și pe culorile
Sărut-o pe ploaia care alunecă pe fereastră
Arunc-o departe pe gelozia
Și înconjura-mă cu parfumul tău.
Sărută-mă și cu un strigăt spune-mi că mă iubești
Sărut-îl pe torrentul iubirilor
Scoatîndu-ți temerile
Sărut-îl pe rîul pină la întîlnirea cu marea
Arunc-o departe pe gelozia
Și înconjura-mă cu parfumul tău
Sărută-le pe ziua și pe noaptea
Secretul tău
Cerul tău și marea ta
Cerul tau și marea ta


I´m in the middle of a triangle
without solution or even justification
I fell in love when I saw him for the first time
knowing that he´s impossible for me
Also in the middle of a triangle
he stays because just as I shudder
he compromised his heart and never thought
that belonging to another woman
he´ll put his eyes on me
that would make us
guilty for turning
our love
in a triangle, triangle
triangle of our love
I´m in the middle of a triangle
without solution or even justification
I fell in love when I saw him for the first time
knowing that he´s impossible for me
Also in the middle of a triangle
he stays because just as I shudder
he compromised his heart and never thought
that belonging to another woman
he´ll put his eyes on me
that would make us
guilty for turning
our love
in a triangle, triangle
triangle of our love
Triangle of our love
triangle, triangle
of our love

I like everything

Your name, your gaze, your sensual mouth
your hair, your blue jeans and your casual style, I like everything
your laugh, your caresses, your special way
your bike, your backpack, your natural being, I like everything
And when there is no one around us
you take my hand and you give me a flower
and a nice gaze
and when the sun hasn´t risen in the morning
you run to my side and you give me your warmth and you stay without nothing
Ah, ah, ah, just tells me ah, ah, ah
and says nothing more
ah, ah, ah, and repeats me ah ah, ah
but with all your soul
Your name, your gaze, your sensual mouth
your hair, your blue jeans and your casual style, I like everything
your laugh, your caresses, your special way
your bike, your backpack, your natural being, I like everything
And when there is no one around us
you take my hand and you give me a flower
and a nice gaze
and when the sun hasn´t risen in the morning
you run to my side and you give me your warmth and you stay without nothing
Ah, ah, ah, just tells me ah, ah, ah
and says nothing more
ah, ah, ah, and repeats me ah ah, ah
but with all your soul
I like the way you call me
I´ll be the protagonist of your melodrama
the kisses that we give each other in the cinerama
the way you target our bed
I like the strips of your pajamas
fill each box of your crossword puzzle
that you don´t like anything between the branches
I like the way you call me
I want later
of loving adore you again
I want to sleep already tired
embraced to your body
Ah, ah, ah, just tells me ah, ah, ah
and says nothing more
ah, ah, ah, and repeats me ah ah, ah
but with all your soul
ah ah ah ah ah ah
ah ah ah ah ah ah

I don't remember

Versions: #2
I don´t remember what I did
About what they are telling you, it didn't happen, it didn't happen
And that I cheated on you
I don´t remember that, it didn't happen, it didn't happen
They might be right
But don't shout like this
I have a headache
I only love you
There's only one for me
But if it makes you happy
Knowing that I was with another
Let's say that I was
But I don't remember
I don't remember
And if I don't remember
It didn't happen, it didn't happen
I don't remember
I don't remember
And if I don't remember
It didn't happen, it didn't happen
I only remember that I was pretty
Everyone went crazy with my little waist
A dose of beauty and dynamite
Attractive as the queen Aphrodite
I was dancing* all night long
With my hand on the wall
And I don't know what happened with me later
I think I fainted because of the drinks
They might be right
But don't shout like this
I have a headache
I only love you
There's only one for me
But if it makes you happy
Knowing that I was with another
Let´s say that I was
But I don't remember
I don't remember
And if I don't remember
It didn't happen, it didn't happen
I don't remember
I don't remember
And if I don't remember
It didn't happen, it didn't happen
You have nothing to say, shameless!
You said at ten and you came at one
The previous time, and I was left waiting for you
I also have the right to have fun
You have nothing to say, shameless!
I said at ten and I came... at three
Well, it could be at four
I went to have fun for a while
They might be right
But don't shout like this
I have a headache
I only love you
There's only one for me
But if it makes you happy
Knowing that I was with another
Let's say that I was
But I don't remember
I don't remember
And if I don't remember
It didn't happen, it didn't happen
I don't remember
I don't remember
And if I don't remember
It didn't happen, it didn't happen
I don't remember, I don't remember,no
It didn't happen, that didn't happen
And that I cheated on you
I don't remember about that
It didn't happen, it didn't happen.

a happy Life

Versions: #2
A happy life ...
When your eyes look at me
My heart get agitated
Your smile devises mine
And your mouth searches for my mouth
If you hold me I will die
If you talk to me I will sing
I see everything in pink
Your murmurs are honey
Your pains weigh on me
But in the end, everything is easy
My heart is the jewel
And you are the thief
Stalking my balcony
Never leaving from my heart
Swear me, swear on your love.
Since it was declared,
my soul broke alive because of you.
It came into my heart,
some happiness
whose I know the reason.
He is for me,
I am for him forever.
He told me that, he swore it forever.
And as soon I see him, I feel inside of me,
My heart beating
He is for me,
I am for him forever.
He told me that, he swore it forever.
Then I feel inside of me,
My heart beating...

You make me sexy

TS sound (hey baby)
yeah, come on (no one else could)
you want me to track the dawn Thalia, ah
no one else could
TM (love you as I love you)
you 're just another winner
woo, yeah, umh, yeah, umh, terror
come on, woo, oh, oh
What happened in my life
to deserve one love like this
how much I cried and suffered
days and nights I was waiting you
to come for me
and now you are here
So gallant that you make me vibrate
with your toasted skin, always so sensual
and all those things that you plan to talk about
you make me sexy, sexy
Baby, no one else can love you more than I
I'm feelin 'love in the deepest fall, give you the keys and all
you even when helped me when the beef was on
Tell me if maybe this love is real
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Don´t you see
this story full of love
will never end
and I can swear no one else will doing
the games that we invent when we are making love
we´re eating our lips until we bleed
So gallant that you make me vibrate
with your toasted skin, always so sensual
and all those things that you plan to talk about
you make me sexy, sexy
Baby, no one else can love you more than I
I'm feelin 'love in the deepest fall, give you the keys and all
you even when helped me when the beef was on
Tell me if maybe this love is real
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Uh, slow down, love
don't you see me with my girl, what you thinkin' it was
I know you're used to seein' me in the clubs
different chicks, sippin' Cris', just a million in dubs
but I've changed, only got eyes for her
believe me, ain't no girl dividin' us
we could maybe elope, have a baby and all
'cause I don't wanna be a player no more
Baby, no one else can love you more than I
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Tell me if maybe this love is real
'cause I'm feeling something real
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Baby, no one else can love you more than I
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Tell me if maybe this love is real
'cause I'm feeling something real
I feel the same way, you make the Don say
girl, I want you, girl, I need you
Baby, baby, baby, baby
baby, baby, baby, baby

The super girl

I´m the envy of the stars
the queen bee of all of them, my radiance
is more powerful than sun
I´m the discovered treasure
the last soda in the desert
perfection of my rib came out
I´m on the top
i have powers od satisfaction
I´m the super girl, I don´t have any rival
my dignity is a thousand carats
and I carry value of the sword
I usually don´t fail because I´m the super girl
and I can´t be replaced
I don´t get used to lowering myself
it doesn´t exist any force that disarms me
I´m what I am
there are no taboos in me
I´m the best, if you don´t want me, you lose
I´m the super girl, I don´t have any rival
my dignity is a thousand carats
and I carry value of the sword
I usually don´t fail because I´m the super girl
and I can´t be replaced
Lights, camera, action
open step because I´m coming
wonder, spider, bionic
I´m all one super lady
I´m the super girl, I don´t have any rival
my dignity is a thousand carats
and I carry value of the sword
I usually don´t fail because I´m the super girl
and I can´t be replaced
Super girl, total diva
my dignity is a thousand carats
I have value well placed
I usually don´t fail because I´m the super girl
and I can´t be replaced
No, no, I can´t be replaced
umm umm hhaaaa haaa
I can´t be replaced
Uumm uhhmmmm, no, no, no
I can´t be replaced

Beautiful little doll

Yes, I love you very much
very, very, very much
as much as then
always until death
Beautiful little doll
with hair made of gold
teeth made of pearl
lips of ruby
Tell me if you love me
the same as I adore you
if you remember me
like I remember you
Sometimes I listen
a divine echo
that wrapped in the breeze
it seems saying
Yes, I love you very much
very, very, very much
as much as then
always until death
Beautiful little doll
with hair made of gold
teeth made of pearl
lips of ruby
Tell me if you love me
the same as I adore you
if you remember me
like I remember you
Sometimes I listen
a divine echo
that wrapped in the breeze
it seems saying
Yes, I love you very much
very, very, very much
as much as then
always until death
always until death
Yes, I love you very much
very, very, very much
always until death

My wishes / Merry Christmas

Wherever I am
I will reach your heart
and I will paint smile in your eyes
There won´t be distance between the two of us
I will blow my voice to the wind
with my wishes I will come to your soul
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
let's celebrate life together
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
and let live the joy
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
from the bottom of my heart
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
let's celebrate life together
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
and let live the joy
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
from the bottom of my heart
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
let's celebrate life together
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
and let live the joy
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
from the bottom of my heart
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
let's celebrate life together
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
and let live the joy
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
from the bottom of my heart
Merry Christmas, merry Christmas
merry Christmas, prosperous year and happiness
Merry Christmas
all the love and joy
merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
Christmas Christmas
I wish you all the love and joy
all the love, the love, and joy, my love
Feliz Navidad
I wish you all the joy
no one ever can destroy
the love I’ve got for you
in this heart, my life
all the love and joy
I wanna wish you a merry Christmas

Tastes good

Tastes good
your mouth tastes good
taste good
your kisses taste good
Taste good your kisses
taste good
Tastes good
your mouth tastes good
taste good
your kisses taste good
Tastes good your skin
and your mouth tastes good
tastes good
tastes good your skin
and your mouth tastes good
tastes good
Tastes good
tastes good
your mouth tastes good
it tastes like delirium
it tastes like sweet sin
it tastes like lust
It tastes like a miracle
you know it tastes good
tastes good
Tastes good
tastes good
your mouth tastes good
it tastes like delirium
it tastes like sweet sin
it tastes like lust
It tastes like a miracle
you know it tastes good
tastes good
Tastes good
your mouth tastes good
taste good
your kisses taste good
Taste good your kisses
taste good
Tastes good
your mouth tastes good
taste good
your kisses taste good
Tastes good your skin
and your mouth tastes good
tastes good
tastes good your skin
and your mouth tastes good
tastes good
Tastes good
tastes good
your mouth tastes good
it tastes like delirium
it tastes like sweet sin
it tastes like lust
It tastes like a miracle
you know it tastes good
tastes good
Tastes good
tastes good
your mouth tastes good
it tastes like delirium
it tastes like sweet sin
it tastes like lust
It tastes like a miracle
you know it tastes good
tastes good
Kiss Me whole
without space
without fear
kiss me that in your arms I don´t fear anything
Tastes good
tastes good
tastes good
tastes good
tastes good
your mouth tastes good
it tastes like delirium
it tastes like sweet sin
it tastes like lust
It tastes like a miracle
you know it tastes good
tastes good
Tastes good
tastes good
your mouth tastes good
it tastes like delirium
it tastes like sweet sin
it tastes like lust
It tastes like a miracle
you know it tastes good
tastes good
Tastes good
tastes good
your mouth tastes good
it tastes like delirium
it tastes like sweet sin
it tastes like lust
It tastes like a miracle
you know it tastes good
tastes good
Tastes good
tastes good
your mouth tastes good
it tastes like delirium
it tastes like sweet sin
it tastes like lust
It tastes like a miracle
you know it tastes good
tastes good

Little star

Little star, where are you
I want to see you without tiling
on the sky and in the sea
a real diamond
little star, where are you
I want to see you without tiling
Little star, where are you
I want to see you without tiling
on the sky and in the sea
a real diamond
little star, where are you
I want to see you without tiling

Today be afraid of me

Today I have the flavor of defeat in my mouth
try to have a hand of friend which take care of your forehead and your voice
and that he take care of you, of you your clothes
and of your thoughts, keep them attentive and your friend´s hand
The importance of seeing you, bite your lips of concern
today it´s necessary as seeing you always
how to walk following your head in the imagination
because you know, and if you don´t know, it doesn´t matter
I know what I feel, I know what after cut those lips
those red and sharp lips
and these fists that tremble with rage when you're happy
they tremble to death if someone comes near to you
Today try that window that looks on the street in your room
keep closed because I won´t be the wind of the night
and measured you, and run your skin with my breath
and even caress you and let you sleep
and I put myself in your chest and I go out again
and you breathe from me
Or I become a star and you narrow my rays
and all for not making me a little case
be afraid of may
and be afraid of me
Because it won´t be that tired of seeing you
I put myself in your arms to possess you and tear off your clothes
and kiss your feet
and called you my goddess
and he cann´t look you in the face
and tell you crying after
pease be afraid
tremble because a lot of fear woman
because it cann´t be

Quinceañera ( I don't know why)

Versions: #2
I don't know why
Today I feel so different
I do not want anything from people
What can it be?
I don't know why
My body changes from day to day
I feel that I am no longer the same
What can it be? What can it be?
The Woman in me Awakens
And slowly, oh slowly the little girl dies
So Begins the Adventure of life
I light up like a Sun in the Springtime
My dreams become Promises
My heart changes to that of a Quinceañera
I don't know why
My body changes from day to day
I feel that I am no longer the same
What can it be?
What can it be?
The woman in me awakens
And slowly, oh slowly the little girl dies
So Begins the Adventure of life
I light up like the Sun in the Springtime
My dreams become Promises
My heart changes to that of a Quinceañera

I left you open door

That party was a meeting, a look
knowing you for me was so fatal
and through dancing our bodies produced
sensation of heat and humidity
What problems with different couples
how to do to be to meet you
I decided to leave you the tone subtly
I walked away almost shaking from anxiety
I left you open door
desire killed me
and the silk sheets
bothered my body
I left you open door
and the night was flying
just when you arrived
just when you arrived
So you can love
I left you open door
so you can enjoy
I left you open door
So you can dream
I left you open door
so you can fly
I left you open door
This night is a different night
this night is an ideal night
this night will last forever
this night won´t be forgotten ever
So you can love
I left you open door
so you can enjoy
I left you open door
So you can dream
I left you open door
so you can fly
I left you open door

Gift from God

I met you one normal night
they introduced us and we started dancing
I was sad and he understood me
and with one kiss he stole my illusion
It all started as a simple attraction
that little by little becomes love
and right now I cann´t forget you
if you are the life of my happiness
I want to stay with you forever
I don´t want to lose you for nothing
my dream, my greatest wish
that gift from God
With you my happiness is complete
when you are smiling and kiss me
you take me to another planet
we are making love alone
I met you one normal night
they introduced us and we started dancing
I was sad and he understood me
and with one kiss he stole my illusion
You gave me light where was darkness
your gaze set my mind to fly
perfect was the chemistry between the two of us
as excellent as God's time
Today from my heart you cann´t go out
and even though you are far away I can feel you
always united I would like to stay
if you are the one who wakes me up, you makes me dream
I want to stay with you forever
my boy I don´t want to lose you
my heaven, my greatest wish
that gift from God
With you my happiness is complete
when you are smiling and kiss me
you take me to another planet
we are making love alone
I met you one normal night
they introduced us and we started dancing
I was sad and he understood me
and with one kiss he stole my heart
With one kiss, he stole my heart
with a little kiss he stole my tension
and right now I can´t forget you
if you are the basis of my happiness
There you are coming to my house
with serenade of loves
singing me a vallenato
and with a bouquet of flowers


I don't know where to start from
if the man I though loving
is somewhere else
he has despised me
I don't know which way to go
how I can get him
I'm disorientated
the way he has given me
is wrong
I need a talisman
to give me good luck
a talisman to help me obtain you
and never lose you
I need a talisman
to give me good luck
a talisman to help me obtain you
and never lose you
I offer to you my love, all of my warmth
I invite you to a place where nobody ever
can find us
I don't want to forget you, I shouldn't doubt
I cannot change you
I want to teach you, enjoy you
I need a talisman
to give me good luck
a talisman to help me obtain you
and never lose you
I need a talisman
to give me good luck
a talisman to help me obtain you
and never lose you
I find myself in a place
where everything is dark
beyond the bottom there is a flash of light
It begins to glow, it's a talisman
but I can´t reach it
I need it's luck, I can´t wake up
not knowing what is love

Pata Pata

Shake well the hip like this, pata pata
move everywhere you can
shake well the hip like this, pata pata
move everything you can
and handle and handle like this, pata pata
and handle the hip, pata pata
handle, handle like this, pata pata
and handle the hip
Your attention, please
this is your new interactive rhythm in which
hands, legs and attitude
are the key pieces to dance pata pata
just grip the hip of the forward one
and grip your hip the one from behind and let yourself go
Throw forward and behind
we´ll going to dance with Thalía pata pata
the sweet rhythm that has electric taste
it´s the time when you and I
enjoy something new
tell me if you body feels the current
it´s hot, move, move the hip
forward and behind
pata pata, you want enjoy, pata pata we´re going to dance
Shake well the hip like this, pata pata
move everything you can
shake well the hip like this, pata pata
move everything you can
and handle and handle like this, pata pata
and handle the hip

I need you

Sitting in an attic
looking at an empty street
in a night desert
I enjoy my freedom
but I can´t find anyone to share it with
with whom to talk
the silence isn´t interrupted
a dim light discovers loneliness
I remember that year of being faithful and miss me
just like those days in the heat of your skin
my dreams today are nightmares
nights that cry and scream
in a cruel world
I need you close to me
I need you close to me
I love you, I miss you, I adore you
life is nothing if you aren´t next to me
I need you close to me
I get up and write this story
on the verge of going crazy
sad I see the infinity
waiting for the light of yesterday
the moonlight dissipates
I feel my body faint
wheel of fortune
in my luck fall
The sun traces in the clouds
in the form of roses in the dawn
today the forgotten love is truncated
because it's going to rain
I need you close to me
I need you close to me
I love you, I miss you, I adore you
life is nothing if you aren´t next to me
I need you close to me
I need you, close and inside me

Give medicament

Already have passed several months
when you and I go out
and I don´t know how many times I've asked you
give me your love, give me your love, heart
I want to taste the honey of your flower
make me feel all your heat
come on, I beg you, give medicament
to this situation
You know well that I am sincere
you know how much I love you
I want to love you a lot
and not just with kisses
give me your love, give me your love, heart
I want to taste the honey of your flower
make me feel all your heat
come on, I beg you, give medicament
to this situation
Give medicament
give it, come on give medicament
give medicament
you know well i need your kisses
give medicament
you are always in my dreams
give medicament
give, give, give medicament
give medicament
give me your heart, give me your body
give medicament
give me your heart, look, I tremble
give medicament
give, give, give medicament
give medicament
oh, honey, give it flavor
Give ... give ...
Come heart come and give me your love
you are my life, I always want being with you
you are special, I want give you love
of everything in my soul
there is no person in this world
that I love more than you
that's why I beg you never get away from me
give me your warmth, fill me with love
ignite the passion
give medicament to my love
I need your love

The luck in me

I have the luck in me
you make me feel the woman I don´t ever love
I have luck in me
for finding you easily in my path with
I give you, I give you, I give you my love
There will be women who never could
surrender to a total passion
they believe that they are loving, and they search for jewel
your kiss is like a ruby
I have the luck in me
you make me feel the woman I don´t ever love
I have luck in me
for finding you easily in my path with
I give you, I give you, I give you my love
When you look at me, I feel special
when you hug me I want to faint
you say that I'm an ideal gift
that you will always be loyal
I have the luck in me
you make me feel the woman I don´t ever love
for finding you easily in my path with
happiness, love and tenderness
It's amazing how it happened
and your adoration for me woke up
with security I will be able to guarantee
that there no longer will be a need for searching
So much luck in me
good luck is what I have
I give you, I give you, I give you my love

Incă te te iubesc !

Sunt mai mult de 12 luni ,
zeci de cântece
Fără a putea dormi
A rămas doar promisiunea :
Ce mi-am făcut-o, de-a te vedea aici
Timpul ce-a trecut
Fără sărutările tale, el nu trebuia să fi existat
Eu-ți cer doar a te întoarce ...
Pentru a reîncepe să retrăiesc
Și fără de tine
Nu găsesc o cale ori o logică
în a trăi așa
Vorbind de tristețe, vorbind de durere
Eu eram fericită
Cu tine aici alături de mine totul era mai bine
Nu ești aici !
Și dureroase sunt secundele fără de-a ta iubire !
Fără de tine, eu mă sting
Fiindcă eu la tine încă țin
Alături de tine eu 'cerul îl ating'
Ești a mea iubire neprețuită
Te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc !!
De La Ghetto
Să nu vorbim de tristețe ori suferință
Să vorbim seara asta de dragoste pură
Să transformăm sentimentul în pasiune
Trăindu-ne clipa , doar noi doi !
Căci dragostea-mi e puternică, și trăiește și încă-i prezentă
Ea îți acordă atenția, ce mereu ai întreprins-o
N-am să las ca nimeni să stea în cale
Așa ne este predestinat !
Și fără de tine
Nu găsesc o cale ori o logică
în a trăi așa
Vorbind de tristețe, vorbind de durere
Eu eram fericită
Cu tine aici alături de mine totul era mai bine
Nu ești aici !
Și dureroase sunt secundele fără de-a ta iubire !
Dacă tu nu ești, eu mă sting
Fiindcă eu la tine încă țin
Alături de tine eu 'cerul îl ating'
Ești a mea iubire neprețuită
Te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc !!
Între lună și stele
Tu ești cea mai frumoasă
Arată-mi iubire, dragostea-ți înflăcărată
Amintește-ți a face dragostea drăguță
De-un sărut doar a fost nevoie
Ca focul' să-l aprindă
Valurile mării
se auzeau din veranda dormitorului meu
Eu am fost al tău 'pardesiu în frig' , când ai fost singură
De asta acum eu te iubesc mai mult ca niciodată
Și vreau a mea femeie să te fac!
Dacă tu nu ești, eu mă sting
Fiindcă eu la tine încă țin
Alături de tine eu 'cerul îl ating'
Ești a mea iubire neprețuită
Te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc !!

When nobody sees me

Sometimes I rise, I give a thousand cartwheels
Sometimes I lock myself behind open doors
Sometimes I tell you why this silence
and is that sometimes I am yours and sometimes of the wind
Sometimes by a thread and sometimes by a hundred
And there are times, my life, I swear I think
Why is it so hard to feel how I feel?
Feel, how I feel! Make it difficult
Sometimes I look at you and sometimes you let me
You lend me your wings, check your footprints
Sometimes for everything, even if you never fail me
Sometimes I am yours and sometimes of nobody
And sometimes I really swear I feel you
Do not give your whole life, just give you those moments
Why is so difficult?
Living is just that
Live, it's just that
Why is so difficult?
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me I put the world upside down
When nobody sees me, it does not limit my skin
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me
Sometimes I rise, I give a thousand cartwheels
Sometimes I lock myself behind open doors
Sometimes I tell you why this silence
And is that sometimes I am yours and sometimes of the wind
I write from the inside of my own existence
Where cravings are born, the infinite essence
There are things of yours that I do not understand
And there are things so mine, but I do not see them
I guess I think I do not have them
I do not understand my life, the verses are lit
That in the dark I can, I'm sorry I do not hit
Do not light the lights that I have naked
The soul and the body
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me I look like your skin
When nobody sees me I think about you too
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me, it does not limit my skin noooo
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
When nobody sees me I can be or not be
Because it does not limit my skin nooooo
I can be or not be
When nobody sees me
Sometimes I rise, I give a thousand cartwheels
I lock you in my eyes after open doors
Sometimes I tell you why this silence
And sometimes I'm yours and sometimes ... of the wind
Sometimes the wind
Sometimes from the time
Sometimes of the wind.


if somebody knows the way to forget you
and make my life a little bit longer whitout your love
when I saw you taking the hand of that fresh and arrogant woman
I couldnt believe you anymore and I turn my way back
I did not want a confrontation and I withdraw myself without you know it
And now you are back, let's see if you deny your traition
swear it, that she wasnt your lover
swear it, that you always love me
swear it, that you wasnt betray me
swear it, let's see if you dare
swear it, that this is a lie
swear it, that she is only a friend
swear it, let's see if you dare
You know very well darling
that I gave you my all
that my body is fruit
of your work
when I didn't want believe
You shows me
that you didn't know how to love me
And you cheated me
yesterday you lost my love
and you dont even know that
and now you are with another woman
lets see if you deny that
I dont goint to take
another lie from you
get away of my life
you ar not my destiny anymore

Freedom of Expression

I can not make promises of love
You can't swear my voice
A rite in the heart is not necessary
To be able to function
And I won't get used to saying I'm yours until the end
But I don't break with your way of feeling
My plan is very similar
I don't believe in the seal that
Leaves you tied to a feeling
Action is the reaction
From the change that emotion gives
When it tries to act on intuition
Maybe my heart isn't so much looking for the reason
It just wants freedom of expression
I'm not looking for my security in you
Nor a forum to talk
I'm just hoping for a bit of will
To be able to function
And now, no, I don't wan't to ask for
A very special agreement
A royal courtship is not necessary
To be able to start
I don't believe in the seal that
Leaves you tied to a feeling
Action is the reaction
From the change that emotion gives
When it tries to act on intuition
Maybe my heart isn't so much looking for the reason
It just wants freedom of expression

Tiki Tiki Ta (Un moment)

Când pe tine te-am găsit, am fost aşa de repezită (or- 'aşa m-am repezit')
Ca şi un vânător direct spre buzele mele
Te-ai apropiat din ce în ce mai tare, încet încet am fost prinsă în capcană
Fără nimic de pierdut, în acea noapte am dansat
Ce noapte fierbinte
Din cauza ispitei respir din greu
Vreau ca soarele să nu mai răsară niciodată
Si vreau ca timpul să se oprească
Oamenii au plecat unul câte unul
În curând am rămas doar noi doi
Şi te-ai apropiat (de mine) şi m-ai sărutat
De la stradă până acasă
Tiki tiki tiki ta
Şi inima mea accelerează (bate tot mai repede ) ca nebuna
Tiki tiki tiki ta
Vreau să fie povestea la care să te trezeşti
Te-am găsit iarăşi asteptând în acelaşi loc
Să începem din nou aceasta este o poveste fără sfâtşit
Să presupunem că suntem doi străini
Nu este nimic de pierdut să dansăm din nou
Ce noapte fierbinte
Din cauza ispitei respir din greu
Vreau ca soarele să nu mai răsară niciodată
Şi vreau ca timpul să se oprească
Oamenii au plecat unul câte unul
În curând am ramas doar noi doi
Şi te-ai apropiat (de mine) si m-ai sărutat
De la stradă până acasă
Tiki tiki tiki ta
Şi inima mea bate tot mai repede ca nebuna
Tiki tiki tiki ta
Vreau să fie povestea la care să te trezeşti
Vino un pic mai aproape
Tick-tock tick-tock
Pentru că nopatea asta se apropie de sfârşit
Vino un pic mai aproape
Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock
Oamenii au plecat unul câte unul
În curând am ramas doar noi doi
Şi te-ai apropiat (de mine) si m-ai sărutat
De la stradă până acasă
Tiki tiki tiki ta
Şi inima mea bate tot mai repede ca nebuna
Tiki tiki tiki ta
Vreau să fie povestea la care să te trezeşti
Bună dimineaţa