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Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 42



Lucrurile care te-au rănit
Oamenii care te calcă pe nervi
Voi rămâne alături de tine, te voi proteja şi îi voi face să plece
Felul în care te bâzâi
Felul în care te îmbufnezi uneori
Îmi place - Voi continua să rămân aici
Pentru tine
Voi continua să rămân aici
Mă simt distras
Mă doare capul (oh, da)
Chiar și când mă privești
Îmi crește dopamina
Mă învârt de colo-colo
Prietenii mei râd de mine (oh nu)
Nu mă pot concentra pe nimic altceva
(wow wow Nu mă pot controla, mă îndrăgostesc)
Dacă tu, dacă şi tu simţi la fel
Atunci, asta e dragoste?
Dacă nu, îți voi obține dragostea
Ești atât de drăguță, cum pot să mă abțin?
Lucrurile care te-au rănit
Oamenii care te calcă pe nervi
Voi rămâne alături de tine, te voi proteja şi îi voi face să plece
Felul în care te bâzâi
Felul în care te îmbufnezi uneori
Îmi place - Voi continua să rămân aici
Pentru tine
Voi continua să rămân aici
În adâncul nopții, mă uit doar la stele
Inima mea care a fost capturată de tine devine mai puternică
Nu pot pierde nicio secundă
De ce ești mereu atât de drăguță?
M-am îndrăgostit complet de tine, nu știu de ce
Îţi evit ochii când încerc să te privesc
Ce ar trebuii să fac? Mor de rușine
(wow wow Chiar gândesc prea mult azi)
Dacă tu, dacă şi tu simţi la fel
Atunci trebuie să fie dragoste, chiar dacă nu este așa
Îți voi obține dragostea
Ești atât de drăguță, cum pot să mă abțin?
Lucrurile care te-au rănit
Oamenii care te calcă pe nervi
Voi rămâne alături de tine, te voi proteja şi îi voi face să plece
Felul în care te bâzâi
Felul în care te îmbufnezi uneori
Îmi place - Voi continua să rămân aici
Pentru tine
Vreau să rămân un băieţel pentru totdeauna
Ca să-mi păstrez astfel sentimentele
Te pot proteja?
Lucrurile care te-au rănit
Oamenii care te calcă pe nervi
Voi rămâne alături de tine, te voi proteja şi îi voi face să plece
Felul în care te bâzâi
Felul în care te îmbufnezi uneori
Îmi place - Voi continua să rămân aici
Pentru tine
Voi continua să rămân aici

Beautiful woman

Beautiful woman
Came to town
Beautiful woman
And she was immidiately noticed
Beautiful woman
Now, is that
even true
Such a pretty girl on Earth
Beautiful woman
I'm interested
Beautiful woman
I can just stare at you
Beautiful woman
I haven't seen
anyone more beautiful
She brought hope with her
Beautiful woman, I wish
Beautiful woman, earnestly
Beautiful woman, a smile, maybe two
Beautiful woman, jajajaa
Beautiful woman, can make
Beautiful woman, one's mind roil
You would never
Just leave
I want to keep you
By my side
Beautiful woman
Can't forget
Beautiful woman
Gets admiration
Beautiful woman
You can't leave, hey
If that's what you want, then okay
Now I'm going to go to sleep, if I can
And maybe sometimes we'll meet
Hey, what am I seeing
Is she not leaving
No, she arrives smiling
Oh, beautiful woman


I don't like it
Discovery of new discrimination
What changed at some point was your eyes
The memories of Innocent childhood are all gone
I'm different from you
You said I'm wrong
Eh eh
Everything is the same
In this identical world
We just look different ,but why should I be under this yoke?
Even if I try to come closer,you close the door to me
With your eyes and ears closed ,you point a finger at me
I'm the same with you
Why do you try to push me away?
So black & blue
Black & blue
Why why why
Tattoo stuck in my heart
To you,why is it a taboo
It's not different
You and my way of talking
But to me,it's the reason of pain
Tattoo stuck in me
To you,why is it taboo
Even I am part of yours
Take it
Healing a long pain
You don't like it too
Someone's prejudice
Unwelcome eyes deeply engraved in my body
I dreamed about freedom like butterfly but
I'm different from you
You said I'm wrong
There is no answer why
Do you push me away like that?
So black & blue black & blue
Why why why
Tattoo stuck in my heart
To you,why is it taboo
It's not different
You and my way of talking
But to me,it's the reason of pain
Tattoo stuck in me
To you,why is it a taboo
Even I am part of yours
Take it
Healing a long pain
What am I supposed to do?
I want to come closer to you
At the moment of reaching out my hand,you go away
I want to connect the disconnected link
When you and I
Can we look in the same direction?
To wet the dry earth
Rain is fallin'down fallin' down
I wouldn't leave something as wrong as it is
Scars heal up quickly
Maybe even the only prejudice
Everything remains in me now
This pain makes me more miserably beautiful
Rather I fill the vacancy
Let it blow
Tattoo stuck in my heart
To you,why is it a taboo
It's not different
You and my way of talking
But to me,it's the reason of pain
Tattoo stuck in me
To you,why is it a taboo
Even I am part of yours
Take it
Healing of a long pain
Healing of a long pain
What am I supposed to do?
Tattoo stuck in me
To you,why is it a taboo
Even I am part of yours
Take it

Someone Waits for Me

There is someone already waiting for me,
whom I know will come to meet me
and will never abandon me.
There is someone but I don't know who it is—
he is perhaps here, next to me,
and my heart will not recognize him.
I will find again in the crowd
he who smiles at me.
I will hear his friendly voice
that will greet me.
There is someone that I will kiss.
There is someone who loves me
and is the only one that I will love.
There is someone that I will kiss.
There is someone who loves me
and is the only one that I will love.

Băieţii de-o vară

Nimeni pe drum,
nimeni pe plajă,
simt în aer
că vara e greu de găsit
lacul gol, străzile goale
soarele apune singur
merg pe lângă casa ta
deşi ştiu că nu eşti acasă
Dar te pot vedea
cu pielea ta bronzată strălucind în soare!
Ai părul strâns la spate
şi ţi-ai pus ochelarii de soare, iubito
şi pot să-ţi spun că dragostea mea pentru tine va fi mereu puternică
după ce se duc băieţii de-o vară...
N-am să uit nicicând acele nopţi!
Mă-ntreb dacă a fost un vis
Îţi aminteşti cum m-ai înnebunit?
Îţi aminteşti cum te-am făcut să ţipi?
Acum nu înţeleg
ce s-a întâmplat cu dragostea noastră
dar dragă, am să te iau înapoi!
Am să-ţi arăt din ce sunt făcut...
Şi te pot vedea
cu pielea ta bronzată strălucind în soare!
Te văd păşind agale,
zâmbind fiecăruia...
şi pot să-ţi spun că dragostea mea pentru tine va fi mereu puternică
după ce se duc băieţii de-o vară...
Azi, pe drum,
am găsit un abţibild cu un cap de mort pe un Cadillac
o voce firavă din capul meu spunea
'Nu privi înapoi, nu poţi privi nicicând înapoi!'
Credeam că ştiam ce-a fost dragostea!
Ce ştiam?
Acele zile s-au dus pentru totdeauna,
trebuia să le las să se ducă, dar....
Te pot vedea
cu pielea ta bronzată strălucind în soare!
Ai bluza trasă-n jos
şi radioul pornit, iubito,
şi pot să-ţi spun că dragostea mea pentru tine va fi mereu puternică
după ce se duc băieţii de-o vară...
Te pot vedea
cu pielea ta bronzată strălucind în soare!
Ai acel păr întins pe spate
şi acei ochelari Wayfarers, iubito
şi pot să-ţi spun că dragostea mea pentru tine va fi mereu puternică
după ce se duc băieţii de-o vară...

Υοur favorite

Just so you know, there's nothing left
Of the dessert you made me.
And I'm covered in chocolate.
And the biscuit is bothering me.
I've been thinking about something since yesterday.
I've been thinking about something since yesterday.
You may not think it's important.
I want to learn how to make your favorite ice cream.
Just so you know, there's nothing left
You may not think it's important.
I want to learn how to make your favorite ice cream.


I'm a little boy. I'm playing in the playground.
You're not my mom.
I used to hide in the dark since I was little and grew up with thrillers.
I grew up with thrillers.
The zombies will come for us.
They bring presents out of habit.
It's snowing tears tonight
But Santa Claus does exist
And I get lost in the thriller.
They wear the mask of red death.
They call us from the rooftops.
They know our name.
They wear the mask of red death.
They call us from the rooftops.
They know our mom.
I'm a little boy. I'm playing in the playground.
You're not my mom.
I used to hide in the dark since I was little and grew up with thrillers.
Faces without eyes that know our name.
Our name.
They know our mom.
The zombies will come for us.
They bring presents out of habit.
It's snowing tears tonight
And Santa Claus does exist.
The girl. The rain. The lightning. The neck. Suspiria. The dance


I have only doubts for you
And I cannot pretend that I want
To be in your arms anymore
The night stories are violent
And I don't care to convince you to carry
The responsibilities of my own company
In a parallel journey we will meet
But we will already be wounded by a bullet
Our hearts will bleed if they reconcile
And then we will be married, my baby
I leave my soul unprotected
But I can't recount how you treated me
You were no good
Even the doctors told me so
You waited at your mother's for me to come
All night but I'm in the car
And with cigarettes I strangle the anger
In an endless moon we will nestle
There we will find our friends further on down
We'll laugh and shout together
Sentimentalists, always on the bottom
No one will be left unforgiven

Giddy Up

Everyone focus here, let’s go
Just have fun, don’t be so cautious
Anxiety down down down down
Follow me, burn it up
Wow wow wow wow
Scream and turn it up
Just like we feel right now, let’s run to the sky
Throw away your worries, trust yourself with me
Eeny meeny miney mo, no need to make it hard
Just need your heart fluttering eyes, throw yourself
We’re young and free, don’t be afraid
Run across this path
Hold my hand, dream more, if we’re together, everything is good
Make some noise
Giddy giddy up, let’s go to the tip of the sky
Go run run run (come on)
Giddy giddy up, let’s run into the cloud
Go run run run
Don’t ever stop, clash against it all
Feels like I can touch this moment I dreamed about
I’m ready with my new senses
When this whole world shines
Giddy giddy giddy up now
However your feet go, move
Whistle and have even more fun
Worries go down down down down
Follow me, burn it up
Wow wow wow wow
Scream and Turn it up
Be with me just like this, hold me tighter
Whatever it is, I’ll give you more, trust me
We’re young and free, run more
Even if you fall, get up again
Hold my hand, dream more, if we’re together, everything is good
Make some noise
Giddy giddy up, let’s go to the tip of the sky
Go run run run (come on)
Giddy giddy up, let’s run into the cloud
Go run run run
Don’t ever stop, clash against it all
Feels like I can touch this moment I dreamed about
I’m ready with my new senses
When this whole world shines
Giddy giddy giddy up now
Leave it and run ta ta ta ta ta
Empty your spot for a moment, pop pop pop
Track check it plaque take it
If I have to say it, I’m a trend make it
It’ll be good for you to focus, everyone shh
I’m different from all the others you’ve seen so far
I run with a fast speed, baby
Running to here and there, far away
Without holding back, giddy up
Giddy giddy up, to the tip of the sky, you and I
Go run run run (come on)
Giddy giddy up, trust your racing heart
Go run run run
Don’t ever stop, clash against it all
Feels like I can touch this moment I dreamed about
I’m ready with my new senses
When your eyes shine
Giddy giddy giddy up now

I'm Your Boy

I like you, I like your smile
I like how shy you get
This moment, being together
I like it so much
It’s so amazing, day after day
I think about you more and more
My heart keeps beating faster
I’m only thinking about you
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
I didn’t know I’d be into someone
I’m just looking at you and smiling cuz I’m a fool
I can’t focus, I can’t do anything
I want to carry you in my pocket
I don’t need anything else, without you, there’s no meaning
Only you fill me up
I’m falling for you more and more, my girl
I can only think of you, for real
Thank you for being under the same sky as me
That I can sing this kind of song
That I can see you when things get hard
Thank you so much
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
More than the stars in the night sky
You dazzle and shine so bright
More than anything else in the world (you)
All of the memories in me
I’ll engrave them deep in my heart
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
When things are hard, lean on me
I’ll always lend you a shoulder
You’re important to me, I’ll only look at you
My heart flutters more and more, for real
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy
Cause I’m your boy
I’m your boy I’m your boy