Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 19
You don't need much to be happy
BalooYou don't need much to be happy,
So very few to be happy!
You have to get happy with the bare necessity:
A little bit of water and fresh greenery
Mother Nature provides us
I wanna be like you
This body is the VIP of the jungle, the king of monkeysThere's nowhere to go anymore, my heartache is gone
I wanna walk like those humans
I hate living with monkeys anymore
Oh, so this body too
I walk and talk like you
If you ask me to look at me
Much better than humans
Don't think of making fun of me, kid
Make a deal with me
Making that red flower
That's my dream
Now tell me a secret
Let me know how
If this body also makes a fire
I can be like a human
Oh, so this body too
I walk and talk like you
If you ask me to look at me
Much better than humans
That I want to be human
Sounds absurd, but
I'm a human like you
I want to be a team
If the two work together
All jungle treasures are ours
I have a lot of dreams and you have a fire
Let's put it together
I wanna be human
If you make and use fireworks like you
Oh, then how good would I be
If I could be like a human
I can live with the fire
I can live like a human
Much better than humans
I wanna be like you
King Louie: Do you know why they did that?Having a red flower can make you the strongest in the food chain.
No one can resist the red flower. In this jungle.
Mowgli: Please. Just send me back.
King Louie: Don't think of making fun of me, kiddo
Make a deal with me
Making that red flower
That's my dream
Now tell me the secret
hurry! Tell me how
If this body also makes a fire
I can be like a human
Oh, so this body too
I walk and talk like you
If you ask me to look at me
Much better than humans
That I want to be human
Sounds absurd, but
I'm a human like you
I want to be a team
If the two work together
All jungle treasures are ours
I have a lot of dreams and you have a fire
Let's put it together
I wanna be human
If you make and use fireworks like you
Oh, then how good would I be
If I could be like a human
I can live with the fire
I only need one thing
Then we can make our dreams come true
Bring me red flowers, the jungle will be ours and we can protect you
You don't have to leave the jungle, forever!
Mowgli: I can't
King Louie: Can't or don't?
Mowgli: I can't
King Louie: Must do!
Baloo: Excuse me
Ai nevoie de puțin ca să fii fericit
BalooAi nevoie de puțin ca să fii fericit
Cu adevărat foarte puțin pentru a fi fericit
Trebuie să-ți satisfaci necesarul
Un pic de apă proaspătă și de verdeață
Pe care natura ne-o produce
Câțiva stropi de miere și de soare
Eu dorm în mod normal pe fruziș
Și toată jungla este casa mea
Toate albinele pădurii
Fac miere pentru mine în crâng
Și când întorc o stâncă mare
Știu să găsesc furnici dedesupt
Ai nevoie cu adevărat de puțin
Foarte puțin pentru a fi fericit !
Mowgli - Dar da !
Baloo Pentru a fi fericit
Ai nevoie de puțin ca să fii fericit
Cu adevărat foarte puțin pentru a fi fericit
Alungă din minte toate grijile tale
Privește viața într-o lumină pozitivă
Râde, sari, dansează, cântă
Și vei fi un urs foarte fericit !
A culege o banană, da
Asta se face fără șmecherie
Dar totul este o dramă
Dacă este un cactus
Dacă decojești fructele fără spini
Nu este durerea la care să fii atent
Dar dacă fructul furat
Este tot plin de spini
Este mult mai puțin bun !
Ai nevoie cu adevărat de puțin
Foarte puțin, pentru a fi fericit !
Pentru a fi fericit !
Și tu vei vedea că totul este rezolvat
Atunci când se întâmplă lucruri inutile
Atunci tu n-ar mai trebui să-ți faci griji despre ele
Ai nevoie cu adevărat de puțin
Foarte puțin, pentru a fi fericit
Baloo & Mowgli
Ai nevoie de puțin ca să fii fericit
Cu adevărat foarte puțin pentru a fi fericit
Alungă din minte toate grijile tale
Toate grijile tale... Youpi
Privește viața într-o lumină pozitivă
Râde, sari, dansează, cântă
Și vei fi un urs foarte fericit !
Și vei fi un urs foarte fericit !*
What’s strictly necessary
You only need a few crumbs,what’s strictly necessary
And you can forget about your worries.
After all, you only need the minimum
You should know how easy it is to find the little you need to live.
I like to roam
But wherever i am i feel like i’m at home.
Up there, there are bees making honey for me
If, then, i look under a rock i’ll find some ants
And i’ll eat a few of them
You can find what you need close to you.
- But when?
- You can find it
You only need a few crumbs,
what’s strictly necessary
And you can forget about your worries.
You only need the minimum
And, after all, it’s easy to find the little you need to live.
When you grab a fruit
Never trust it!
If you sting yourself it’s bad,
it hurts, you know
Watch out for the figs because they have lots of thorns, but if, instead, you find a fig that is normal
You can grab it and you won’t hurt yourself
- Did you understand, yes or no?
You’ll find what you need close to you
- I will find it!
- You’ll find it.
And when you know that you can live without it
And you’re not even thinking about it
Do you know what will happen?
What you need at the moment
Will come to you.
You only need a few crumbs,
what’s strictly necessary
And you can forget about your worries.
You only need the minimum
And, after all, it’s easy to find the little you need to live.
The little you need to live.
Of course!
My own home/I must get water from the river
Dad he is hunting in the forestMum is busy by the weaver
I must get water from the river
Until I'm grown enough myself
Grown enough
Grown enough
I must get water from the river
Until I'm grown enough myself
And I want a man to love
And a daughter I guess we'll have
She'll get water from the river
I'll be busy by the weaver
And she'll get water from the river
While I attend to the weaver
That's what friendship is like
A friend, a friendA friend who cares for you
(And cares for you)
When you're alone (When you're alone)
I come to help (I come to help)
When all the other world (When all the other world)
Makes you depressed (Makes you depressed)
Who opens the door to warmth
When autumn comes?
That's friendship
Who always gives you their hand
And makes you smile?
That's friendship
When you stay alone
In grief
Who brings you back
In happiness
We sing as friends of creation
And make all kinds of creatures sing
So we sing
When there's a friend, when there's a friend
When we meet and there's a friend
That's friendship
And the jungle will
Always be your shelter
It's a friend
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.
Colonel Hati's march reprise Portugal
One, two, three, fourOne, two, three, four
Pass one, two, three
Just what I needed... There comes that ridiculous Colonel Toti.
Company... in the compass!
We march where there is
Any landscape
May it will hear
The hit of the foot
One, two, three, four
With military character
With military character
The jungle patrol!
Who is private is a worm
In a pachyderm parade
But it is much better
Runaway from the heat
One, two, three, four
And in the shadow rest
Stop! Wait in there! Stop!
Trust in me
Hush child
Now he will sleep here
Who can refuse me
and not be hypnotised
On top of me sleep
Lie down and dream
Surely you cannot refuse me
Hush child
Now he will sleep here
Who can refuse me
and not be hypnotised
Trust Me
I'm not like others
Who are pretending to be your friends
You can count on me
Why are you scared?
Trust me
I'd give up my eyes for you
Be carful
I'll put you in my eyes
Take love from me
I'll stay up to protect you when you sleep
As long as I am with you I feel reassured
Don't be scared, my friend
I'll stay right beside you
Wherever you are
You started to fall asleep?
Why are you scared?
Trust me
I'll give up my eyes for you
Wanna Be Just Like Him
I am the swinger among the kings
Who dictate all the rules
I've reached the top, and reaching me,
Is impossible and on that they disagree
I wanna be a man, mancub
To stroll along the street
To be just like all the other humans
I'm tired of all these animals!
Ho! Doobi doo!
I wanna be just like him
Just to walk like him,
Talk like him, just like him
Yes, you'd be surprised
How an ape like me
Wants to be a man, a real human
(Cousin Louie! You're really great!)
(And now it's your part of the deal, mancub. Tell me the secret, how do humans make fire?)
(I don't know how to make fire)
Tell me just one secret
Don't you fool me
You've already got
Flames of fire
And that's my life's dream
Remember the deal, mancub
For real, tell me what to do
Fire is also power,
You mustn't forget that
Then I could be like you
Yoo hoo hoo!
I wanna be just like him
Walk like him,
Talk like him, just like him
And you'd be surprised
How an ape like me
Wants to be a man, a real human
(Yes, I want that too)
Wants to be a man, a real human
(One more time!)
We could learn to be just like me!
Colonel Hathi's March
One, two, three, four
Heads up, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
With pride, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
All together!
We must patrol here
That is the elephants' duty
Each morning here
We'll be standing on time
Because we are soldiers
Because we are soldiers
One, two, three, four
All in place, two, three, four
In a line or in threes
On the roads of the forest
We march with might
In the right tempo
In a proper military style
In a proper military style
Turn to the rear!
One, two, three, four
Heads up, two, three, four
Turn to the rear!
Company, halt!
Trust in Me
Have faith
In me, only in me
Fall asleep
And trust only me
(Don't move now)
Go to sleep
With me
By your side
Fall into sweet slumber
Sail on the dream's wing
Clouds of fog surround your senses
All the way
(You're snoring)
Count on me
Trust only me
Have faith
In me, only in me
Heads Are Upright, One Two Three Four
Chorus:Hop, two three four
Heads are upright
Two three four
Hop, two three four
Heads are upright
Two three four
Hop, two three four
What are they doing?
Auvv impossible (out of the question)!
Patrols again?
We're ready, watch out!
Our just goal is
to walk here with locksteps (steps) by having fun
Our goal is soldiering / soldiery
Hop, two three four
Heads are upright
Two three four
At first we come into line
Then (we) itinerate everywhere
We crush shrubberies one by one
Exactly like an army
Hello, what are you doing?
Junior Hathi:
Hush hush! We are at teaching/drill
Can I do (it) too?
Junior Hathi:
Of course, do what I do
But never talk
It's forbidden to talk at teaching
Go back/ revert
Junior Hathi:
To other side, turn your back
Hop, two three four
Hop, two three four
Go back (revert)
Manga..Shut up/chuck it!