Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 16
Înger al muzicii
Meg:Unde în lume
Te-ai ascuns?
Într-adevăr ai fost perfect
Îmi doresc doar
Să fi ştiut secretul tău
Cine este acest nou
Tata a vorbit odată de un înger
Obişnuiam să visez c-ar apărea
Acum, în timp ce cânt, îl simt
Şi ştiu că este aici
Aici în această cameră mă cheamă încet
Undeva înăuntru , ascunzându-se
Cumva, ştiu că este mereu cu mine
El, geniul nevăzut
Ţi-am văzut faţa din umbră
Vag prin toate aplauzele
Îţi aud vocea în întuneric
Totuşi cuvintele nu sunt ale tale
Înger al muzicii, ghid şi păzitor
Acordă-mi gloria ta
Cine este acest înger?
Înger al muzicii, nu te mai ascunde
Tainic şi ciudat înger
El este acum cu mine
Mâinile tale sunt reci
Peste tot în jurul meu
Faţa ta, Christine, este albă
Mă sperie
Nu te speria
Gândeşte-te la mine
CHRISTINE:Gândeşte-te la mine, gândeşte-te la mine cu drag
Când ne-am luat rămas bun.
Aminteşte-ţi de mine din când în când.
Te rog promite-mi că vei încerca
Când vei afla că din nou tânjeşti
Să-ţi iei inima înapoi şi să fii liber.
Dacă găseşti vreodată o clipă
Păstrează un gând pentru mine
Nu am spus niciodată că dragostea noastră era veşnică
Sau neschimbată ca marea
Dar dacă îţi mai aminteşti
Opreşte-te şi gândeşte-te la mine
Gândeşte-te la toate lucrurile pe care le-am împărtăşit şi văzut
Nu te gândi la felul în care lucrurile puteau fi
Gândeşte-te la mine, gândeşte-te la mine când mă trezesc
Tăcută şi resemnată
Imaginează-mă încercând prea greu
Să te scot din mintea mea
Aminteşte-ţi acele zile, priveşte înapoi la acele timpuri,
Gândeşte-te la lucrurile pe care nu le vom face niciodată.
Nu va exista niciodată o zi
Când eu nu mă voi gândi la tine.
Poate fi, poate fi aceasta Christine? Bravo!
Demult, pare aşa de demult,
Cât de tineri şi inocenţi eram
Ea poate nu-şi mai aminteşte de mine
Dar eu mi-o amintesc
Flori se ofilesc, fructele verii se vestejesc
Ele au anotimpurile lor, aşa şi noi.
Dar te rog promite-mi că uneori
Te vei gândi la mine.
The Music of the Night
[ THE PHANTOM, sung ]The night awakens all of your senses
Dreams arise, doubts are held within
Free of fear, feelings rise
Out of the silence
Feel the dark mist that surrounds you
Touch it, feel it, how it caresses you
Shield your face away from the glaring light of day
Think no more on what weighs upon your soul
And only hear the music of the night
Close your eyes and give yourself in to your desires
Flee far from doubts and from the light of day
Close your eyes and let your soul float away
And lose yourself in the realm of illusion
Quietly, deeply, music will echo within you
Hear it, feel it, let it permeate around you
Free yourself from the world that holds your heart captive
Don't try to resist the unknown power
The dark pressure of the music of the night
Take a journey through another reality
Where the soul purifies and frees itself
Let yourself float, leave everything behind you
Only then will you be a part of me
Come and feel the sweet intoxication of floating
Come, touch me, drink from the source of life
Let the dream happen
Try to understand the tender music within me
And search with me for the music of the night
Only through you can it happen
Create out of my song, the music of the night
I Ask No More of You
[ RAOUL ]Now you are safe
The night will not catch up to you
Because I will protect you
From fears and from danger
Follow me in the morning
I'll go with you into the light
And I'll be there for you
I'll be near you for all time
Teach me how to live without fear again
Rescue me from loneliness
Give me warmth so I will have courage
And promise that I will never lose you
I ask nothing more of you
Let what was stay in the past
Put your trust in me
Then no one will find you
Dreams will fade away
Let me be free again
Protect me from terror
Only you can shield me
From fears and from danger
I want to help you to live without fear
I'll lead you out of your loneliness
My love will give you warmth
From now on, go forth on every path with me
Christine, I ask nothing more of you
Give me love so I will have strength
When darkness descends, stay here with me
[ BOTH ]
Give me love
Share my whole life
Stay forever
I'll stay with you
[ BOTH ]
Love me, I ask nothing more of you
From now on, go forth on every path with me
Love me, I ask nothing more of you
From Now On There's No Going Back
[ PHANTOM ]Finally you've come
Finally you've followed the wish within
Every urge led you here because it will no longer be silenced...silenced...
Yes, I called to you
That the embers in you should become flame
Within you the resistance is fading
You've come voluntarily and put yourself in my hands
Now let your hesitations be
Have you not already decided...decided...decided?
From now on there's no going back
Break through the barriers
And leave the world of doubts behind you
Free yourself with one step
from every earthly thought
And float away with me in the realm of dreams
What wild sea beats against the dam?
What sharpened sword rends the heart?
What sweet intoxication numbs the pain?
From now on there's no going back
Forget your questions
Bring nothing but your secret notions
From now on there's no going back
Yes, you called to me
You've touched something deep within
And I heard your voice through the silence...silence...
Yes, I've come here
Led here by my desires
Without you I can't find myself
I want to intertwine my body with yours
And now the hour has come
Take me to you
I give myself...give myself...
From now on there's no going back
Break through the barriers
I'm not asking any more what's evil and what's virtuous
Now all that counts is the moment
Not any thoughts
I'll live only once my light rests with yours
When will the flood break through the walls
When will the embers become a sea of flame?
When will the fire consume us?
From now on there's no going back
Burn all the bridges
Leave everything behind you and take me
From now on there's no going back
Give me love and the courage to live
Save me from my loneliness
Give me love,
Share my life with yours
From now on follow every path with me
Christine, I ask no more of...
Fantoma de la Operă
Versions: #1C
În somn l-am auzit cum mi-a cântat
Cu glas pătrunzător m-a tot chemat
Oare visez și-acum? Dar pot jura
Fantoma de la Operă-i aici în mintea mea
Mai știi duetul nostru nebunesc
In care - mi simt puterile cum cresc?
Hai să l cântam din nou și vei vedea
Fantoma de la Operă-i stăpân pe mintea ta
Toți cei care te văd fug îngroziți
De-acum sunt masca ta
Vor fi uimiți
Eu(tu) suflet și tu(eu) glas
Si vor afla
Fantoma de la opera nu i doar în mintea ta (mea)
Sunt visul tău de nemărturisit
Un om și un mister
Azi te-am găsit
Si n acest labirint de noapte grea
Fantoma de la Operă-i aici în mintea ta
Cântă înger al muzicii,
Cântă pe placul meu!
cântă pe placul meu!
Cântecul Întunecimii
Versions: #1Noaptea strașnic ascute simțirea
Bezna ispitește-nchipuirea
Simţuri amorţite,împotrivirI oprite
Fin și molcom farmecu-și vădește
Mușc-o, simte-o, vezi cum se sfiește
Uită cu dezgust răsăritul de prost gust
Şi lanțul luminii reci azi lepadădand
Ascultă intunericul cântând
Cu-ochii-nchiși, pentru dulcea beznă te deschizi
Curățită de tot ce-ai știut cândva
Uită tot despre viața ce-o știai
Cu-ochii-nchiși, deja simți cum vei zbura
Și viața ta-și va atinge culmea!”
Tainic, molcom ca o mângâiere
Te conjură cu a lui putere
Mintea să-ți golești,De prejudecăți prostești
Printre vise nerostite galopând
Ascultă intunericul cântând
Lasă-mă să te duc spre-un nou tărâm ciudat
Unde tu nici cu gândul nu gândești
Lasă tot ce-ai crezut c-ai fost odat'
Numai eu pot să ți arăt ce ești
Trage-n piept din drogul fanteziei
Cazi în mreaja dulce-a nebuniei
Dormi, rămâi așa, visul nu îl destrăma
La impotriviri deșarte renunțând
Ascultă intunericul cântând
Doar cu chipul tău săpat în gând
Pot vedea intunericul cântând
All I ask for
Raoul:Away with your empty fears,
Forget the terrors of the night.
I'm here, to grieve with you
So that your sorrows will not sadden you.
I am your freedom,
I am your faithful shield,
I'll prevent trouble,
I'll protect you from fear.
Just tell me that you love me,
Dispel the darkness and open my mind,
Let me know that you are with me forever,
Promise to take away my sorrow,
This is all I ask for.
I will be your protection,
All I ask is for you to trust
me, and your worries will melt away.
Be my freedom,
Stay close to me, so that I can run into your tender arms when I am afraid.
Just give me a chance to go through life with you
And forget about being alone.
Tell me that you need me.
I will share my destiny with you.
Christine, this is all I ask for.
Give me a chance to go through life with you.
I'm always prepared to be there for you.
Be with me each day and night.
Tell me that you love me.
Yes, I love you.
Believe me, this is all I ask for.
I will share my destiny with you.
Believe me, this is all I ask for.
Mislead child
The Phantom:Mislead child
Lost and lonely
Guided by me, you must
Are you my father
A friend, and angel
Or Phantom
Say it
The Phantom:
Don't you remember your angel?
Angel oh speak, your voices melancholy
Is like a silent echo
The Phantom:
Miserably you had to forsake
Wander far away from me
I your soul, you have to follow me
Though reason will deny
I have to follow you
The Phantom:
I am your angel
You were faithless
Abandoned all beauty
I am your angel
Your protecter
Come to me now angel
Master and angel
I were faithless
Abandoned all beauty
Master and angel
My protector
Come to me now angel
The Phantom:
I am your master and angel
Come to the angel of music
Let her go
She has her freedom, so let her go
It's for nothing
Never shall she belong to you
If only you were here with me again
You were always my protectorWere my whole world
Your were both friend and father
Followed my every move
If only you were here with me again
If you were only near
Many times deep in my doze
There you are still here
If only your voice sounded for me again
Full of love and comfort
Does it help me, to dream of you?
Do i get an angel's voice?
Cold stone and marble angels
Are symbols' of pain
Distant from all warm memories
That are in my heart
Sorrow in my mind, bleached my kind
Of longing after you
If only you were here with me again
Ready to let me go
What we have had, shall give me power
To go my own way
No more tears
No bitterness
Do not dwell on all the pain i suffered
Let me let you go
Let me let you go
The Phantom of the Opera (musical) - Min bøn til dig [All i ask of you] versuri traducere în engleză
My prayer to you
Raoul:Forget now all the darkness
Drive away your dark fear
For I, will defend you
Here lies no danger
Find with me your freedom
Let the day come safely
For I, I take care of you
So nothing evil can reach you
Say you love me now and forever
Lead me out of this solitude
Promise me, you will be at my side
Take my hand, never let go of me
That's my prayer to you
Give me all your trust
Come to me all new
Be safe, no one can see you
And nothing evil can happen to you
I want to feel freedom
See the dawn break
And you, you take care of me
So nothing dark can reach me
So take my love and trust forever
Follow me out of the darkness' solitude
Promise me, you will share life with me
Trusting, when fate show the way
Christine, that's my prayer to you
Take my love and trust forever
Take my hand and I will follow you
Share with me every night, every day, forever!
Say, you love...
...I swear I do!
Love me, that's my prayer to you
Trusting, when fate shows the way
Love me, that's my prayer to you
The Phantom of the Opera (musical) - Nattens musik [Music of the night] versuri traducere în engleză
The Nights Music
The night's hours, sharpens fantasies,the darkness awakens forgotten harmonies
Defenceless you stop, seduced by your senses
Cautiously, slowly, the night's shadow falls
Grab it, feel it, lovely as a jewlery
Turn you without fear, away from the day's garish light
Forget the harsh day from this moment
And listen to the night's luring music
Give yourself to your inner and hidden dream
That you knew, but never dared to see
Give yourself, let your soul take wing
And you will live for the very first time
As a caress, my sounds pour
Hear them, give them, life in your songs
Say goodbye to all, that reason has told
Surrender to a mysterious logic
To the night's dark, compelling music
Go on a journey into the dreams mystery
Put yourself beyond both time and space
Give yourself to your inner, true self
First there you become one with me
Come, intoxicate yourself sweet in harmonies
Come, touch me, i am your savior
Obey the dreams command, let your inner sing out
Then you understand the eternal mystery
That lives in the night's mighty music
You alone make my song unique
Help me give the night its music
Aş dori să fii cumva aici, din nou
Cândva, mi-ai fost unicul tovarăşErai totul pentru mine
Cândva, mi-ai fost părinte şi prieten
Apoi, lumea mea s-a năruit.
Aş dori să fii cumva aici, din nou
Aş dori să-mi fii cumva în preajmă
Uneori e ca şi cum aş visa,
Aş vrea să fii aici.
Aş dori să vă pot auzi vocea din nou
Deşi ştiu că nu e cu putinţă
Visez despre tine, dar acest lucru nu mă ajută
Ca visul să devină realitate.
Clopotele de jale și îngerii sculptați
Reci și monumentali,
Par să nu-ți fie cea mai bună companie,
TU erai blând şi inimos.
( instrumental )
Prea mulți ani m-am luptat să-mi înfrânez lacrimile
De ce nu putem uita trecutul?
Aş dori să fii cumva aici, din nou
Ştiind că trebuie să ne luăm ' la revedere!'
Încearcă să ierți, învață-mă să trăiesc,
Gata cu amintirile, gata cu lacrimile ascunse,
Să nu ne mai gândim la anii pierduți
Ajută-mă să-mi iau rămas bun de la tine,
Ajută-mă să spun 'La revedere'.
Dana Kósa