Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 84


Tough cat with a moustache

If I had now, delicious and fresh
Two fish now
The whole country would be mine
I'm a tough cat
Cat with a moustache
Themos the tough
Tough and women's guy
I'm casually wandering
Like I'm a tourist
Full of dust
And don't query
I'm walking around neighborhoods
Like I'm a boss
Oh, yeah
And just like this
I'm known everywhere
Simple circles and the aristocratic ones
Because I'm a tough cat
Cat with a moustache
Themos the tough
Tough and women's guy
The world's boss
Prince and king
Duke of laziness
And of unconcern
That's why everyone knows
My first name
Calcutta and Rome
Caracas and Bonn
Even in Greece it's known
7 lives I have to live
But it would be even better
If I had one more
Wherever I stand
I have nothing to be afraid of
I'm dancing, I'm laughing
I'm doing good to everyone
And many times
I pretend I'm crazy
Because, yeah
I'm a tough cat
Cat with a moustache
Themos the tough
Tough and women's guy
It's right, I'm all these things

If we were really willing

Everyday I wake up full of hope and illusion
But the news bring me back, back to my senses
But who believes in man and who has hope in life
I only hear lies and sad accounts
Step by step, I'm going into life
To find my path, to know who I am
They often tell me a lot, that you have to always say 'yes'
Me, I don't want to believe that everything is already written
Everything could go so well if we were really willing
Everything could go so well if only we really wanted it to
I want to take time to learn and to understand
But what does this world want and what does it have to offer me
It has the time, my lifetime, to amaze and surprise me
But I want children's laughter and to see your tender look
Everything could go so well if we were really willing
Everything could go so well if only we really wanted it to
Step by step, I'm going into life
To find my path, to know who I am
I don't want to believe that everything is written
I want to believe in man to have hope in life
Everything could go so well if we were really willing
Everything could go so well if only we really wanted it to
Everything could go so well if we were really willing
Everything could go so well only if...
If only, if only we wanted it to

Melt An Iceberg

Ooh ooh ooh
[Verse 1]
What is happening when you pass me by?
What is happening?
And what is it about you that attracts me?
Your gold earrings and your wallet?
It's your eyes and the way you look at me
[Verse 2]
Why do I go crazy every time I see you?
Why do I go crazy?
Yeah, and what is it about you that I, that I like?
Your mink fur and your Jaguar?
No, no-no
It's how you look when I watch you from behind
Ooh, and you could melt an iceberg
If you came any closer
Oh, you could melt an iceberg
If you came any closer
[Verse 3]
What is happening when you pass me by?
What is happening?
And what is it about you that attracts me?
Attracts me?
Your gold earrings and your wallet?
No, no-no
It's your eyes and the way you look at me
Ooh, and you could melt an iceberg
Yeah, ff you came any closer
Oh, you could melt an iceberg
Oh yeah, if you came any closer
Oh, you could melt an iceberg
If you came any closer
And you could melt an iceberg
And you could melt an iceberg, ah-ha-ha, mm yeah
And you could melt an iceberg, mm yeah, ah-ha-ha
And you could melt an iceberg, and you could melt and iceberg
And you could melt an iceberg, hey, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
And you could melt an iceberg, ohhhhh

No one got to see just how beautiful we were

Versions: #2
It's been forever
but I remember like it was yesterday
On a dodge-fared bus
she got gum in her hair
Her breath
tasted like cigarettes and stolen liquor
I didn't know where were going
I was going there with her
To the place where people can cry
over less than this
The light in her eyes
said she'd always been there
She said 'when everything's lost,
think of me
Remember this night
And that I loved you'
She's the girl in the picture
who forgot about me
She said 'tonight I'll pretend
that I love you'
And so she took my hand in the darkness
and spoke in a whisper
So that no one would see
just how beautiful we were
There's nothing here
People here are standing in line
Are you one of them?
Is this night all I have?
But in time
you will take a step
But I won't be the one
to teach you how
You have to learn how to call out
instead of walking away
I can see that the heart in your chest
always wanted to
You said 'when all the lights are out,
think of me
Remember this night
and that I loved you'
She's the girl in the picture
who forgot about me
She said 'tonight I'll pretend
that I love you'
And so she took my hand in the darkness
and spoke in a whisper
So that no one would see
just how beautiful we were
She's the girl in the picture
who forgot about me
She said 'tonight I'll pretend
that I love you'
And so she took my hand in the darkness
and spoke in a whisper
So that no one would see
just how beautiful we were

Rainbow Land

Sometimes I look at you and I think: 'Something's going on inside of you'
'Just as if you had suddenly lost all your joy'
And that makes me feel so helpless because I don't want to bother you
And I just don't know if it helps you if I say: 'I like you'
So I'll wish you a rainbow
So I'll wish you a ray of sunlight
That saves all the world's smile for you
So I'll wish you a starry sky
So I'll wish you a summer's day
And I'll wish you all the happiness in the world
Rainbow Land, Rainbow Land
Sometimes I can feel that you just don't believe in yourself anymore
And that you allow yourself really anything but a feeling
And so I want to give you hug and walk part of the road with you
As long as our two hearts keep beating the world will keep turning
So I'll wish you a rainbow
So I'll wish you a ray of sunlight
That saves all the world's smile for you
So I'll wish you a starry sky
So I'll wish you a summer's day
And I'll wish you all the happiness in the world
Rainbow Land, Rainbow Land
Rainbow Land, Rainbow Land
And we'll walk towards the Rainbow Land
Yes, we'll walk into the Rainbow Land

your gal is my gal

don't look at her anymore
she is crazy
for me
stop pretending and showing off
over there
you live off dreams
wake up for once
i have her heart
in my power
your chick is my chick
sweet pain
in double love
in her song without music
she lives for you
she dies for me
in her romantic passion
girl woman that every time
she wants me more
(she likes me)
she will distance herself
she will forget
of my rival
and mine she will be
don't call her anymore
she's tired
of you
and she feels bad
with your invitation
to go out
it's a lie
yesterday she confessed to me
that her world is me
and only i
your gal is my gal

Să nu paşeşti smerit spre noaptea mare

Să nu păşeşti smerit spre noaptea mare
Ci ardă-ţi bătrâneţea cu larmă la apus
Ridică-te-mpotriva luminii care moare.
Chiar dacă înţelepţii contempl-amurgul care
Le-aduce judecata vorbirii fără rost
Tot nu păşesc smeriţi nici ei spre noaptea mare.
Cei buni, luaţi de val, plângând sclipirea care,
O semănar-odată măruntele lor fapte,
Revoltă-se-mpotriva luminii care moare.
Cei liberi întru toate, cântându-şi zboru-n soare,
ce-apoi au înţeles că s-au pierdut pe cale,
Nu merg smeriţi nici ei spre noaptea mare.
Cei sobri, ce cu morgă, privesc ca orbii care
Nu au ştiut că viaţa-i lumină şi e cânt,
Acuma fac revoltă luminii care moare.
Şi-acuma tu, bătrâne, pe culmea-ndurerării,
Blestemă-mă, mă mângâie cu lacrimi, te implor.
Şi nu păşi smerit nici tu spre noaptea mare,
Ci-nalţă-te-n revolta luminii care moare.

The One I Love

[Verse 1]
There's a whisper from each streetcorner as you walk by
(Huh, huh, huh)
There's a song in a girls heart, why don't you give
(Huh, huh, huh)
A piece of yourself, a moment, just one day
(Huh, huh, huh)
But is it me that you love, is it me that you care about?
(Huh, huh, huh)
I know what I want
You know that you can
Trust me always, night and day
(I know what I want
You know that you can
Trust me always, night and day)
The one I love, the one I love, I love
The one I love, the one I love, I love
But is it me that you love?
Is it me that you care about?
[Verse 2]
You catch every eye, you catch every hungry glance
(Huh, huh, huh)
You tune every boys thoughts into romance
(Huh, huh, huh)
A fast, hot dance and you can have whatever you want
(Huh, huh, huh)
But is it me that you love, is it me that you care about?
(Huh, huh, huh)
I know what I want
You know that you can
Trust me always, night and day
(I know what I want
You know that you can
Trust me always, night and day)
The one I love, the one I love, I love
The one I love, the one I love, I love
But is it me that you love?
Is it me that you care about
[Instrumental solo]
(Huh, huh, huh)
(Huh, huh, huh)
I know what I want
You know that you can
Trust me always, night and day
(I know what I want
You know that you can
Trust me always, night and day)
The one I love, the one I love, I love
The one I love, the one I love, I love
But is it me that you love?
Is it me that you care about
The one I love, the one I love, I love
The one I love, the one I love, I love
The one I love, the one I love, I love
The one I love, the one I love, I love
But is it me that you love
Is it me that you care about

Mărită-te cu mine

Ea vrea să se mărite, vrea totul perfect
Vrea ca bunicuțul ei să oficieze nunta
Da, vrea magnolii
Nu prea mulți invitați, să-i mai rămână tatălui ei niște bani
Ooh, deja și-a planificat tot
Da, acum văd tot
Îmi voi purta costumul negru, cravata neagră, mă voi ascunde în spate
Voi da un shot de whiskey direct din butelcă
O să încerc să rezist până la sfârșit fără să plâng, ca să nu vadă nimeni
Da, ea vrea să se mărite
Doar că ea nu vrea să se mărite cu mine
Mi-amintesc seara în care aproape am sărutat-o
Mda, m-am cam speriat, am fost amici întotdeauna
Și mereu m-am întrebat dacă și ea simte la fel
Când am primit invitația, era prea târziu
Și știu, tatăl ei se temea de această zi
Oh, dar el nu știe că nu e singurul care o dă altcuiva
Îmi voi purta costumul negru, cravata neagră, mă voi ascunde în spate
Voi da un shot de whiskey direct din butelcă
O să încerc să rezist până la sfârșit fără să plâng, ca să nu vadă nimeni
Da, ea vrea să se mărite
Doar că ea nu vrea să se mărite cu mine
Dar ea și-a pus rochia deja, primește invitații
Aș putea să încerc să o găsesc, să-i spun ce am pe suflet
Dar nu vreau să stric totul, așa că îi doresc doar binele acum
Îmi voi purta costumul negru, cravata neagră, mă voi ascunde în spate
Voi da un shot de whiskey direct din butelcă
O să încerc să rezist până la sfârșit fără să plâng, ca să nu vadă nimeni
Da, ea vrea să se mărite
Da, ea se va mărita
Doar că ea nu vrea să se mărite cu mine
Whoa, doar că ea nu vrea să se mărite cu mine, nu

Tânjesc după tine

[Thomas Rhett:]
De fiecare dată când trebuie să ne luăm rămas bun
Număr minutele până când ne întâlnim din nou
Fiecare atingere este ca cel mai puternic drog
Nu ştiu cât de mult am să rezist aşa.
Nu am avut niciodată ceva de care nu am putut să mă despart
Dar fată, controlul meu de sine este atât de paralizat
Dacă e vorba de tine, nu, nu pot să aștept
Există ceva în tine, cu care nu pot lupta.
[Thomas Rhett (Maren Morris):]
Ești ca țigara asta,
ca o porție de alcool de 100 de grade
Indifernt cât de mult obţin
Mereu tânjesc
Acel sentiment când ne sărutăm
Felul cum se mișcă corpul tău
Indifernt cât de mult obţin
Mereu tânjesc după tine,
Tânjesc după tine.
[Thomas Rhett:]
Aceste vremuri intermediare mă ucid
știi, mi-e dor de tine tot timpul, nu pot să fac nimic
Privirea ta la apusul soarelui, nu, nu trebuie să o încerc
Fiindcă TU știi exact ce să faci.
[Thomas Rhett (Maren Morris):]
Nu am avut niciodată ceva de care nu am putut să mă despart
Dar fată, controlul meu de sine este atât de paralizat
Dacă e vorba de tine, nu, nu pot să aștept
Există ceva în tine, cu care nu pot lupta.
[Thomas Rhett & Maren Morris:]
Ești ca țigara asta,
ca o porție de alcool de 100 de grade
Indifernt cât de mult obţin
Mereu tânjesc
Acel sentiment când ne sărutăm
Felul cum se mișcă corpul tău
Indifernt cât de mult obţin
Mereu tânjesc după tine,
Tânjesc după tine.
[Thomas Rhett (Maren Morris):]
Mereu tânjesc după tine,
Tânjesc după tine,
Tânjesc după tine.
[Thomas Rhett & Maren Morris:]
De fiecare dată când trebuie să ne luăm rămas bun
Număr minutele până când ne întâlnim din nou
Fiecare atingere este ca cel mai puternic drog
Nu ştiu cât de mult am să rezist aşa.
[Thomas Rhett (Maren Morris):]
Da, da, mda
Ești ca țigara asta,
ca o porție de alcool de 100 de grade
Indifernt cât de mult obţin
Mereu tânjesc
Acel sentiment când ne sărutăm
Felul cum se mișcă corpul tău
Indifernt cât de mult obţin
Mereu tânjesc după tine,
Tânjesc după tine.
[Thomas Rhett (Maren Morris):]
Tânjesc după tine
Mereu tânjesc după tine,
Tânjesc după tine,
Tânjesc după tine, iubito.
Dana Kósa

Thomas and his friends

Happy are the rails of
Thomas and his friends
red, green, brown and blue
is all that whole world
everyone has a role
hard or light
get to know them all in a row
the small trains
Thomas, he´s naughty
Jurica, he´s very funny
Pero, he pulls with all his strenght
Gordan, he rush like a thunder
Emma, she knows the number of wagon
Hrvoje, he honks, look out, stop
Edo, he shares the joys
Bruno, he´s so squared
Happy are the rails of
Thomas and his friends
red, green, brown and blue
is all that whole world
everyone has a role
hard or light
get to know them all in a row
the small trains

We Came With Funk

I didn't become a prime minister, I didn't even become a student,1
Or a doctor, or a DJØF'er,2 or a consultant
Was vaccinated against common sense at a young age
Breathed far away from the fresh air
(For the most part, I partied)
(Quite a bit more than most people)
And perhaps me and my friends
Didn't help increasing our GDP
But we came with funk
Funk you can dance to
We came with funk
We came with funk
Funk you can dance to
We came with funk
I didn't think of existence as deep and complex
I didn't think about a whole lot besides sex
I was in the wind without knowing where it would blow me
And I'll probably never be that way again, unfortunately
(For the most part, I partied)
(Quite a bit more than most people)
And perhaps me and my friends
Didn't deliver some 2025 plan3
But we came with funk
Funk you can dance to
We came with funk
We came with funk
Funk you can dance to
We came with funk
And perhaps me and my friends
Didn't help increasing our GDP
But we came with funk
Funk you can dance to
We came with funk
We came with funk
Funk you can dance to
We came with funk
But we came with funk
Funk you can dance to
We came with funk
We came with funk
Funk you can dance to
We came with funk
(For the most part, I partied)
(Quite a bit more than most people)
(For the most part, I partied)
(We came with funk)
  • 1. In Denmark, a student is someone who graduated from a gymnasium (The edducational type, not gymnasium as in a gym.)
  • 2. A person with an academic education and employment in a legal, economic, administrative or mercantile field.
  • 3. The Danish government's plan to increase growth and employment by 2025.
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.


On a day such as today
It's hard to not look back
I close my eyes
And the past rolls past
Slowly, I'm swimming over
Seeing it all again
Stopping when I please
Living once more
I'm grateful for the life I've gotten1
Grateful for the time that's passed
Grateful for every single day
And grateful that you came back
I feel every single second
Sometimes, it hurts a bit
To see measly I was
Back when I moved out
I was young, alone, and sad
A lonely and eternal tourist
Going out into the world, being free
With a big, black void on the inside
I'm grateful for the life I've gotten
Grateful for the time that's passed
Grateful for every single day
And grateful that you came back
Almost everyone I care about
They're still here today
When it comes to it, I've got to say
I'm a little happy
I'm grateful for the life I've gotten
Grateful for the time that's passed
Grateful for every single day
And grateful that you came back
  • 1. Literally 'I'm saying thank you for the life I've gotten,' but I feel grateful is a more appropriate translation.
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.


Rada, Rada, white-faced Rada,
Why are you, dear, so worried,
Why do you walk slowly, why do you shed tears?
Rada, Rada, white-faced Rada,
Why are you, dear, so worried,
Why do you walk slowly, why do you shed tears?


I don't like Paris anymore

Versions: #2
I refuel the car
I think of vacations
I'm sulking
and I'm not the only one
The sky is grey
The people embittered
I'm in a hurry
I'm stressed
I don't like Paris anymore
Everyone runs everywhere, it frustrates me
I see too many people,
I don't care about their lives
I haven't got the time
I'm much happier in my bed
Delanoë, prepared an ark (2)
as you can see,
we want to leave
Even clad in gold, Paris is dead
It's 5 o'clock, Paris is going to sleep (3)
I feel as if I'm choking
I'm out of breath
I'm very pale
on a small ottoman
I don't like Paris anymore
who on earth do we take ourselves for?
I don't want to see anyone
cut the phone line
and live like nuns.
I speak not of John. (4)
I don't like Paris anymore
Past the ring-road (5)
The poor devils
don't have the sensibility
to be millionaires
For these outcasts,
The City of Light is right at the end of the end of the RER (6)
There's more than just hot girls, there's wimps (7)
Paris knocks itself out, it makes me feel like Gavroche (10)
It's finished, the Paris of Audiard (8)
But today, you see Hédiard's version (9)
I don't like Paris anymore
who on earth do we take ourselves for?
I see too many people
I don't care about their lives
I haven't got the time
I'm much happier in bed
I't'd do me good, to look at the ocean
Listen to people shut up
I't'd do me good to drink a beer
and take a trip around the world
I don't like Paris anymore
who on earth do we take ourselves for?
I see too many people
I don't care about their lives
I haven't got the time
I'm much happier in bed
But Paris,
it's my whole life
I bet it's the most beautiful city,
i'll make a bet,
There is only Paris,
that's the boring thing...
I don't like Paris anymore


Mike, please take over if you want
I'm dizzy and straggly and I'm shaking
Because of that lady in this magazine
She, I don't know if I describe it well
But there's something in her look and in her body
And her T-shirt is so wet
At night I wake up shaking with a beating heart
And wet sheets, I hope they are because of sweat
Did I catch a flu or is it Yolanthe
Who knows how to find me even in my dream
Yolanthe, Yolanthe, how beautiful you are
Every man dreams about
Laying with you in the hay
Yeah, yeah
Yolanthe, Yolanthe, you're such a thing
My soul-related, my sugary
You're bringing happiness
Imagine, you squeezed her into you
Oh, would she scream and beat
Or would she stand more in front of you
Who doesn't dare
Do that thoughts never end
Who doesn't win
I wish I had a button in my mind
So I can stand out for a while
Maybe you should go for it
Oh, every day I see her in front of me
That view of her with less clothes
Promising me a hot night
So you strumble constantly and you make everything clatter
Always with that wet T-shirt in your head
In my head
Yolanthe, Yolanthe, you're such a blow
Oh, how jealous I am
At your future husband
Yeah, yeah, Yolanthe, Yolanthe, how hot you are
Unapproachable, but highly touchable
And scarce dressed
In a flash
In a flash
And a sigh
And a sigh
Yolanthe takes me with her
In a flash
At a trip
Through the sky
Through the sky
Oh, Yolanthe, Yolanthe, how horny you are
Even if I don't want to
I still admit it everytime
Yeah, yeah, Yolanthe, Yolanthe, you're such a blow
From every side
When will we see you once

Sabaawy The Moody Cat

I love life
no matter how it is
A delicious fish
with sharp bones
I am Qais ibn Al-Mulawah1
An eloquent poet
with a groovy mood
And I mind my business
but I'm moody
My ambitions have no limit
And I go for years
without taking anything seriously
I am free, not a prisoner
Every day I choose a path
so that it's different than the one before
And I tell my friends
with a bold heart
about a beautiful cat with an innocent face
I am Qais ibn Al-Mulawah1
An eloquent poet
with a groovy mood
and moody
[Monsieur, it seems that you are very famous]
[Of course, I am such a playboy]
The boss of the streets
The prince of joy
The CEO of the squares on the streets
The world is a carpet
if you can walk it
then you've found the way
From Rome till the Max3
And the other way around
To Paris,
Yes, in the Champs-Élysées!
[whoa boy! A street cat]
[Shh! Listen!]
Like the butterflies, I'm poor
I can't [afford to] fly
I get my rights using my power
and with the signal of a finger
I don't care where I go
Why would I bother myself?
Wherever I go,
I will find ahome
Life is sweet, no matter how much one suffers
Who am I?
I am Qais ibn Al-Mulawah1
An eloquent poet
with a groovy mood
and moody
The alley cat
[Bravo! Very nice, you are very talented!
Thank you, what's your name then?
My name is Duchess
Duchess? Wonderful!]
  • Here the word is 'Sabaawy' which is the name of the cat singing the song, so, his name itself means volatile/unpredictable/moody
  • 3. A neighborhood in Alexandria, Egypt.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Scared of You

I'm afraid of loving you
You've got me in a panic
But I'm counting on my luck
To survive
And it'll make me brave
To know that I'm winning
Your heart
I'm afraid of you
Afraid that I can't resist
I'm also scared that
You're doing well without me
And that you'll never come back
I feel it in me
That I'm scared of you
I want you to understand me
For you to feel how I do
But without so much fear
And with much more love
You'll be able to
Make my life normal
Fear and love
United they're hopeless
I'm afraid of you
Afraid that I can't resist
I'm also scared that
You're doing well without me
And that you'll never come back
I wanna feel
Scared of you