Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 40
I fell in love with you
Versions: #5
--- 1 ---
We happened to meet
At one crossroad of life
But the quick love fell
Now we donțt want nothing more to say.
In the night, my heart blame me
When the hearts get broken in three
Wounds how to cure them
Why do you want them ...?
--- R ---
I fell in love but still pay
I'm paying with the pain of heart mistakes
But it's good if you were here
Love of a single night.
I fell in love and I'm still hurt
Someone else can not attach me
But it's good to remain unfulfilled
Because my heart never loved it like that.
--- 2 ---
It's empty in the eyes you looked at me yesterday
Even the nights are full of heavy clouds
Trains of life may have delays
Why do you want them ...?
--- R ---
I fell in love but still at a cost
I'm paying with the pain of heart mistakes
But it's good if you were here
Love of a single addition.
I fell in love and I'm still hurt
Someone else can not attach me
But it's good to remain unfulfilled
Because my heart never loved it like that.
--- R2 ---
I fell in love and I'm still hurt
Someone else can not attach me
But it's good to remain unfulfilled
Because my heart never loved it like that.
All The Secrets
I close my eyes and breathe
Like a little kid I want to be here again
To guide my soul
Into the museum of my dreams to enter
For my teacher to yell at me
To have big dreams
To not be afraid to apologise
To smoke in secret during recess
To rock the attendance
To remember how I got here
And if my nights are dark
Brighter ones will come
Don't be afraid
My love, don't cry
Inside the heart
All the secrets are hidden
Let's go to sleep, my love
It's late
To go out on Saturdays
With the gang to hang out, to laugh
To play football on Sundays
In playgrounds
Seesaw and hide and seek
To believe in you again
To find the strength to go up
The uphill I chose to live
To get up again as I fall
To migrate to foreign places
To remember what it's like to smile
And if my nights are dark
Brighter ones will come
Don't be afraid
My love, don't cry
Sănătate ei
Aflu cum încă mai speră
Că va veni acea clipă
Toate i le voi ierta
Şi să îi spun întoarce-te
Să fim din nou împreună
Probabil nu o fi sănătoasă la minte
Spuneți-i din partea mea sănătate
Nu se iartă crimele ei
Dacă nu-mi plătește tot ce-mi datorează
Pe mine prietene, să nu mă cheme Vasili
Crede au spus de mine
Că am reacționat la furie
Şi dacă o să gândesc la rece
O să schimb verdictul
Şi scuza o voi accepta
Probabil nu o fi sănătoasă la minte
Spuneți-i din partea mea sănătate
Nu se iartă crimele ei
Dacă nu-mi plătește tot ce-mi datorează
Pe mine prietene, să nu mă cheme Vasili
Bumbac Laura
Authorized translator romanian-greek
Leave me alone
She is scarry , brother the effect is horor
she is scarry good, good like porn
on the time i watched her on MySpace
she hasn't written her hometown, cause she is some peasant(provincial)
Her boyfriend is a peasant, but with money
that's why she act like Paris
her mother is an ex model, and her father policeman
she don't have a choice, it's her destiny to be stupid
-I heard she suck good, -Let go, the people talk everything
-They don't talk, i know, she sucked Toni's
And finally i met those bobbies
together with her boyfriend that drinks only whiskey
And i , on rakiya, made magic
one line in WC, nothing stops me
her boyfirend is nervous, he thinks that we talk
and she told me only ' Please leave me alone!'
I like how you look (how you look)
don't think that i want to fuck you ( to fuck you)
i only want to talk
'Sorry, boy, please leave me alone'
She is scarry, -Boy and you are pushy
-Pushy,pushy, who, me ,me , no way?!
Sorry that i bothered you
i disappeared culturally, i didn't want a fight
I felt like a fool, fuck it, it's gone
I met her again, after some years
meanwhile i eated 'shit' publicly
and i became very popular and known
it was filming 'Shoping', and i needed some pussies
and we made a casting
They come in one by one , fuck it
all , all beautiful but they don't know how to act ( you're terrible)
Then cames in this one that made herself like a pussy
'peasant, are you gonna act a pussy?!
Do i look like an idiot, now i wont put you on my dick
and not on my video, GET OUT!'
I wonder on my eye that i am seeing you
you surely thik that i am going to fuck you
my dick don't stay on you anymore, what are we going to do now
Girl, please let me alone
Trăiesc diferit
dacă te iau cu mine într-o călătorie emoțională,
Ar trebui să-ți amintesc că nu e cale de întoarcere.
Tot ce am iubit la tine azi,
Poate mâine va fi pierdut într-o clipită.
Nu te amesteca în viața mea dacă ți-e teamă,
Nici măcar nu adormi liniștită, dacă vrei s-o faci.
Trăiesc diferit în viața mea,
Nu am loc într-o lume cu reguli și analize,
Dacă vrei, poartă-mi visul,
Dar nu-mi cere să-ți promit nimic.
Trăiesc diferit în lumea mea
Și mereu acționez așa cum predic,
Primește lumina de la soarele meu fierbinte,
Dar fii atentă să nu-ți arzi aripile.
Dacă te țin în brațele mele, vei descoperi
Motivul principal pentru care ești pe lume.
Oricum, de-a lungul unei nopți în mijlocul străzii,
Iubirea mea ar putea schimba jocul.
Nu te amesteca în viața mea dacă ți-e teamă,
Nici măcar nu adormi liniștită, dacă vrei s-o faci.
Blocked from my life, I live for you,
And I am locked in your heart.
Blocked from everyone, I live for you,
And I am locked in your shadow.
Blocked from my life, I live for you,
And I am locked in your body.
Blocked from everyone, I live for you,
And I am locked in your soul.
Exclusively, I live with you.
Exclusively, I want you.
Exclusively, I live with you,
Exclusively, I love you.
Let The Moon Speak
Crescent Moon
That fell on the plain
The Stars are dim
Without a light
Aimless steps
Misguided on a bright street
I am lulled by the embrace of sins
I want to mend your broken heart
And I know you've been suffering
Give me a chance or punish me
Assuming you will not give me forgiveness
Sincere tears fell on the corner of your lips
Not a sign of revenge in your beautiful eyes
I feel guilt towards you
Am I still worthy to be next to you?
Let the moon, speak for itself
Let the stars bear witness
I will not repeat it until the end of times
The suffering stops now
I want to mend your broken heart
And I know you've been suffering
Give me a chance or punish me
Assuming you will not give me forgiveness
Sincere tears fell on the corner of your lips
Not a sign of revenge in your beautiful eyes
I feel guilt towards you
Am I still worthy to be next to you?
Let the moon, speak for itself
Let the stars bear witness
I will not repeat it until the end of times
The suffering stops now
M-am indragostit
Nikos Vertis -
'S' Eroteftika / M-am indragostit'
--- 1 ---
Ne-am intalnit ... intamplator
La o rascruce a vietii
Dar dragostea a fost scurta
Acum nu mai avem cuvinte.
Stiu ca vor venii nopti dure
Cand inimile se vor frange in bucati
Ranile rautatii nu se vindeca
De ce le vrei...?
--- R ---
M-am indragostit ... si totusi platesc
Cu durere ... greselile inimii
Dar tot e bine ... daca ai fost aici
Dragostea unei singure noapte.
M-am indragostit ... dar inca sunt ranit
Mi-e dor de tine si traiesc in singuratate
Dar tot e bine ... pentru ca inca tin la tine
Caci inima mea n-a mai iubit asa.
--- 2 ---
E gol in ochii cu care m-ai privit pana mai ieri
Si chiar si noptile sunt goale
Drumurile inimii se mai si schimba
De ce le vrei ... ?
--- R ---
M-am indragostit ... si totusi platesc
Cu durere ... greselile inimii
Dar tot e bine ... daca ai fost aici
Dragostea unei singure noapte.
M-am indragostit ... dar inca sunt ranit
Mi-e dor de tine si traiesc in singuratate
Dar tot e bine ... pentru ca inca tin la tine
Caci inima mea n-a mai iubit asa.
--- R2 ---
M-am indragostit ... dar inca sunt ranit
Mi-e dor de tine si traiesc in singuratate
Dar tot e bine ... pentru ca inca tin la tine
Caci inima mea n-a mai iubit asa.