Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 2


Too much talking

Versions: #1
Wake up!
Africans, wake up!
If you don't wake up
If you don't wake up, I'm going to die of sadness
Too much talking
I hear too much talking
And everything I hear
Everything they say
I don't believe in it
I went to America
Africans are enslaved there
I went to Italy
Africans are enslaved there
I came back to Africa
Africans are enslaved
If you don't find a solution
Find a solution
Find a solution
Empty promises
Too much talking
There's too much talking
No money1 for the farmers
Nothing arranged for the students
Their programs are just hot air
There's too much...
Wake up!
African leaders!
If you don't wake up
If you don't wake up, I'm going to die of sadness
Too much talking
I hear too much talking
Everything they say
Everything they tell me
I don't believe in it
I went to America
Africans are enslaved there
I went to Italy
Africans are enslaved there
I came back to Africa
Africans are enslaved
If you don't find a solution
Find a solution
Find a solution
Empty promises
Too much talking
There's too much talking
Empty words about education
They never found a solution
All of this is fiction
There's too much...
Wake up!
Africans, wake up!
If you don't wake up
If you don't wake up, I'm going to die of sadness
Too much talking
I hear too much talking
Everything they say
Everything they promise
I don't believe in it
Empty promises
Too much talking
There's too much talking
Why do we give them power?
Do they own the knowledge?
The youth lives in despair
There's too much...
Africa, I hear too much talking
  • 1. Literally means 'no wheat'.

My country is not doing well

Versions: #2
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
Of bad, in bad
My country is doing bad
Before we never talk about
Northerners nor southerners
But today, everything is bad
The Army is divided
The students are divided
The community is divided
Even our mother at the market place
are divided
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
Of bad, in bad
My country is doing bad
Before, we never talked about
Nor Muslims
But Today
It's all bad
The Army is divided
The students are divided
The community is divided
Even our mother at the market place
are divided
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
Of bad, in bad
My country is doing bad
WE have forgotten the remedies
Against injustice, against tribalism
the xenophobia
After ?
They created the, or the, and the (he didn't want to mention names)
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
Of bad, in bad
My country is doing bad
The following part are in Mande:
Djamana nyamou la = People that mess up countries
Oeu ba feh kana djaman naymou aaaaa = they want to mess up my country
Nko djamana nyamou la ohhh = I say, people that mess up countries
Oeu ba feh kana djamana nyamou = they want to mess up my country
Moh mi bah feh ka ana djamana nyamou = the person that want to mess up my country
Allah ma who kili tay lah = May God burst your testicles
Powww = explosion sound
Nko djamana nyamou la ohhh = I say, people that mess up countries
Djamana nyamou laaa = People that mess up countries
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
Of bad, in bad
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
My country is doing bad
Of bad, in bad
My country is doing bad