Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 36


We could be coming back sonn (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3
Ĕach 'nd ĕverў práyĕr ís ă bónd wĭth Gód
Ă prŏmĭsĕ thát Ĭ'vĕ névĕr brókén
Bŭt 'tĭll nŏw thís ŏne práyĕr névĕr gót
Tŏ whăt Ĭ'd lóok fŏrwărd tó ăs ă trŭe fŏretókén
Ĭf fŏrgívĭng dóes rĕcáll ăvérsiŏn
Tĕllĭng yóu jŭst thăt Í căn't rĕcăll whý, thăt wóuld bĕ lýĭng
Bĕsĭdes, yŏu knów tŏo wéll Ĭ'm nó gŏod át...
Ănd réallў Í'm stĭll hére tŏ píne ănd píne ănd píne jŭst fór yóu
Ĭ hăve spént ăll dáy ĭn páin ănd rémĭníscénce
Ăll pŏured ínto‿ă sóng tŏ whĭch yŏu'll névĕr évĕn lístén
Nŏbŏdў élse cŏuld ĕvĕr gét yŏu tŏ láugh ănd crý‿as mŭch ăs Ĭ dó
Ănd Ĭ knŏw thát, ănd sŏ dŏ yóu
Ĭt tóok ŭs néarlў thĭrtў yéars tŏ lóve éach óthér
Thĕn súddĕn wé gŏt cút ădríft whĭle lĭfe wăs át ă lów ébb
Tímĕ, whĕn ĭt pássĕs bý, rĕmémbĕr láughĭng ĭn íts făce
Ăs fŏr thĕ wórld, bĕ knówn tŏ éverўŏne whát wĕ wére ănd thát wĕ cóuld bĕ cŏmĭng báck sŏon
Ĭ álwăys hópe thĕy ăll gívĕ me‿ă pŏssĭbílĭtў
Mў állĭes, friénds ănd lóvĕrs, Í'm nŏ lĭăbílĭtў
Thĕ ŏnlў páth Ĭ wálk ĭs álwăys thíck wĭth bўstándĕrs
Ánd ĭt álwăys énds ĭn fórkĭng - bĕcómes mĕándĕrs
Whў dó Ĭ dúck ĭnstéad ŏf stándĭng ĭn yŏur wáý
Whў dón't yŏu cláim mĕ báck, bŭt stáre ănd slíp ăwáý
Thĕ yĕar Twŏ-thóusănd-thĭrtéen wĕ gŏt ŏur ámnĕstў
Căn't nóurĭsh hátrĕd - nó, nŏt réallў áctŭallý
Ĭ hăve spént ăll dáy ĭn páin ănd rémĭníscénce
Ăll pŏured ínto‿ă sóng tŏ whĭch yŏu'll névĕr évĕn lístén
Nŏbŏdў élse cŏuld ĕvĕr gét yŏu tŏ láugh ănd crý‿as mŭch ăs Ĭ dó
Ănd Ĭ knŏw thát, ănd sŏ dŏ yóu
Ĭt tóok ŭs néarlў thĭrtў yéars tŏ lóve éach óthér
Thĕn súddĕn wé gŏt cút ădríft whĭle lĭfe wăs át ă lów ébb
Tímĕ, whĕn ĭt pássĕs bý, rĕmémbĕr láughĭng ĭn íts făce
Ăs fŏr thĕ wórld, bĕ knówn tŏ éverўŏne whát wĕ wére ănd thát wĕ cóuld bĕ cŏmĭng báck sŏon
Mŭsĭc lĭke ă pórtăl to‿ĕverýwhére ĭmmórtăl
Mákes yŏu shákĭer thán thĕ shívĕrs déath gíves
Tŏ éverýthĭng thát lĭves
Ĭ hăve spént ăll dáy ĭn páin ănd rémĭníscénce
Ăll pŏured ínto‿ă sóng tŏ whĭch yŏu'll névĕr évĕn lístén
Nŏbŏdў élse cŏuld ĕvĕr gét yŏu tŏ láugh ănd crý‿as mŭch ăs Ĭ dó
Ănd Ĭ knŏw thát, ănd sŏ dŏ yóu
Ĭt tóok ŭs néarlў thĭrtў yéars tŏ lóve éach óthér
Thĕn súddĕn wé gŏt cút ădríft whĭle lĭfe wăs át ă lów ébb
Lífe, ăs fŏr ít, săy ríght tŏ íts făce: bĕ ĭt rĕmémbĕred jŭst whăt wĕ wérĕ tŏgéthér
Ănd thĕ wŏrld stáy cŏol bĕcáusĕ wĕ cóuld bĕ cŏmĭng báck sŏon

I dunno (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3#4
Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Right nów I can't follow, in fáct there's
Too much Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Í dúnno
Please lét's put it on hold until tómórrow
While áll of ús are just waiting fór Chrístmas
Don't éven think I cán't feel yóur sórrow
'Cause lát'ly I know I have béen a real jáckass
All my wrongdóing, no harm was inténded
As for my góodwill, Í don't lack inténtion
Although in práctice I do láck atténtion
I wish we cóuld have a frésh start, but áctually...
Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Right nów I can't follow, in fáct there's
Too much Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Í dúnno
I say that you áre my best match, Í méan it
I say that you're mý second best, júst téasing
We don't need a trúce, let's gét to a ceasefíre
Réally I cannot grasp whý it is so díre
For Chrístmas I wísh just one présent
Try to remémber Í have never been ábsent
But ev'ry contradíction and év'ry slíp-up
Make me say the fúture's like a tóss-up
Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Right nów I can't follow, in fáct there's
Too much Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Í dúnno
Winter prómises no léisure, togéther we wóuld be getting sóme
And my ánger is beyond méasure, togéther you cóuld give me óne
I go clubbing, péople are dáncing, bút without you ít can't be fún
Help me óut let's tear dówn all thése walls, 'cause withóut you Í can't get it dóne
Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Right nów I can't follow, in fáct there's
Too much Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Í dúnno

Shared indulgence (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3
Stándĭng sléeplĕss yét nŏt wákefŭl
Thĭs tŏwn dŏes ás Ĭ dó.
Tŏ stóp yŏu fróm dĕtáchĭng
Ĭ lŏcked yŏu ín ănd slĭpped thĕ kéy - bénéath thĕ dóor.
Ĭ névĕr gót thăt éithĕr
thĕ dĭvérgĕnt réasŏns whý
Ĭ Kĕep yŏu clóse – yét néed á clósŭre.
Yeáh - ĭt’s líke wĕ fóundĭng shéltĕr
Ĭnsĭde ă tént ĭn ă lănd léft – désértĕd.
Bĕcáuse raĭn stártĕd sŏ lóng ăgó
thĕ téars ŏf thĕ wórld ĕnchántĕd.
Bĕcáuse yŏu tŏok ísŏlátiŏn
Fŏr grántĕd – thĕn yŏu hád ăll yŏur mómĕnts rĕcántĕd.
Tŏ méasŭre thĕ gĭrth ŏf yŏur ŏwn héart bў thĕ bóok wŏuld be‿ăn áct ŏf brăvádŏ
Dó‿it ĭn yŏur héy dáy - ĭn spĭte ŏf ăll jéerĭng dĕspísĕrs.
Bŭt yŏur ónlў ŏne sŭppórt rĕsts wĭthín ŏur sháred ĭndúlgĕnce
Thát Í căn’t fáirlў cáll míne
Ŏur ĭndúlgĕnce thát Í căn’t fáirlў cáll míne.
Ít ăttrácts ănd yét cŏnfúsĕs
Thĭs tŏwn dŏes ás yŏu dó.
Tŏ stóp mĕ fróm dĕtáchĭng
Sprĭnklĕ mў éyes ănd Ĭ’ll stăy pút – blíndéd bў sánd.
Bŭt nów Ĭ knów fŏr cértăin
Thĕre’s ă díffĕrénce bĕtwéen - the‿ĭdéa‿ánd thé únréăl.
Bĕcáuse raĭn stártĕd sŏ lóng ăgó
thĕ téars ŏf thĕ wórld ĕnchántĕd.
Bĕcáuse yŏu tŏok ísŏlátiŏn
Fŏr grántĕd – thĕn yŏu hád ăll yŏur mómĕnts rĕcántĕd.
Tŏ méasŭre thĕ gĭrth ŏf yŏur ŏwn héart bў thĕ bóok wŏuld be‿ăn áct ŏf brăvádŏ
Dó‿it ĭn yŏur héy dáy - ĭn spĭte ŏf ăll jéerĭng dĕspísĕrs.
Bŭt yŏur ónlў ŏne sŭppórt rĕsts wĭthín ŏur sháred ĭndúlgĕnce
Thát Í căn’t fáirlў cáll míne
Ŏur ĭndúlgĕnce thát Í căn’t fáirlў cáll míne.
Bĕcaŭse ĭt’s stŏpped răinĭng júst now‿
‿ Ór Gŏd hăs thĕ wŏrld dĭsĕnchántĕd.
Bĕcáuse yŏu tŏok ísŏlátiŏn
fŏr grántĕd – ĭt’s nŏt éasў tŏ háve ĭt rĕcántĕd.
Tŏ méasŭre thĕ gírth ŏf mў ŏwn héart bў thĕ númbĕrs wŏuld bĕ wŏrth băstĭnádŏ
Ŏr the‿ĭndúlgĕnce thát Í shăre fáirlў wíth yóu
Thĕ ĭndŭlgĕnce thát Í shăre fáirlў wíth yóu
Tŏ méasŭre thĕ gĭrth ŏf yŏur ŏwn héart bў thĕ bóok wŏuld be‿ăn áct ŏf brăvádŏ
Thĕ trúe păth thát yŏu plów thrŏugh plów thrŏugh plów thrŏugh - tó rĕach lóve, tŏo

Put a stop to ruining us (singable translation)

Ă prăyĕr mádĕ's ă prŏmĭsĕ képt, my Gód,
Sŏmethĭng ăbóut Ĭ'm nĕvĕr fŏrgétfúl
Stĭll nŏthĭng's háppĕnĭng, Ĭ múst bĕ fláwed
Thóse păst mémŏrĭes ŏf yóu măke mĕ féel sŏ rĕgrétfŭl
Plĕase fŏrgíve, Ĭ'm nów ŏn ă hátrĕd-béndĕr
Ĭf Ĭ tóld yŏu ĭt's nŏt lĭkĕ thát, wĕll, Ĭ wŏuld just bĕ lýĭng
Yŏu dŏn't nĕed nó prŏof, Ĭ'm nŏ góod prĕténdĕr
Jŭst knów yŏu áre thĕ óne Ĭ stíll ăm
Ágŏnízĭng óvér...
Sĕt ăsíde ănd síng ălóng tŏ thĭs tŭne clóselý
Thĭs ĭs ă sóng Ĭ wrŏtĕ tŏ quéstiŏn ŭs sŏ clóselý
Nĕvĕr ăgáin wĭll wé ĕĭthĕr lăugh ănd cry ăt thĕ sámĕ tĭme
Thĕ săme wáy wĕ wĕre úsed tŏ
Ĭ thĭnk só, ănd só dĭd yóu
Ărĕn't thírtў yeărs wăy lóngĕr thán ă mŏnth ŏf Súndáys?
Thĭs vĕrў mómĕnt ăll Ĭ'd ásk fŏr ĭs ă dáy‿in thĕ Sún, thóugh
Sŏ wĕ dŏn't néed nŏ tíme-ŏff
Lĕt's tŭrn báck thĕ hánds ŏf tíme
Ănd lĕt's rĕmínd thĕ wŏrld whát wĕ hávĕ bĕen ríght óff
Wĕ căn pút ă stóp tŏ rŭinĭng ús
Fŏr ăll mў lífĕ Ĭ hăve rĕached óut fŏr ăfféctiŏn
Wĕ áll hăd lóvĕrs, friénds ănd állĭes, bút dĭdn't sháre ănў réăl cŏnnéctiŏn
Í fĕel éverўthĭng sŏ déeplў, so‿ĭdéallў
Í jŭst néed ŏne whŏ cŏmfórts mĕ, sŏ tŏuchў-féely
Thăt ĭs thĕ réasŏn whý Ĭ kéep yŏu át ă dístánce
'Căuse ĕverў tímĕ Ĭ tŏuch yŏu, yóu jŭst móunt rĕsístănce
But wĕ've knówn thăt sínce Twŏ-thóusănd-ănd-thĭrtéen:
Gĭve úp yŏur hátrĕd ŭnléss yŏu gŏt ă tíme máchíne
Sĕt ăsíde ănd síng ălóng tŏ thĭs tŭne clóselý
Thĭs ĭs ă sóng Ĭ wrŏtĕ tŏ quéstiŏn ŭs sŏ clóselý
Nĕvĕr ăgáin wĭll wé ĕĭthĕr lăugh ănd cry ăt thĕ sámĕ tĭme
Thĕ săme wáy wĕ wĕre úsed tŏ
Ĭ thĭnk só, ănd só dĭd yóu
Ărĕn't thírtў yeărs wăy lóngĕr thán ă mŏnth ŏf Súndáys?
Thĭs vĕrў mómĕnt ăll Ĭ'd ásk fŏr ĭs ă dáy‿in thĕ Sún, thóugh
Sŏ wĕ dŏn't néed nŏ tíme-ŏff
Lĕt's turn báck thĕ hánds ŏf tíme
Ănd lĕt's rĕmínd thĕ wŏrld whát wĕ hávĕ bĕen ríght óff
Wĕ căn put ă stóp tŏ rŭinĭng ús
Thĭs músĭc ĭs ă pórtăl tŏ‿ĕvĕrywhére ĭmmórtăl
Mў wóunds ăre áll ălréady héalĭng
Músĭc's kĕepĭng mé fĭt fŏr lívĭng
Sĕt ăsíde ănd síng ălóng tŏ thĭs tŭne clóselý
Thĭs ĭs ă sóng Ĭ wrŏtĕ tŏ quéstiŏn ŭs sŏ clóselý
Nĕvĕr ăgáin wĭll wé ĕĭthĕr lăugh ănd cry ăt thĕ sámĕ tĭme
Thĕ săme wáy wĕ wĕre úsed tŏ
Ĭ thĭnk só, ănd só dĭd yóu
Ărĕn't thírtў yeărs wăy lóngĕr thán ă mŏnth ŏf Súndáys?
Thĭs vĕrў mómĕnt ăll Ĭ'd ásk fŏr ĭs ă dáy‿in thĕ Sún, thóugh
Só whăt's ŏur déal? Kĕep ĭt réăl
Săy ĭt ŏut lóud thĕn, tĕll ĕvĕryŏne élse
Whát wĕ hávĕ bĕen, hŏw wĕ wĕre ónce
Yŏu căn put ă stóp tŏ rŭinĭng ús