Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 4


Into a memory

Versions: #2
Hey, close the door when you leave
I'm going to sleep late today
Hey, why would I wake up
to this day without you
To my life without you
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Hey, this is how it had to go
Three would be too much for your world
That's the way it is
A goblin isn't enough for a ray of sun
and it flies away
The light leaves the dark
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Please be okay
Gotten free from the grip
Remember what it felt like in our world


Really anxious, feeling lousy
Apparently on my last nerve
I'm ready to strangle anyone
Who'd get in front of me.
I was pulled out of my comfort zone
By a dietician--my neighbor Zina.
You're really not a psycopath
Toxins have accumulated in your system.
Toxins have accumulated...
To... have accumulated...
Toxins have accumulated...
Everyone says, you need to change
What vodka, brother, what meat?
You'll get arthritis, artery blockage
Dandruff, asthma and fat legs.
Start jogging soon, while you're still alive
Drink tea made with aspen leaves
If you get bad headaches
If toxins have accumulated
Toxins have accumulated...
But have accumulated...
Toxins have accumulated...
Now I know the answer to this question
People are not totally to blame
All of these maniacs, murderers, misanthropes
And sociopaths, live in anger day after day
Pull their hair out
It's quite obvious why, friends
Toxins have accumulated in their system.
Toxins have accumulated...
Have accumulated...
But toxins have accumulated...
I am going to change, I will be strong
From this day on, everything will be cool.
Only organic, so it's really barley.
Only asparagus leaves on an empty stomach.
The lotus position -- that'll be my favorite position
A compote made of orange rind,
And in the morning for jogging I'll wear my suit,
And no more toxins.
And no more toxins...
Overall none...
And no more toxins...
-Get ready!
-Stand straight!
-The first exercise: Walking on your spot.
-Breathe! Stepping - march!
-Now begin the watering procedure...