Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 22


Spirituelles Equilibrium

Lonely and black – you sit there alone – peaceful and sad – feeling well, feeling down
In this magical dark world – still so warm, still so filled – with melancholy
No, you don't belong to this world – i'll take you with me to the cold grave...
Maybe in the black abyss of madness – you finally can open your eyes... can open your eyes... can open your eyes...
I see love where you see hate – no longer try to make you understand – I just go my way... my way...


Life is hell...
Icy rain whips – beats my numb flesh
...torture of one's own deeds ...
Cold water runs – staining from the blood
Fight with heart and soul – against hopelessness
Alone i walk the greyness – many of the faces i meet
Dead to me – mocking smiles – salt my wounds
Life kicks painfully – forcing forward
Whip keeping on it's path – even if i don't want to
Even when my steps are heavy – and everything is vain
Even when my scars are countless – still i continue... still i continue

It's death

Good morning, good night, goodbye, hello
The games are over and nothing goes on anymore
A courtesan at the cabaret
A general on the Champs-Elysées
Sans-culottes* in the Bastille
Mr. and Mrs. Guillotine
Françoise Hardy, Jacques Dutronc
Josephine and Napoleon
It's like this, it's like that
It's life, it's death
It's like this, it's like this, it's like that
It's life, it's death, it's death
A baguette, with chocolate
A coffee with milk, a coca-cola
In the French Riviera, the sun laughs
But of course it's raining in Paris
It's like this, it's like that
It's life, it's death
It's like this, it's like this, it's like that
It's life, it's death, it's death
Oh la la, me, well I'm sick of it!
Mr. Dupont lives under a bridge
At the center of the 'Grande Nation'*
Croque-Monsieur, Croque-Madame*
He sleeps on the tarmac
It's like this, it's like that
It's life, it's death
It's like this, it's like this, it's like that
It's life, it's death, it's death
It's like this, it's like that
It's life, it's death
It's like this, it's like this, it's like that
It's life, it's death, it's death

Google Translate Cântă: Eclipsă Totală De Inimă

În orice caz și apoi
Sunt mică
Și nu vei veni
În orice caz și apoi
Ei sunt puțin stomac
Lacrimile mele mă ascultă
Din când în când, îmi e frică
Anul ăsta o să fie un lucru bun
Tu și eu vom lua o hărtie
Îți vezi ochii
Ochi rotunzi strălucitori
Măcar am fugit
Ochi rotunzi strălucitori
Uneori m-am dizolvat
Din când în când
Am găsit una mică
Și iau niște resturi sălbatice
Din când în când
Am un servitor neinteresat
Drept copil, vorbesc drept mâinile mele
Oricum am luat un râs mic
Știu, și curg
Oricum devin puțin grozavă
Însă te văd în mâinile mele
Ochi extrem de ascuțiți
în orice caz după cădere
Ochi extrem de ascuțiți
Uneori am abandonat
Și azi ai nevoie de asta azi
Chiar vroiam mai mult
Tu să mă onorezi în siguranță
O să trăim pentru totdeauna
Și doar îl pregătim
Nu putem facem nimic
Poți elimina ultima propoziție
Iubirea ta e întotdeauna în umbră
Nu știu ce să fac când eram în școală
Trăim într-un hot dog și lăsăm flori
Te iubesc foarte mult azi
Vei începe noaptea asta
Trebuie să începi noaptea asta
Îmi place
Dar acum devin separată
E imposibil să faci ceva
Mâine în inimă
Eram o lumină în viața mea
Dar acum, există un singur om care iubește întunericul
Nu ai putut face nimic
Inimă de întuneric
Ochi extrem de ascuțiți
Măcar am fugit
Ochi extrem de ascuțiți
Uneori am fost demolată
Și acum, această parte
Mi-a plăcut foarte mult
Avem viață eternă
Ne preparăm pentru asta
Nu, nu putem face nimic greșit
Putem să eliminăm efectele procesului
Te voi iubi pentru totdeauna
Nu știu ce să fac când studiez în întuneric
Trăim într-o combinație de cald și fără flori
Te iubesc foarte mult azi
Vei începe noaptea asta
Trebuie să începi noaptea asta
Până la urmă, am fost vreodată iubită
Dar ei doar o vor stinge
Sunt lucruri pe care le pot face
În inima timpului care va veni
Există puțin din viața mea
Însă, doar o dragoste neagră
Nu, nu
Atac de cord
Inimă de întuneric
Mâine în inimă
Ochi extrem de ascuțiți
Ochi rotunzi strălucitori
Vino înapoi

When everything darkens

Chorus: Just beware...
Sarah: Sometimes on a winter night I stay up and think what distresses my mind...
Chorus: Just beware...
Sarah: Sometimes on a winter night I go to a sweet dream and then fear gets to reign...
Chorus: Just beware...
Sarah: Sometimes on a winter night something I wait for a long time even though I can't understand it at all...
Chorus: Just beware...
Sarah: Sometimes on a winter night I almost would let danger seduce me and my mind whirl...
Chorus: Just beware innocent...
Sarah: I hear a voice calling in the night...
Chorus: Just beware innocent...
Sarah: I feel passion searching...
Count von Krolock:
In the night you need wings
I will show you like a mirror
You will get everything you've dreamt
I will fulfil our world
Fall with me into the shadows
Go on the edge of the cliff
When danger changes to suspicion and time disappears!
When you I pull to the shadows and carry with the night!
Only your kind miracle can compensate the deed!
Sarah: My heart is about to be set aflame!
Sarah and Count von Krolock:
The universe has opened!
When night becomes eternity!
When night becomes...eternity...
Too long have I wished that I would fall in love
Night dims the mind
When everything darkens
Like this I stay in the wave of feelings!
Love breaks the spell just of my dreams
Now it breaks everything
When everything darkens
Away I go to the shadows of the night!
Chorus: Just beware...
Sarah: Sometimes on a winter night I want to run from you while I still can...
Chorus: Just beware...
Sarah: From there you come, I go blindly with you, sharing with me the flames of Hell...
Chorus: Just beware...
Sarah: Sometimes on a winter night I live of life just a moment, then you alone can possess me...
Chorus: Just beware...
Sarah: Sometimes on a winter night I want like you wish, even though it breaks me...
Chorus: Just beware innocent...
Sarah: I hear a voice calling in the night...
Chorus: Just beware innocent...
Sarah: I feel passion searching...
Sarah and Count von Krolock:
In the night you need wings / In the night I need wings
You will show me like a mirror / I will show you like a mirror
I will get everything I've dreamt / You will get everything you've dreamt
I will fulfil our world / You will fulfil our world
Fall with you into the shadows / Fall with me into the shadows
I go on the edge of the cliff / Go on the edge of the cliff
When danger changes to suspicion and time disappears! / When danger changes to suspicion and time disappears!
When you I pull to the shadows and carry with the night! / When you I pull to the shadows and carry with the night!
Only your kind miracle can compensate the deed!
Sarah: My heart is about to be set aflame!
Sarah and Cont von Krolock:
The universe has opened!
When night becomes eternity!
When night becomes...eternity...
Too long have I wished that I would fall in love
Night dims the mind
Sarah and Count von Krolock:
When everything darkens
Like this I stay in the wave of feelings!
Love breaks the spell only in dreams
Sarah and Count von Krolock:
Now it all splinters
When everything darkens
Away I fall into the shadows of the night!
When everything darkens
Away I fall into the shadows of the night!
When everything darkens
Away I fall into the shadows of the night!
Count von Krolock:
No! We cannot yet fall
A small moments pleasure can wait
That with the new night grows, that's why I don't hurry
Shadow of the moon on the ground, I will show you the path
When the next I night I will bring you to dance

Total Chaos

I have the key in my hand
The gateway to a new dimension
I'm starting to understand
And I think...I've seen God!
There's only one religion
And to me, everything seems like in a dream
This is no longer a game
I understand it...but way too much!
One man, one God, one religion,
But one single chaos!
I am the key, you the lock
The amount of data is much too large,
But the chaos is dying down
Just for the two of us...just you and me!
The new world opens up
And the knowledge makes us blind,
But we've seen God -
For one was so beautiful!

Song of the total poors

We don't have a job, we don't have a house,
we don't have money to live
we don't have care, we don't have motorbike,
we don't have a skate either.
We don't have stories to tell,
we don't have guts to steal.
We don't have future, we don't have past,
we're stuck in the present,
we don't have sense, we don't have case,
we don't have a yield due date.
We don't have a mutualist card,
we don't have social insurance.
We don't have experience, good appearence,
nor references to leave,
we don't have anybody to serve us
as a guarantee to rent.
We don't have issues to deal with,
we don't have verses to sell,
we don't have a project
nor anything to propose.
We don't have a line to twist
we don't have the strength nor the reason,
we don't have principles, we don't have goals,
we don't have prophet, nor religion.
We don't have places to go,
we don't have schedules to meet.
We don't have necktie, we don't have ribbon,
we don't have a girlfriend in the hallway.
we don't have a nickel, we don't have the thick,
we don't have the thin, nor the between
We don't have grace to fool,
we don't have look to swindle.
We don't have hurry, we don't have dates,
we don't have a fuse to fire,
we don't have even what a prisioner has,
we don't have a bone to chew.
We don't have variety shows,
we accept any invitation,
from one to six in the morning,
bench three of the station.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.