Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 67


That Happiness I Don't Possess

An apology for lying, wish that it were just a drem
Your speech make my heart painful, the truth is too merciless
Think about the truely happy past
That was buried forever in subconcious
I will stop crying, take leave of you
I've tried not to cry so many times, but there's just weakness remains
Because I cannot forget you, cannot stay with you anymore
Just stay with the one who give love to you,
The one is surely not me
I still I'm just a latecomer, you have given all of your love to her.
The warm hands that used to hug me is hugging her now
The sweet lips that gave me passionate kisses as the same to her
Don't apology or justify, I was too tired,
We cannot countinue making the mistake
Return to her, erase the love we had given to each other
I will bless you to have a complete love
Though the pain is trampling upon my heart
That love I don't want to take
Thank you for having been come here to make me feeling peaceful.

Can't Stand Missing You

Today I go home alone.
I understand how bitter it is when you're not here.
From when...saying goodbye to me....go away from here
My eyes followed you with tears.
You went away, I send all of my love to you.
Wish that time could pass by and you return to me
Because I believed that...your love that you gave me is never changed.
Just one day of not meeting you, can't stand missing you.
Remember the peacefull days we had
Why is tear falling even I'm not crying... miss you but couldn't speak out.
Because... you're not here, I feel so upset, don't you know?
One day of not meeting, It doesn't make you miss me.
The distance seems to seperate us.
You're just like the wind in the horizon.
Forget about the promises
The promise that you always have me in your heart... you forgot....
The nostalgia makes me crying
I understand how bitter it is when you're not here.
From when...saying goodbye to me....go away from here
My eyes followed you with tears.
You went away, I send all of my love to you.
Wish that time could pass by and you return to me
Because I believed that...your love that you gave me is never changed.
Just one day of not meeting you, can't stand missing you.
Remember the peacefull days we had
Why is tear falling even I'm not crying... miss you but couldn't speak out.
Because... you're not here, I feel so upset, don't you know?
One day of not meeting, It doesn't make you miss me.
The distance seems to seperate us.
You're just like the wind in the horizon.
Forget about the promises
The promise that you always have me in your heart... you forgot....
Why is tear falling even I'm not crying... miss you but couldn't speak out.
Because... you're not here, I feel so upset, don't you know?
One day of not meeting, It doesn't make you miss me.
The distance seems to seperate us.
You're just like the wind in the horizon.
Forget about the promises
The promise that you always have me in your heart... you forgot....
You didn't miss me anymore.

Iubiţi(Amanţi) noaptea

Când eşti deprimat şi te simţi trist
Închide-ţi ochii, voi fi cu tine
Oh suferinţă(durere de inimă), aici vine suferinţa
Să facă dragoste pentru el a fost amuzant
El nu a avut niciodată nevoie de nimeni.
Oh, suferinţă, aici vine suferinţa,
Străini noaptea,
Să fie străini mâine,
Pentru că târziu în noapte
Lumina vă prosteşte inimile,
Şi iubiţi în noaptea asta în inimile noastre
Sunt iubiţi mâine,
Dar iubiţi noaptea,
Câteodată sunt străini astăzi
Nopţile nu vor dura pentru totdeauna, fată
Ciudate sunt căile acestei lumi
Oh, suferinţă, aici vine suferinţa,
Cenuăreasă, eroii aşteaptă
Pentru timpurile tale grele e prea târziu
Oh, suferinţă, aici vine suferinţa
Străini noaptea
Să fie străini mâine.
Doamnă , la noapte
La noapte fii atentă cu iubirea
O iubire este prea fierbinte , prea fierbinte să oprească
O căzătură rea mâine,
Şi iubiţi noaptea,
Câteodată să fie străini astăzi,
Şi iubiţi noaptea,
Câteodată să fie străini astăzi.

Melanie mă face să zâmbesc

Oh da, Melanie a mea mă face să zâmbesc
Și topește durerea.
O luminiță vine strălucind
Iarăși în viața mea.
Și cu Melanie a mea în brațe,
Lumea e un loc mai cald.
O luminiță vine strălucind
În jos pe chipul meu.
O simt, o simt strălucind pe chipul meu.
Trebuie doar s-o strâng în brațe,
Cu capul pe umărul meu
Și să-i spun că sunt deprimat,
Și n-am un loc unde să mă pot duce.
Și spun ”Scumpo, (scumpo, scumpo)
Am nevoie de tine (am nevoie de tine)”
Și ea-și înalță capul
Destul de lent, oh oh.
Și apoi Melanie a mea mă face să zâmbesc
Și topește durerea.
O luminiță vine strălucind
Iarăși în viața mea.
Și cu Melanie a mea în brațe,
Lumea e un loc mai cald.
O luminiță vine strălucind
În jos pe chipul meu.
O simt, o simt strălucind pe chipul meu.
Oh, uneori, când sunt singur,
Știu că numai
O fată pe care trebuie s-o văd.
O sun și ea e liberă.
Și spun ”Scumpo, (scumpo, scumpo)
Am nevoie de tine (am nevoie de tine)”
Și ea vine alergând exact la mine, oh oh.
Și apoi Melanie a mea mă face să zâmbesc
Și topește durerea.
O luminiță vine strălucind
Iarăși în viața mea.
Și cu Melanie a mea în brațe,
Lumea e un loc mai cald.
O luminiță vine strălucind
În jos pe chipul meu.
O simt, o simt strălucind pe chipul meu.

I arrive where I am foreign

Nothing is as precarious as living
Nothing is as brief as being.
It is a bit like melting for the frost
And being Light for the wind.
I arrive where I am foreign
One day, you cross the frontier
Where are you coming from? But where are you going to ?
Tomorrow doesn't Matter, neither did Yesterday
The Heart changes when the thistle does.
Everything is rhymeless or reasonless
Run your finger on your temple
Touch the childhood of your eyes
Better keep the lamps low
A longer night suits us better
It is the broad daylight that grows older
Trees are beautiful in autumn
But the child, what's become of him?
I look at myself and get bewildered
At this unknown traveller
At his face and his naked feet.
Little by little you turn to silence
Although not fast enough
Not to sense your dissimilarity
And on your yesteryear's self
Not to feel the dust of Time fall down.
Ageing is long after all

Să nu ai niciodată încredere într-un străin

Ştiam că era un pericol,
Dar nu am putut să resist,
Atingerea unui străin,
Fiorul sărutului lui,
Pentru că de această dată
Am crezut că era iubire,
Am crezut că era rai
Să am timpul vieţii mele.
Am ştiut că nu este adevărat.
Oh, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta
Oh, nu, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta
Lumea mea este în bucăţi,
Mi-ai furat mândria
Şi am rămas învinsă
Şi zdrobită de minciunile tale.
Am crezut că era iubire,
Am crezut că era rai
Să am timpul vieţii mele.
Am ştiut că nu este adevărat.
Oh, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta.
Oh, nu, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta.
Ca un tigru m-ai vânat şi m-ai urmărit,
Mi-ai salvat sufletul şi ai preluat controlul
Şi apoi ai folosit toată iubirea pe care ai găsit-o,
Ai plecat fără urmă,
Nici o notă sau un singur adio.
Am crezut că era iubire,
Am crezut că era rai
Să am timpul vieţii mele.
Am ştiut că nu este adevărat.
Oh, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta.
Oh, nu, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta.

Să nu ai niciodată încredere într-un străin

Ştiam că era un pericol,
Dar nu am putut să resist,
Atingerea unui străin,
Fiorul sărutului lui,
Pentru că de această dată
Am crezut că era iubire,
Am crezut că era rai
Să am timpul vieţii mele.
Am ştiut că nu este adevărat.
Oh, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta
Oh, nu, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta
Lumea mea este în bucăţi,
Mi-ai furat mândria
Şi am rămas învinsă
Şi zdrobită de minciunile tale.
Am crezut că era iubire,
Am crezut că era rai
Să am timpul vieţii mele.
Am ştiut că nu este adevărat.
Oh, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta.
Oh, nu, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta.
Ca un tigru m-ai vânat şi m-ai urmărit,
Mi-ai salvat sufletul şi ai preluat controlul
Şi apoi ai folosit toată iubirea pe care ai găsit-o,
Ai plecat fără urmă,
Nici o notă sau un singur adio.
Am crezut că era iubire,
Am crezut că era rai
Să am timpul vieţii mele.
Am ştiut că nu este adevărat.
Oh, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta.
Oh, nu, niciodată să nu ai încredere într-un străin cu inima ta.

So just say it

Versions: #1
What you now do, that I'll also do
I want to see everything, just say
Your world is strange and I don't understand at all
I want to see these miracles
Know and touch them
I can already see others eyes
World is greatest and largest over there
So just say it, when I don't know
So just say it, what I don't know at all
Just say it, I can take it
I want to hear what I don't know at all
Every movement, every look (from her) is for me an unbelievable wonder
I don't know why now I yearn for her so
When this feeling, it's so strange
I have fortune and I feel it
When over the jungle's mountains
I can at last see everything beautiful
So just say it, when I don't know
So just say it, what I don't know at all
Just say it, I can take it
I want to hear what I don't know at all
Arrive with me to the world
Where beauty reigns
Share this feeling with me
With you I stay
Stay with me
This world I give to you
So just say it, when I don't know
So just say it, what I don't know at all
Just say it, I can take it
I want to hear what I don't know at all
So just say it

Străin pe ţărmul iubirii

Cortina se ridică,
Primul act începe,
Scena este cu două persoane îndrăgostite,
Frumoasă este ea, norocos se simte el.
Ea zâmbeşte în ochii lui,
El zâmbeşte în ochii ei
Amândoi jură dragoste, niciodată să se despartă
O privire pentru tot, îndrăgostiţi să vezi.
O poveste de iubire perfectă începe
Până ce nesiguranţa se instalează
Ce se întâmplă atunci este, o inimă îndurerată.
Oh, eu nu vreau să fiu,
Nu, străin înlăcrimat pe tărmul iubirii
Şi o inimă ruptă.
Îţi spun că nu vreau să fiu,
Nu, străin înlăcrimat pe tărmul iubirii
Şi o inimă ruptă.
O masă pentru doi
Jurăminte de dragoste, de “Da”
O lună de miere ieşită dintr-un vis
Cine ar putea cere ceva mai mult .
O casă pe un deal
Cu frumoase narcise galbene,
Şi nopţi reci de iarnă lângă foc,
Ce ar putea fi mai mult pentru ea şi el.
Există mai mult decât destulă dragoste şi totuşi,
Ea sau el încep să regrete,
Ce obţii este o inimă frântă.
Oh, eu nu vreau să fiu
Nu, străin înlăcrimat pe ţărmul iubirii
Şi o inimă ruptă.
Îţi pot spune din experienţă, nu vreau să fiu
Nu, străin înlăcrimat pe ţărmul iubirii
Şi o inimă ruptă.
Eu nu vreau să fiu
Nu, străin înlăcrimat pe ţărmul iubirii
Şi a-a-a-oh, oh, oh
Oh, eu nu vreau să fiu, te rog nu mă lăsa să fiu
Nu, străin înlăcrimat pe ţărmul iubirii
Şi o inimă ruptă, na, na, na, na, na
Nu vreau să fiu, nu mă lăsa să fiu
Nu, nu, nu cu lacrimi
Nu vreau să mă doară stomacul de la o inimă ruptă, iubito
Nu vreau să fiu,
Nu, străin înlăcrimat pe ţărmul iubirii
Şi o inimă ruptă.

Not Today! (Never Trust a Stranger)

I have found a star
I have seen the farewell
I have walked among stones
I have walked through mud and dirt
I have loved in peace
I have loved in war
Just to get back to where you are
And I felt like shit
But not today, not today
I felt powerless
But not today
I have put down roots
I have been hurt when walking
Brave in the arena
Stranded at sea
I look for you in my peace
I look for you in my war
And now I just want to escape to where you are
And I felt like shit
But not today, not today
I felt powerless
But not today
I have found the instant and the eternity
Souls of stone in statues of salt
Footprints that were left behind
And glory and defeats and broken ones who want to love
I look for you in my peace
I look for you in my war
And now I just want to escape to where you are
And I felt like shit
But not today, not today
I felt powerless
But not today

Omoram straini

Lumea asta nu are nevoie de nicio opera
Suntem aici pentru manifestarea operatiunii
N-avem nevoie de un cutit mai mare (un cutit mai mare)
Pentru ca avem arme, avem arme, avem arme (avem arme)
Avem arme, mai bine o rupi in fuga
(mai bine fugi, mai bine fugi, mai bine fugi)
Omoram straini, noi omoram straini,
Sleim straini, ca sa nu-i ucidem pe cei care-o iubim
Omoram straini, noi omoram straini,
Sleim straini, ca sa nu-i ucidem pe cei care-o iubim, iubim, iubim, iubim
Infasam demolare, nu putem ambala emotie
Dinamita? Am putea...
Asa ca sufla-ne un sarut, adie-ne un sarut
Zboara-ne un sarut, te vom zbura in bucati
Omoram straini, noi omoram straini,
Sleim straini, ca sa nu-i ucidem pe cei care-o iubim
Avem arme,
Avem arme,
mai bine, mai bine, mai bine fugiti
Avem arme, avem arme,
Futangiilor mai bine fugiti
Avem arme, avem arme
Libidinosilor mai bine, mai bine, mai bine fugiti
Avem arme, avem arme
Curvelor mancati pamantul
Omoram straini, noi omoram straini,
Sleim straini, ca sa nu-i ucidem pe cei care-o iubim
Omoram straini, noi omoram straini,
Sleim straini, ca sa nu-i ucidem pe cei care-o iubim, iubim, iubim, iubim
Mai bine fugi
Pentru ca avem arme! Pentru ca avem arme! Avem arme!


Totul e în praf
Poți vedea?
Păi, păi, păi
Toată lumea poftește
Oh, ce vezi?
Păi, păi, păi
Cineva să-mi spună dacă viața înseamnă suferință
Păi, păi
Dacă există D-zeu, spune-mi dacă viața înseamnă fericire
Lumea e un sistem uriaș
În ea, fie opoziție, război, sau supraviețuire sunt introduse
O viață ce nu poate fi refuzată
Cu vise colaterale, capitalul injectează o morfină numită ”speranță”
Bogații se războiesc cu bogații și încearcă la avariție
Bogații tânjesc până și la sărăcie, cu lăcomie
În lumea asta există doar alb sau negru, acestea două
Într-un joc fără sfârșit cu sumă nulă, lumea merită văzută
Cea mai scandaloasă floare într-o lume a polarizării
A trecut ceva timp de când adevărul a fost înghițit de minciuni
Cine beneficiază cel mai mult?
Și cine trage ponoasele cel mai mult?
Într-o lume bolnavă, o persoană bună
Nu e ciudat cum de e tratată precum un mutant?
Într-o lume cu ochii închiși, o persoană cu ochii deschiși
Nu e ciudat cum de e făcută să devină oarbă?
Cineva care-și dorește pace, cineva care-și dorește război
Nu e ciudat cum de sunt amândoi la capetele ideologiilor lor?
Ei îți spun să ai vise, dar nimeni nu are
Nu există răspunsuri, nu-i așa că-i ciudat?
Totul e în praf
Poți vedea?
Păi, păi, păi
Toată lumea poftește
Oh, ce vezi?
Păi, păi, păi
Cineva să-mi spună dacă viața înseamnă suferință
Păi, păi
Dacă există D-zeu, spune-mi dacă viața înseamnă fericire
Crezi că ai gusturi?
Oh copile, cum îți dai seama?
Adică, pentru numele lui Dumnezeu
Totul e controlat
Alegerile pe care ți le-au dat
Sunt toate preferințe controlate de capital
Oamenii vorbesc
”Pagina mea de social-media mă explică”
Indiferent de câți bani ai
Toată lumea-i un sclav al acestui sistem
Medalionul câinelui și casa câinelui cu care ești atât de ocupat să te lauzi
Toată ziua, certându-te care strălucește mai tare
Acum nici măcar tu nu vei ști
Oh puștiule, care-i numele tău?
Polarizarea, floarea care a înflorit deja complet
Un cui rotund care a fost țintit într-o gaură pătrată
Chiar și-așa, continui, oricum, tot așa
Toată lumea în cotețul lui spune că-i e bine
Într-o lume bolnavă, o persoană bună
Nu cred că-i ciudat că e tratată ca un mutant
Într-o lume cu ochii închiși, o persoană cu ochii deschiși
Cred că e mai ciudat că n-are ochii închiși
Cineva care-și dorește pace, cineva care-și dorește război
Jocurile de cuvinte care se schimbă la fel de repede ca bătutul din palme
E genul de lume în care un vis a devenit o opțiune, dar
Răspunsul e că nu există răspunsuri...
Totul e în praf
Poți vedea?
Păi, păi, păi
Toată lumea poftește
Oh, ce vezi?
Păi, păi, păi
Cineva să-mi spună dacă viața înseamnă suferință
Păi, păi
Dacă există D-zeu, spune-mi dacă viața înseamnă fericire


[Intro: Agust D]
Everything in dust
Do you see?
Well, well, well
Everything in lust
Oh, what do you see?
Well, well, well
Someone tell me whether life is pain
Well, well
If there is a God, tell me whether life is happiness
[Verse 1: Agust D]
The world is a giant system
In it, either opposition, war, or survival is inserted
Life that we can't refuse
With dreams as its collateral, the capitalism injects the morphine called 'hope'
Wealth breeds wealth and tests greed
The rich longs even for poverty
In the world there's only black and white, those two
In an endless zero-sum game, the very end is worth seeing
Polarization is the ugliest flower in the world
It's been long since the truth's been eaten away by the lies
Who benefits the most?
Just who suffers damage the most?
[Pre-Chorus: Agust D]
In a sick world, a person that is well
Isn't it strange how they are treated as a mutant
In a world with its eyes closed, a person with theirs open
Isn't it strange how now they are made blind
Someone who wishes for peace, someone who wishes for war
Isn't it strange how they are each at the end of their ideologies
They tell you to have dreams, though no one has it
There are no answers, isn't it strange
[Chorus: Agust D]
Everything in dust
Do you see?
Well, well, well
Everything in lust
Oh, what do you see?
Well, well, well
Someone tell me whether life is pain
Well, well
If there is a God, tell me whether life is happiness
[Verse 2: RM]
You think you got taste?
Oh babe, how do you know?
I mean for God's sake
Everything's under control
The choices you’ve been given
Are all preferences controlled by the capital
People talk
'My feed explains me'
No matter how much money is in your grasp
Everyone's a slave to this system
The dog necklace and dog house you are so busy bragging about
All day, fighting over whose glimmer more
Now even you won't know
Oh baby, what's your name?
Polarization, the flower that's already bloomed
A round nail that has been hammered into a square hole
Even so, I roll on, however so, like this
In each of their chicken coops, everyone claims they are fine
In a sick world, a person that is well
I don't think it's strange that he is treated a mutant
In a world with its eyes closed, a person with theirs open
I think it's more strange that only they have theirs open
Someone who wishes for peace, someone who wishes for war
The wordplay that changes as easy as the flipping of a palm
It’s the kind of world where a dream has become an option, but
There’s no answer, that’s the answer
[Chorus: Agust D]
Everything in dust
Do you see?
Well, well, well
Everything in lust
Oh, what do you see?
Well, well, well
Someone tell me whether life is pain
Well, well
If there is a God, tell me whether life is happiness

dependenta mea ciudata

Nu, Billie, nu am mai facut asta de cand a murit sotia mea
Este o multime de oameni care au nevoie sa invete cum se face The Scarn
[Strofa 1]
Nu pune intrebari, nu vrei sa stii
Mi-am invatat lectia cu mult timp in urma
Ca sa vorbesc cu tine, frumoasa doamna
Ar fii trebuit sa iau o pauza, nu virgula Oxford
Iau ce vreau cand vreau
Si te vreau
Vesti rele, rele
Unul dintre noi va pierde
Eu sunt praful, tu esti fitilul
Doar mai pune niste frecare
Tu esti dependenta mea ciudata
Tu esti dependenta mea ciudata
Doctorii nu pot sa explice
Simptomele mele sau durerea
Dar tu esti dependenta mea ciudata
[Interludiu: preluare din The Office]
Imi pare chiar rau, cred ca tocmai sunt usurat
Sa vad ca Michael Scarn si-a recapatat increderea
Daa, Michael, filmul este minunat
Este, unul dintre cele mai bune filme pe care le-am vazut in viata mea
[Strofa 2]
Febra ucigatoare, te rog nu te sparge
Fii calmantul meu, ca nu ma tratez singura
Si arde ca ginul si imi place
Pune-ti buzele pe pielea mea si s-ar putea sa ia foc
Doare, dar stiu cum sa o ascund, imi cam place (Teh)
Vesti rele, rele
Unul dintre noi va pierde
Eu sunt praful, tu esti fitilul
Doar mai pune niste frecare
Tu esti dependenta mea ciudata
Tu esti dependenta mea ciudata
Doctorii nu pot sa explice
Simptomele mele sau durerea
Dar tu esti dependenta mea ciudata
Musca sticla, da-mi foc
Poti sa spui ca exagerez? Poti sa spui ca sunt ciudata?
Poti sa ma pupi in - regele e motto-ul meu
[Interludiu: preluare din The Office]
Ar trebui sa mergi la festivaluri si carnavale
Ganduri? O reactie destul de buna
Destul de
Tu esti dependenta mea ciudata
Tu esti dependenta mea ciudata
Doctorii nu pot sa explice
Simptomele mele sau durerea
Dar tu esti dependenta mea ciudata
[Outro: preluare din The Office]
Ti-a placut? Ti-a placut asta?
Um, care parte?

I Have Fallen In Love With Someone Else

You would be the cloud, the love would fly away
Now it's only me
Now you're far away and bless me
Don't you know my heart is so painful
The day we broken up, I begged you not to leave
I begged you to think again
Though tears fell down over my face
Overcome those days
When my heart nearly forgot it all
I wanted to come back to me
Is it too late darling
Now when someone is by my side
The one who give me happiness
Who never hurt me
Darling I can't
Although I still know that my love still miss you so much
I still miss the rainy days you picked me up
Hand in hand, promise to love each other forever
You yourself went away now you want to come back
Please let me be, don't come close to me
Please let me forget the sad dream
The past will flow away with those tears
Now the regret is too late
I have fallen in love with someone

The Ending Is Predictable

Hold your hand for a long time so that you can comprehend my heart
Just give me a hope in this moment
Don't say goodbye don't say anything
Don't leave me because of someone
Until now I wasn't surprised
Those emotionless words don't also make me startling
Now you decidedly want to take leave of me
But I've been self-opinionated to believe that
Your love is perennially intact
Because now the one who is by your side will replace me to give you happiness
Although I knew that ending, I still have to bitterly accept it
Those happy days I will engrave at any time
Now you decidedly erase our happiness
Let our love shatter
Why am I naive to wait for you
Because by you side there is someone who love you
Will replace me to give you happiness
Leave my hand, everyday will be your day
Those happy days I will engrave at any time
Happiness has gone away, I lost you forever

With Me

The birds have been stuck down south, a thunderstorm pours down
The newly arrived spring has blue eyes
While somewhere, the bottomless night runs around the dry ocean
And the drunk tram gradually loses every single one of their words
On it, I met you
Well, hello, hello!
Come and dance with me
Before everyone's eyes
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
[Verse 2]:
The horizon has become visible, dawn has come closer
And my umbrella is somewhere else gathering dust
This madness will by no means remain a secret, I was so alone
Please, give me the chance to believe that this isn't a dream
And even if it is
I'll pull you into reality
The record player will turn on
We will dance
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me
Just dance a bit with me

Dansez cu un străin

Nu vreau să fiu singur diseară
E foarte clar că nu sunt peste tine
Încă mă gândesc la lucrurile pe care le făceai
Deci nu vreau să fiu singur diseară
Poți aprinde focul
Am nevoie de cineva care poate lua controlul
Știu exact ce am nevoie să fac
Că nu vreau să fiu singur diseară , diseară , diseară
Uite ce mi-ai făcut
Sunt cu altcineva
O , iubire , iubire dansez cu un străin
Uite ce mi-ai făcut
Sunt cu altcineva
O , iubire , iubire dansez cu un străin
Dansez cu un străin
Încă nu am ieșit afară în seara asta
Dar băiete , Am nevoie să ieși din mintea mea
Știu exact ce am nevoie să fac
Nu vreau să fiu singur diseară , diseară , diseară
Uite ce mi-ai făcut
Sunt cu altcineva
O , iubire , iubire dansez cu un străin
Uite ce mi-ai făcut
Sunt cu altcineva
O , iubire , iubire dansez cu un străin
Dansez cu un străin
Dansez cu un străin
Dansez , da
Uite ce mi-ai făcut
Sunt cu altcineva
O , iubire , iubire dansez cu un străin
Uite ce mi-ai făcut
Sunt cu altcineva
O , iubire , iubire dansez cu un străin
Dansez cu un străin

Those Like Me

What you do today
I do that too
show me everything and explain how
something can be important to you
but not for me
There is so much I can learn
so near to me but astounding
I see myself with newly awoken eyes
Oh I know there's something greater somewhere
Want an answer, so enlighten me
want to know everything yes, about those like me
Give me an answer, enlighten me
Something feels familiar here with those like me
Her gestures
every step she takes
a new feeling awakens in me
Why do I suddenly want to be in her presence?
I've never felt this before
Is there a world outside somewhere?
Beyond our forest and above clouds
I see a light there on the horizon
Want an answer, so enlighten me
want to know everything yes, about those like me
Give me an answer, enlighten me
Something feels familiar here with those like me
Join me now and see my world
there is beauty you've only dreamed of
Can you feel what I feel right now for you?
Take my hand... I want to learn your life

The foreigner

She has the black eyes of her mother
And her tenderness and her anger
She dares to say she's proud of it
The foreigner
She kept a postcard
Of her portuguese village
She has memories that hurt
The foreigner
Of course, she changed her life
When she arrived here
She didn't have any friend
The foreigner
She got used to Paris
She love people from this country
And the popular fados tunes
She's singing with the sun in her voice
She's singing loves that don't exist
She's singing for the poor people, for the kings
She's singing everything she says, everything she believes in
From this side of the border,
She never knew winter
She knows the price of poverty
The foreigner
She hasn't forget those
Who sing with tears in their eyes
So she stayed for them
Proud soul
She's singing with the sun in her voice
She's singing loves that don't exist
She's singing for the poor people, for the kings
She's singing everything she says, everything she believes in
She loves the kids, the rivers
Bigs birthday cakes
Holidays by the beach
The foreigner
She's afraid to say 'I love you' to you
She's a bit of a fortune-teller
She has a bohemian heart
The foreigner
She doesn't know how to say 'Sorry'
It's a volcano, it's the passion,
It's the sweetness of a fountain
The foreigner
One should take her into your arms
One should whisper very low
That she hasn't been for you
A foreigner
A foreigner

Beautiful Stranger

It disappears again like a lie
The moment when it shined so bright
I try to catch it, but I can’t
And eventually, it passes
You must be bearing it just like me
In the deep darkness where it’s hard to see
The small flower that blooms, stumbling
Is this beautiful
In the old wilted memories
The smile that blooms faintly just once
Is this beautiful
Beautiful stranger
Without knowing where I was going
I just walked on like I was being pushed
The sighs pushed my body down
And I calmed my breaths and look around
To see if you are walking, like me
In the deep darkness where it’s hard to see
The small flower that blooms, stumbling
Is this beautiful
In the old wilted memories
The smile that blooms faintly just once
Is this beautiful
Beautiful stranger
Beautiful stranger
In the old wilted memories
The smile that blooms faintly just once
Is this beautiful
In the deep darkness where it’s hard to see
The small flower that blooms, stumbling
Is this beautiful
Beautiful stranger
I live on again like a lie…

Sad Am I and in a Strange Place

Sad am I and I in a strange place
Alone on a sea island
With no-one but two children
Little Catriona and Anna
And the wild geese going over there
May they be well
One day as I went through the little glen
I cam upon the man of the speckled tartan
He asked me what was on my mind
I prefer the son of the man of the town
Where there are towers and white houses
And goats in the stream of the birches
And sheep in a strange hiding place
I love the white calf
Who will go to the cattle but not drink the milk
Who will go to the shore but not cut the seaweed
Who will go to Ireland with the moon
Who will go to Scotland with the young handsome men
They will come on one tide

Strangers Like Me (Hetalia Multilanguage)

I'm ready to learn anything
And suddenly see all around
With new, different eyes
And there are many things unexplored by us
Because I don't know what the world is like,
what's happening beyond me,
I want more than just a dream,
What is normal, in how strange I am.
Every gesture, how a being should move
I feel something that I've never felt before
I don't know, why I miss her so much.
I've never felt like this before
Is there a world out there somewhere?
High above the trees and above the clouds I see it rise in the horizon.
Show me more, Tell me
There's something familiar about
These strangers like me
Follow me now into my world
Full of beauty and harmony
Can you feel what I feel
Just you and me?
Hand in hand
Where do you come from?
Tell me where?
Because I need to know, let me see it
Why is this strange feeling different?
Tell me more, please show me
Something's familiar about these strangers like me
I wanna know

My foreigner

He came from far away land
that in reality I've only heard of,
a fascinating smile
and a beauty in that gaze1,
a foreigner's accent
I didn't know what he was saying
but he left me memorize.
My foreigner
I barely understand a thing
but I'm in love
and all that matters is the heart.2
My foreigner
don't forget that back then
we understood each other
through the language of the heart.
I'm learning a thousand words
phrases for when you come back:
'I love you, I need you'
come quickly to find me.
  • 1. in those eyes
  • 2. ...'what the heart wants'
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Strangely Upset

To be honest, on the first day we met you were so-so
And there was no any feeling of something coming
You weren't even pretty, like a coffee
I kept thinking of you
I was surprised, these days I keep hearing you laughing
Why does every your movement feel so good?
Like the only one message left in KakaoTalk*
You are worrying me
It's strange, so strange, are you laughing at me?
Are you kidding me? Did you broke my heart?
Stop it, stop it, you keep looking pretty,
You keep looking cute, why are you hesitating me?
I'm upset, again upset, again I've been only waiting for you,
Only worrying about you - and the day has gone
I'm scared, so scared, have I become a fool
That only thinks of you and only looks at you?
Is love just a hormone breakdown?
I know that equation for sure,
But it's permeating
In my staring eyes without any thought
It's strange, so strange, are you laughing at me?
Are you kidding me? Did you broke my heart?
Stop it, stop it, you keep looking pretty,
You keep looking cute, why are you hesitating me?
I'm upset, again upset, again I've been only waiting for you,
Only worrying about you - and the day has gone
I'm scared, so scared, have I become a fool
That only thinks of you and only looks at you?
Your face without makeup is
Beautiful, beautiful, so beautiful
I'm amazed at me who can't forgive any other glance
Love you, I love you, am I saying these words to you?
Do I amaze you? Maybe annoy?
Stop it, stop it, you're beautiful to pieces
I like you to pieces, why are you offended again?
I'm upset, again upset, again I've been only waiting for you,
Only worrying about you - and the day has gone
I'm scared, so scared, have I become a fool
That only thinks of you and only looks at you?

To See the World Clearly

I haven’t seen the things you’ve done
Is it possible to tell me what is not the same
Over the course of growing up, she* is so strange
Seems as if I saw something profound inside, everything seems so far away
Presented in front of my eyes, you are familiar
Is there someone who can tell me the reason why?
I want to know, who can teach me?
I once wished to have this kind of marvelous time*
Tell me, advise me, that all these beautiful things are really true
The look in her eyes reveals a boundless love
Cupid’s arrow has struck me
My heart is beating, this feeling pounds at my brain
This mystical, unknown world has countless precious treasures that await you to unearth them
You can discover as far as the eye can see
These beautiful things that are waiting for you
I want to know, who can teach me?
I once wished to have this kind of marvelous time
Tell me, advise me, that all these beautiful things are really true
I welcome you into my world, a completely different domain
Hoping you will journey with me, take my hand and roam with me
Until I deeply understand this world
I want to know, who can teach me?
I once wished to have this kind of marvelous time
Tell me, advise me, that all these beautiful things are really true
I want to know
reprint with credit :)

Strangers like me

Your goings, your words
I will repeat after you
Reveal to me everything I want to know
I'm ready to learn anything
And suddenly see all around
With new, different eyes
And there are many things unexplored by us
You'll tell me about those
Looking like us, hilarious strangers
About such distant
Such familiar and strange creatures
All the movements of hers excite me
I've never known such feelings before
From now on, I want to be beside her all the time
I've seen a new world with you
And I've become someone new myself with you
I want to look up without hiding my eyes
With new perspective in the familiar sky
You'll tell me about those
Looking like us and hilarious strangers
About such distant
Such familiar and strange creatures
Right now, I can show
My world unfamiliar to you
This dreamlike paradise of mine
Discover with me
Give me a hand, come with me
To my paradise
You'll tell me about those
Looking like us and hilarious strangers
About such distant
Such familiar and strange creatures
You will tell me...

Călător Necunoscut

Sunt un biet călător necunoscut 1
Călătorind prin astă lume sunguratec
Acolo-i fără de boli, oboseală ori pericol
În acel Demn Tărâm către care mă îndrept
Eu 'acasă' mă duc
Pentru a-mi vedea mama
Acasă mă duc ...
Icetat-am a mea hoinăreală
Eu doar către Jordania merg
Merg către a mea casă
Știu că negrii nori planat-au s-o facă deasupra mea
Știu că a drumului meu cale-mi este dură și abruptă
Însă aurite lanuri se întrevăd în fața mea
Unde ochii triști , plâns-au n-au să o mai facă
Mă duc acasă' , să-mi văd/ cunosc al meu Tată
Mă duc acasă, Icetat-am a mea hoinăreală
Eu către Jordania merg
Merg către a mea casă
Curând am să fiu eliberată , de fiece încercare
Această formă trebuie a se 'odihni' în dedesubtul pământului
Eu voi renunță la povara-mi autonegarii
Și intra în acel Sălaș, alături de D-zeu .
Merg 'Acasă' , să-mi văd al meu mântuitor
Cel ce vărsat-a al său prețios sânge pentru 'mine'
Eu către Jordania merg
Merg către a mea casă !!
  • 1. Personal Adaptation/Translation/ Work allowed under the moral and written rule , found under the section of 'Website Rules---Adding a translation----Paragraph no 10 'As translations can be a mean of knowing and understanding a new language, it's better if you keep at least a colloquial (Though YOU'RE FREE to keep an informal tone in certain contexts) language that's easy to understand - and you may use footnotes to add general explanations and comments in certain parts of the translation.' So that being said , my profile is the place for the non-literal translation's and adaptation so people may like it or not , still that won't ever change a thing , so like they say in our dear America : Deal with it !!!

I want to know! Tell me!

I don’t know so many things
Tell me everything about the world
So I can find countless horizons
There are so many secrets, I do know
There are so close, and so far
I watch with different eyes
Oh, how I want to know everything
I want to know! Tell me!
For these strange, awkward people
Right today – tell me about it, if I am similar to them?
Every stare, every word and gesture
capture me and I am embarrassed
I feel now, that with her the world is different
Unknown feelings flow in me,
a new excitement wakes up in me
Far away from here, in the blue world,
the new horizons are revealing themselves
I want to know! Tell me!
For these strange, awkward people
Right today – tell me about it, if I am similar to them?
My world is more different,
filled with so much beauty
And will you come
to me. Now,
together, let’s find love
I want to know! Tell me!
For these strange, awkward people
Right today – tell me about it, if I am similar to them?

Gorgeous Vietnam

We sing for our motherland
Which is blessed with prosperity
Here, we are the descendants of the gods
Here is our dragon-shaped country
We sing for our motherland
'Vietnam' the prideful words
Here, we are the descendants of the gods
Here, we have bravery in our hearts
Our country has long left the wartime behind
Now, the waves slap peacefully on the pacific shore
We vietnamese love rightousness, we cherish peace and cherish the people
To go through the hard and painful times
We love the pure áo dài1that bears our souls
Grand like our country in peace time
With the patriotic heart, the country weaves into silk and blossoms
The gorgeous dawn is waiting for us all
Lovingly greet the homesick children heading home from faraway
Kind mother with her arms widely open, waiting for the reunion of the family
Generous mother Vietnam, thousands of years of rearing her children
Through all the bad times, her heart is still like the endless everlasting sky.
Dear Vietnam, Beautiful Vietnam
Our love lies deep in our heart and our blood
Gorgeous Vietnam, Longing Vietnam
Our millions of hearts unite in the same harmony
Our country has long left the wartime behind
Now, the waves slap peacefully on the pacific shore
We vietnamese love rightousness, we cherish peace and cherish the people
To go through the hard and painful times
We love the pure áo dài that bears our souls
Grand like our country in peace time
With the patriotic heart, the country weaves into silk and blossoms
The gorgeous dawn is waiting for us all
Lovingly greet the homesick children heading home from faraway
Kind mother with her arms widely open, waiting for the reunion of the family
Generous mother Vietnam, thousands of years of rearing her children
Through all the bad times, her heart is still like the endless everlasting sky.
Dear Vietnam, Beautiful Vietnam
Our trust lies in this vast world
Gorgeous Vietnam, Longing Vietnam
Our millions of hearts unite in the same harmony (2x)
  • 1. the traditional clothing of vietnam

A strange man

He is a strange man
Nothing disturbs him
When he sleeps he dreams
He lives within a bottle
He is a strange man
He never eats
Behaves like a celery branch
But beware if you laugh
The man in his grey suit
Hates any kind of joke
And those making fun of him
He is an embittered man
Was born under grape-shots
But how could you think
His shirt may fit him
He often had to switch sizes
And fought so many so many
So many so many battles
He is a straw man
You put him on a rail
And you push him along
The railroad
That leads to the battlefield
A strange man
Was swept away on Sunday
By an avalanche
Of white paper sheets
Covered with invoices
He takes his car
Drives to the countryside
Where everything is green
At dazzling speed
He flies away towards the blue trees
In the sky above him
He is an embittered man
Was born under grape-shots
How could you think
His shirt may fit him
He often had to switch sizes
And fought so many so many
So many so many battles
A straw man
He is an embittered man
Was born under grape-shots
How could you think
His shirt may fit him
He often had to switch sizes
And fought so many so many
So many so many battles
He is an embittered man
Was born under grape-shots
How could you think
His shirt may fit him
He often had to switch sizes
And fought so many so many
So many so many battles
A straw man
A straw man

Pasari Ciudate!

Umbra micuta, tu asculti,
Fata de majoritatea tu vezi totul,
Tu vezi adevarul,
Merg pe holuri neobservata
Urc ziduri, nimeni nu ma vede,
Nimeni, doar tu.
Intotdeauna ai iubit pasarile ciudate
Acum vreau sa zbor in lumea ta
Vreau sa fiu auzita
Aripile mele ranite inca bat,
Intotdeauna ai iubit necunoscutul din...
Mine, uratul frumos.
Oh nu, nu, nu, nu (x3)
Umbra micuta, tu vezi durerea
Dar impreuna putem face ceva frumos,
Asa ca ia-ma de mana si perfect,
Umplem golurile, tu si eu facem trei
Eu ti-am fost sortita tie, si tu mie
Intotdeauna ai iubit pasarile ciudate
Acum vreu sa zbor in lumea ta
Vreau sa fiu auzita
Aripile mele ranite inca bat,
Intotdeauna ai iubit necunoscutul din...
Mine, uratul frumos.
Oh nu, nu, nu, nu (x3)
Intotdeauna ai iubit pasarile ciudate
Acum vreau sa zbor in lumea ta
Vreau sa fiu auzita
Aripile mele ranite inca bat,
Intotdeauna ai iubit necunoscutul din...
Mine, uratul frumos.