Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 95


Pick your card Sakura

[The Windy card]
[The Shadow card]
[The Thunder card]
[The Flower card]
[The Glow card]
[The Loop card]
[The Song card]
[The Power card]
How many cards in front of you
my sweet Sakura
you found them in a book that
made you magical
this game starts like this
but it doesn't end here
every card will lead you
to discover new realities
Pick your card and go
Pick your card and go
The wind blows and carries away
the magic cards [magic]
and they are lost in a trail
Now the game has ended but
it will start again
if you will find the cards
and you will put them in the book
Up in the blue sky [up in the blue sky]
pick your card Sakura
that flies and go [flies]
here and there [flies]
in the immensity [immensity]
Go up a little more
and pick another card Sakura
Go, this way you can do it
Pick your card and go
up in the blue sky
pick your card Sakura
and never give up
pick your card and go
[The Firey card]
[The Storm card]
[The Watery card]
[The Rain card]
[The Fly card, the Illusion]
[The Maze card, the Time]
[The Return card]
[The Create card]
There is a pixie always with you
his name is Kerochan
that helps you a lot because
he knows everything about the book
he's really great and so
he does everything he can
to follow you in what you do
even if you get in trouble
Up [up]
Up in the blue sky [up in the blue sky]
pick your card Sakura
that flies and go [flies]
here and there [flies]
in the immensity [immensity]
Then go up a little more [go up a little more]
and pick another card Sakura
go, this way you can do it
Pick another card Sakura [up there]
and never give up [never]
pick your card and go
Pick your card Sakura
that flies and go [flies]
here and there [flies]
in the immensity [immensity]
Then go up a little more
and pick another card Sakura
go, this way you can do it
Pick another card Sakura
and never give up
pick your card and go!

Guide me God

Versions: #1
Guide me God
Turn on the light inside me
and make me so i can be like the shiny star
You are the strong and the greatness


Wounded, my happiness walked away,
by your pride's request, I'll leave.
Even if I need you, I'll leave you,
but to forget you, I don't know about that.
Tattoos of your kisses, I carry all over my body,
tattoos made over time.
For the time that I knew you,
it became a habit of mine to look into you eyes,
to breathe in your breath.
I'm leaving but I carry you within me.
Giving in to your reasoning, I'm walking away
a victim to your alter ego, I'm leaving.
With another love in my heart, I'm walking away,
I'm not sure if I'll be able to forget you.
Tattoos of your kisses, I carry all over my body,
tattoos made over time.
For the time that I knew you,
it became a habit of mine to look into you eyes,
to breathe in your breath.
I'm leaving but I carry you within me.
Tattoos of your kisses, I carry all over my body,
tattoos made over time.
For the time that I knew you,
it became a habit of mine to look into you eyes,
to breathe in your breath.
I'm leaving but I carry you within me,
I'm leaving but I carry you within me.

Heart Sanctuary

At the back of a forest, the quiet moonlight
In the sanctuary that has been inserted
Confines its heart in a bottle
If someone were to see the magic of the moon
Only the contents will crumble
And I will fall apart
The decorated body blundered freedom
It won't give nor show its heart to anyone
Swaying, shimmering, it bathes in the light
The only thing I have is my jewel
Neglecting any advice that makes you lose motivation
They won't reach me nor can I hear them
I am weightless and invincible
If someone were to find my true self
I'll be drank and be graceful
And I will surely be released
Your screams scatter but remain an emotion
The fragments of intelligence can't be seen in dust
Your filthy, entire body imprisons your heart
You now have the subconscious of a puppet
Does everybody
Hide their true self?
The remains of the captive heart
Lives without you noticing
The moonlight's magic will disappear
The decorated body blundered freedom
It won't give nor show its heart to anyone
Swaying, shimmering, it bathes in the light
The only thing I have is my jewel
I will give you my heart

Imaginea ta

Dacă privești în ochii mei,
Care au plâns din dragoste
Și au vărsat atâtea lacrimi,
Poți să găsești imaginea ta,
Acel chip al tău, acea gură
Pe care-am săruta-o, am sărutat-o,
Și așa vei ști
Că de când te-am pierdut
Ca să plec cu ea,
Eu mă simt cel mai vinovat,
Cel mai sărac dintre oameni,
Și-mi lipsește curajul
Să mă-ntorc, să mă-ntorc
La tine, la tine.
Dacă privești în ochii mei,
Care au plâns din dragoste
Și au vărsat atâtea lacrimi,
Poți să găsești imaginea ta,
Acel chip al tău, acea gură
Pe care-am sărutat-o, am sărutat-o,
Și așa vei ști
Că de când te-am piedut
Ca să plec cu ea,
Eu mă simt cel mai vinovat,
Cel mai sărac dintre oameni,
Și-mi lipsește curajul
Să mă-ntorc, să mă-ntorc
La tine, la tine.

Tot maica- ta

Viata nu, nu e o gluma dar are ironia sa
Eu zambeam pentru munca mea dar era o minciuna
Si mai mult de o familie eu vroiam Anarhia
Dar acum usuc tot cu fotografia ta
Imi pierdusem increderea in oameni
Fara macar sa-mi dau seama
Munca mergea cu panzele intinse
Casa , o barca ce se scufunda
Sti ca mama astepta un copil dar la pierdut
Eu paralizat ca intr-un cosmar
In timp ce ea plangea si cadea in genunchi
Si in acel moment ceva sa rupt in mine
Pentru prima oara m-am simtit batran
Victima unei facaturi, a unei stregonerii.
Tu ai rupt vraja
Pentru ca esti o magie
Si am sa te duc departe
cu forza unui misil
Si am sa te iau de mana
Te voi duce sa ne jucam in iarba
Si telefonul l-am aruncat
Si am aruncat toate 'le pare'
Din fericire semeni cu mama ta
Din fericire esti tot maica-ta
Cand e ca faceti un copil?
Toti aceeasi intrebare
Eu i-mi retineam nervii
Pentru ca as fi vrut sa le sparg fata
I-mi pierdusem demult la speranza
Nu mai suportam toata drama asta
Sa-mi dea curaj se gandea mama
Printre medicamente si injectii in burta.
Pus la stramtoare ma gandeam la religie
Daca un fiu e dar de la D
Poate asta e pedeapsa mea
Dar cei ce ma iubesc
Cu biletul pentru spectacolul meu
Cine stie daca isi imagineaza
Ca au platit tratamentele si doctorii care au
realizat un miracol
Acum stiu ca in haos e un sens mai profund
Te-ai nascut in Februarie in aceeasi zi cu bunicul
Mama incredula se temea sa nu fie un miraj
Si primele luni te-am tinut zi si noapte in brate
Si am sa te duc departe cu forza unui misil
Si am sa te iau de mana
Te voi duce sa ne jucam in iarba
Telefonul l-am aruncat
Si am aruncat toate tigarile
Din fericire semeni cu mama ta
Din fericire esti tot maica-ta
De la mama ai luat nasucul, forma ochilor si a fetei
Abilitatea de a-mi schimba starea de spirit doar cu un suras
Cand nu dormi niciodata pana dimineata
Cand faci nebunii rad pentru ca
Incapatanarea si cheful de urlat alea le-ai luat de la mine
Le-ai luat de la mine
Si te voi duce departe cu forza unui misil
Si te voi lua de mana
Te voi duce sa ne jucam in iarba
Si telefonul l-am aruncat
Si am aruncat toate tigarile
Din fericire semeni cu mama ta
Din fericire esti tot maica-ta

A heart on a sideway

translated by Dmytro Zelenskyy
February 14th, 2018
One sunny day / there been a strange picture -
on a sideway / a heart lays and shivers.
It was alive, soft, sad, sensitive creature -
heart of a master of poetry features.
The heart was dropped there by gal by the accident,
thou having kindly unfocused vision,
as she pull powder or lipstick from purse - not an
easy decision.
Then later in evening a drunken old vagrant
stumbled over the heart and apparently died,
surprising dog hunters* - at dawn [the’] poor was found:
“See - guy did not shave for a week, smoky* cloud”.
They took the heart too, and superior cleaner,
who does not think hard on the any unclear,
decided: bonanza came finally here -
that fresh piece of meat, good for family dinner.
His spouse got some beans, beats and heart of a lyrist
and cooked a food of uncertain origin,
stew made them feel full, same for all their children,
relatives and neighbors who come by the kitchen.
Then upon the meal the stiff changes start stemming:
enlightened thoughts and the flocks of imagine
replaced in their souls the surliness and yearning -
thus each of them turned to write* sensitive* versing.
The story as said had the fortunate ending,
but, frankly, don’t blame me for lie, toss the sadness -
it was otherwise, I made up the tale/tail chapter -
the heart stays to rest on footway ever after.
And people trip over and falter with mumbling,
while others are rushing by, taking no notice,
there is only person who search for it all[the’]ways -
[ and only one person looks for it on Sundays* ] -
the gal with the kindly oblivious notions. *) [original Saturdays]


I would like to stay to your body like a tattoo
To then give you courage to keep on going
When the night falls
And also to be kept as your slave
That you grab, grind, refuse, but can't wash
I want to mess up with your body like a ballet dancer
Who soon gets you hooked, bounces and lit you up
When the night falls
And in the weary muscles of your arm
To rest light, faded, full, worn out of tiredness
I want to feel heavy like a cross on your back
That cuts you apart, but deep down you like it
When the night falls
I want to be the grinning and corrupting scar
Marked through cold, iron and fire, in raw flesh
Mothers' hearts, spears, mermaids and serpents
Scribbling all over your body, yet you can' feel it...

Improve your memory with a click

'Hello! If you've clicked on this file
then surely you have memory lapses.
I wrote it because I couldn't access my email inbox and I thought:
I don't remember passwords, let alone my history!
In a few years I will forget who I am
what I think, what I like, what I despise.
Indeed here you are, like the Memento guy
Ok, listen to this piece and the rhymes inside of it.'
Don't be afraid of getting old
the age you display attracts, see Persepolis
Don't be afraid of singing offkey
unlike popstars, bells play for centuries
In a world where everyone is competing
don't ride, get on Pegasus' back
and remember to honour the silence
pretending to leave a flower on Marcel Marceau's tomb
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
Don't praise modernity, it's plastic
in the '30s, modernity was the swastika
It's tense in here, you're not breathing, you're wheezing
it's a summer cruise, but in the hold of an Admiral
Travel in the car, on a monocycle, on a gilder
not in your room with the finger on the atlas
Souls ache because they don't ever go anywhere
and then, when they could, no one does.
At night, turn your phone off
It's a device and it's stealing your smile (*)
Respect the mass, but your bodily one
not the one blaming everything on politicians and 'it's a shame!!'
Accepting pain to appreciate life
is like swallowing an ember to appreciate pizza
Ridiculous, thinking about those who have it worse doesn't make it any better
unless you're cynical
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
Remember: your sixth sense is that of guilt
and everyone takes advantage of it, at least once
so it's okay to open up with others
but at least put a door at the entrance.
Defend yourself and defend culture, not by taking to the streets
but by taking the street to go to the cinema or the theatre
When the Odeon closed down (*) everyone complained
yeah, but no one ever went there in a whole year.
It's not true that your degree is useless
what's useless is debating about glutes in thongs
Not everyone loves you, they are wary of the icon
Become a saint and you'll be ad-Myra-ble, like St. Nicholas
Listen to what you like, not what's liked by who's liked
Forget about Karma, everyone got away with it
If you're elected mayor be thankful, inaugurate Kiss Square
and see who's startled.
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
You're losing it, it's the way it is
but your memory is already improving with a click
Nothing weird if, at tea time
I don't think at all about the plate of consommé turkey breast
that I put in the fridge yesterday at lunchtime.
Nothing weird if, to avoid serious misunderstandings
I put up a sign - I don't deny it -
of eloquent verses on the white door
'Remember about the plate of consommé turkey breast'.
Nothing weird if only now
they tell me, light black on yellow, that in the fridge
there's still, untouched, the plate of consommé turkey breast.
Nothing weird if, when I close the fridge door
it's not only its inner light that dims on the food and fades away
but mine too - slowly on the brain.


Young Cossack:
Listen, Maria! My dear!
You’ve put your fate into my hands,
I can not give it to you,
what you dreamed , what you deserved.
*CHORUS: The sun is low, the evening is near
I will smile to you, my dear! **
(Sontze nizen'ko, vechir blizen'ko
Spishu to tebe, moye serdien!)
Young Cossack:
I’m a prisoner myself, like you
It is not in my power to decide my fate
Your fate has long been decided
The bottom of the well is destined to you
CHORUS: The sun is low...
Young Cossack:
Hey! My servant, faithful Vasylisa!
Tie dear Maria up, let her stop wriggeling
Before I start the bloody ritual
I want her to listen to me carefully
Young Cossack:
I will tell you dear Maria!
Beautiful like endless wild steppes
A sad story, a ballad about love
Let it sweeten the fading moments of your life.

I Can't Endure It On My Own

Can I ask you to listen to me?
If you just throw me away forever,
It won't get any better than it is now.
Can you please not let go of me?
Or leave me alone?
I can't stop to love you anymore.
I have already understood everything you have said,
I have already understood everything that you are about explain,
I've always understood it.
But what am I supposed to do?
I already love you with all of my heart.
How can you not let me love you?
I can't endure it on my own.
I don't want to bother you,
I just want to ask you a simple question:
If you fall in love with somebody,
Can you resist your feelings?
I don't want to have to conceal my feelings again,
No matter how much it hurts, I have to gamble on,
Endure it and keep it away.
I have understood everything you have said,
I have already understood everything that you are about explain,
I've always understood it.
But what am I supposed to do?
I already love you with all of my heart.
How can you not let me love you?
I can't endure it on my own.
I don't want to bother you,
I just want to ask you a simple question:
If you fall in love with somebody,
Can you resist your feelings?
I know that I'm just a distant person to you,
Nowhere near your heart.
I know that even if somebody else would confess their love to me
You would still remain indifferent.
Telling you that I love you is going to hurt
But keeping it to myself will hurt much more
And I don't see any way I could go.
But what am I supposed to do?
I already love you with all of my heart.
How can you not let me love you?
I can't endure it on my own.
I don't want to bother you,
I just want to ask you a simple question:
If you fall in love with somebody,
Can you resist your feelings?
Can you resist your feelings?
I don't want to bother you,
I just want to ask you a simple question:
If you fall in love with somebody,
Can you resist your feelings?
Can you suppress your feelings?
Whether you'll love me or not, I don't know.
I will keep it in my heart, where it isn't either.
All I know is that I can't endure it any longer.
Whether you'll love me or not, I don't know.
I will keep it in my heart, where it isn't either.
So, I have to ask you to understand what's on your mind.
Whether you'll love me or not, I don't know.
I will keep it in my heart, where it isn't either.
All I know is that I can't endure it any longer.
Whether you'll love me or not, I don't know.
I will keep it in my heart, where it isn't either.
So, I have to ask you to understand what's on your mind.

Let's Plant Markers In The Snow

Anna: Let's make a code
or build a snowman
Oh, my sister, taken from me,
where is the love we shared?
What fun is there without you?
We were so close,
it ended all in one day
I beg you, tell me why!
Let's plant markers in the snow!
Or can we at least make a truce?
Elsa: Go away from me, Anna.
Anna: Bye then.
King of Arendelle: The gloves will help. See?
Hold it in.
Elsa: Hide it.
King of Arendelle&Elsa: Pretend it's not there.

Anna: Let's plant markers in the snow!
Or ride round the halls in our cart
I need conversations to brighten up my days
I'm talking to the figures painted on the walls!
Hi, Camilla!
I'm deserted by you, weighed down in loneliness
My youth is coming to an end
Elsa: I'm scared! It's getting stronger!
King of Arendelle: Fear upsets you even more, but if you control it-
Elsa: Stay away from me! Stay away, so you don't get hurt.
Anna: See you in two weeks.
Elissa: Do you really have to go?
Rex Arendelle: Everything will be fine, Elissa.

Anna: Elissa?
Sister, I know you're in there
People are asking for you
They say it's unbecoming for the house to be in mourning like this
But without you, there's no way forward
You're my only comfort
We're the whole family now
Why are you staying away for no reason like this?
Let's plant markers in the snow


You didn't need matches to light me up
'Cause, baby, you always knew what to say to me
I want to tell you so much, but you aren't here
And when you left, you threw me off
You didn't need rain to extinguish me
'Cause, baby, you always knew how to touch me
With a glance, you succeeded in convincing me
But you left
And what I was left with, like a memory
And what remained of what I had
I wrote you in my tattoos
I put you in my soul
I put you in my veins . . .
You made me pass through all the states
You took my sleep, peace, you even took my dreams
I thirst for us, even my lips have dried up
But you left, instead I haven't forgotten
That you struck my heart and you made me feel
The same longing, the same night put on repeat
You are the best nightmare I have lived
But you left
And what I was left with, like a memory
And what remained of what I had
I wrote you in my tattoos
I put you in my soul
I put you in my veins . . .
And what I was left with, like a memory
And what remained of what I had
I wrote you in my tattoos
I put you in my soul
I put you in my veins . . .
Forget me, because I haven't succeeded
Forget me, because I haven't succeeded
And what I was left with, like a memory
And what remained of what I had
I wrote you in my tattoos
I put you in my soul
I put you in my veins . . .
And what I was left with, like a memory
And what remained of what I had
I wrote you in my tattoos
I put you in my soul
I put you in my veins . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Trust Me

I want you to be with me, every day if you can,
I want to love you always, [and] to have you in my heart.
I want to be that person that you always dream of,
I want to look after your heart for you.
Trust me, with all certainty,
I will never disappoint you,
I hug you in my daydreams,
I want you to trust me, just for once.
I want you to know that I'm there [for you],
That I will care for you and never go anywhere,
If you're ready to let me love you.
Trust me, with all certainty,
I will never disappoint you,
I hug you in my daydreams,
I want you to trust me, just for once.
I want you to know that I'm there [for you],
That I will care for you and never go anywhere,
If you're ready to let me love you.
I want you to know that I'm there [for you],
That I will care for you and never go anywhere,
If you're ready to let me love you.


You can’t always have what you want
although you race out of breath.
When suddenly everything becomes pointless,
it can still be okay, okay, okay!
And I know it.
It can still be okay, okay,
when you’re not afraid, no!
You will go farther and farther every day
to a place where nothing would surprise you anymore.
And with every moment your days become less real.
You’re not surprised.
A tattoo adorns your chest
and your head is full of tattoos.
When you change within a second,
you feel so good, so good, so good.
And I know it.
You feel so good, so good,
when you’re not afraid, no!
You will go farther and farther every day
to a place where nothing would surprise you anymore.
And with every moment your days become less real.
You’re not surprised.
And when suddenly…
when suddenly you wake up,
it won’t be you at all,
it’s no longer you...
You will go farther and farther every day
to a place where nothing would surprise you anymore.
And with every moment your days become less real.
You’re not surprised.
You will go farther and farther every day…
You’re not surprised…

Your Team

Your Team
Hey! Hey!
Champion, the time has come
Put on the jersey
You have a mission
Portugal needs you
Your will to get to the end
There are battles to winLiterally, 'to overcome'.
Together we will succeed
Nothing will make us scared because the cup is ours
And it will not slip away
With work and ambition
You're already the champion
The team [stands] for belief and unity
Your team
is the team
Your team
Your team
(Guitar Solo)
Hey! Hey!
Come to play
To remain [a part of] history
With your victory
You will inspire
Portugal (Portugal)
One voice
And we will get to the final
There are battles to overcome
Together we will succeed
Nothing will make us scared because a cup is ours
And it won't escape from us
With work and ambition
You're already a champion
The team [stands] for belief and unity
Your team
is the team
Your team
Your team
(Guitar Solo)
There are battles to overcome
Together we will succeed
Nothing will make us scared because a cup is ours
And it won't escape from us
With work and ambition
You're already the champion
The team [stands] for belief and unity
Your team
is the team
Your team
Your team



Tu, tu imi dai viata
Daruindu-mi-te toata,mmm
Oh e adeverat
Ma pierd
Doar stand chiar langa tine, oh da
Esti ceva diferit
In loc sa imi frangi inima, tu lipesti toate bucatelele
Modul in care imi iei inima
O faci sa para inca usor
Dar cand sunt blocat in capul meu
Stau in el in timpul weekend-ului, da, oh da
Oh, nu am stiut niciodata iubirea, nu am stiut niciodata iubirea,nu am stiut niciodata iubirea
Traind fara tine, traind fara tine
Oh, eu, eu nu ma simt pierdut, nu ma simt pierdut, nu ma simt pierdut
Acum ca te-am gasit, acum ca te-am gasit
Asa ca ajuta-ma acum
Nu stiu ce as fi facut daca as fi fost fara tine
Acum, ajuta-ma acum
Draga cine te-a invatat? Acum ca te-am gasit
E ritualul meu
(E ritualul meu)
(Acum ca te-am gasit)
Asa ca ajuta-ma acum
Nu stiu ce as fi facut daca as fi fost fara tine
Acum, ajuta-ma acum
Draga e totul adevarat
Acum ca te-am gasit
E ritualul meu
Tu, primul lucru in mintea mea cand ma trezesc esti tu, oh da
Ce as face
Ma invartesti precum o roata colorata, oh da o faci
Oh da
Esti ceva diferit
In loc sa imi frangi inima, tu lipesti toate bucatelele
Modul in care imi iei inima
O faci sa para inca usor
Dar cand sunt blocat in capul meu
Stau in el in timpul weekend-ului, da, oh da
Oh, nu am stiut niciodata iubirea, nu am stiut niciodata iubirea,nu am stiut niciodata iubirea
Traind fara tine, traind fara tine
Oh, eu, eu nu ma simt pierdut, nu ma simt pierdut, nu ma simt pierdut
Acum ca te-am gasit. acum ca te-am gasit
Asa ca ajuta-ma acum
Nu stiu ce as fi facut daca as fi fost fara tine
Acum, ajuta-ma acum
Draga e atat de adevarat
Acum ca te-am gasit
E ritualul meu
(Acum ca te-am gasit)
Nu am stiut niciodata iubirea, nu am stiut niciodata iubirea,nu am stiut niciodata iubirea
Traind fara tine, traind fara tine
Oh, eu, eu nu ma simt pierdut, nu ma simt pierdut, nu ma simt pierdut
Acum ca te-am gasit. acum ca te-am gasit
Spune ca nu ma vei lasa niciodata sa plec
Pentru ca sunt pierdut fara ritualul meu


[Verse 1]
Te vreau aproape de mine
Te vreau aproape, te vreau mai aproape
Dar atunci când ești aici cu mine
E greu de ghicit ceea ce urmărești
Spui că mă vrei în întregime azi
Dar mâine nu-i la fel
Sentimentele mele nu se schimbă niciodată
Ce vrei de la mine?
Ce vrei , uh?
Trebuie să știu
Dar lucrul ăsta e reciproc
Înainte să ajung
Și să fiu prea implicat
Te doresc rău
Poți să simți același lucru?
Nu , nu vreau să trebuiască să te părăsesc
Dar doar jumătate din noi nu mi-e de ajuns
[Verse 2]
Contradicția asta, ce înseamnă?
Mă faci să-mi pun întrebări, prin felul în care te porți
Însemn măcar ceva?
Spune-mi sincer odată
Spui că mă vrei în întregime azi
Dar mâine nu-i la fel
Sentimentele mele nu se schimbă niciodată
Ce vrei de la mine?
Ce vrei , uh?
Trebuie să știu
Dar lucrul ăsta e reciproc
Înainte să ajung
Și să devin prea implicat
Te doresc rău
Poți să simți același lucru?
Nu , nu vreau să trebuiască să te părăsesc
Dar doar jumătate din noi nu mi-e de ajuns
Te joci cu mine , ăsta e un joc?
Atunci când apari târziu ,cam pe la 2 noaptea , iubito
Atunci spune-mi că nu poți rămâne , fato , da
Ce vrei de la mine?
Trebuie să știu
Dar lucrul ăsta e reciproc
Înainte să ajung
Și să devin prea implicat
Te doresc rău
Poți să simți același lucru?
Nu , nu vreau să trebuiască să te părăsesc
Dat doar jumătate din noi nu mi-e de ajuns

Show your strength, Brazil

We're as big as the dream we wish to see through
A dribble that no one can see coming
An emotion that sums us up, a passion that unites us
A Brazil that we can be
A people that wants to believe again
That we can take it all, that we've earned it
It's more than just cheering, it's about changing the game
And getting our hands dirty before reaching for the cup
And proving that this time it'll be different
For when we decide to play one and the same game
No one can stop us
Show your strength, Brazil
And lace up your love into your cleats
For the grit of all your fans is with you, Brazil
I see but one Brazil
That fights with tooth and nail to become a little better with every day
I see but one Brazil
That makes the sweat worthwhile and knows that, united, our cheers are so much greater
Show your strength, Brazil
And lace up your love into your cleats
For the grit of all your fans is with you, Brazil
Show your strength, Brazil
And lace up your love into your cleats
For the grit of all your fans is with you, Brazil

Situations of Life

I didn't believe it would have gone like this,
Maybe I'm a bit strange, but yes
Now, how are you about it?
What do you do with dreams?
The ones you had for us,
Lend them to the years you have.
Someone else will come
but he won't be like me.
Everything really mattered,
But you would have understood that are
Situations of life
A story that is over,
and that changed us a bit.
And like a wave in the middle of the time,
And you feel that it grows inside you
Love, it hurts us a bit.
Sometimes I think that it's better in this way,
But some nights I come outside your house
And you, how are you about it?
You come back to the life you had,
Where everything is normal
Are you still good at school?
But now, what do you wanna do about it
If, after all, then we ask to ourselves
How long have we not made it
But you would have understood that are
Situations of life,
A story that is over
and that changed us a bit.
And like a wave in the middle of the time,
And you feel that it grows inside you
Love, it hurts us a bit.
Situations of life,
A story that is over
and that changed us a bit.
And like a wave in the middle of the time
And you feel that it grows inside you
Love, it hurts us a bit.

Hold My Hand

The day we’re together, happiness within
Only just that, till the end
Minutes pass through, our eyes go bright
Taking hand walk away, love speak through
And I thank this life
Has brought you to me then
Every morning when wake up, I say
Please love me and be with me my dear!
Hold my hand tie, keep my hand long
Promise me that we will go till the end of the journey
Until the heart stop beating and the feet stop going
Then, my love please keep believing
Hold our hand tie, keep our hand long
To promise that we will go till the end of the journey
Until the heart stop beating and the feet stop going
Then we will never separate


Heads up, boy
Don't mess with me
Wild girl
Is a real danger
I get crazy
I ripped my clothes off
Fire in my... (uh)
Shot of Catu!
The dancefloor's already taken
True friendship has already been formed
Been formed, been-been formed
True friendship has already been formed
Wasted, loose in the club
I don't care about anything
Spring love with you
After three shots I play Beyoncé
Temptation, I go down on the floor
Head up high and Catuaba in my hand!
Temptation, I go down on the floor
Head up high and Catuaba in my hand!
Temptation, I go down on the floor
Head up high and Catuaba in my hand!
Temptation, I go down on the floor
Head up high and Catuaba in my hand!
Oh Aretuza, I stopped by the liquor store
Give me that boy's number
I'm coming, that way
If you're gonna dance with me, you better do it right
I'm owner of an empire that I built myself
So, get out of my way
Cause tonight I'm gonna have so much fun
If my solid team comes by, we're gonna put pressure
With our heads up and Catuaba in our hands
Wasted, loose in the club
I don't care about anything
Spring love with you
After three shots I play Beyoncé
Temptation, I go down on the floor
Head up high and Catuaba in my hand!
Temptation, I go down on the floor
Head up high and Catuaba in my hand!
Temptation, I go down on the floor
Head up high and Catuaba in my hand!
Temptation, I go down on the floor
Head up high and Catuaba in my hand!
Hot or cold
Really excited
Meet you girls
And check into this club
No negotiation, let's just do it my way
Bottoms up and you're gonna get my respect!
Temptation, I go down on the floor
Head up high and Catuaba in my hand!
Temptation, I go down on the floor
Head up high and Catuaba in my hand!

Hosanna To Our God

Jesus, thou art the King of Kings
The path to truth and life
He is the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah
He is Emmanuel
Hallowed be His name
He is the Son of God
Let's lift Him high, that is love.
Hosanna, sing hosanna
Hosanna to our God
He is the Lord of victory
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna
Hosanna to our God
His is the Lord of victory
Sing hosanna.
He is Lord Jehovah, my closest friend
He is the sacred morning star
He came down and died for our sins
It is done, he conquered, I am freed
Hallowed be His name. He is the Son of God
Let's lift Him high, that is love.
'Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!'

El Tatuado

Ay' it can not be, I see it and I don´t belive it
After 5 years he came back (exactly means we have it back, no sense in english)
my son, the oldest, that in north was a prisioner (meaning USA?)
we went to the airport to gather him
the son was a prisioner because of the 'juntas' (meaning carteles?)
we had a party made at the house
so when he came, he got a food binge
we were so happy, we couldn´t believe it
that before so much time my son will come back
But when I saw my kid, he stepped off the plane
I couldn´t recognize him 'todo guangocho y pelon' (all his body was tattooed and ugly)
But the worst part was when I saw him naked at the house
I became ill seeing him all tattoed
Why did you tattoed yourself? '
pos nomás (mexican phrase for showing unrest, anxiety, discontent)
Why did you tattoed yourself? pos nomás
you disgraced yourself 'you stupid fat ass'
At the nape he got an L and an A
down at the neck his mamma´s name
a cross painted in his arms with the name of one of his friends that got gunned
another tatto that are two faces, one crying the other laughing
in the other arm he has a flag, and an lady with a hat and 'la chichilla fuera' (meaning naked)
he is tottally tatooed from the elbow to the wrist,
he got a car, the death and a azteca´s calendar
at the chest he has the word West Side, that I think is his hood ( a mexican father from village, don´t know anything from USA)
also 2 hands holding a rosary
some chinese words and the head of a dragoon
some dices, and the 'sagrado corazon' (picture of jesuschrist)
at the back he has the word 'Vato Loco', my last name
and a tear on the eye
Why did you tattoed yourself? 'pos nomas' (mexican phrase for showing unrest, anxiety, discontent)
Why did you tattoed yourself?
'pos nomás'
You disgraced yourself, you stupid fat ass
that´s because you are given diseases, becuse of this frights
my son came more painted than wall...from east of 'Los Angelis (he don´t pronounce correctly)
I´m afraid that with that tattoes, maybe a police ofiicer could mixed him with a 'cholo'
I asked him why he painted himself, he didn´t answered
I want to bathe him with 'hydrogene peroxide' ( for disinfect wounds, like alcohol)
I´m going to bathe him with clhorine, and with soap
you see? so much words, he seems like a blackboard
Some people who are more painted than a bathroom from truck park talk about him
don´t do that with your body
you think you seem pretty good walking with that stripes
I try it but I can not understand you, I think you even tattoed 'hasta alla en el over there' (meaning his ass)
Why did you tattoed yourself?
pos nomas (mexican phrase for showing unrest, anxiety, discontent)
Why did you tattoed yourself?
pos nomas
You disgraced yourself you stupid fat ass

Like a Tattoo

The time passed
Since I lose you
Many things changed
One another after you
In the night's silence
Someone is by my side
It doesn't know that I'm thinking of you
Day dreaming
I bring your body
Recorded on my mind
As a scar
That never disappear
Like a tattoo marked forever
By the blood of a love that doesn't die
You're the one I want to see, I want to have
When I realize my feelings
Like a tattoo marked forever
After all this time it doesn't changed
Life goes on, but you will always
Be the one that marked me like a tattoo
I'll never be the same I was with you
I know the color of your smile
I'm an unfinished paint
And I have someone that's my safe heaven
Keep in your body, my soul was colected by you
Like a tattoo marked forever
By the blood of a love that doesn't die
You're the one I want to see, I want to have
When I realize my feelings
Like a tattoo marked forever
After all this time it doesn't changed
Life goes on, but you will always
Be the one that marked me like a tattoo
Like a tattoo marked forever
By the blood of a love that doesn't die
You're the one I want to see, I want to have
When I realize my feelings
Like a tattoo marked forever
After all this time it doesn't changed
Life goes on, but you will always
Be the one that marked me like a tattoo
Life goes on, but you will always
Be the one that marked me like a tattoo

Inocenta ta

Inocenza ta
ma inspaimanta
pentru ca-mi dau seama in timp ce
te privesc
ca de la viata
nu ai nici o rana
si in fond ramai mereu
asa cum esti...
Si noaptea ta
ma inspaimanta
este prea mult aer de liniste
tu razi si glumesti mereu
nu suferi chiar deloc
dar tu esti apoi asa nevinovata?
Ce copila esti
chiar nu cresti deloc
pui o inima printre jucarii
si apoi te joci cu ea
si intr-o zi o vei vedea
macar vei rade
iar eu voi muri langa tine.
Inocenta ta
ma inspaimanta
cantecul tau care
nu moare niciodata
acel refuz de a intelege
ca uneori poti sa ranesti
iubire, iubire, iubire, iujbire.
Ce copila esti
chiar nu cresti deloc
pui o inima printre jucarii
si apoi te joci cu ea
si intr-o zi o vei vedea
macar vei rade
iar eu voi muri langa tine.
Ce copila esti
chiar nu cresti deloc
pui o inima printre jucarii
si apoi te joci cu ea
si intr-o zi o vei vedea
macar vei rade
iar eu voi muri langa tine.
Ce copila esti
chiar nu cresti deloc...

Victima Ritualului

Ochii negrii și abia respirând
Când nu este lumină
Te sacrifici
Singur printre cei vii
Ai pierdut războiul înaintea căderei
Cum ai ajuns în iad?
Isteric, tragic
Victima ritualului
Cinic, critic
Victima ritualului
Este o ucigașă, ucigașă
Este o ucigașă, ucigașă
Ochii reci pentru fiecare păcat
Au încercat să se ascundă în deghizare
Ți-a negat sufletului să cânte
Noaptea ei cea mai întunecată, noaptea în care ai murit
Cum ai ajuns în iad?
Isteric, tragic
Victima ritualului
Cinic, critic
Victima ritualului
Este o ucigașă, ucigașă
Este o ucigașă, ucigașă
Pandemoniu, de unde-i inima ta?
Pandemoniu, de unde-i inima ta?


I listen to the night for a bit.
My older dresses in the wardrobe
between the skeletons.
You come back into my mind in those moments.
I listen for a bit, in the night.
You come back, with me in those moments.
There is still a part of you in my life.
So you come back to my mind in those moments.
Tell me if a small ibuprofen
that is supposed to take away the pain
will mend broken hearts as well?
Ibuprofen, ibuprofen.
Tell me if a small ibuprofen
that is supposed to take away the pain
will mend broken hearts as well?
Ibuprofen, ibuprofen.
Before the dark night
another scary etude
takes place and already
and already I feel guilty.
In that dark night
I’m not, I’m not me.
I take off all my clothes
and already I feel guilty.
Tell me if a small ibuprofen
that is supposed to take away the pain
will mend broken hearts as well?
Ibuprofen, ibuprofen.
Tell me if a small ibuprofen
that is supposed to take away the pain
will mend broken hearts as well?
Ibuprofen, ibuprofen.
Tell me if a small ibuprofen
that is supposed to take away the pain
will mend broken hearts as well?
Ibuprofen, ibuprofen.
I made this!
You can go ahead and copypaste it to your heart's content, but only if that makes you feel special.

Your Freedom

When you walked too much
And reached the seashore,
When the train doesn't go on anymore,
You have no choice but dreaming.
I noticed that you look at me
It's an invite, listen to me
I'm a show-off
And I need a cigarette.
I got a name, what's yours?
We can swim now
There's no world in the water here
We're both dreaming
I'd like to hold you real close
But I'll cheer myself up with a cigarette, fuck!
On the sand, we play a game of massages
To break the ice
First, you hold me, then you let me go
I really can't do it anymore.
A flat downtown
And a man is waiting for you there
Yeah sure, I get it
And I light up another cigarette.
How much does it cost, how much does it cost
How much does this marvel of yours cost?
How much do your dreams cost,
Sealed up on a sailboat?
What's the price to pay
For your natural seriousness?
How much does it cost, how much does it cost
How much does your freedom cost?
Sometimes the routine is a bit boring
But at least it's safe.
You look at the world from the balcony
And the breeze caresses you.
Yes, there's only one life
Not always blissful
I get it but I wait for you
And I light up another cigarette.
He calls you and has suspects
But doesn't want to tell you
He fills your silence with 'I love you's'
To not interfere.
And yes, there's only one life
I'll never be perfect
I get it, I'm waiting for you
And I light up another cigarette.
How much does it cost, how much does it cost
How much does a quick pleasure cost?
How much does it cost, how much does it cost
How much does a way out of here cost?
Come on, let's gamble in one shot all your dignity
Tell how much does it cost,
How much does your freedom cost?
You can come whenever you want
Without even calling
I get it, I'm waiting for you
To make love.
You're perfect
Finally, I hold you close without any rush
And for once,
My cigarette can wait.
When you come back home, he questions you
But you can't lie
'You're a slut, a whore
And there's nothing to understand
I trusted you
Damn slut, slut, slut'.
And I wait for you to come back,
And I light up another cigarette.
How much does it cost, how much does it cost
How much does this smile of yours cost?
How much does it cost? I'd sell everything
And buy this paradise
What's the price they assigned to this long-awaited sainthood?
How much does it cost, how much does it cost
How much does your freedom cost?
If you choose, that dude's gonna kill me
But I already knew it anyway
Because, at bottom, he loves you
And I was fooling around
And he begs you to stay
And you already feel forced.
You go back to the balcony,
You look at the world,
And light up your cigarette.
«Man is nothing but a reed, the weakest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed» B. Pascal


Only You

Versions: #2
I can't determine
The content of my heart
Every time we hold hands
Praying that we would always be together
Hoping to be with you all the time
In everything I do
You are the only one in my mind, love
I hope that we would never part
Forever and ever
You are the only one that I love
You are the only one I am hoping for
To be with you for life
Only you, love
There's nothing more I would ask
Nothing more
I don't want to repeat
The past that I don't want to remember
Every second without you
Feels like a heavy punishment to me
Don't forget that even though I've changed
I have never stopped loving you
In everything I do
You are the only one I think of, my love
I hope that we would never part
Forever and ever
You are the only one that I love
You are the only one I am hoping for
To be with you for life
Only you, love
There's nothing more I would ask
Nothing more

Respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master

1) The spiritual master is receiving benediction from the ocean of mercy. Just as a cloud pours water on a forest fire to extinguish it, so the spiritual master delivers the materially afflicted world by extinguishing the blazing fire of material existence. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master, who is an ocean of auspicious qualities.
2) Chanting the holy name, dancing in ecstasy, singing, and playing musical instruments, the spiritual master is always gladdened by the sankirtana movement of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Because he is relishing the mellows of pure devotion within his mind, sometimes his hair stands on end, he feels quivering in his body, and tears flow from his eyes like waves. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
3) The spiritual master is always engaged in the temple worship of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. He also engages his disciples in such worship. They dress the Deities in beautiful clothes and ornaments, clean Their temple, and perform other similar worship of the Lord. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
4) The spiritual master is always offering Krsna four kinds of delicious food [analyzed as that which is licked, chewed, drunk, and sucked]. When the spiritual master sees that the devotees are satisfied by eating bhagavat-prasada, he is satisfied. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
5) The spiritual master is always eager to hear and chant about the unlimited conjugal pastimes of Radhika and Madhava, and Their qualities, names, and forms. The spiritual master aspires to relish these at every moment. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
6) The spiritual master is very dear, because he is expert in assisting the gopis, who at different times make different tasteful arrangements for the perfection of Radha and Krsna's conjugal loving affairs within the groves of Vrndavana. I offer my most humble obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.
7) The spiritual master is to be honored as much as the Supreme Lord, because he is the most confidential servitor of the Lord. This is acknowledged in all revealed scriptures and followed by all authorities. Therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master, who is a bona fide representative of Sri Hari [Krsna].
8) By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krsna. Without the grace of the spiritual master, one cannot make any advancement. Therefore, I should always remember and praise the spiritual master. At least three times a day I should offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual master.
9) One who, with great care and alteration, loudly recites this beautiful prayer to the spiritual master during the Brahma-muhurta obtains direct service to Krsna, the Lord of Vrndavana, at the time of his death.