Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 12

Număr de rezultate: 375


I Will Dance In Your Lands

Wendy Sulca:
With great affection,
For all the Latin American brothers.

The superstars of this popular song,
united by a message of love and equality:
The little Wendy, Delfín hasta el fin and the Tigresa del Oriente!
Wendy Sulca:
Walking in Israel, I'll find my sweetheart,
My darling, my sweetheart,
Come on, let's sing!
Delfín hasta el fin:
Israel, I want to know you!
Thank you my life for showing me this place,
Oh, oh, oh, this is a beautiful place!
I will dance in Jerusalem.
Oh, my sweetheart!
I will love you in Jerusalem!
And now, the dance of Delfín (Dance, Delfín!)
La tigresa del Oriente:
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
Israel, Israel, I will dance in your lands!
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
Come on, darling!
Wendy Sulca:
Beloved Mother, beloved Mother, how beautiful Tel Avivl is!
With its stars and its little moon,
I will dance in Tel Avivl.
La tigresa del Oriente, Delfín hasta el fin and Wendy Sulca:
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
Israel, Israel, I will dance in your lands!
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
Come on, darling!
Wendy Sulca:
Oh, father, if you could see this place!
This people, this loves!
La tigresa del Oriente:
Let's sing together, let's dance together
And my town will open like the Red Sea,
All men and women will dance!
Delfín hasta el fin:
It can not be!
OMG, how beautiful Israel is!
La tigresa del Oriente, Delfín hasta el fin and Wendy Sulca:
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
This is for everybody: children, elders, teachers, fishermen and football players.
Estrella, famous, baker or farmer
Without prejudices, the love flows in the veins of every person.
Come closer Israel to Latin America!
Come closer to Latin America, Israel!
La tigresa del Oriente, Delfín hasta el fin and Wendy Sulca:
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
Israel, Israel, I will dance in your lands!
Israel, Israel, how beautiful Israel is!
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Pe meleagurile tale voi dansa

Wendy Sulca:
Cu mult drag, pentru toți frații latinoamericani.
Superstelele cântecului popular, împreună pentru un mesaj de iubire și egalitate: micuța Wendy, Delfin hasta el fin și Tigresa del oriente!
Wendy Sulca:
Plimbându-mă prin Israel, o iubire voi găsi.
Dragule, iubire,
Haide! Haide să cântăm!
Desfin hasta el fin:
Israel, eu vreau să te cunosc!
Mulțumesc, viața mea, că mi-ai arătat acest loc.
Ay, ay, ay! Ce frumos e acest loc!
În Ierusalim eu voi dansa.
Ah, iubire!
În Ierusalim eu te voi iubi.
Si acum, pasul lui Delfin (Delfin dansează)
La tigresa del oriente:
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul!
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul!
Israel, Israel! Pe meleagurile tale voi dansa!
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul!
Așa, tată!
Wendy Sulca:
Mămico, mămico, ce frumos e-n Tel Aviv!
Cu stelele lui și luna sa.
În Tel Aviv eu voi dansa!
La tigresa del oriente, Delfin hasta el fin și Wendy Sulca:
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul!
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul!
Israel, Israel! Pe meleagurile tale voi dansa!
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul!
Wendy Sulca:
Ah, tăticule, dacă ai putea măcar să vezi locul ăsta!
Acești oameni sunt iubitori!
La tigresa del oriente:
Cântăm împreună, dansăm împreună
Și gașca mea, ca Marea Roșie, se va lăsa.
Toți bărbații și femeile vor dansa.
Delfin hasta el fin:
Nu se poate!
Doamne, cât de frumos e Israelul!
La tigresa del oriente, Delfin hasta el fin și Wendy Sulca:
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul!
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul!
Pentru toată lumea: copii, vârstnici, profesori, pescari și fotbaliști.
Vedetă, faimos, brutar sau agricultor,
Fără prejudecăți, iubirea curge prin venele tuturor.
Apropie-te, Israel, de America Latină!
Apropie-te de America Latină, Israel!
La tigresa del oriente, Delfin hasta el fin și Wendy Sulca:
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul!
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul!
Israel, Israel! Pe meleagurile tale voi dansa!
Israel, Israel! Ce frumos e Israelul! (×2)

Your gifts should arrive

Epiphanic silence at the time of love
Your dreams have already gone to sea
An extract of the pain perfume
Your wrists face up and towards the sun
Your gifts should arrive
The crazy elephants, the dress, the trousseau
Walking in the mist
That dissipates the heart
The miracles in your body will happen
The violets in your blood will live
On a river in love and in his their walk
Your gifts should arrive
Candles, tableware and your happiness
And you do not know whether to stop or to rain
And standing over the world at your feet
Your smile that makes us tremble
The world trembles that does not understand at the end
That kiss of life
The subtle melancholy
The moment when you leave
The spaces where you look
And the drops of your rain will go
And again in the sequence
Of the falling petals
The mysteries of chance are discovered
And the hands that are in the flower
The bestial nature of love
Your gifts should arrive
If everything is over
Everything starts again
The morning that is coming
It's an old feeling
That reflects the mirrors of time
And the little girl huddled in the corner
It's the girl against God's fury
Your gifts should arrive
I do not have much to give you, look
And you do not know whether to stop or to rain
And standing over the world at your feet
Your smile that makes us tremble
The world trembles
That does not understand at the end
That kiss of life, the subtle melancholy
The moment when you leave
The spaces where you look
And the drops of your rain will go
And your gifts should arrive
And the drops of your rain will go

Blessed Lord

Let us pray
Holy God, ...
Let us pray
Convert apostolically
And Catholic
(the) Beast God
The Lord
And Layman
Here we are
In the name of
The holy Lord - Halleluja
The spirit of Christ - Halleluja
And the Holy Spirit
Call me in the night
The holy Lord - Halleluja
The Soul of Christ - Halleluja
And the Holy Spirit
Call me in the night
Let us pray
Holy God, ...
Let us pray
Convert apostolically
And Catholic
(the) Beast God
The Lord
And Layman
Here we are
In the name of
The holy Lord - Halleluja
The spirit of Christ - Halleluja
And the Holy Spirit
Call me in the night
The holy Lord - Halleluja
The Soul of Christ - Halleluja
And the Holy Spirit
Call me in the night
The holy Lord - Halleluja
The Soul of Christ - Halleluja
And the Holy Spirit
Call me in the night
The holy Lord - Halleluja
The Soul of Christ - Halleluja
And the Holy Spirit
Call me in the night

Întors acasă

Am plecat o dată de-acasă
de dragul unor bani mai buni
într-o ţară străină cu 12 secole în urmă
unde soarele arde tare
pe o groapă forată-n pământ
şi am visat-o pe fata ce-am lăsat-o în urmă.
Ei bine, am semnat pe linia punctată
şi m-am gândit pe vreo câţiva ani
că aş fi acasă şi am putea începe o viaţă nouă
Dar totul a mers aiurea
şi nu ştiu cât de mult
trebuie să mă facă să stau să-mi plătesc crima...
Şi îmi doresc să
mă fi-ntors acasă, întors acasă
Acasă, în locul unde mi-e dor să fiu.
Ohohoh, întors acasă, întors acasă
Cineva acolo mă aşteaptă...
E o lege ce conduce ţara asta
pe care nu am înţeles-o
n-am ştiut că am greşit
dar lor nu pare să le pese
şi toţi o fac când sunt acolo
dar aici, faţa ta e justiţia zeului lor
Şi îmi doresc să
mă fi-ntors acasă, întors acasă
Acasă, în locul unde mi-e dor să fiu.
Ohohoh, întors acasă, întors acasă
Cineva acolo mă aşteaptă...
Toţi banii ce i-am economisit
pentru zile negre
nu sunt de-ajuns pentru cât mi-e dor de tine
Nu-i premiu de consolare
dar atunci când închid ochii
visez la tine şi la noua noastră casă.
Şi îmi doresc să
mă fi-ntors acasă, întors acasă
Acasă, în locul unde mi-e dor să fiu.
Ohohoh, întors acasă, întors acasă
Cineva acolo mă aşteaptă...
Întors acasă, cineva mă aşteaptă
Întors acasă, cineva mă aşteaptă

No one is happy alone (reprise)

No one is happy alone
I'm not separated from the one I belong to
The one I was close to
Come, can I lie down
Against you, mix myself
Together with my breath
Come and blend yourself with mine

The thousandth heart (excerpt 1)

Nothing is beating in you anymore
Now I have what you need
You will never come to a stop
You will beat, beautiful heart
Because you, you are the thousandth heart

The thousandth heart (excerpt 2)

Pump, beat, beautiful heart
Don’t be afraid
Don’t be afraid
Pump, beat, beautiful heart
Don’t be afraid
Don’t be afraid
Because you are the thousandth heart

Quick, quick, quick

Quick, quick, quick
Through history, down through time
I'll see you after
Fly, fly, fly
Past the living, all for my sister
Hear our voices
Now, now, now
Journey for the hearts, up to the dead
We'll open doors
Come, come, come
You are my man, I am your woman
Now the time is right
Quick, quick, quick
Fly, fly, fly
Now, now, now
Come, come, come
Quick, quick, quick
Fly, fly, fly
Now, now, now
Come, come, come
How will this go?
Will the end begin now?
Will we come home again?
Maybe the journey is an enemy?
Or is the journey a friend?
Quick, quick, quick
How will this go?
Is this the end now?
What happens afterwards?
Fly, fly, fly
Will we come home again?
Is the journey an enemy?
Or is it a friend?
Or is it a friend?

In Your Pupils

Versions: #3
Before I met you the world was flat
Even though you argue Mr. Galilei
I'm tired of kissing frogs in vains
But the Prince Charming
I never found it
That's how you came
Giving me back the faith
With no poetry or flowers
With imperfections with errors
But standing
And I feel
Something in you, something between you and me
That makes insist
When I look in your pupils I know that
God still exists
And I feel
Something in you, something between you and me
That makes me insist
When I look in your pupils I know that
God still exists
You make it living
You make it living
Life is a collection of memories
But there is nothing like your memory too
From the roundness of your lips
To the smell of your hair
To the color of your skin
Don't think that you will go and I am going to give up
You're the best that has happened to me
Between the mundane and the sacred
And even more

A thousand drops of rain

I see that tonight
The moon hangs low
And I know he must have seen it
What I saw
I ran on the rails
And jumped aboard a train
And its only me and the memories
From a painful year
And not everyone wants to be a diamond
Having eternal life and be bride for a pauper
No, you should rather drool
After me as your necklace
We hurtle away on the ground
I can feel your breath in my neck
Its almost like a death scream when the brakes gets on
And we are crushing a thousand drops of rain
And I see that tonight
The moon hangs low
And I know he must have seen it
What I saw
I dont need an explanation
To understand
Your business with your brother
He came out of nowhere
And not everyone can disappear in a wind
Say goodbye and pretend like nothing
It looks as if you are waving
But I look at you while you drown
And we are shooting out of tunnels
And children's laughter have never been so beautiful
Its almost like a death scream when the brakes gets on
And we are crushing a thousand drops of rain

Your eyes

I'd like to be able to see you
to the eyes of the face like others do
To touch your belly, to kiss your hands
to treat you like if you were human
You think I'm obsessed
because I always kiss you in the same place.
Your eyes are two gunshot cannons
I don't wanna die young I'd rather see your tits.
Let me put my finger in your eye
Let me put it in you until it gets red
Let me put my finger in your eye
Let me put it in you, I better grab it.
Two black coloured fishes
populate a candy world.
A shark devours their bodies
and returns to the bottom of the sky
Your eyes are two defiles
I see you snap your fingers when you wink.
To the valley of death will go down this rustler
just to make you close the bolt.
Two inverted bottles
are mothers of a poison sea
I'm thirsty of the infinite water
that plows through the air from your hair.
Your nose gets red and I think
you're a beautiful clown and a better trapeze artist
But practice with my balls
jugglers are more populars.
And if your eyes were made of mirror
I'd be the wolf instead of the rabbit
If your eyes were the firemen's tarpaulin
I'd jump from any skyscraper.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

There is a duckling on the lake

There was once an upset duck*
The whole day he swims on the lake
And passing-by he shouts:
Quack quack quack quack
He was so lonely**
Not a single duck*** after him
The water was not swirling whatsoever
Quack quack quack quack
And the duck was looking for
He was looking in vain
For the one he's been dreaming at
Quack quack quack quack
And each time he passed by us
People heard him crying
And also shouting:
Quack quack quack
That's not a life
Always lonely
I don't have a duck
To be my wife
And I to be her husband
The entire lake knew him
And he was feeling sorry for himself
But in vain
Quack quack quack
And the dizzy egrets
Flew away for his mercy
In a far forest
Quack quack quack
Only the upset duck
Remained alone on the lake
And continouosly was crying
Quack quack quack quack
That's not a life
Always lonely
I don't have a duck
To be my wife
And I to be her husband
But one day
On the lake came
A duck from a flock
Quack quack quack
She enjoyed herself on the lake
Even though from above
It looked for a moment empty
Quack quack quack quack
And immediately after
Came a duck
Which was after her quacking
Quack quack quack quack
And on his way to her
Happily was splashing the water
And came singing:
Quack quack quack quack
This is really life
I'm always happy
I've found a duck
To be my wife
And I to be her husband

Quasifolactic Zombiac

- When I served as a forester at the post office...
- Why a forester? After all, we know a forester
As such in our life arose
On the forest soil, not at the post!
-When I served as an orderly at the post office...
-What an orderly, when the coachman!
It can't happen at the post office,
To the coachman, as an orderly, the regimental commander to put on shoes!
-When I served on the post office of regiment commander...
-Do not fool around, give the coachman!
-When I served as a coachman in the post office
Was young, I had a herring
No, not a herring - a piece of balyk.
Well, I have. And suddenly the regiment
He orders me immediately to find an orderly:
'I'm ashamed to go barefoot in the mail,
Come on, follow my orderly.
Let him polish my boots
And wear them on both my feet. '
A service isn't honey and fate isn't easy.
Here I go to the forest, I'm looking for a orderly,
Frozen like an ice, fell ill by the night
And I see a forester takes off my boot
It looks like an orderly. I say: Help
At the post office, put on the regimental his boots!
The forester understands the yearning of coachman,
That the service isn't honey and fate isn't easy
We go to the post office, and the regiment is here
Chees in his boots a piece of balyk, a bastard...
-In truth, - said the regiment, - speaking
I thought you're dead on the road
And there's no orderly to me, the coachman's dead,
And I became completely alone at the post office,
And who else but me put on a boot myself?
Now I'm orderly, well, you - barefoot
You'll be command the regiment at the post office!
-We are this case, as the custom dictates,
Should drink, - said the forester
Tibor from QS-FB

The Color of your Eyes

The color of your eyes rose my interest
And I am only feeling like seeing you again
Tell me that is not forbidden
Maybe I will encourage myself and will ask you
meet you Saturday at ten
The color of your eyes, stole my attention
You are getting inner my heart
You're perfect in every single way
with trouser or dress you take my breath away
The only thing I want is
that you were the dream that comes true
I am so into you and that is the whole true
I feel excited, I don't know if that ever happened to you
If I could I would meet you from Monday to Sunday with no stop
This thing I feel is incomparable
And if you see me to blush, if you make fun of it I will not be mad
I only know that I fell in love with you
The only thing I want is
that you were the dream that comes true
I am so into you and that is the whole true
I feel excited, I don't know if that ever happened to you
If I could I would meet you from Monday to Sunday with no stop
This thing I feel is incomparable
And if you see me to blush, if you make fun of it I will not be mad
I only know that I fell in love with you

When You Breathe

Versions: #2
I've left in the armchair
Some paintings and a blank story.
There is no beginning and no ending,
Just write what you want to write.
And when you breathe
Try to be the one who brings the air.
When it’s inhaled
It’ll bring the world by your side.
I've left in the armchair
Some paintings and a blank story.
I’m going somewhere else,
The journey might be long.
The bubble in which I grew up
Sold us comfort and tied up our hands.
But I chose ambiguity,
You chose the ghost and the real
And when I breathe
I try to be the one who brings the air.
When it’s inhaled
It’ll bring the world by my side.
So deep that the air breaks.
Although this time,
If I don’t breathe it’s to avoid suffocating.
Try to hold your breath…
Try to hold your breath…
And when I breathe
I try to be the one who brings the air.
When it’s inhaled
It’ll bring the world by my side.
So deep that the air breaks.
Although this time,
Perhaps is better to go.
Try to hold your breath…
Try to hold your breath…

I don't want your kisses

I don't want your kisses
I don't want your charm
I was hopeful
But you were mistaken
I don't want
I don't want to see you anymore
I can't
I can't face you
You lit up a light
In my universe
And I don't want to hear anymore
The things that you used to say
Why are you walking away?
You're running away
Why are you hiding
Without talking about me?
Why do you pretend to me
so much?
Go on pretending
That there isn't any pain
«Man is nothing but a reed, the weakest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed» B. Pascal


A thousand stars

Day and night
I was there, there when the others left
Why act like you don't know, you know it's true
Shooting and turning towards the only one that remained
Right or wrong, everything you wanted
Was yours for a while
Why so stupid?
Why back off baby
Speak of how it is
Is someone there, it's me
When will you give me the answers?
Why so stupid? Why back off baby?
Nothing in the world is difficult when you ask me
I'm glad to do it, I'm glad to do it
Oh, baby, baby, a thousand starts are falling down
Am I the only one that can see what I deserve, what I deserve?
Feels like every step I take is dragging me back but the more we try we still remain, remain when
A thousand stars are falling down, am I the only one that can see
What is this, what is this?
So really
I've been wanting to ask what you meant
Meant when you called me one night
You said things that I still think about
Of course I'm losing it
You know what it's about, stop it
Dissapearing only to return again
And you act oblivious even though it was you baby
Speak of how it is, is someone there, it's me
When will you give me the answers?
Why so stupid? Why back off baby?
Nothing in the world is difficult when you ask me
I'm glad to do it, I'm glad to do it
Oh, baby, baby, a thousand starts are falling down
Am I the only one that can see what I deserve, what I deserve?
Feels like every step I take is dragging me back but the more we try we still remain, remain when
A thousand stars are falling down, am I the only one that can see
What is this, what is this?

Colorful dreams

Granddad's dream is of a light brown color,
It's a large and soft armchair where one could rest their nerves
And grandma's dream is a wonderful flowergarden
Where there's many vibrant blossoms and a velvetsoft lawn
On daddy's mind there is a large and slick limousine,
Of a blueish-black color and takes us everywhere
But our mommy's wish is a fine and fashionable partydress
Which is seagreen, which has a wonderful glint
But my dream is the color of a rainbow
There's the shades of yellow sun, melting water and rain-gray
There I sit with the soft armchair in granny's garden
Eat red-ripe strawberries and count raisins in my loaf
Dreams are what give thoughts wings
Every small, every large one has gazillion dreams
If even one's fulfilled then several more are born

You did not understood me

You did not understood me, understood me...
Tears were left on my eyes, (and) sorrow in you..
You were a bird of my dreams, which did not landed on my hands
Or, it was not a reality, but only my dream?
You did not listened to my songs,
I used to share with you my inmost secrets.
Still missing you and looking back
You do not know that i am waiting for you.
You did not understood me...
You did not understood me, understood me...
You have hurted my soul, speechlessly.
And, if sky will get gloomy, and cry with tears-
Know, that it is me, thinking of you and missing you.
You did not listened to my songs,
I used to share with you my inmost secrets.
Still missing you and looking back
You do not know that i am waiting for you.
You did not understood me...
That mirage in the night and shiny moon,
Who will understand it, my lovely, our relations?
Our only left companion - is torn leaf of a birch tree
which rustles for us with regrets.

I don't know what your eyes have done to me

I don't know if it's love what I feel,
I don't know if it could be a passion,
I only know that when I don't see you,
through my heart, sorrow prowls...
I don't know what your eyes have done to me
that just by glancing, they kill me with love,
I don't know what your lips have done to me
that when they kiss mine, one forgets grief.
Your eyes for me,
are lights of illussion
that brighten the passion
that I keep for you.
Your eyes are sparkles
that go reflecting
tenderness and love.
Your eyes are divine
and they have me imprisoned
in their contour.
Your eyes, for me,
are the true reflection
of a soul that, when loving,
will love deliriously.
Your eyes, for me, will be
the light in my way
that, faithfully,
will guide me
by a path of hope and splendor,
because your eyes are my love!
I don't know how many sleepless nights
i spent thnking of your eyes,
but I know that, one night, falling sleep
about your eyes I dreamed...
I don't know what your eyes have done to me
that they bewitch me with their radiance,
I only know that I carry your image in my soul
engraved with fire of love!
Your eyes for me,
are lights of illussion
that brighten the passion
that I keep for you.
Your eyes are sparkles
that go reflecting
tenderness and love.
Your eyes are divine
and they have me imprisoned
in their contour.
Your eyes, for me,
are the true reflection
of a soul that, when loving,
will love deliriously.
Your eyes, for me, will be
the light in my way
that, faithfully,
will guide me
by a path of hope and splendor,
because your eyes are my love!

addicted to Your Kisses

I wonder what your look will look like
That hypnotizes me ... (The Cadillacs)
I wonder what your body will have
That paralyzes me ... (Double W ...)
I do not know what to do without you
You make me crazy (I feel crazy about you)
If your lips brush ...
Because I'm addicted to your kisses
And the way you make love to me (Uh, Oh, Oh, Oh ...) (The boss)
Because I'm addicted to your kisses
And the way you make love to me (Uh, Oh, Oh, Oh ...)
I can not be without you anymore
Not even a moment (Yeah)
I would like to stop the time
To be on top of you
give me a chance
Always be able to kiss
And just like you
Mami tell me what there is
For my stay twice
Dawn with me after tightening up
And only you and me without third parties
Mommy, your cowboy
I love your body aja
I like your body
When we do it slow Baby, you make me stop.
If you move it slowly
I love what I feel
I would like to repeat the moment forever
Because I'm addicted to your kisses
And the way you make love to me (Uh, Oh, Oh, Oh ...) (little princess)
Because I'm addicted to your kisses
And the way you make love to me (Uh, Oh, Oh, Oh ...)
I am going to confess something to you...
I'm addicted to your body
I love having sex
When I climb on top of you I stiffen
Your favorite cowboy is me, you know it
Your favorite cowboy is me
Yeah yeah yeah
Addicted to your lips, addicted to your body
Uh oh oh oh oh
With no one felt what I felt with you
I'm addicted to your body
She is crazy with the body
I'm your daddy, do not want to boyfriend anymore I'm sorry
Everybody looks at her
When we entered the lobby
She is the queen of the street and I own the money (Simple)
She is my cowgirl
She asked me to kiss her, I would eat her
From a married day, to a single night
I had a problem, I wanted it solved
I said move your hips, shake shoulder strap
I wonder what your look will look like
That hypnotizes me
I wonder what your body will have
That paralyzes me (Los Cadillacs)
I do not know what to do without you
You drive me crazy
If your lips brush ... (Let's Go)
Because I'm addicted to your kisses
And the way you make love to me (Uh, Oh, Oh, Oh ...)
Because I'm addicted to your kisses
And the way you make love to me (Uh, Oh, Oh, Oh ...)