Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 57
You bring beauty where it didn't exist beforeand you see fires inside a candle
You bring silence when the wind screams,
rays of sun if my body freezes
You bring smiles to a depression,
the shield to a kid in a protest
You bring perfume (nice scents)
but without wearing it,
the skin that vibrates
if you walk next to me
You bring a flashlight to the darkness of nights,
the heavenly ocean inside my glass,
the serenity of those who don't have a job,
the hand that I hold if I'm about to fall
You bring life towards an answer,
solely bringing it towards itself
and again
You bring a nice painting into a masterpiece
and a countryside rock into becoming gold
and solely because simply
you bring yourself
You respond to everything without ever speaking
The part of me that I hate, you know how to make it die
In the hymn of poets, you bring new phrases,
gliding emotions on our hands
You bring the swallows to chase the red
of a sunset that makes the ugly stupendous
Band of light, traffic not hedges 1
7+3, you wanna make a 10.
You bring a child to walk alone,
discovering that he is on the ground,
who becomes a man
You bring immensity instead one of my discourses
and I write about you
I won't ever put a period
and you
You bring life towards an answer,
solely bringing it towards itself
and again
You bring a nice painting into a masterpiece
and a countryside rock into becoming gold
and solely because simply
you bring yourself
you bring yourself
you bring yourself
you bring yourself
you bring yourself
you bring yourself.
- 1. References the EU proposition to block traffic with hedges to combat climate change.
Ultimul dans al verii
Nu, în seara asta nu.Mulțumesc, dar nu voi dansa...
Urăsc vara din acest an,
pentru că mi-a dus iubirea departe.
Nicicând, nicicând până acum
eu, eu nu m-am îndrăgostit.
Mare, mi-ai dat veninul ei,
pentru ca sufletul meu să moară.
Ultimul dans al verii
n-am să-l pot uita vreodată.
În brațele sale fermecate
cât aș vrea să mai dansez cu el!
Am zis nu, în seara asta nu.
Mulțumesc, dar nu voi dansa,
singură aș prefera să stau,
să-mi amintesc de zilele vacanței.
Voi, dragii mei amici,
ohh, dacă veți da de el,
spuneți-i că gerul iernii
deja a venit în camera mea.
Ultimul dans al verii
n-am să-l pot uita vreodată.
În brațele sale fermecate
cât aș vrea, aș vrea cu el...
să mai dansez !
22 Septembrie
Prefer să trăiescFără să mă mai întreb vreodată
Prefer să strând
Decât să dau drumul.
Trăiesc în comparația
Dintre un secol și al doilea
Și nu găsesc atât de absurd
Ca lumea să fie un instinct.
Îți convine dacă ne despărțim
Ca să se intoarcă dorința
Apoi vino aici aproape
Și spune-mi un secret.
Eu știu despre un nebun bătrân
Care vorbește oamenilor
Despre lucruri care nu s-au întâmplat niciodată
Ca să trăiască un pic în altă parte.
Eu viața o iau așa cum e
Această călătorie care începe de la sine
Care nu- mi cere niciodată permisiunea
Eu viața o iau așa cum e.
Poți să lași acum
Vechile convingeri
Vom construi altele
Cu noile mele cuvinte
Mă voi ocupa eu de tot
Tu va trebui să te încrezi un pic
Și iartă răceala,
Dar sper că mă salvezi
De la a sta în liniște
În serile mai de toamnă
Îmi amintesc de mine într-un parc
Spunând arată cât valorezi
Și să nu rămâi niciodată cu nima frântă
Dacă un vis nu ți se adeverște
Am văzut oameni excluși
Râzând cu gura larg deschisă.
Eu viața o iau așa cum e
Această călătorie care începe de la sine
Care nu- mi cere niciodată permisiunea
Eu viața o iau așa cum e.
Nu voi lua acel tren care
Duce în viitor, nu,
Eu vreau să mă bucur chiar și un simpl minut
Și în 22 septembrie mă voi întoarce în acel loc
Tu știi ce intenționez să fac
Dar acum nu pot
Nu pot să le mai permit
Trebuie să mă ridic și să cobor
Nu voi scrie muzica
Ci viața oamenilor
Eu simt o misiune
Și îți jur că voi avea ca scop
Să cânt în plină iarnă
Pentru a aduce primăvară.
Eu viața o iau așa cum e
Această călătorie care începe de la sine
Care nu- mi cere niciodată permisiunea
Eu viața o iau așa cum e.
Îți dedic liniștea
E o atmosferă ciudată în această searăȘi mă întorc acasă în liniște
Prin zgomotele traficului
Și cu telefonul închis
Și oamenii mă privesc
Dar nu au nimic adevărat
Eu care ajunge doar să mă gândesc la tină că rămân fără respirație
E ceva timp de când îl caut, acest timp de care îmi este dor
E ceva timp de când, știi, cred că nici timpul nu îmi ajunge
Știi cât înseamnă pentru tine
Dar caut doar un motiv
Pentru a mă simți viu și nu e ușor
Știu cât te apasă acele frici îndepărtate
Meriți și tu un loc de vizitat.
E o atmosferă ciudată în cer
Ies din casă în liniște
Nu sunt încă zorile, dar la dormit nici nu mă gândesc
Eu încerc doar să înțeleg
Și noaptea nu dorm
Dacă aș avea doar pace, aș ști cum că fiu ca ei
E ceva timp de când îl caut, acest timp de care îmi este dor
E ceva timp de când, știi, cred că nici timpul nu îmi ajunge
Știi cât înseamnă pentru tine
Dar caut doar un motiv
Pentru a mă simți viu și nu e ușor
Știu cât te apasă acele frici îndepărtate
Meriți și tu
Un loc de vizitat
Și îți dedic zgomotul
Acestor cubinte inutile
Un tablou fără culoarea sa
Care a plecat zburând în altă parte
Îți dedic liniștea, oricum nu înțelegi cuvintele
În seara asta încerc să o fac
În seara asta te chem
Și tu oricum nu îmi răspunzi
Și oricum și dacă mi-ai răspunde
Mi-ai spune că nu suntem pregătiți
Și eu știu cât înseamnă pentru tine
Dar caut doar un motiv
Pentru a mă simți viu și nu e ușor
Știu cât te apasă acele frici îndepărtate
Meriți și tu un loc de vizitat
Meriți și tu un loc de vizitat.
Ultimul romantic
Ultimul, sunt euultimul romantic,
sunt eu cel ce-ți poate oferi o floare
și să înțeleg din asta,
din expresia feței,
din tremurul unei mâini, dacă mă iubești.
Ultimul, ultimul romantic dintr-o lume care se poate emoționa
privind doi porumbei
sărutându-se într-o piață
nepăsători de cei prezenți
care poate călca în picioare
din graba de a ajunge acolo.
De ce, dacă un trandafir e un trandafir de cand există lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, dacă marea și cerul,
Soarele și vântul nu se schimbă niciodată?
De ce, dacă iubirea e iubire
de când e lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, fiind deja multe lucruri
care sunt în schimbare, iubirea nu poate?
Ultimul, ultimul romantic dintr-o lume
care se poate emoționa
privind doi tineri
sărutându-se într-o piață
nepăsători de cei prezenți
cum facem acum, cum facem noi doi.
De ce dacă un trandafir e un trandafir
de când există lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, dacă marea și cerul,
soarele și vântul nu se schimbă niciodată?
De ce, dacă iubirea e iubire
de când există lumea, trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, fiind deja multe lucruri
care sunt în schimbare, iubirea nu poate?
La la la la la la ...
The Last Goodbye
I know you want to stay with me.I would also like to stay here
but soon a train will leave
and carry me away from you.
This is the last goodbye
for I will go far away
but your love, you know,
I take it away—
I take it away with me.
You my love think of me then.
God willing, I will return.
This is the last goodbye
for I will go far away
but your love, you know,
I take it away—
I take it away with me.
You my love think of me then.
God willing, I will return—
I will return—
I will return—
Nostalgic writer
It's not like he's always been offendedOn this wall, I have hung every doubt
You are not sure if you start from scratch
I've changed too many times, and now I don't remember what I was like
The strength from before,
where did it go, greedy, stupid life,
now you lose flavor, even uphill,
I calm my anger, squeezing my fingers
You ask me why I feel anger
if in the end I had the world
A family, it doesn't look like me
I escape from sense with a bottle
The bitter defeats that I lost alone
The bitter victories to fill the void
Our moments, what I'm wrong
What I have good inside instead
The disappointed faces to which I apologize
I'm fed up, I only love 3 faces out of 1100
that I knew
Don't ask me yet what remains and how long it lasts
Nostalgic writer, this pen is my cure
Spin the wheel and my turn,
now slow to arrive, I send fuck the world
So I understand
how is it supposed to work
Tell me what can I do
Not to live halfway yet
I have already begun to hope
Find a reason to change
But it will start again tomorrow
The usual dissatisfaction
What I've always been looking for
This is what I have not always found,
you, call me careless, I insist
until I have victory in my fingers
of this game
And little by little, I reach yet another outburst
And I struggle while swimming
The goal is far away and the usual Void is growing
I make strange speeches
I undertake foreign paths
And I collapse in front of the mirror
When I notice it inside my eyes
There is nothing
Of what you love
Come on, where is the life I dreamed of
I had a dream, but that dream overtook me
It doubled me
Take me where the eyes don't look
To express yourself well
Saving myself from this place is the only way to
Stay together
I hate their faces, their ways
Their fictions
I hate those who pray at night
For a better future,
Who protests all hours
I hate myself when I stay
In the crowd distracted, white, tired on the corner,
I had a happy part,
I stepped on it yesterday in the mud
I sing,
Why so far this first half
Ends at a disadvantage
And to recover
Now it's not enough for me to dream
What you are searching for
What you are searching for
What are you searching for in a world
Which is not what you want
What you are searching for
Tell me what you are looking for
In this world that's not what you want
What do you expect
Tell me what you expect
In this world that's not what you want
What do you expect
Tell me what you expect in this world
Which is not what you want
Tell me what can I do
I have already begun to hope
Find a reason to change
But tomorrow, it will start again,
The usual dissatisfaction
Tell me what can I do
I have already begun to hope
Find a reason to change
But tomorrow, it will start again,
The usual dissatisfaction
The Last Ride Of The Carousel
Romances always endSometimes because of tedium, sometimes for nothing
They burn out without a real reason
Like a candle, street lamp's amnesia
Romances are just over
As it's happened to us one year ago
How it happens we submit
To this fade of bodies and dreams
I could live and survive
With twenty drops to sleep
I was able to pretend to myself also to dominate the desire to die
And now you come back like a comet
Which seems coming from another planet
You would like to talk with me but it's just an excuse
Enormous lie of a little rose
But maybe you're right, as always
'Cause it's never enough the evil wanted
There is just the time to live what remains
Last ride of the carousel
Ended romances have an eternal thrill
But they not come back, like the rivers
And they run to the peace of the sea
Where another romance will be able to forgive them
I gave you my soul
And among each tear I gave you the time ti be woman
I could believe to your hurry to become mother
And now you come back like cut grass
Of who was been in the bed on another planet
But you must pay me to fuck you
It has not sense with you without love
We also made millions of mistakes
But a wind pushes us to the rocks
Stopping would be the right choice
But this detail is not enough for you
And maybe you're right, as always
'Cause it's never enough the evil wanted
There is just the time to live what remains
Last ride of the carousel
Romances like our
End when the carousel stops
Ultimul romantic
Ultimul, sunt eu ultimul romantic,Sunt eu cel ce-ți poate dărui o floare
Și să înțeleg din asta,
din expresia feței,
Din tremurul mâinii, dacă mă iubești.
Ultimul, ultimul romantic dintr-o lume
Care se poate emoționa
privind doi porumbei
Sărutându-se într-un parc
nepăsători de cei prezenți
Care pot să-i calce în picioare din graba de a ajunge acolo.
De ce, dacă un trandafir e un trandafir
De când e lumea, eu trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, dacă marea și cerul,
Soarele și vântul nu se schimbă niciodată?
De ce, dacă iubirea e iubire
De cand e lumea, eu trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, sunt deja multe lucruri
Care stau să se schimbe, dragostea nu poate?
Ultimul, ultimul romantic dintr-o lume
Care se poate emoționa privind doi tineri
Sărutându-se într-un parc
nepăsători de cei prezenți
Cum facem acum, cum facem noi doi.
De ce, dacă un trandafir e un trandafir
De când e lumea, eu trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, dacă marea și cerul,
Soarele și vântul nu se schimbă niciodată?
De ce, dacă iubirea e iubire
De când e lumea, eu trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, sunt deja multe lucruri
Care stau să se schimbe, dragostea nu poate?
La la la la la la ...
Always Loved
You know maybe it's trueIn these evenings, I thought about it
I am always so careless
And the desire increases in the head
For fell me in distance
But distance you know I can't stand it
Love is only imagined
It's a step not be taken yet
And it's not doing it, you know the secret
But if everything stays inside
Then the life you know asks the bill to you
And then it seems a little strange to me
The world is a game in hand
Get yourself something, go ahead miss
Come on, just let me do it, I'm the usual idiot
But with the face of a liar
And with a hearth of baby
You know, I always dream of touching you
But then I wake up in the pillow
And you take with you everything
Don't look at me with those eyes
Always alive in my lyrics
Which sent me the memories
It still hurts me now
But you always loved
I can hear you in the sentences of people walking
While talking about topics
To whom perhaps he did not believe before
When I try to change my life in the morning in a few hours
Please always loved
Remember that loved always
And give me life in my hands
As if I were passing the room
As if I wanted the heart
And the heart to know it, you just need another one inside
And then it seems a little strange to me
The world is a game in hand
And then away from this sky that contains its planets
The ones I sang loud when I wanted but you weren't there
And let our time not always walk in time
The more you think about a wish, the more he turns into wind
And people looked at us like we were two aliens
And I am used to exposing my secrets
I confess that I never look at his eyes closely
Because then I crash into it
And I don't notice that I breathe
And turn off the light that I can't stand on my feet
Then turn it off and I see little
But everything is in my hands
I can't see you but I can feel you and the bed has become sea
You get close and I can't stay close to you without loving
Please always loved
Please always loved
Remember, you always loved
Story of a man
Ah, I was a step away from being a grown-upAnd a step may be huge one
'Come on, come on' the ones by my side tell me
She is a flower that lights March up
I've always written for something strong
The wind takes my cards away with it, tired faces
You would lose if you could, with no excuses
Listen, we are slaves of small gestures
And 'feel free' he repeated to her
While she laid her eyes on the sky
Child of a black heartbeat
You can list our defects
I'm obsessed with them too
Like with your not so rebel ways
Compared to me cause I live looking at drawings
'Are you happy?' she asked him curling her hair
And here what has been doesn't matter
Only what's left matters
But how can you erase the memory of the sun
In those who now live without a window
You can't do it, no
you can't do it, no
But it's the story of a man
Who left by chance
Looking for love
In the wrong place
He found his woman
And asked her a smile
But she didn't answer, no
And kept going on her way
And since that day he says
Nai, na nai, na na nai na nai
And since that day says
Nai, na nai, na na nai na nai
And since that day says
Says that he doesn't find a meaning anymore and this place is cold
He wandered for days like winter rains and falls from above
This world is an asshole and so wears someone else's life
She wears high heels and doesn't care about anything
When you're beautiful some things don't even matter to you, it's right
Everyone has their dose of fortune
Love is lack
You love what you don't have
Like the day loves the Moon
And he calls her from afar
He's desperate, 'you're drunk' she tells him
The Sun has just arrived
'How could I not be?'
Look at me, I have the eyes of a great memeory, but I lived in a hurry
And I have tears on my face, yes I know that it's stupid
I've always hated everyone and now I'm crying for you
And I feel like a child, maybe I am deep down
But I crossed the sea just to have you close to me
But it's the story of a man
Who left by chance
Looking for love
In the wrong place
He found his woman
And asked her a smile
But she didn't answer, no
And kept going on her way
And since that day he says
Nai, na nai, na na nai na nai
And since that day says
Nai, na nai, na na nai na nai
And since that day says
Nai, na nai, na na nai na nai
And since that day says
Nai, na nai, na na nai na nai
White butterfly
There's a white butterfly that tries to swimShe looks like someone who knows that the world lies
I'd want to give her more than what I can
Make her feel more than what she feels
A butterfly lands on the shoulder
Today I'll sit and listen to her
Then she says it isn't time to talk
Cause then tomorrow she has another life to meet
She says please take me to the sea
I'd just need to understand
If it's right to live what's left
And I'd take you
I'd take you
In a place inside
In a place inside
And I'd take you
I'd take you
In a place inside
In that place inside of me
A butterfly lands on the shoulder and I
Can't give her other than a goodbye
Cause her destiny is as fragile as strenght
But she says that today flies and it's there the richness
She puts in a minute twenty years of things
In the end time is what we give to it
Of those wings who knows what will be left in a hundred years
She tells me 'I leave the dream to fly to children'
But now please, take me to the sea
Whatever place as long as it's somewhere else
Where words aren't needed anymore
And I'd take you
I'd take you
In a place inside
In a place inside
And I'd take you
I'd take you
In a place inside
In that place inside of me
The station of memories
My heart is flying and you should feel carefreeI hit life hard and I've been doing it for all my life
I never feel right, in these indifferent situations
I laugh, look at my defects like they're perfect
If I had my father's eyes I'd try to think
But I was born with the will to overdo and the need to fly
You said 'Close your eyes, don't think about it'
But those like me close their eyes just to get far
To get far from what, it's always the same here
You feel the need to change and the ones who change are the ones who aren't here anymore
I remember nights in a parking area, empty beers on the instrument panel
We talked, yes, but without ever paying a check
We are the ones with no excuses, with a past on fire
The ones who speak with everyone, but it's nothing important
Cause the beautiful things are inside and deserve stars
We are all Giusy, inside which skin is the only thing that changes
I could sing for a hundred years and I'd say the same things
And it's not monotony, it's my personal shelter
Don't ask me anything, tonight we feel good
Take some of your memories and then mix them together
I'd want to talk about her too, but without exaggerating
Cause the sky is there looking at us and we are ants fed to a cruel world
Then a pair of blue eyes is enough and everything comes back
The heart comes back, in its place where there's warmth
I felt like singing but just what I had inside
I feel that the more I feel empty and the more I'm full inside
I remember there on the terrace, fifth floor, above everyone
Spending nights in rooms where you can't see everyone very well
And with the hand, and with the hand, and with the hand you move the smoke away, cause it burns your eyes
Feeling last but smiling cause today has gone by too
Mum, mum, mum I let you down many times and it's not victimism
I saw you crying and I curse the day when you didn't see me anymore
When you came home from work and there was that silence
And the teachers shouting at you 'your son is rotten inside'
But what do they know, what do they all know
I lived my life only by my own choices
And I'll pay the price in ten years, or maybe even tomorrow
But the winner is who wakes up, lives, dies and hopes, always in his own hands.
Swallows on a leash
Versions: #2Take me to feel the waves of the sea
Bring me things far away
Take me wherever there is enough room
For a beer and some old regrets
And take me to hear the wind
So much would you return at any time
Take me anywhere, as long as there is room
For a smile and some old regrets
Where you want, not where you know
Where you exist and you are not there
bring me with you
bring me with you
Where everything changes
Where the world does not touch me
And take me with you
bring me with you
Where my luggage is light
Where you love me even if I'm wrong
Where it flies and rebels
Each swallow on a leash
And take me to safety but without talking
And let your way of doing it do it
Bring me to a bridge over there
Combining your pain with your usual charm
And bring me please where you prefer
Where if you set foot in a moment you exist
Because there is no answer to things past
You lead me to love the things you never loved
And where you want, not where you know
Where you exist and you are not there
You take me with you
bring me with you
Where everything changes
Where the world does not touch me
And take me with you
bring me with you
Where my luggage is light
Where you love me even if I'm wrong
Where it flies and rebels
Each swallow on a leash
Where the sky moves if you look at it carefully
Where an intense minute is enough to live forever
Where it rains but you go out to wet your mind
Because if life is ours it hinders us nothing
Where you have two empty pages instead of feet
And every step you take they write notes
Where the sun is a hypothesis and you can only think so
But that's enough for you to fill yourself with ideas to nourish it
When it is spring
You take me with you
bring me with you
Where everything changes
Where the world does not touch me
And take me with you
bring me with you
Where my luggage is light
Where you love me even if I'm wrong
Where it flies and rebels
Each swallow on a leash
When it's raining outside
The fairy tales' faultThey have always deluded me a little
When it's raining outside
Because the world has always disappointed me a little
The music's fault
It has turned my eyes a little bitter
I watch the sun outside
And I close myself off in a breath
You know, too often I wonder where does a flower end up
When you run inside a meadow
And words are of no use to you
I was wondering how are you
It's already been a while since we last spoke
I'd like to take you to the sea
But I don't have any more beautiful words
Because time has taken everything
And it has taken our love as well
I'd like to speak to you like I used to
With the same passion
But when you live together for too long something goes away
And I never feel worthy
of being with you
It's the life's fault
It has laid me in this place without asking before
at least a classical 'may I?'
And I never manage
to pretend it is alright
You say 'you will regret it'
You know, too often I wonder where does a flower end up
When you run inside a meadow
And... and words are of no use to you
I was wondering how are you
It's already been a while since we last spoke
I'd like to take you to the sea
But I don't have any more beautiful words
Because time has taken everything
And it has taken our love as well
I'd like to speak to you like I used to
With the same passion
But when you live together for too long something goes away
And I never feel worthy
of being with you
That House We Had in Mind
I stay but I can't manageI speak about something but I don't speak
and I contradict everything that I touch
The world is a big place but not too much
So that a second is enough for me
and I go back, like it is no big deal,
to that place so much awaited for, as much
as much as a word if I don't speak
And I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you
but, I beg you, the way you used to be
with your child face
And I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you
but, I beg you, the way you used to be
looking as someone who is in a queue
absently waiting for their turn
thinking that in the end it will come anyway
You hold too big of a place
and, of course, now it's weird not to talk about
that house we had in mind,
far from the road, surrounded by green
Do you remember, you were always cold
and I was too but I've never admitted it to you
because our story lives in these things
in all the things we don't say but still stay
I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you
but, I beg you, the way you used to be
with your child face
I want you, I want you, I want you, I want you
but, I beg you, the way you used to be
looking as someone who is in a queue
absently waiting for their turn
thinking that in the end it will come anyway
The Fairy Tales' Fault
It's the fairy tales' faultThat you are not with me anymore
That I walk along the road when
There's just no road
That I can't manage to be great
and I fall in love in private
Because I delude myself into believing that people
are more than what they are
It's the fairy tales' fault
That I smile without a reason
That when I look at the sky I see
a face and I think of you
And it's not my fault, as you say
If at night I dream a little
At day I'll dream more
It's fault of the things
that I've always postponed
just to joke around a bit
and just what use is joking around?
And I only wish I had been
a little less of an absentee
So I could look you in the eye
And tell you, my love, now stay
Because it's the fairy tales' fault
That this is now my life
It's the rules' fault
I've never imposed them
And I've lived under the weight
Of teachers and then psychologists
Who said come on, try
not to be so absent-minded
for life does not come back
and if you get lost you're screwed
It's fault of the nights
when there was no calmness for me
And I had dreams so I could have you
And at least you seemed real there
And it's not my fault
As you say
If at night I dream a little
At day I'll dream more
It's fault of the music
which has made me too detached
I am a sun-ray which from the sun
won't jump and stays in the warmth
And I answer to my fears
That I am not this body
My love, it's not the rain's or the clouds' fault
That I speak little, know it's only
The fairy tales' fault
The last
She hurt the two of usAnd I don't see her feel guilty
Well the sequel to his deception
It makes her feel superior
Until we were enemies
In discord for her love
We fell ugly in her claws
We don't know who was the bigger idiot between you and me
The last fools, a song
Where I sent her to hell and died
I hope she suffers like that in raw flesh
For all her crimes
The last that we saw was her inside
Inside is malignant, black is the heart
She has the skills to tie you up
Dressed as an angel
I propose a truce, I don't want to be your rival
For that damn woman who has paid us badly
It's late but you have to know that it's not worth it
Bring us tequila, whiskey, and a liter of rum
Today we prepare an orgy of bachatas and liquor
These kings don't want pain from a supposed queen
We share the penalties, misfortune and condemnation
Of being the finalists that the brunette deceived
Kneeling intoxicated with a rose in the hands
I ask God to punish her
That he doesn't take pity on her, on her
Hopefully the devil will take her and we will enjoy it
Because she played with you and with me
It is good misfortune
Let the hell burn
We are going to celebrate
My Last Bolero
Listen to my last bolero,that I sing with my soul, inspired by you.
I want people to know,
That all of my love was always for you.
I take your love to infinity,
full of great happiness.
Listen to my last bolero,
that I sing with my soul, inspired by you.
I take your love to infinity,
full of great happiness.
Listen to my last bolero,
that I sing with my soul, inspired by you.
The Last Dreamer
A river without a bed—a field without flowers—
a face without a name.
A day without sun—
a sky without stars—
the world without love.
The hot wind of summer—
friend of many years ago—
sunrises with a ruby sun.
Beautiful days of serenity—
on the roofs, songbirds,
to embroider melodies.
But time
has erased everything—
unfortunately that is so today.
But I am convinced
it cannot end everything—
it cannot end badly.
They will return—
the beautiful springtimes—
and love will be victorious.
The hot wind of summer—
friend of many years ago—
I recall how it was yesterday—
I burst with happiness.
The long rivers run to the seashore—
the nostalgia of the first 'no'—
I will be a deluded dreamer
but one day everything will change.
The long rivers run to the seashore—
the nostalgia of the first 'no'—
I will be a deluded dreamer
but one day everything will change.
The Ultimate Romantic
The ultimate: I am the ultimate romantic—the one who can bring you flowers,
and know what you feel, just from the look on your face,
or the tremor of your hand—to know if you love me.
The ultimate: the ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved upon seeing two doves
making love on a piazza, ignoring the people
who almost trample them in haste while rushing by.
Why, if a rose is a rose
no matter where in the world, must I change?
Why, if the sea and the sky,
the sun and the wind never change?
Why, if love has been love
since the beginning of time, must I change?
Why, since there are already so many things
that change--but love does not?
The ultimate: the ultimate romantic in the world
who can be moved upon seeing two young people
kissing in the piazza, ignoring other people—
just as we are doing now—just as the two of us are doing now.
Why, if a rose is a rose
no matter where in the world, must I change?
Why, if the sea and the sky,
the sun and the wind never change?
Why, if love has been love
since the beginning of time, must I change?
Why, since there are already so many things
that change--but love does not?
La la la la la la la...