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Număr de rezultate: 352
Flourish, Belarus
Flourish, Belarus! My native land, a free land!Long live and glory to you - as a confession I say!
Long live! Long live! May you always flourish with joy!
Blessed be, my beloved country.
Belarus! Belarus! May you always flourish with joy!
Glory, glory to you forever - My homeland!
Flourish, Belarus! Whenever I am - you are with me.
With your tenderness, you have connect our hearts together!
Long live! Long live! I love you by my whole soul,
Free region of period proud ancestors, repenting, holy land.
Belarus! Belarus!I love you by my whole soul,
You are my homeland forever, forever!
Flourish, Belarus! Our inheritance and glory.
Oh Motherland, you live in luck from year to year.
Long live! Long live!Flourish, my native country!
Our ancient nation will be on Earth eternally.
Belarus! Belarus! Glory to you, our native land!
Glory, glory to you forever, The Belarusian Nation!
Servant for love
A night of struggleOn the boat in the middle of the sea
And while the sky gets whiter
You look to your empty fishing nets
But the voice that calls you
Another sea it will show you
And on the shore of every heart
Your nets you will throw
Offer your life, like Mary
At the base of the cross
And you'll be servant of every human
Servant for love
Priest of humanity
You were advancing in silence
Amongst the tears and you were hoping
That the seed scattered in front of You
Would fall on the good soil
Now your heart is celebrating
Because your wheat is almost white and ready
it ripened under the sun
You can store it in the granaries
Offer your life, like Mary
At the base of the cross
And you'll be servant of every human
Servant for love
Priest of humanity
The One Horned Cow
The cow, the cow the one horned cowThe cow the cow the old horned sheep
The cow, the cow the one horned cow
The red speckled cow I know not where to find her
My sheep was reared down by the seaside
By Dermot O Dillain from Barra na heena
Twas a son of my father’s brother that put her over the cliff
For the blaggard was short of tobacco
I’d rather than a shilling to see my sheep
Coming to my door by morning or night
She would give me milk she would rear me a lamb
She would put a lovely wee jacket on my shoulder
I saw her cooked I saw her shared
I wanted a taste but not a morsel would I get
Oh she was nice Oh she was lively
Oh she was nice the old horned sheep
If I had inheritance and wealth and honour
I would give a guinea for a few slices
Oh she was nice! Oh she was lively!
Oh she was nice the old horned sheep
Mama Elf and Papa Elf
1. Mama elf and papa elf,elf girl and boy,
elf books, elf table,
king of the elf people.
Stout elf, skinny elf,
short elf, tall elf,
the stars are twinkling,
all elves are tramping.
2. Red hat, gray socks
all elves own,
then they run around the Christmas tree
holding each other's hands.
The sweater is red, the skirt is gray,
oh, how the elf is beautiful,
the stars are twinkling,
all elves are tramping.
3. Rice pudding and fermented fish,
candy and a big present
elf children wish for,
and they talk a lot.
Stout elf, skinny elf,
short elf, tall elf,
the stars are twinkling,
all elves are tramping.
Regiment marches on the road
Regiment marches on the road,and my boyfriend is among them,
and my boyfriend is recognisable from all,
green, green, green bouquet he has.
She gave him white one,
from her happy heart,
let him have it, let him have it,
because his girl gave it to him.
She gave him blue one,
truly from her heart,
let him have it, let him have it,
because his girl gave it to him.
She gave him red one,
from her loving heart,
let him have it, let him have it,
because his girl gave it to him.
Please, do you speak French?
Every day my alarm goes off in the morning,I go to the bakery first thing.
Dear Madame, give me six bread rolls,
Please, do you speak French?*
I was out drinking with colleagues,
I wanted to pay for a round.
My good sir, I'd like the bill please.
Please, do you speak French?
I, you, he is, we are, y'all are, they are all happy
That's really important,
Here in Luxembourg.
That makes me really upset,
That in my own country,
And soon nowhere else,
I cannot speak my own language!
I wanted to spruce up my lounge,
And I was at the shop with all of my items.
I need wallpaper, I said to the shopkeeper.
Please, do you speak French?
I, you, he is, we are, y'all are, they are all happy
That's really important,
Here in Luxembourg.
That makes me really upset,
That in my own country,
And soon nowhere else,
I cannot speak my own language!
I really need to go take a number two,
It wasn't good for me to laugh so much.
I said delicately, where is your toilet here?
Please, do you speak French?
Yeah I really need the bathroom.
Please, do you speak French?
Where is the toilet around here?
Please, do you speak French?
Come, come with me
Come on, Matthew, set up your tympani.With you tambourine,
You'll cling ding ding
And Vidala will dance
With Robin.
And Gautaru will ring his sonnailles
And jingle his nice little bells,
And Bramarèu
Will dance the antiquaille
With Isabèu.
Toneta will make her merry violin
Hum with her nice, little bow
And Guilleumet
Will play his reed
And his tabor pipe very loud.
All together we'll go in step
To see the beautiful boy,
To the beautiful boy
We'll offer our dances
And songs..
Corb negru
Corb negru, corb negru,De ce tot dai târcoale pe deasupra mea?
Nu vei primi nicio pradă,
Corb negru, nu sunt al tău!
De ce-ți scoți ghearele
Deasupra capului meu?
Sau te aştepți la vreo pradă?
Corb negru, nu sunt al tău!
Îmi voi pune batista dăruită
Peste rana mortală,
Iar apoi voi începe
Să-ți vorbesc de acelaşi lucru.
Du-te în plaiul meu natal,
Spune-i măicuței mele,
Spune-i dragii mele
Că am căzut pentru patrie.
Adu-i batista însângerată
Iubitei mele dragi,
Spune-i că e liberă,
M-am însurat cu o alta.
Mi-am luat o mireasă liniştită şi modestă
De pe un câmp larg, de sub un tufiş,
Ne-a cununat pețitoarea,
Sabia mea ascuțită.
Ne-a cununat o săgeată călită
În miezul unei bătălii cumplite.
Văd că moartea mea vine,
Corb negru, sunt al tău de tot!
bannatiran, a pretty bird with the loveliest plumeplease drop your plan to fly away from home
and yet you go, where are you heading to
where to, bannatiran
what kind of tree will you be landing on
what kind of flow'r do you desire bannatiran
if it exists, for you - i'll search for one
you're like a mirror, that someone can reflect on
cause your inner glow can compare to the moon and sun
bannatiran, the tree has bloomed with love
you must leave now
you'll regret it soon, when all is said and done
if it ends in sorrow, then your love is gone
bannatiran, bannatiran
bannatiran, don't leave me all alone
bannatiran, bannatiran
bannatiran, don't leave me all alone
Monglian Soldier
Under the golden Soyombo,Their oath is thus sworn.
In the Great General's square,
They march forward in parade.
Genghis's descendants, warrior men,
Mongolian soldiers under their leader's Tug Banner.
Guarding the motherland in full alert,
Keeping peace wherever they stand!
For the honoured state duties,
With milk spilt on stirrups.
Our border markers' emblems
Are protected by their patrols!
Genghis's descendants, warrior men,
Mongolian soldiers under their leader's Tug Banner.
Guarding the motherland in full alert,
Keeping peace wherever they stand!
Peacekeeping work they do,
Camaraderies they forge.
Following modern developments,
They all march side by side!
Genghis's descendants, warrior men,
Mongolian soldiers under their leader's Tug Banner.
Guarding the motherland in full alert,
Keeping peace wherever they stand!
Genghis's descendants, warrior men,
Mongolian soldiers under their leader's Tug Banner.
Guarding the motherland in full alert,
Keeping peace wherever they stand!
In December of '81
In december of '81Messed with the english
3-0 over Liverpool
It went down in history
And in Rio there's no equal
Only Flamengo is world champion
And now your people
Asks for the world again
Give-it, Give-it, Give-it, Mengo
Go get 'em, Flamengo!
Give-it, Give-it, Give-it, Mengo
Go get 'em, Flamengo!
Hymn of Karlovac's students
The branches of lilac have bloomedThey adorned that night of ours
In the days of youth, in the days of joy,
In the days of the most wonderful dream
Do you remember that Court garden
Where you kissed me back then?
In that wonderful May,
In your embrace,
Those we're out most wonderful dreams
But nothing last forever in this world,
All of that has passed, everything comes to an end,
People meet, love and part
And in the end, everyone is once again alone
But we are the students of Karlovac
Our memories bring us back there
We too meet, love but do not part
And in the end, no one is alone!
Song of the Heubergers
On the rough heights of the Heuberg mountainsurrounded tightly with barbed wire
is the camp where the marxists
have been banned to by fascism.
Behind barbed wire and bars
the one who defends himself gets shot
instead of bread there is just beating
only hatred gets nourished
Human rights have faded
and there is no complaining.
Instead of meat there are only bones
good food would be poison.
But once there is an end
not in vain has flown our blood
the proletarian reaches out his hand to one another
and smashes this breed.
And freedom will come again -
then take good care, SA-man!
The Red Guard will win,
they will call for the last battle.
Red flags will be flown
over this camp then!
Not the SA will have weapons then,
but the workman only!
The Auschwitz Tango
We danced tangos and foxtrots and sang melodiesEven before the war.
The gentle songs, resounding, yearning,
Rocked us to sleep with love.
And now war, no one writes songs
About those young years in the city.
Oh strike up a song, young girl, another song
About days and nights in the camp behind wire.
Our slave-tango—under the whip of the oppressors,
Oh the slave-tango of the Auschwitz camp.
Steel spears of the guard-animals—
Oh, freedom and free times are calling.
The Negro soon brings his mandolin
And will soon tinkle his song here,
And the Englishman, Frenchman sing a tune,—
From sorrow will come a trio.
And also the Polack soon takes up his little flute
And he will make the whole world feel—
Let song then rouse the hearts,
That yearn for the freedom they lack.
Our slave-tango . . .
My homeland is burningIt was set on fire by Western barbarians!
This is a land of peace and sacred beauty
They came to take away everything from us!
My country is burning
It was set on fire by the barbarians of the West!
This is the land of the people, everything is ours
This is a free country, they have no place!
My homeland is in pain
She's being attacked by Western barbarians!
This is my country, where I spent my time
This is my Serbia, I give everything!
My homeland is calling me
Let us all enlist!
The Yugoslav Army - the pride of the Serbian nation
We march proudly against the tyranny of America!
Montenegro and Serbia against the tyrant
In the unity of Yugoslavia, victory is smiling!
My homeland is ready
It is led by President Milosevic!
President Milosevic is leading his country!
Yugoslavia, my homeland
'My homeland is independent!'
I proudly say this to the Western tyrants!
Towards Jesus port
Towards Jesus porti will sail with joy
after every battle
into the deep waves
Our beloved Jesus
our ship's guide
drunk with happiness is the heart
of the faithful one who loves you.
Go ahead, children
fight happily
Don't be afraid of anything
neither the waves
who break like bests
on the side of the ship.
With my boat i will sail
towards your port, Jesus
to find peace
and you my beloved one.
Our beloved Jesus
the captain of our ship
drunk with happiness is the heart
of the faithful who loves you.
All together, children
fight happily
Don't get afraid of anything
neither the waves
who break like beasts
on the side of the ship.
Măi flăcăi, juni amărâți
- Măi flăcăi, juni amărâți,prin tot locul alergați,
Prin Valahia și prin Sârbie,
shi prin America pustie...
Nu l-ați văzut pe badea al meu,
badea al meu frumos ca soarele?
- Ți l-am văzut, ți l-am cunoscut,
îți aducem moștenire de la el.
Îți aducem moștenire de la el - zece
și doisprezece bani englezești.
'Zece bani să-i dați mamei
și doisprezece bani să-i dați neveste-mii.
Spuneți-i bietei să se mărite, 1
că așa a fost sortit.
Că așa i-a fost sortit,
să se mărite a doua oară.'
- 1. să-și găsească alt soț
Holiday Pass
Holiday pass, you are the prettiest of all passesHoliday pass, and when you take me to my homeland
Where a girl is still waiting
Oh girl, you are the prettiest of all that's pretty
Oh girl, you long for me night and day
And loved only me, always
Oh soldier, you are a man who can bear everything
Oh soldier, you are a man who just laughs about everything
Oh soldier, and in a hot battle when death dances over us
You laugh at her, always
Oh homeland, you're more delicious than all vodka's
Oh homeland, you are the best of all that's good
Oh homeland, and when your sparkles shines in the glass
I can truly laugh again
Oh gloomy tomb, you will be the one to deny me life
Oh gloomy tomb, you're the rest that I will be given
Oh gloomy tomb, where the sun rises and casts its golden rays
Here the wind dances over graves, always
Just Because I Don't Believe
The words of love that you gave meGave me in a quick way
Don't know if it is deceiful or honest
Which makes me not believe in you
Love you in doubt
Don't love me wholeheartedly
As time went by
The words of love were faded
Then I realized that you always loved me
And now, surrounding me
You are not with me
You went so far away from me
The lover has gone away
and will ever never get back
What am I looking for when we lost each other
What's left is just regret
My heart is still painful
Where are you now, my darling?
My heart knew that
You didn't lie to me
Just because my heart is too foolish
My lover, Please don't blame me
Please forgive my mistakes
Let me come back to you
My darling, please come back to me
So that my guilty heart
Won't cry and speak out your name every night
Now I know that it's no good being regretful
But I beg of you not to be painful due to me.
Türkeş Türkeş Will Come
I swear to God, Turkey!Spring will arrive again!
I swear to God, Turkey!
Spring will arrive again!
Türkeş Türkeş will come!
Smiles will be present on all faces!
Anarchy, terror ends,
A nightingale blossoms in my garden!
Türkeş Türkeş will come!
Smiles will be present on all faces!
Anarchy, terror ends,
A nightingale blossoms in my garden!
I swear to God, Turkey!
Spring will arrive again!
I swear to God, Turkey!
Spring will arrive again!
Türkeş Türkeş will come!
Smiles will be present on all faces!
Worker, farmer hand in hand,
We're on our way to the beauty!
Türkeş Türkeş will come!
Smiles will be present on all faces!
Worker, farmer hand in hand,
We're on our way to the beauty!
I swear to God, Turkey!
Spring will arrive again!
I swear to God, Turkey!
Spring will arrive again!
Türkeş Türkeş will come!
Smiles will be present on all faces!
Worker, farmer hand in hand,
We're on our way to the beauty!
Türkeş Türkeş will come!
Smiles will be present on all faces!
Worker, farmer hand in hand,
We're on our way to the beauty!
May the deaf Sultan mark my words!
My party is MHP (Nationalist Movement Party), my leader is Türkeş!
Here, I will clearly state who I am!
My party is MHP, my leader is Türkeş!
The idealist flower planted in 44 has seen the truth 50 years earlier!
What else should I do, its honey, its honeycomb?
My party is MHP, my leader is Türkeş!
The nationalist vision is the national solution!
Nine lights are my two eyes!
The truth may only be seen if you look with this eye!
My party is MHP, my leader is Türkeş!
I said idealism, yet what does it mean?
Who taught us all of this one-by-one?
Who else other than Türkeş will show?
My party is MHP, my leader is Türkeş!
May one leader show, if he has any authority,
May it have an impact on Global Turkism,
The rest are not in command of their mouths!
My party is MHP, my leader is Türkeş!
My brother, may they say MHP is like this...
The sun will not be covered with clay.
Come, in spite of the cruel, come say it again:
My party is MHP. My leader, my captain, my chieftain is Türkeş!