Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 162


There's Nothing For You

I don't know how,
Every day there’s something different.
I don't know how it's going to be.
Every day is something else.
Me, on one hand
Everyone I love, in the other
I'm in a purgatory, with a lot of desires in mind.
There's nothing for you
There's nothing for you
There's nothing for you
I don't know how,
Every day there’s something different.
I don't know how it's going to be.
Every day is something else.
Me, on one hand
Everyone I love, in the other
I'm in a purgatory, with a lot to desire in mind.
There's nothing for you
There's nothing for you
There's nothing for you


Versions: #1
Who am I?
I'm not sure anymore
Without knowing, I wanted so much
Come and see, exactly who I am
I'm a two-legged nervous breakdown
I'm bored of waiting here
Spitting on my own face
I see the fire from a distance but
I can’t do anything about it
Who am I?
I'm not sure anymore
Without knowing, I wanted so much
Come and see, exactly who I am
I'm a two-legged nervous breakdown
I'm bored of waiting here
Spitting on my own face
I see the fire from a distance but
I can’t do anything about it
I'm bored of waiting here
Spitting on my own face
I see the fire from a distance but
I can’t do anything about it
I can’t do anything about it
I can’t do anything about it

Despite Myself

You're not sure.
You still have a doubt.
Your days go by
You see, your efforts will forgive you.
Even if you destroy it, it'll embrace you.
Despite all the things I’ve done to myself
I've lived far too much
Despite myself
You're not ready.
Still, there's a chance.
What you trust
It’ll come and strangle you in your sleep
If you're lucky, your grave will bloom.
Despite all the things I’ve done to myself
I've lived far too much
Despite myself
Despite all the things I’ve done to myself
I've lived far too much
Despite myself

Suzie Q

Oh Suzie Q
Oh Suzie Q
Oh Suzie Q Te iubesc dragă
Suzie Q
Îmi place felul în care mergi
Îmi place modul în care vorbești
Îmi place felul în care mergi
Îmi place modul în care vorbești
Suzie Q
Oh, spune că vei fi credinciasă
Oh, spune că vei fi credinciasă
Oh, spune că vei fi credinciasă
și nu mă vei întrista niciodată
Suzie Q
Oh, spune că vei fi a mea
Oh, spune că vei fi a mea
Oh, spune că vei fi a mea
Iubi, pentru o vesnicie
Suzie Q
Îmi place felul în care mergi
Îmi place modul în care vorbești
Îmi place felul în care mergi
Îmi place modul în care vorbești
Suzie Q

In Your Skin, Too

A scar
of insecurity
is engraved in the skin of light
in your skin, too
in my heart, too
I’m several lives
I go places I often
don’t want to go
and there’s something
I forgot along the way
gentle words
I forgot those too
silhouettes in the windows
like dream wanderers
I move in strange circles
in that strange town
in that strange world
strange world
I’m the one who sees
and also one who lost his sight
I collect frames of a strange poem

Fatherland of illusion

Sophisms and aphorisms
Marasmus is so contagious!
I began to get tired of life -
Thank you my mind.
With this you or with those
**Vowel or consonant ...**
Wherever you spit you always hit in systems
And you've already been named somehow!
My head is like a shot.
Roam through the corridor
own and stranger thoughts.
Dispute, dispute, dispute!
And from the west and from the east -
They flow like rivers from everywhere.
But my head is not a dump!
Leave me alone!
Fatherland of illusion
What's inside is outside -
Than farther - it's getting worse
Fatherland of illusion...
But everyone talks about different things
Nazis and pacifists.
Are you black or red -
Try to stay clean.
Throw yourselves against the waterfalls.
Rummage through stranger waste.
You've been found long ago,
You've been sold for a long time
To the fatherland of illusion
What's inside is outside -
Than farther - it's getting worse
Fatherland of illusion...
Fatherland of illusion, wait...
What's inside is outside -
Than farther - it's getting worse
Fatherland of illusion...

Genetic Evolution

Men in constant motion
The Genetic evolution
A new vision of time
Sensors of space and gravity
But I have no direction
In your peephole
I'm just an absurd opinion
Naked, immobile, sterile
You'll see me
While the world shakes
Without a name and identity
Among chaotic people
I get confused and think of you
Of the colours you give me
Of the peace I'd like
For us
Men in search of light
The genetic evolution
Doctors of false hope
Robotic nursing homes
But I don't know how to cure
This absence of my heart
Instrumental part

Use as you like

A light has caught my eyes
It was netiher human nor a god
Gave me an unwavering feeling
And found everything swimmingly
Everything I hide
Take me, use me as you like
Crush me in the inside
Let the everything which is stopped
Takes possession of me


Versions: #1
Mehmed-pasha 1 served three emperors
He earned nine towers of treasure
So he sat down and started pondering
Where he’ll spend all that treasure
Will he give the treasure to the poor
or he’ll drink the treasure in wine
or he’ll throw the treasure down Drina 2
or he’ll make good deeds around Bosnia
So Bosniacan
be mentioned in songs
aman, aman, 3 come on, come on 4
He won’t give the treasure to the poor
nor will he drink the tresaure in wine
because wine is the emperor of all sorts of evil
He won’t throw the treasure down Drina
but he’ll make good deeds around Bosnia
So Bosnia can
be mentioned in songs
First of all a bridge on Drina
so Bosnia can
be mentioned in songs
aman, aman, come on, come on
and he built a bridge on Drina
  • 1. Pasha is a higher rank in the Ottoman political and military system, typically granted to governors
  • 2. The Drina river is a 346 kilometers rong international river, forming a large portion of the border between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 3. I’ve heard this word a million times, but never in the same context. I use it occasionally when I’m really upset. However, I don’t really know what it means. I honestly think no one does. When I’m addressing my young brother, it means, “Oh my God, don’t make me repeat what I just told you.” When I’m addressing family or friends, it means, “Don’t be crazy, I know what I’m talking about.” I’d say people often use this word when they run out of arguments
  • 4. In colloquial speech it means 'allright'. 'Aman' is tricky though. It literally means a call for mercy (like when surrendering at the end of a battle). But in people's daily speech it doesn't mean this. Colloqually it's an exclamation meaning a friendly warning for something or frustration depending on context

The Music of Seawaves

Versions: #1
I see how the seawaves wash out the prints on the sand,
I hear how the wind sings its song, unfamiliar and strange one.
I hear how the strings of the trees play the music at hand -
Music of winds, music of seawaves.
It's hard to define what is asphalt in here.
It's hard to imagine a car while in here.
Just throwing the water up's all that you need.
Music of winds, music of seawaves...
Who will remember all those who have lost their way?
Who will remember all those who were laughing and singing?
Who will recall, while feeling the cold of a gun stock,
Music of winds, music of seawaves?


[Verse 1]
Question the streets you were grown up in
The path you are walking is grotty and dangerous
There is no way out Do not expect a hand
He doesn't know me He listens to my duplicates
And its all okay
My plan is not to work
Struggle for the loan of a bread
Not these kids
These streets are grotty
Ghetto the lion's den gets covered with fog, just as I like
All that's happened, find n kill I wouln't even feel, just as I like
Different women happy tomorrows thronged, bring me as I like
From all variations and options just as I like
I stick around as wish
There are no answers to the questions in my head
We are the idols of the street kids
Not those tomorrows but those money bags is what we want
This is what we dream of
What do you expect of me?
My head aches yet I always walk tall
We walked with confidence yet we were kept waiting behind the doors
Mom you are the one waiting for me, I worry over you, Do not worry 'bout me
Feels like this is all fake, my pals got me pale, no one ever hears me
There's no king, what rules?
Dont call me at this hour
The whole street knows what I've been thorugh
Favela, favela
The big bads everywhere, colorless Güngören is
Favela, favela
Gang trustees, the real crew find the cracks
Pursue, pursue come and hang out sometimes, the routine is here
Favela, favela, Güngören
Favela, favela
Favela, favela
The big bads everywhere, colorless Güngören is
Favela, favela
Gang trustees, the real crew find the cracks
Pursue, pursue come and hang out sometimes, the routine is here
Favela, favela, Güngören
Favela, favela
[Verse 2]
What are you lookin' for? No problem
I have a dream, I am chasin'
I am growing up and my lungs are darker
I cannot outdo the cops
I cannot become you my man
I am not looking for some penny
I did not see your message man
I am messed up I cannot see what is front of me
Louder, I can't hear you, louder
I am known to have knocked pricks like you
Sure I changed, no one left near me
My plans in my head, my money in my pocket
Give a call when you are busted
Give a call when you have your ass in a crack
Goodness needs money, evil is free
Ain't seen no fortune, still waiting
That time is out, my city is fast and the youth is listening to me
The foggy streets dazzle you all
Some do not even visit the place they were grown up in
Is that me in the mirror?
I try to look as I am
I live up to my honor and my crew
But all is like I left
Favela, favela
The big bads everywhere, colorless Güngören is
Favela, favela
Gang trustees, the real crew find the cracks
Pursue, pursue come and hang out sometimes, the routine is here
Favela, favela, Güngören
Favela, favela
Favela, favela
The big bads everywhere, colorless Güngören is
Favela, favela
Gang trustees, the real crew find the cracks
Pursue, pursue come and hang out sometimes, the routine is here
Favela, favela, Güngören
Favela, favela

Thanks Music

Actually nothing is a coincidence in this life
A song plays in the heart, we hear the sound
And we know that, it's a sign to solve all those unknown traces
Thank you
All the requests will be in an instant
So sing a song with me
Choose a song, let's go to the future
There are happy days waiting for us
We have a hope in there, it's waiting us
Thanks music for all these feelings

Te voi fura

Te voi fura
De la toți cei care te țin departe
De mine
Te voi duce
Cu corabia mea către
țări necunoscute
Vei cunoaște
Libertatea de a iubi pe care nu ți-au dat-o niciodată
Te voi fura
Vei vedea, voi reuși
Dragostea mea
Dacă tu vrei
Te voi fura
De la toți cei care nu
mai știu să viseze
Ca noi
Te voi duce
Într-o casă construită
Pentru noi
Te voi învăța
Să fii fericită
Așa cum nu ai fost niciodată
Te voi fura
Vei vedea, voi reuși
Dragostea mea
Dacă tu vrei

Te vei intoarce

Te vei întoarce,
știu că te vei întoarce
și când
vei fi cu mine,
vei regăsi
toate lucrurile pe care
nu voiai
să le vezi în jurul tău,
și vei descoperi
că nimic nu s-a schimbat,
că am rămas
înșelatul dintotdeauna.
Și vei râde,
în acea zi vei râde,
dar nu vei putea să mă mai părăsești.
Te simți singură
cu libertatea ta
și acesta este motivul pentru care tu
te vei întoarce, te vei întoarce...
Te simți singură
cu libertatea ta
și aceasta este motivul pentru care
te vei întoarce, te vei întoarce
te vei întoarce, te vei întoarce...


Pe seară, la cafenea cu amicii,
se vorbea de femei și motoare,
se zicea că sunt bucurii și dureri,
el plângea și vorbea despre tine.
Dacă se mergea în provincie la dans,
încercam să le-avem pe cele mai frumoase.
El rămânea să se uite la stele,
suspina și vorbea despre tine.
La cărți era un adevărat campion,
îl numeau tiranul cartierului.
Dar într-o seară, jucând scopone,
a pierdut un punct vorbind despre tine.
Și-n cele din urmă s-a sinucis,
dintr-o mare rătăcire mentală.
E păcat, pentru că era deosebit,
la fel ca atunci când vorbea despre tine.
Acum se spune că era un poet,
care știa să vorbească despre iubire.
Ce contează, în fond, dacă unul moare
și nu mai poate vorbi despre tine?

Nici măcar nu mă cunoști

Merg într-o cameră plină
Toată lumea se holbează
Ce am, ce am făcut greșit?
Ce am, ce am făcut greșit?
Oh, tu vezi ceea ce vrei să vezi
Dar dar nici măcar nu mă cunoști
Ce am, ce am făcut greșit?
Ce am ce am făcut grești?
El a spus, ea a spus, peste asta
Te comporți de parcă ești briliant
Dar tu nu știi
Da, tu nu știi
Nu știi nici măcar un lucru
Nu știi despre felul în care sunt când sunt singura
Nici măcar nu știi
Modul în care am crescut
Nu știi destre modul în care iubesc până la oase
Nici măcar nu mă cunoști
Plec și nu mai ascult
Orice ai spune
Pentru că nu-mi pasă, nu-mi pasă deloc
Nu-mi pasă, nu-mi pasă deloc
El a spus, ea a spus, peste asta
Te comporți de parcă ești briliant
Dar tu nu știi (Tu nu știi)
Da, tu nu știi
Nu știi nici măcar un lucru
Nu știi despre felul în care sunt când sunt singura
Nici măcar nu știi
Modul în care am crescut
Nu știi destre modul în care iubesc până la oase
Nici măcar nu mă cunoști
Woah, nici măcar nu mă cunoști
Woah, nici măcar nu mă cunoști
Nu știi nici măcar un lucru
Nu știi despre felul în care sunt când sunt singura
Nici măcar nu știi
Modul în care am crescut
Nu știi destre modul în care iubesc până la oase
Nici măcar nu mă cunoști
Nici măcar nu mă cunoști, oh


Kuzina [Kuzina (Cousin)] - Stranger [Strannik]
01. In the evening, the lights fire up in the dark.
02. In the night city, I am coming [I'll come] to you.
03. Somewhere far away I can hear your call.
04. (But) By the rules of love - I shouldn't be with you.
05. Where are you,
06. The nameless stranger?
07. Who are you,
08. Coming from the dark?
09. Where, now,
10. This night,
11. Do you want to
12. Take me, take me, take me?
13. Come on, show yourself, in the darkness of the night,
14. If you'll come with me, then it won't be someone else,
15. (But) To stay together - that's not for us,
16. (And) I'll be yours for the last time.
[Chorus (2 times)]

You hear

You hear just what you hear in your head
You feed off of illusions, you don't jump to conclusions cold
You hear just what you hear in your head
And you feed off of illusions,
Too many illusions
I hear just what I hear in my head
I say another 'I love you' this way as a gesture, pardon
I hear just what I hear in my head
You hear just what you hear in your head
We two don't form a correct 'us'
The virtues can barely be seen among the flaws
I feel directly accused
Because I'm guilty of not loving and it's not correct
We used to live in London
We used to play with feelings like we owned 'em
But now the walls are breakin, i can see the mayhem
And without u in here, i think i'm falling
So we re going down
U see me crumbling in front of you
I thought i'd get us thru,
We're goin down
Wish i could get u thru this zone
Get u thru this zone thru this zone
I hear just what I hear in my head
I say another 'I love you' this way as a gesture, pardon
I hear just what I hear in my head
You hear just what you hear in your head
We two don't form a correct 'us'
The virtues can barely be seen among the flaws
I feel directly accused
Because I'm guilty of not loving and it's not correct
We two don't form a correct 'us'
We don't form a correct 'us'
We two don't form a correct 'us'
We don't form a correct 'us'
We don't form a correct 'us'
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

The World of Suzie Wong

Suzie Wong, smiling at you,
softly she will sing for you—
and you will hear from her
the words that you await.
Suzie Wong, smiling at you,
the sadness that you hide inside,
you will take away with you.
If you are willing, this is the world of Suzie Wong.
Suzie Wong, smiling at you,
the sadness that you hide inside,
you will take away with you.
If you are willing, this is the world of Suzie Wong—
if you are willing, this is the world of Suzie Wong.

Georgian song

Versions: #2
I will plant a grapeseed in the warm and fertile georgian soil,
I will kiss the grapevine and I'll gather the amber-ripe grapes,
And I'll call all my friends and I'll tune to love my heart and soul,
Else what for am I still living here in this eternal place?
Come on gather my guests and partake of the meal in our session,
Come on speak to my face who i am , what you think is my worth...
King of heaven will pardon my faults and forgive my transgressions
Else what for am I still living here on this eternal earth?
In the dark red attire you'll be singing to me , oh, my darling,
In the black-white attire I will kneel with her hand on my face,
And I'll listen to her till I die of the sad love she's sharing,
Else what for am I still living here in this eternal place?
And if sunset should fume all around me and sweep at the corners,
Let me see many times as a glimpse of a dream floating forth
The white ox, the blue eagle, and the golden forelle in their honour,
Else what for am I still living here on this eternal earth?

Come Back ... Suzie

Beautiful, so beautiful—sweet, so sweet—
I saw you—in the crowd—
but now—you are no longer there.
I will search for you!
I will find you!
But you—oh Suzie Wong—where are you?
Never again, perhaps never again, will I find you.
I know that you will escape me
because you do not know.
What then?
Without you, I will die.
But you—oh Suzie Wong—where are you?
Never again, perhaps never again, will I find you.
But then I will find you
and so I will live
if you do not leave me again.
But you—oh Suzie Wong—you are here with me.
Never again, perhaps never again, will I leave you—
leave you—
leave you—
leave you—
leave you!

My Love Serves In Riot Cop Squad

My love serves in riot cop squad,
Always carrying long stick,
Saying, he strolls just with ramrod,
But I know he is with chick!
© St.Sol @ LT: all rights reserved.

Of, trandafir roșu

Of, trandafir roșu,
De ce ai înflorit devreme?
Of, trandafir roșu,
De ce ai înflorit devreme?
Ai înflorit devreme,
De ce ți-ai aplecat capul?
Ai înflorit devreme,
De ce ți-ai aplecat capul?
Dragul meu a plecat,
A plecat departe,
Dragul meu a plecat,
A plecat departe,
Dragul meu a plecat,
A plecat departe.
Peste trei munți înalți,
Peste trei ape adânci,
Peste trei munți înalți,
Peste trei ape adânci,
Peste trei munți înalți,
Peste trei ape adânci,
Nu se va întoarce la mine
Nici peste doi, nici peste trei ani,
Nu se va întoarce la mine
Nici peste doi, nici peste trei ani.
Of, trandafir roșu,
De ce ai înflorit devreme?
Of, trandafir roșu,
De ce ai înflorit devreme?
© Vladímir Sosnín

Per Revolution

If I'm in the wind, can I comb my hair?
Wherever I am, like bul-bul are you chasing on my shoulder?
From each saliva not case sadness,comb your hair.
You're not the Bulbul, you're going to this mountain.
I'm crying tears just to see you, he said to the cheek of the flower.
In the mountain breast getting a whole spring honey lip.
Come on, the Moon in the beautiful swimming I know that wasn't the half of it.
I miss believe you know that girl is a boy.
That's what I was trying to fall in love with you if I see the grapes laughing.
You my of the credit in is, that all know this love.
I tears tears tears tears only to you.
In the mountain breast getting a whole spring honey lip.

You and the Music

What would you, if you were like me
At the crossroads of all the roads
Would you name me as your salvation
As I would name you?
What would you say if you knew
That just a moment of your smile
Means life to me, my everything
it's meaning to this meaning
Where ever I go
I'll take you with me
If they ruin everything inside me, kill it
You stay, and the music
Where ever I go
I'll take you with me
And I can stand in front of the wall a hundred times
You stay, and the music, and the music
What would you, if you were like me
At the crossroads of all the roads
Would you name me as your salvation
As I would name you?
What would you say if you knew
That just a moment of your smile
Means life to me, my everything
it's meaning to this meaning
Where ever I go
I'll take you with me
If they ruin everything inside me, kill it
You stay, and the music
Where ever I go
I'll take you with me
And I can stand in front of the wall a hundred times
You stay, and the music, and the music
You stay, and the music, and the music

Destinele altora

Destinele altora...
Destinele altora...
Poate că aceasta este dragostea, de acum n-avem cum să dormim,
Poate că tu înnebunești la fel ca mine.
Nu mai știu cum să trăiesc, nu mai rezist fără tine,
Vreau să fiu cu tine pentru totdeauna.
Creierul mi se stinge, eu vreau ceva,
Te respir doar pe tine în lumea aceasta.
Nu mai știu ce să fac, vreau să fug,
Să fug zicând...
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora.
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora.
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora.
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora, destinele altora...
Aceasta este dragostea, n-aveți cum s-o înțelegeți,
Vreau să scap de mine însumi la tine.
Nu-mi mai pasă că este interzis, vreau să fiu cu tine,
Nu-mi mai pasă că ești delirul meu, ești cauza bolii mele.
Aceasta este dragostea, inima îmi bate din ce în ce mai tare,
Ne mișcăm în sincron, nu reușim să adormim.
Nu mai știu ce să fac, vreau să strig,
Să strig și să fug...
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora.
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora.
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora.
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora, destinele altora...
Dragostea mea este atât de frumoasă,
Este așa de inexplicabilă.
Deja știi mișcările acestea.
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora.
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora.
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora.
Nimeni nu trebuie să distrugă
Destinele altora, destinele altora...
© Vladímir Sosnín

We make ourselves heard

What are we doing with the parents
They kicked out of the church all the saints
Not even God is really up
Their cross is just a plus sign
What are we doing with the army
Mom cries, children cry, dad leaves
Instead of quiet we wait for war
But who is defending us from us
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
What are we doing with the power
Of whom that don't feel our pain
They'll better take the hand of our world
The hope is the last window
What are we doing with ours
Us, that are we waiting in vain
To have politicians with style
Not animals dressed like civils
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
Good, and now the we asked what it has to be done
That half of the country is sold, they're fighting for resources from Danube to Prut
I am afraid to even listen, if I would talk with the ancestors I would be ashamed to told them who I am
Those who sell us, those who lie to us, those who don't feel us
Let me tell my prayer in my mind
And if we all do it, maybe, finally, we will find out what it has to be done
Dress me in your impenetrable love
So I can offer them a true soldier in this memorable fight
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
We don't give up
Never, never
We rise everytime
Again and again
We don't give up
Even if it is taking a lifetime
We rise one more time
What are we doing with the truth
In it is hiding our future
We will stay here until you don't lie anymore
What are you doing when you here us

Strangers among strangers

The night goes away
And again, dawn comes in
No salvation
He doesn't turn off the light
As if just under the lamp
He will find the answer
The secret of his exile,
The daily noise
The colors of the day
Another day
And just here yesterday
both another night without sleep
And under the lamp and until morning
More delays
Is anybody here?
Are we strangers among strangers?
In comes the day
More oppression
His unhurried words
His empty speeches
And home, is no longer home
it is almost nobody's home
just through the roof is sky
But the hour strikes
All is known
That forward
He'll be gone soon
And there, somewhere is the day
that no one will breathe about him
As if he wasn't here
Is anybody here?
Are we strangers among strangers?

I am a Musician

I'm a musician
and I come to you from Czech-land.
We are musicians,
we come to you.
I can play.
We know how to play, too.
And the little violin.
How do you play it?
Fidli, fidli, old garden fork*,
fidli, fidli, violin.
Fidli, fidli, old garden fork,
fidli, fidli, little violin.
I'm a musician
and I come to you from Czech-land.
We are musicians,
we come to you.
I can play.
We know how to play, too.
And the bass.
How do you play it?
The bass was standing in the mayor's kitchen**
Behind the tiled stove,
When his wife made a fire,
The bass played itself.
The bass was standing in the mayor's kitchen
Behind the tiled stove,
When his wife made a fire,
The bass played itself.
I'm a musician
and I come to you from Czech-land.
We are musicians,
we come to you.
I can play.
We know how to play, too.
And the trumpet.
How do you play it?
I like liver, you like liver
He likes liver, trumpet.
I like liver, you like liver
He likes liver, trumpet.
I'm a musician
and I come to you from Czech-land.
We are musicians,
we come to you.
I can play.
We know how to play, too.
And on the little drum.
How do you play on it?
Dumblebee, dum
Dumtarata little drums.
Dumblebee, dum
Dumtarata little drums.

Suzan Suzi

The plains of Kırklar Mountain
The shrine has cursed us
You may become blind, Suzan Suzi
The waters has taken us.
It's pure black, under the bridge
Suzan, come and look for me.
My hair is full of sands now,
Bring a comb, comb them all.

When Musics Were Playing

When musics were playing
Before the dawn
Apples were riping
In a tight shirt
In a thin shirt
Eyes like a hot spring
I can't fly away
You tied my wings
Tell me, lad
What are these cheeks of yours?
When I don't stroke them
My heart hurts
What do you have, lass
What are these eyes of yours?
When I look at them
The world turns around
There was a thunder from the high sky
And the glow of your dear is shining around
Leaves were rustling from the oak forest
The tight shirts are whitening and whitening
What did I dream about?
In the moon's glow
There were standing in three rows
Thousands of girls
When musics were playing
Before the dawn
Apples were riping
In a tight shirts
There was a thunder...

My beautiful

You want, want, want, a beautiful love story,
Oh how much I want, want, want it to be ours.
From you I ask, ask, ask, for one little chance
Again I am crying, crying, crying because of you.
If I had to, I will come again
To beg you not to go with him
You may pity me a little bit,
But you can say: he truly loves me
You are my beauty, which I love so much
Can't you just leave him, and come to me?
How much I will love you, he cannot, no
He only knows to lie to you, and I to love you.
No worry, no worry, no worry, you'll be mine
I'm not going, not going, I'm staying here.
Don't you want, want, want, to be my love?
Aren't you looking, looking, looking for love?
If I had to, I will come again
To beg you not to go with him
You may pity me a little bit,
But you can say: he truly loves me