Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 51


Story of a Dream

Versions: #1
Forgive me for entering without knocking.
This is not the time let alone the place.
I had to tell you
that up in Heaven it is not so bad.
Tomorrow you won't even remember.
'It was only a dream', you'll repeat to yourself.
And as an answer, a shooting star will pass by.
And when I leave, my life
on earth will be at peace.
I only wanted to bid you farewell,
to give you a kiss and see you one more time.
Promise you'll be happy.
You got so gorgeous when you laughed.
And this way, I want to remember you just this way.
This way, like before.
This way, go on.
This way, my love, it will be better this way.
Now you must rest.
Let me tuck you in as in years before.
Do you remember when back then
I sang to you before going to bed?
They only let me come
in your dreams to see you
'cause on that sad night
I didn't even tell you goodbye when I left.
And when I leave, my life
on earth will be at peace.
I only wanted to bid you farewell,
to give you a kiss and see you one more time.
Promise you'll be happy.
You got so gorgeous when you laughed.
And this way, I want to remember you just like that.
This way, like before.
This way, go on.
This way, my love, now it's your turn,
only yours, to continue our journey.
It's getting late.
I'll have to go.
In a few seconds, you're going to wake up.
And this way, I want to remember you just this way.
This way, like before.
This way, go on.
This way, my love, it will be better this way.


El ieșea din casă repede, cu mâna la inimă,
cravata prost înnodată și partea lui de motivare.
Ea apoi făcea patul cu fărâmele iubirii ei,
culegând între timp durerea sa.
Dar la întoarcere, ca în fiecare zi,
galerna a deschis fereastra.
Ranchiuna stând în fața furiei,
s-au înfruntat încă o dată.
Amândoi sunteți vinovați că-n pieptul meu
trăiesc șarpele și scorpionul,
trăiesc furtuna și deznădejdea,
și spinii trandafirului.
Amândoi sunteți vinovați că-n visele mele
nu e niciun cer de privit,
nu e niciun râu, nu e niciun câmp,
nu există pace.
El se-ntorcea târziu și obosit, fără nimic de spus.
Ea-și deschidea ochii limpezi, epuizați de așteptare.
El fugea ca pisicile care se sperie când merg,
în timp ce ea pregătea adevărul.
O mănușă cădea peste florile mele,
un alt duel pe viață și pe moarte stătea să-nceapă.
Zgomotul săbiilor din fiecare noapte,
cu aceiași răniți de resuscitat.
Amândoi sunteți vinovați că-n pieptul meu
trăiesc șarpele și scorpionul,
trăiesc furtuna și deznădejdea,
și spinii trandafirului.
Amândoi sunteți vinovați că-n visele mele
nu e niciun cer de privit,
nu e niciun râu, nu e niciun câmp,
ci doar marea singurătății mele.
Amândoi sunteți vinovați că pe gâtul meu
simt mâinile voastre când mă trezesc,
care mă strâng cu fiecare zi din ce în ce mai mult.

For Your Years

Versions: #1
Tell me
Do you ever think about us
Silence rules the pastures
That keep all your secrets.
Our memories
Have a right to consume us
And every morning they wake me from my dreams,
And I cry on the inside, I am dying slowly.
Maybe I would cry
But sometimes, always by itself
Another one of million warm teardrops for you
Falls into the sea.
Why would I cry?
You see , sometimes dreams gain wings.
Here, I am giving all that I have
For your years
And what you used to mean to me.
I hope
While the days crawl by us
That I will spot you somewhere
I've been waiting to see your footprints for a century.
Seduced by the scent of dream
That is stealing my soul
But I know that I have no right
I have no right to have you.
Maybe I would cry...

Vincent van Gogh

You're so high-class and I'm so middle-class
You're sitting there with your legs crossed
And at your vernissage
Once again, I'm the only embarrassment
Come on, come on, come on, come on get down off your high horse
I'll drive you to McDonald's on my bike
Come on, come on, come on, come on let go your ego trip
I'm telling you, it tastes great right at the bottom
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
And you say that I don't understand art
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
I can hear all of this very clearly
You said: baby, come along to the art exhibition
It's gonna be fun, you said
But now I know you lied to mechenangelo
Nibbles and champagne
I'm caught under your spell
But nobody's allowed to touch you
You're wearing a tie
And I'm getting a bit tipsy
Baby, how about you interpret me
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
And you say that I don't understand art
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
I can hear all of this very clearlyI've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
And you say that I don't understand art
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
I can hear all of this very clearly
The scream leaves me
The kiss is what she covets
The starry night, summer evening
Or the creation of Adam
Dalí, daVinci to me are pure genus
You don't desire me
But instead the birth of Venus
Mona Mona Mona Mona Mona Lisa
Fuck it, come back to my place
Mona Mona Mona Mona Mona Lisa
She isn't even in A4 format
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
And you say that I don't understand art
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
I can hear all of this very clearly
I've got one ear
I've got one ear
I've got one more ear
I've got one more ear than Vincent van Gogh
And I'm pretty happy with the second

Tu vezi? pot opri timpul,
și-ntr-o zi, în câțiva ani, se va-ntâmpla.
Am să fiu o bătrână, mergând lângă tine,
și pulsul meu va înceta.
Și eu...pentru ultima oară mă voi vedea în pupilele tale,
te voi prinde de mâini și, înainte de-a pleca,
c-o voce stinsă am să-ți spun: ”Tu vezi?
Neghiobule, tu vezi...cum ai fost tu iubirea vieții mele?”
Deja știu că tu râzi când spun
că dacă nu ard de iubire, mor de frig.
Dar îți promit să suflu cu tine
în ultima lumânare ce rămâne în picioare.
Și eu...pentru ultima oară mă voi vedea în pupilele tale,
te voi prinde de mâini și, înainte de-a pleca,
c-o voce strinsă am să-ți spun: ”Viața mea, ascultă-mă!
Că eu în acei ochi cenușii încă văd acel copil
care-a dansat cu mine într-o noapte de iulie,
până am văzut zorii unei alte zile.
Și pentru ultima oară o să-ți spun: ”Tu vezi?
Cum ai fost tu iubirea vieții mele,
tu vezi? Neghiobule, tu vezi?
Tu vezi? Tu vezi
cum ai fost tu iubirea mea?

The Star and the Moon

A wise man of today tells that a shooting star
covered the lunar orb up there in the blue sky.
Such was the candour it released when flying
that the moon couldn't stop crying.
Couldn't stop crying.
Out of envy, the moon cried when seeing
that everyone loved the star more.
Her eyes were capable of loving,
that's why the moon wanted to turn it off.
A lunar spell caused a wave in the sea
with a cruel intention: to erase the stellar trace.
But the sea left the ocean crash against
the wind so as not to hurt her heart.
Not to hurt her heart.
Out of envy, the moon cried when seeing
that everyone loved the star more.
Her eyes were capable of loving,
that's why the moon wanted to turn it off.
To turn it off, to turn it off, to turn it off, to turn it off.
Out of envy, the moon cried when seeing
that everyone loved the star more.
Her eyes were capable of loving,
that's why the moon wanted to turn it off.
Out of envy, the moon cried when seeing
that everyone loved the star more.
Her eyes were capable of loving,
that's why the moon wanted to turn it off.
Wanted to turn it off.


Versions: #1
Lying on the couch in front of the fan,
summer 2016.
The air comes and goes but it always brings me your voice.
I threw my life to the sea when it was all over
and the only thing that didn't sink
was my collection of clippings looking at us.
I want to know on your door
even if no one understands it.
To be so close to you again.
Let me spend the night.
Let me stay here
'cause today's our anniversary
and I have no place to go.
Let's touch the sky like on our first time.
Let's celebrate tonight and I promise not to come back.
I've broken my manual on how to forget
and everything reminds me of you.
Tears leave but breathing hurts.
Lost inside the song The Girl from Yesterday,
that's how I feel without you.
It's late, I know,
but I want to see you again.
I want to know on your door
even if no one understands it.
To be so close to you again.
Let me spend the night.
Let me stay here
'cause today's our anniversary
and I have no place to go.
Let's touch the sky
like on our first time.
Let's celebrate tonight
and I promise
I come with a suitcase
full of living without you
but nothing on this journey
has ever made me happy 'cause
I'm late as usual.
It's always late for me.
Tonight I'm cold and I don't know where to sleep.
Lying on the couch in front of the fan,
summer 2016.
The air comes and goes but it always brings me your voice.

Stairway to the Moon

I believe in that friend
who's got always a hand there.
And I believe in the sincerity
of the trees that don't know how to lie.
I believe in the smile
of the newborn baby.
And I believe in green martians
hidden there, laughing out.
Do you believe in a stairway to the moon?
Do you think it exists? Do you?
I believe in the people
who look you in the eye.
And I believe in a solitude
where we're all together.
I believe in the tears
that run down your face.
And I believe in the sincerity
of those who think they don't know anything.
Do you believe in a stairway to the moon?
Do you think it exists? Do you?
Tell me if you believe a stairway exists.
If you believe a stairway to the moon exists.
(If you believe a stairway exists...)
Do you think that stairway exists?

Don't Say Anything This Time

Versions: #1
Take the hat of thoughts off once and for all.
Try to do accidentally what you really want.
That's right, look at me.
Say your name out loud.
Take the intellectual glasses off once and for all.
The glass lets one see how much you cry behind it.
That's right, touch me
and don't say anything this time.
Come with me.
Come with me throughout the city.
Come with me.
Let's unleash a gale.
Tonight I don't care what they will say.
Come with me to dance.
Take your escape shoes off once and for all.
Feel the ground under your feet, it's time to move forward.
That's right, stand up.
I want to hear your name.
Come with me.
Come with me throughout the city.
Come with me.
Let's unleash a gale.
Tonight I don't care what they will say.
Come with me to dance.
They may be able to move you out of the way.
They may be able to silence your voice
but they will never educate your heart.
Come with me.
Come with me throughout the city.
Come with me.
Let's unleash a gale.
Tonight I don't care what they will say.
Come with me to dance.
Come with me.
Come with me and kiss me now.
Come with me and the moon of the city comes back.
Come with me.
Come with me.


Versions: #1
Every failure,
every imprecision,
every detail,
all under control.
Every right answer,
every approximation,
every scene
under supervision.
put on the disguise
of a butterfly
who gave herself up to the sky.
By releasing its effect,
it caressed us.
You can't imagine
how I would be
if love had waited one more second.
Neither my gestures,
nor my own voice,
nor my kisses would be ours today.
put on the disguise
of a butterfly
who gave herself up to the sky.
By releasing its effect,
it caressed us.
put on the disguise
of a butterfly
who gave herself up to the sky.
By releasing its effect,
it caressed us.
If you want to come
with me to look for
the exact formula for reality,
try to write to everyone else.
Make sure no one hears us leaving!
(Every question of every answer,
of every person, of every planet,
of every reflection, of every comet,
of every wish, of every star...)


I took me a lot to open
that letter where you were.
I sensed it would happen.
The sky wasn't blue on the road anymore.
So many days waiting for something from you
and you talk about me in the letter.
Time not only aged your skin,
it also took our affection.
Time not only aged your skin,
it also took our affection, our affection.
Now I'm cleaning that drawer
of memories, pictures and a flower.
A flower I water when I wake up
with the tears of an old romance.
So many days waiting for something from you
and I can sense you from faraway.
Time not only aged your skin,
it also took our affection.
Time not only aged your skin,
it also took our affection, our affection.
It's so unfair when love wants
to take you there where it can't reach,
where heat can't reach.
It's so unfair when it announces a goodbye without announcing it,
when it looks somewhere else, when it looks somewhere else.
Time not only aged your skin,
it also took our affection.
Time not only aged your skin,
it also took our affection, our affection.

Little Moments

The sun slammed the door and in the room
the moonlight lit us up.
Hold yourself to me and listen to our hearts toasting.
I have you in my arms and I hear you breathe.
I slowly cover you and I embrace you again.
In the darkness, I listen to our hearts toasting.
If there are no confessions, your eyelids will fall down.
Life is collecting little moments of happiness
that are like the day who always leaves but comes back.
If I close my eyes, I only think of you.
I sing to your ear before sleeping.
And in the darkness I listen to our hearts toasting.
If there are no confessions, your eyelids will fall down.
Life is collecting little moments of happiness
that are like the day who always leaves but comes back.
Embrace me, embrace me you too
'cause sometimes I fear losing,
losing you again.
Life is collecting little moments of happiness
that are like the day who always leaves.
Love songs, stories that will never have a winner.
I have you in my arms next to my heart.
We are two stars.
We are two stars.
We are two stars
bigger than the sun.

A Tale Over the Water

Versions: #2
I wish I was the rain that soaked your black eyes asking me for a kiss.
I wish I was the wind that blowed and left your hair so funnily,
while stopping time inside my heart.
I wish I was the stem of the flower with which you silenced my mouth.
I wish I was the light that lit up your face on that February night
when I secretly listened to your voice.
I wish I was the breeze that caresses your smile at the sea, at the mountain or under the blue sky of April.
I wish I was a verse inside your thoughts, for you to remember my glance sighing by the window, imagining that you appear behind me.
And for you to take my hand, to whisper to me that you've arrived here. For you to promise me that you're happy by my side.
I won't ask questions, there won't be memories. I'll turn your past into nothing but a tale that the wind wrote one day over the water.
I wish I was the star that passed by during the time you were honest.
I wish to never be the passion you swindled at the next harbours.
Ten thousand lies for one favour.
I wish I was the breeze that caresses your smile at the sea, at the mountain or under the blue sky of April.
I wish I was a verse inside your thoughts, for you to remember my glance sighing by the window, imagining that you appear behind me.
And for you to take my hand, to whisper to me that you've arrived here. For you to promise me that you're happy by my side.
I won't ask questions, there won't be memories. I'll turn your past into nothing but a tale that the wind wrote one day over the water.
That the wind wrote one day over the water.
That the wind wrote one day over the water.
I wish I was the rain that soaked your black eyes asking me for a kiss.

Your Hair

Versions: #1
The sun hasn't come up.
I look at the clock.
It's seven and I can't sleep.
I grab your blue jersey.
I like that it smells of you.
I feel it embracing me like you.
You haven't woken up yet.
I turn off the soft light
that illuminates my small piece of the mattress.
I enter the room.
I hear your breathing
and the beating of your heart.
You're waking up now.
You're searching over my side
and you find me waiting over a corner.
You can't imagine how much I love you.
Now clocks will stop.
You approaching my hair.
You and your glance again.
I don't want time to exist.
I want to stop this moment.
One life is little for me.
I'm afraid whenever I think
that this complicity
may one day be over.
Afraid of not seeing again
your eyes undressing me
as they do every sunset.
Embrace me again.
Let's promise
something we won't ever break up.
You can't imagine how much I love you.
Now clocks will stop.
You approaching my hair.
You and your glance again.
I don't want time to exist.
I want to stop this moment.
One life is little for me.
You can't imagine how much I love you.
Now clocks will stop.
You approaching my hair.
You and your glance again.
I don't want time to exist.
I want to stop this moment.
One life is little for me.
I don't want time to exist.
I want to stop this moment.
You, my love, are everything for me.

You and I

Versions: #1
Dreams leaving inside bags of ice towards the sea.
Unmixed colours.
Nothing to tell.
Silence, you're on the lookout for attacking us.
You face ys and you leave.
I haven't heard you come in.
We're to lovers who do not have an April,
who do not look at each other just because,
who do not make each other laugh.
Now, the affection poisons the room,
it fills everything with fake love.
It hides the bad mood.
Look at me and tell me what you see. (And now...)
Look at yourself and tell me how are A and B alike.
'Cause you and I,
only you and I.
Neither always nor never.
Neither you nor I
fit singing inside this song.
They weren't like that, those eyes already tired of crying.
They want to rest.
Give me a hug and feel how this time
it escapes us and we can't do anything for it.
Look at me and tell me what you see. (And now...)
Look at yourself and tell me how are A and B alike.
'Cause you and I,
only you and I.
Neither always nor never.
Neither you nor I
fit singing inside this song.
'Cause you and I.
(We're not you and I anymore...)
Only you and I.
(That was in another song...)
(We're not two anymore, anymore...)
Neither always nor never.
(Give me a hug and come....)
Neither you nor I
(We're not you and I anymore...)
(That was in another song...)
fit singing inside this song.
(We're not two anymore, anymore...)
(Give me a hug and come....)
'Cause you and I.
(We're not you and I anymore...)
Only you and I.
(That was in another song...)
(We're not two anymore, anymore...)
Neither always nor never.
(Give me a hug and come....)
Neither you nor I
(We're not you and I anymore...)
get out of this song alive.


I want to tell you what happened
without my anger riling up.
In the most beautiful city ever seen by the sun,
how can one explain so much pain?
The sirens are gone already
away from San Sebastián
with their sorrows and sadness
to sing somewhere else.
When the tide is low
and the moon rocks the sea,
from the sky the sand reads,
'May it never happen again'.
Never again.
They came in February once again.
How can one forget those sounds?
Fragile lights running down the city.
The unexplainable of a hallway.
The sirens are gone already
away from San Sebastián
with their sorrows and sadness
to sing somewhere else.
When the tide is low
and the moon rocks the sea,
from the sky the sand reads,
'May it never happen again'.
This which I have told you,
keep it here, my girl.
We cannot forget them.
The sirens are gone already
away from San Sebastián
with their sorrows and sadness
to sing somewhere else.
When the tide is low
and the moon rocks the sea,
from the sky the sand reads,
'May it never happen again'.
Never again.
Oh, oh, oh... never again, never again.
When the tide is low
and the moon rocks the sea,
from the sky the sand reads,
'May it never happen again'.

To Fold and Understand

To fold a paper, to fold my words.
To feel the way they walk all over my skin.
To fold my childhood, to join the corners.
Your life and mine one last time.
To fold and understand
why you left like that, why.
Why dawn comes even though you're not here.
Why I can't come back without you.
And today I write to you for the last time.
I loved you and I will always love you.
Goodbye, my paper boat.
To fold what was, damn nostalgia
jumping on the garden wall and coming to bite.
To fold the end, to fold your silence.
The last breath, to let you go.
To fold and understand
why you left like that, why.
Why dawn comes even though you're not here.
Why I can't come back without you.
And today I write to you for the last time.
I loved you and I will always love you.
Goodbye, my paper boat.
To fold and understand
why you left like that, why.
Why dawn comes even though you're not here.
Why I can't come back without you.
And today I write to you for the last time.
I loved you and I will always love you.
Goodbye, my paper boat.
To fold and understand.
And today... oh, oh, oh.
Ah, ah, ah.
Oh, oh, oh.


He would leave home quickly with a hand on his heart,
his tie badly knotted and his share of motive.
She would then make the bed with tears of her love
while picking her pain up.
But when he came back, like every other day,
the galerna opened the window.
Rancour sat in front of wrath,
they defied each other one more time.
You're both responsible for my chest
being lived in by the snake and the scorpion
by the storm and discouragement,
by the thorns of the rose bush.
You're both responsible for my dreams
not having a sky to look at,
not having a river, not having a field.
Not having peace.
He would come back late and tired with nothing to tell.
She would open her clear eyes worn away out of waiting.
He would flee like the cats when they get scared walking by
while she prepared her truth.
A glove would fall over my flowers.
Another deathmatch was about to start.
The sound of sabres every night
with the same wounded to revive.
You're both responsible for my chest
being lived in by the snake and the scorpion
by the storm and discouragement,
the thorns of the rose bush.
You're both responsible for my dreams
not having a sky to look at,
not having a river, not having a field.
Not having peace.
You're both responsible for my neck
feeling your hands when I wake up,
them squeezing me a bit more every day.

By your side

I think of you
Endlessly of you
I want to be
An answer for you
I think of you
I believe in you
Inexhaustibly in you
Like you
Who trusted in my wisdom
I believe in you
Only in you
And to wake up by your side
Every sunrise
And to roll my lips
Over your skin
I believe in you
I am in you
Desperately in you
And until today
I have endured without talking
I am in you
Only in you
And to wake up by your side
Every sunrise
And to roll my lips
Over your skin
And to wake up by your side
Every sunrise
And to roll my lips
Over your skin
I think of you
I believe in you
I believe in you
Only in you

I'm Going To Party

Tore stockings inside my heart.
Eyelashes shamelessly raising my voice.
Today I want to party, to see the sun come out.
I'm off to the street showing courage off.
My heels echo over the main street.
Today I want to party, not to ask for forgiveness.
Don't you tell me what I have to do.
Don't ask how nor why nor with whom.
I don't want to know if it's wrong or right,
just listen to me.
Stop giving me lessons on love
and come see the moon from my small balcony
'cause today I want to party, not to understand who I am.
Awake my lips with this song
and take the copyright of this author's kiss.
Today I want to party, not to be right.
Don't you tell me what I have to do.
Don't ask how nor why nor with whom.
I don't want to know if it's wrong or right,
just kiss me.
Kiss me slowly, kiss me again.
Kiss the reflection of the moon on my skin
'cause the year is over today and I don't want to be anymore
the same one from yesterday.
The one who, at the courtyard of broken dreams,
looked down to the ground not knowing what to do.
The one who, sitting on her memories,
told the wind about who she wanted to be.
Don't you tell me what I have to do.
Kiss me slowly, kiss me again.
Kiss the reflection of the moon on my skin
'cause the year is over today and I don't want to be anymore.
'Cause today I'm going to party until dawn.
'Cause everything starts today and I'll never be
the same one from yesterday anymore.

Except You

I like everything, everything about you.
When dawn comes and you're there.
When a doubt gets infected inside me,
I like to see you using the scalpel patiently.
You're this way... perfect this way,
with such a formal face,
the one you put on to listen.
With those sea-green eyes
where I look so special.
With that bed to talk
while you dishevel my solitude.
You're perfect just like this.
I like everything, everything about you.
I love the way you ignore me.
When there is a storm in my country,
you play the anthem of my life next to you.
You're this way... perfect this way,
with such a formal face,
the one you put on to listen.
With those sea-green eyes
where I look so special.
With that bed to talk
while you dishevel my solitude.
You're perfect just like this.
(Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh...)
You're this way... perfect this way,
with such a formal face,
the one you put on to listen.
With those sea-green eyes
where I look so special.
With that bed to talk
while you dishevel my solitude.
You're perfect just like this.
I like everything, everything about you.
I like everything... except you.

Do You See It?

No... I can't stop time
and someday, some year, it will happen.
I'll be the old lady walking by your side
and my heartbeats will stop.
And me... I'll look at myself in your pupils one last time,
I'll grab your hands and before leaving,
with a whisper, I'd say, 'Do you see it?
Fool, do you see... you were the love of my life?'
I already know that you laugh when I say
that if I don't burn out of love, I die out of cold.
But I promise to blow with you
the last candle standing.
And me... I'll look at myself in your pupils one last time,
I'll hold myself to your hands and before leaving,
with a whisper, I'd say, 'My love, listen to me'.
'Cause in those grey eyes I still see that kid
who danced with me one night of July
until we saw the lights of another day,
and, for the last time, I'll tell him, 'Do you see it?
That you were the love of my life?
Do you see it? Fool, do you see?
Do you see it? Do you see it?
That you were my love?'

Like a Pair of Sunflowers

Time goes by and I want to wake up,
whoa, oh, oh... at the keyboard of my will.
On our bed, there are only blankets to be folded
whoa, oh, oh... and memories to stretch.
Who gives us mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?
Who winds the clock up?
Where do they go, the dry leaves that the winter left us?
Who told us, 'Forever'?
Look at us here, you and I,
like a pair of sunflowers when the sun falls down.
In the morning, the fear of waking up,
whoa, oh, oh... offers us one more day.
In front of the mirror of the life that goes by,
whoa, oh, oh... your reflection is not there anymore.
Who gives us mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?
Who winds the clock up?
Where do they go, the dry leaves that the winter left us?
Who told us, 'Forever'?
Look at us here, you and I,
like a pair of sunflowers when the sun falls down.
If I don't want you by my side,
if you want me quiet,
who grabs our arms for a stroll?
Who glues our pieces?
If our shadows hate each other,
if the hours die on us,
who sweeps under the carpet?
Who moves the rocking chair?
Who gives us mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?
Who winds the clock up?
Where do they go, the dry leaves that the winter left us?
Who told us, 'Forever'?
Look at us here, you and I,
like a pair of sunflowers when the sun falls down.


I instantly knew it was her.
It was her way of calling.
I slowly approached the window.
It was my uncombed conscience.
We went walking amidst the debris
of my unmade decisions.
'Cause time goes by, my friend,
and life moves on mercilessly.
With our feet hanging over the sea on the cliff,
embraced at dawn, you invited me to jump.
'Cause life happens only once and you know I'm by your side
and vertigo is nothing but fear, the fear of changing.
Over the sea of doubts in your eyes,
I could see my fears sailing.
I always see the grey of the rainbow.
It's my bloody way of seeing.
With our feet hanging over the sea on the cliff,
embraced at dawn, you invited me to jump.
'Cause life happens only once and you know I'm by your side
and vertigo is nothing but fear, the fear of changing.
And we jump at dawn with the sun on our lips,
with the foam of broken dreams beneath our feet.
'Cause the wind opened his arms to us, we went up flying
wherever those hearts who know how to lose live.

The Beach

Versions: #1
I don't know if you still remember me
We met a while back
You, the sea, and the sky
And who brought you to me.
You embraced my hugs
Guarding that moment
Even if it was the first
And you'd guard it for me
If I could be born again
I'd see you wake up every day
Smiling like every other time
Like that one time
I'm going to write you the most beautiful song in the world
I'm going to capture our story in a second
One day you'll see that this crazy person forgets little
no matter how many years go by in her life
The day of the goodbye
Of this beach of my life
I made you a promise
See you again like this
More than fifty years
Today that we don't see each other
You, the sea, nor the sky
Nor who brought you to me
If I could be born again
I'd see you wake up every day
Smiling like every other time
Like that one time
I'm going to write you the most beautiful song in the world
I'm going to capture our story in a second
One day you'll see that this crazy person forgets little
no matter how many years go by in her life
And I'm going to write you the most beautiful song in the world
I'm going to capture our story in a second
One day you'll see that this crazy person forgets little
no matter how many years go by...
no matter how many years go by in her life
Your life
Your life