Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 25


Venom of Venus

We pray for the fathers of our eternity
Let us pray to our most Holy Mother
Let's pray to the goddess Venus with faith in dignity
Venom of Venus take us all for blind
Bringer of poison for the heart and mind
Never resist when your eyes inflame the wild
Venom of Venus or a fairytale
Sing of temptation when the sirens wail
Out of our minds by the wonders you unveil
Come blessed desire bring us all to fail
We are the cursed we came from fire and ice
We are the first to kill the sinner for lies
We are the blessed, we crave the venom of Venus for life
All our life
We are the sword we tame the fire, the flame
We hail the Lord we fear no rebel, no pain
We are possessed we have the venom of Venus in veins
Venom of Venus inundate our veins
Eradicate minds till only lust remains
Set us ablaze like the wake of hurricanes
Venom of Venus lead us all astray
Bring us the sin before the martyrs pray
Let it begin by the dawn of our judgement day
We are the cursed we came from fire and ice
We are the first to kill the sinner for lies
We are the blessed, we crave the venom of Venus for life
All our life
We are the sword we tame the fire, the flame
We hail the Lord we fear no rebel, no pain
We are possessed we have the venom of Venus in veins
And in the eye of all the believing
Lead us straight to the curse divine
And by the time our hearts are healing
Inject the poison in our minds
We are the cursed we came from fire and ice
We are the first to kill the sinner for lies
We are the blessed, we crave the venom of Venus for life
We are the sword we tame the fire, the flame
We hail the Lord we fear no rebel, no pain
We are possessed we have the venom of Venus in veins


O zeiţă pe vârful muntelui
ardea ca o flacără argintie
summitul frumuseţii şi dragostei
şi Venus se numea..
Ea avea totul
Da, dragă, ea avea totul
Ei bine, eu sunt Venus a ta
sunt focul tău la dorinţa ta!
Ei bine, eu sunt Venus a ta
sunt focul tău la dorinţa ta!
Armele ei erau ochii ei de cristal
care înnebuneau orice bărbat
neagră ca noaptea era
Avea ce nimeni altcineva n-avea
Ea avea totul
Da, dragă, ea avea totul
Ei bine, eu sunt Venus a ta
sunt focul tău la dorinţa ta!
Ei bine, eu sunt Venus a ta
sunt focul tău la dorinţa ta!
Ea avea totul
Da, dragă, ea avea totul
Ei bine, eu sunt Venus a ta
sunt focul tău la dorinţa ta!
Ei bine, eu sunt Venus a ta
sunt focul tău la dorinţa ta!

RV 644 10 Air: How beautiful, fair, pretty you are.

SOPRANO (Vagaus)
How beautiful, fair, pretty you are,
our only and true hope of victory!
How beautiful, fair, pretty you are,
our only and true hope of victory!
Honour the tent of the leader with your look
and all the things of Holofernes you want, wait and hope.
Honour the tent of the leader with your look
and all the things of Holofernes you want, wait and hope.

Măreața velă Venus

Măreața velă Venus
Iisuse doar s-o fi văzut tu
Veritabilă târfă-i era cârmuitoarea
Sugând o pulă veștejită
Căpitanului Lugger i se spunea
Vai doamne ce enervant el mai era
În stare el n-a fost să 'mute' mai nimic
De pe-o barcă pe-o alta
Celui de-al 2-lea tovarăș andy i se spunea
Vai doamne ce mai stil el și avea
Până ce-n pulă l-au lovit c-o piatră ascuțită
Fiindcă-n coniac drumnu' el și-a dat
Celui de-al 3-lea tovarăș Morgan i se spunea
Vai doamne ce mai gorgon
De pe la opt juma până târziu el 'și cânta'
La 'instrumentu' celui căpitan
Soața căpitanului pe numele-i Mabel
Și pe cuvânt ea-n stare și era
Cel echipaj zi de zi să-l fută ea
Pe-a pilotajului carlingă
Fata căpitanului pe numele-i de Caharlotte
Nascută si crescută-n preacurvie
de Seara Coapsele-i erau precum cel crin,
În zori de zi înroșite îi erau
Băiatului de punte Kipper îi spuneau
Vai doamne ce băiețaș
Fundu de cioburi el și-l umplu
Și căpitanului circumcizie-i făcu'
Drăguței fătuci -a căpitanului
Pe plac îi fu' în apă ea a se-mbaia
Încântătoare țipete auzite se făcu, când câțiva țipari
Găsit-au ei loc prin sexoasele-i găurele
Bucătarului i se spunea Freeman
Ș-un pervers răutăcios el era
Și-a dat el drept hrană supica menstruală
Și himen fript însămânțat
IAR al navei 'câine' Rover se numea
Cu fundu-n sus l-am întors noi saracutu'
S-am 'pedepsit' noi iar și iar cătelusu cel loial
Din Teneriff la Dover
Când la debarcare-am sjuns noi
Prin maiestuoasă navigare
Nava ea s-a scufundat în al 'sămânței' val
De la așa curvie
Măreața velă Venus
Iisuse doar s-o fi văzut tu
Veritabilă târfă-i era cârmuitoarea
Sugând o pulă veștejită


Dazzling as crystal
Sparkling as a silver flame
Burning as tropical summer
Her name was Venus
I've had her, I've held her in my arms
(I am your Venus, your only pleasure, your only desire
I am your Venus, your only pleasure, your only desire)
You who waves under the lights,
You who shivers under the glances,
My thoughts become prisoners
Of your ivory smile
I've had her (Yes, I've had her)
I've held her in my arms (Yes, in my arms)
(I am your Venus, your only pleasure, your only desire)
You are my Venus, my only pleasure, my only desire
I've had her (Yes, I've had her)
I've held her in my arms (Yes, in my arms)
(I am your Venus, your only pleasure, your only desire)
You are my Venus, my only pleasure, my only desire
In the blazing bed of the night
I untied your long hair
And you went through my life
Like a bird made of fire
I've had her (Yes, I've had her)
I've held her in my arms (Yes, in my arms)
(I am your Venus, your only pleasure, your only desire)
You are my Venus, my only pleasure, my only desire
My only pleasure
My only desire
My only pleasure
My only desire
- Banga

Oh, Venusul meu

Ești Venusul meu
Venusul inimii mele
Te văd doar pe tine, doar pe tine, doar pe tine
Doar tu ești pentru mine, doar tu, doar tu
Ai venit la mine
Îmi faci inima să tremure
Nimeni nu a crezut
Eram emoționat în fiecare zi
Tu ești cea care a schimbat asta
Ești Venusul meu
Venusul inimii mele
Arată-mi inima ta. Tu o știi pe a mea
Doar stai lângă mine
Ești îngerul meu
De ce strălucești așa tare?
Te văd doar pe tine, doar pe tine, doar pe tine
Doar tu ești pentru mine, doar tu, doar tu
Din acea zi, sunt lângă tine
Acesta e un cântec adevărat de dragoste pentru tine
Nu știu cum ai făcut, dar mi-ai intrat în cap
Nu mă mai pot imagina fără tine. Doar tu ești
Nu cred că pot trăi fără tine. Nu mă părăsi acum
Nu credeam în dragoste
Eram anxios, crezând că ne vom despărți
Tu ești cea care a schimbat asta
Ești Venusul meu
Venusul inimii mele
Arată-mi inima ta. Tu o știi pe a mea
Doar stai lângă mine
Ești îngerul meu
De ce strălucești așa tare?
Te văd doar pe tine, doar pe tine, doar pe tine
Doar tu ești pentru mine, doar tu, doar tu
De când...?
E soartă
Ei bine, cred că eram predestinați de la început
Ești Venusul meu
Venusul inimii mele
Arată-mi inima ta. Tu o știi pe a mea
Doar stai lângă mine
Ești îngerul meu
De ce strălucești așa tare?
Te văd doar pe tine, doar pe tine, doar pe tine
Doar tu ești pentru mine, doar tu, doar tu


When the sun disappears in the shade of the rivers,
and the voice of love would sound all around us,
it will be the beginning of the midnight age,
of the night watchmen of time.
Who protects,
who protects the eternal love,
he is going to be cared by others,
the midnight age pays its debts.
He is going to be cared by others
the midnight age pays its debts.
It will be the eve of the midnight age,
when you will pay the cheques with your love.
The midnight star shines on,
and you will get to know the Venuse's gratitude.
[Ref. x2]
Who protects,
who protects the eternal love,
he is going to be cared by others,
the midnight age pays its debts.
He is going to be cared by others
the midnight age pays its debts.


What a night it was, when she drew near
With flames surrounding her
So beautiful and full of love
It is of Venus that I am talking.
What eyes, oh my skies what eyes
I am your Venus
She told me and she kissed me.
I am your Venus
She told me and she kissed me.
Her eyes were crystal
Her mouth was crimson
All her body was
The prettiest thing I'd seen.
What eyes, oh my skies what eyes
I am your Venus
She told me and she kissed me.
I am your Venus
She told me and she kissed me.
Aaaah Aaaaah
Aaaah Aaaaah
Aaaah Aaaaah
What eyes, oh my skies what eyes
I am your Venus
She told me and she kissed me.
I am your Venus
She told me and she kissed me.


Tune me in give me a sip of your soul
From your softness that vertigo in your calm
Before it's too late
Love me with kisses
Intoxicate me
With your wet caresses
Before it's too late
Smear me with foam
Oh no, oh no
You come like the sea, back in a cycle
You come and go, like a Venus you appear
I will sink in your waves
And let the current carry us
Intoxicate me
With your wet caresses
Before it's too late
Smear me with foam
Oh no, oh no
You come like the sea, back in a cycle
You come and go, like a Venus you appear
I will sink in your waves
And let the current carry us
It will be because I love you, it will be because it is so
I know it's not real and you're not my property
But I feel you mine
Just because I love you, just because it's like that
I know it's not real, that you do not belong to me
But I feel you mine
Thanks for being, thanks for putting up
I promise to be by your side until the end
I'll hide you as you do for me
How do you do it for me


Shines with champagne light the aphrodisiac night
The goddess of love is reborn
She's got it Yeah,baby,she's got it
I'm your Venus I'm your fire, look at me
Well I'm your Venus
I'm your fire At your desire
Sapphire eyes, rose lips
I'll tease you with a spell of dreams
She's got it Yeah,baby,she's got it
I'm your Venus I'm your fire, surrender
Well I'm your Venus
I'm your fire At your desire
She's got it Yeah,baby,she's got it
I'm your Venus I'm your fire, fire up
Well I'm your Venus
I'm your fire At your desire
Shines with champagne light the decorations in my body
The goddess of love starts dancing
She's got it Yeah,baby,she's got it
I'm your Venus I'm your fire look at me
Well I'm your Venus
I'm your fire At your desire
Yeah,baby,she's got it
Yeah,baby,she's got it
Yeah,baby,she's got it
Yeah,baby,she's got it
Yeah,baby,she's got it
Yeah,baby,she's got it
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Venus şi Marte/Concert rock

Stând în stalul sălii de sporturi
aşteptând showul să-nceapă
Lumini roşii, lumini verzi, vin de căpşuni,
un bun prieten aleargă după stele
Venus şi Marte sunt bine acum...
Ce ţine oare acel om în mână?
Arată ca tipul ăla de-l ştiam de demult, de când hău
E naivul Willy cu o trupă din Philadelphia
Probabil, oo-ee
Spune-mi ce naiba tot mişcă tipul ăla pe scenă?
Arată precum chitara lui Jimmy Page,
E o relicvă din alte vremuri
Probabil, oo-ee
Dacă-i concert rock la Concertgebouw
Au pletele lungi la Madison Square,
ai rock'n'roll la Hollywood Bowl
Vom fi acolo,
Oh, da!
Luminile cad, ei s-au întors în oraş, okay
În spatele teancilor zăreşti o sculă...
Tensiunea se ridică, scrii o uncie, olé!
Temperatura creşte cât vezi albul ochilor lor...
Dacă-i concert rock la Concertgebouw
Au pletele lungi la Madison Square,
ai rock'n'roll la Hollywood Bowl
Vom fi acolo,
Oh, da!
În costumul meu de metal, mă pregătesc să împuşc oraşul
Iar inelul meu din nas mă face să arăt chiar frumos
E păcat că nu-i nimeni să fie martor la sfârşit
să păstreze asta pentru draga mea prietenă şi confidentă, Domnişoara Kitty
Ce tot mişcă tipul ăla când colo, când colo?
Acel decibelmetru nu pare să indice başii
Dar era mai tare la Rainbow
Probabil, oo-ee
Dacă-i concert rock la Concertgebouw
Au pletele lungi la Madison Square,
ai rock'n'roll la Hollywood Bowl
Vom fi acolo,
Oh, da!


Venus, bathing in the blue moonlight
Realizes the taste of a bittersweet dark love
While I seem to drown drowsy at 0 o'clock, my dreams gonna shatter
Like a little devil, you shoot me
I don't need any kind of justice
I just need to sing quietly with my sullied lips
Compassion melodies
Are you scared?
Looking for to lure me
You were caught in a lie
I completely discovered your crime
Is this a real feeling?
Even if you cover it with a veil
Your brief lie will be fully exposed
Do you wanna hang out?
Dance incessantly - Lazy girl tonight
While all is about to break
Just a little bit dangerous tonight
We're entangled by the stardust
Your knife slipped down
We're both asleep while we're drowning in a sad song
Feeling sick of travelling alone on a journey
A red lamp flashes an SOS signal
But she comes with a poker face
Even tonight's dissonance snarled at your words
Being played like a fool
My wounds are hurting
And they're burning with love
You burned out the moonlight, didn't you?
More than words that can't be erased
The truth lies in your eyes
I try to feel the outcry of your heart
Do you wanna hang out?
Dance incessantly - Lazy girl tonight
While all is about to break
Just a little bit dangerous tonight
We're entangled by the stardust
Your knife slipped down
We're both asleep while we're drowning in a sad song
Do you wanna hang out?
Dance incessantly - Lazy girl tonight
While all is about to break
Just a little bit dangerous tonight
We're entangled by the stardust
Your knife slipped down
We're both asleep while we're drowning in a sad song
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Wiggle Wiggle

H.E.L.L.O Venus H.E.L.L.O Venus
H.E.L.L.O Venus H.E Hello Venus
Move it back and forth, your buttocks, left and right
wiggle wiggle, with more feeling
Round and round, carefully
Shake it, shake it
Move it back and forth, your buttocks, left to right
wiggle wiggle, with more feeling
Round and round, carefully
Shake it, shake it
What is the feeling I feel for the first time in a while?
This feeling of heart throbbing for the first time in a while
Do you see my trembling lips?
I’ll give you a great present tonight
Move your butt back and forth
Left and right, back and forth
(We just wanna break it down)
Move it back and forth, your buttocks, left and right
wiggle wiggle, with more feeling
Round and round, carefully
Shake it, shake it
Move it back and forth, your buttocks, left to right
wiggle wiggle, with more feeling
Round and round, carefully
Shake it, shake it
What are you waiting for? You keep getting uncomfortable
It’s Friday night, there is no tomorrow, today is the last day
This throbbing heart, this trembling heart
Welcome to the incredible world, Alice’s sexy wonderland
I know you looking at my apple hip
Your gaze is like a laser beam
It does not matter but please wipe your face
You're drooling because I'm the queen
This club is so packed
I will continue to move it as if
This is a stage for me, dance
Shake it, my BPM is increasing
Shake it as if you're on a motor, brrrra dance
What is the feeling I feel for the first time in a while?
This feeling of heart throbbing for the first time in a while
Do you see my trembling lips?
I’ll give you a great present tonight
Move your butt back and forth
Left and right, back and forth
(We just wanna break it down)
Move it back and forth, your buttocks, left and right
wiggle wiggle, with more feeling
Round and round, carefully
Shake it, shake it
Move it back and forth, your buttocks, left to right
wiggle wiggle, with more feeling
Round and round, carefully
Shake it, shake it
I like it like it
You’re pretending you don’t like me
But you look at me, I like it
You like it like it
You’re pretending not to notice
But you’re coming to me and whispering