Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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feeling rainy

I'm raining// my feel is rainy, when you not being home
It's not easy to be away from you
I am at peace with you
Only God knows my feelings
Everything I have and I have not
I have to give for your love and
I am Cloud without you, that I have to rain and
You are the only star in my sky and
i wish to be sacrifice of your laughter, the sacrifice of your cries
My heart's work is living in your thinking
At the end of our story, I will die for you
I want to tell you all of me is for you
i wish to be sacrifice of your laughter, the sacrifice of your cries
My heart's work is living in your thinking
At the end of our story, I will die for you
I want to tell you all of me is for you
I'm all for you
I'm all for you
my world turns upside down because of your love
Your eyes are driving me crazy
I became unaware of myself with your love
I became more and more dependent with each of your look
Somehow i am in love that my pulse does not beat
my life is very calm, when your remembrance is with me
i wish to be sacrifice of your laughter, the sacrifice of your cries
My heart's work is living in your thinking
At the end of our story, I will die for you
I want to tell you all of me is for you
i wish to be sacrifice of your laughter, the sacrifice of your cries
My heart's work is living in your thinking
At the end of our story, I will die for you
I want to tell you all of me is for you
I'm all for you
I'm all for you
i wish to be sacrifice of your laughter, the sacrifice of your cries
At the end of our story, I will die for you
I'm all for you,I'm all for you


I told you that I won't be able to live if you leave me
I told you I will die after your leaving, but I'm still alive
But there are some wounds that are worse than death
You became bad, I wasn't bad with you even for once
Where are you now? See how I'm looking for you
I would illuminate the city if you were here
I would have imprisoned you so that you would not go
Where you now? See how I'm looking for you
I would illuminate the city if you were here
I would have imprisoned you so that you would not go
Where are you? You have no idea I'm ready to die for you
I get a rose for you when you
I do everything just to make you laugh
But you said 'go, leave me alone'
I said listen to me only this time
A lump in my throat is choking me
Untie the rope around my neck
Where are you now? See how I'm looking for you
I would illuminate the city if you were here
I would have imprisoned you so that you would not go
Where you now? See how I'm looking for you
I would illuminate the city if you were here
I would have imprisoned you so that you would not go


Come to me and gripe
Sit and complain about the fate
Put your head on my shoulder and close your wet eyes
Because i get homeless
And then we go to eat Pepperoni
And then we will drink under the rain
And we will climb mount Gaf
Higher and higher by telecabin
And then we will make a trip in the car
Come to me and chill out
Think about the sorrows
Inhale and exhale
Come, come and caress
Start making me drunk
Come, come and compromise
Caress and run away from me
And then we go to eat Pepperoni
And then we will drink under the rain
And we will climb mount Gaf
Higher and higher by telecabin
And then we will make a trip in the car

Și pasărea a fugit...

Versions: #1
O iubită aveam,
sau mai bine spus, ea mă avea.
Odaia-mi arăta:
„Nu e divin - Norvegian pin?”*
Îmi ceruse să rămân și mi-a spus să mă pun unde vreau
M-am uitat peste tot si mi-am dat seama că n-am pe ce să stau.
Pe covor eu stam
Timpu-ntindeam, vinu-i beam.
Până târziu am vorbit
„O să mă culc”, în urmă a rostit.
Mi s-a spus c-a lucrat de dimineață si pe râs s-a pornit.
Eu i-am spus că n-am reușit si că-n baie-am dormit.
Apoi m-am trezit
Și singur fiind, pasărea a fugit.
Am aprins și un foc plin
„Nu e divin - Norvegian pin?”

Moartea unui clovn

Machiajul meu e uscat şi se crapă-n bărbie
îmi înec tristeţile în whiskey şi gin
biciul dresorului de lei nu mai plesneşte
leii nu mai luptă şi tigrii nu mai rag
Aşa că hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Nu mă poate ajuta careva să sparg coroana asta?
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Bătrâna ghicitoare e-ntinsă pe podeaw
nimeni nu mai are nevoie să i se spună destinul
Antrenorul de insecte e crăcit pe genunchi
şi se uită frenetic după purici fugiţi
Aşa că hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
Nu mă poate ajuta careva să sparg coroana asta?
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn
hai să bem pentru moartea unui clovn

Holy Trinity exalted

Holy Trinity exalted
and ever adored by us,
glorious Trinity, in one Being
miraculously united.
You are ambrosial manna
and all the world's desire.

A Song of Supplication

A deity listens to the sound of your prayers
A deity knows the pain of your agony
Observe, observe
There is nothing but him
Seek and you shan’t find
That which is already in your hands.
A deity whispers its secrets in your ears
A deity unfolds its saying in your speech
And recite, you shall recite
In your heart in every instant
For the wind (also: ‘Spirit’) may fall silent
Fall silent, and suddenly disappear.
If you shall leave, if you shall leave,
Who will wipe my tears in the nights?
If you shall leave, if you shall leave,
Who will wipe my tears in the nights?
If you shall leave, if you shall leave,
Who will wipe my tears in the nights?
A naked miracle unfolds before your eyes
A precious light piercing (If you shall leave...)
A naked miracle unfolds before your eyes (If you shall leave...)
A precious light piercing, piercing

A Ballad About Mister Almost and Madam Already

Mister Almost loved Madam Already
almost told her this, but he didn't quite say
the winter was cold and already passed
for Mister Almost and Madam Already
Madam Already walked with Mister Almost
she loved him and already gave him her hand,
the night was hot, the moon sailed
over Madam Already and Mister Almost
And another spring passed and another Autumn ended
and Mister Almost saw with a broken heart
how many years had he lost when he didn't express
his feeling of love to Madam Already
And another year passed, and one more
and Madam Already laid on a couch alone
thinking what was almost and then already lost
for Madam Already and Mister Almost
Many years have passed since, nothing has changed
Mister Almost loved Madam Already
almost told her this, but he didn't quite say
now already, was really a bit too late
Madam Already dwelled in a small house
almost occupied as well by Mister Almost
now no one lives in it
not Madam Already nor Mister Almost...

Black Eyes

I feel so restless for your laughter
Look even moon is shy around you
No one knows about this heart of mine
You're gone and I lost to you
I got into trouble because of your black eyes
I've lost everything
It's spring and I wonder why my love is not coming back
My heart was so easily trapped by you
Cause love is driving me crazy
How long should I be lonely and wait for my love to come back
I'm breathless and my hands are so cold
I can't stop thinking about him, I've become desperate for him
I look happy but my heart is sad and lonely without you
I've got to spend my whole life thinking about your eyes
My heart won't stop making me sleepless
My eyes still show the pain of love even from a distance
Cause love is driving me crazy
How long should I be lonely and wait for my love to come back
I'm breathless and my hands are so cold
I can't stop thinking about him, I've become desperate for him
Cause love is driving me crazy
How long should I be lonely and wait for my love to come back
I'm breathless and my hands are so cold
I can't stop thinking about him, I've become desperate for him

Dummy's Song

I am the famous one-headed
Even my name is that: Dummy
But I'm not sad about any of that
I life my best life as a one-headed
Nobody understands my joyful soul
Not children, not women and not men
Nobody at all on this earth!
What my great, secret dream is
Mi good father has disowned me
I've been wandering ever since, that's right
The humans will accept me
One loves me, the other is shivering
Why are you afraid of me?
I happen to know a lot of etiquette!
That's right!
...I welcome you, great knight
Your clothes are pretty and so's your horse!
Say, what has brought you here?
And what might be your heart's intent?
You're beautiful as a rose
Oh, you kind princess!
The most sacred thing is friendship
It's worth more than every kingdom
I also have a good friend
If he gets in trouble, I'll get him out of it
Oh, if I could be a rose
The butterflies would gently land on me
My little heart would beat alongside them
I wouldn't be so big and ugly
This Dummy is wonderful in the end
Although, as you can see, he's one-headed
But he still has a good laugh with his one head
People seem to love him too
There's not a lot of brains in his one head
His life won't be too hard
What will happen to you, one-headed?
What will you do here, good Dummy?

Scent of the Rain (Booy-e Baroon)

When the scent of the rain spreads into the gutter
The shorebird flies, under the porch’s arch
When the morning bird, sits on the branches
Miss Sun picks a cluster of dew from the flower
I see the cloudiest weather in your eyes
I sit under the rain at night remembering you
I see the cloudiest weather in your eyes
I sit under the rain at night remembering you
When the scent of the rain spreads through the jungle
The locust of gentleness becomes a velvet arch
When jungle green eyes become cloudy
The rain's wet hands, leave a mark (stay) on the glass
I see the cloudiest weather in your eyes
I sit under the rain at night remembering you
I see the cloudiest weather in your eyes
I sit under the rain at night remembering you
Now the nights that you are not (here), my eyes rain
It reminds me of the tune (song) of your cries
After you, the rain's hand is no longer on the flower's shoulders
On the locust's branch,
There isn't the flower's green footprint
There isn't the flower's green footprint

Ochi căprui

Am avut un vis azi noapte,
(Ca şi cum) Nu ne-am spus niciodată “adio”
Tu erai aici cu mine
Ochi căprui.
Se simţea exact ca în vremurile vechi
Când erai lângă mine,
Am putut vedea dragostea ta strălucind prin
Ochi căprui.
Tandru, mă sărutai
Şi te ţineam atât de strâns,
Şi mi-ai promis, pentru totdeauna
În timp ce ne iubeam în noapte.
Ai putea fi un vis,
Un vis care a trecut pe lângă mine,
Dar mereu te voi visa
Ochi căprui.

My Calmness

You are my calmness, you should know
...where your place is in my life
Love and its craziness and its ceaseless fever are always together
I want you to be here, but I don't want you incompletely (I don't want a share of you)
I'm staring at your eyes, I'm stuck in your eyes (can't stop looking at your eyes)
Your eyes are sealed secret
I'm thinking about you, thoughts of you are great
They're sweet like an afternoon nap
My sweetheart1, imagine I could stand
...that you don't be for a moment (but I never can stand your absence)
Sweetheart, imagine I could sleep
...not thinking about you (but I never can)
My sweetheart1, I'm crazy and intoxicated
I'm having you but I can't get enough of you
Sweetheart, in my heart and blood
...I swear to you that there is no one but you
I closed my eyes and took my heart in my hand (to give it to you)
Make me love you more than I do
By kindness and sweetness
...make me love you more in any way you can
My sweetheart1, imagine I could stand
...that you don't be for a moment (but I never can stand your absence)
Sweetheart, imagine I could sleep
...not thinking about you (but I never can)
My sweetheart1, I'm crazy and intoxicated
I'm having you but I can't get enough of you
Sweetheart, in my heart and blood
...I swear to you that there is no one but you
  • Literally means: may your pains come to me

The song about cherished name

Wherever we fly our plane,
Wherever we sail and wherever we go,
Wherever we build cities,
The cherished name is always with us.
If you sing a song about happiness,
If you are going by difficult path,
Know that you are not going alone, but together,
The cherished name in your heart.
If you are wounded in cruel battle,
If you're on the edge of death —
By blue air, by current of rivers
That man will send you help.
For many brave and honest fighters
That man replaces father,
His name will not be eclipsed in ages,
The name is dear in all languages.
Stalin — he is with us everywhere and all the time!
He is our guiding star!
There is no one in the world
Who is closer and dearer for us than he!


[Intro: Marseaux & Brando]
I have a few hopes and I have
I have tight knot in my neck
I dont know what to expect
I dont know for what Im trying
I have a few hopes and I have
I have tight knot, a little before the shipwreck
In this empty world
Hang in there bro
[Chorus: Brando]
I have a few hopes and I have
I have tight knot in my neck
I dont know what to expect
I dont know for what Im trying
I have a few hopes and I have
I have tight knot, a little before the shipwreck
In this empty world
Hang in there bro
[Verse 1: Brando]
I have a friend who is struggling
He has a gold heart, but he doesnt know
A sharp mind, but he believes the opposite
I havent understand what he expects anymore
He writes, he spits, he hurts, he cancels, he is searching to find what every word means
How he will stand, and how the memory weights down
In this world he tries to take responsibility
But the world is different, and it doesnt give him
He wants to take and give knowledge
For his mother to see him good and to be proud
But he is afraid because he knows that there's no second round
From this world who will escape?
[Chorus: Brando]
I have a few hopes and I have
I have tight knot in my neck
I dont know what to expect
I dont know for what Im trying
I have a few hopes and I have
I have tight knot, a little before the shipwreck
In this empty world
Hang in there bro
[Verse 2: Brando]
I have a strong friend
He stands like a rock when I can
He spit blood to do good
But I saw people to shout him
Did you see how the fuckers waiting for you in the edge?
Did you see the fuckers? They flagellate without second thought
Did you see the fuckers, brother, for what are the able?
What hatred and grubge are they carrying
I have a friend who fell for me to stand
Unique and different
And the thing I know, my brother, what doesnt fit them
And they waiting on the edge to harm us
To laugh, when the lie is so appealing
Like vultures ,they will grab it, what they care to look for the truth?
They wanna see us break
They are thirsty for blood, but we dont give to drink
Let them dehydrate from the screams even if we die
You dont own them attention
The ones who knows, knows- the ones who doesnt, maybe they doesnt searching, ah
Cause our head is clear, so let them come
But the fingers who point are dirty
They defame, they party, they are telling lies and they scream-
But the silence is louder than you, fuckers
And the ones who are culpable
I saw one family of mine to break once, I wont see it twice
Hang in there
I have a friend that If I didnt , I wouldnt be alive
Courage, my brother, and we will win
[Chorus: Brando]
I have a few hopes and I have
I have tight knot in my neck
I dont know what to expect
I dont know for what Im trying
I have a few hopes and I have
I have tight knot, a little before the shipwreck
In this empty world
Hang in there bro
[Outro: Marseaux]
I have a few hopes and I have
Α black-clad guardian angel
Respect the destiny, keep away the evil
I have a few hopes and I have
In the north that it rages this refuge
It would be better for tomorrow, my love hang in there

Room 101

Hotel Rosa Vamva, room 101, he parks illegaly and he came to see me secretly to talk for loneliness, for the parents that we didnt live enough
Which betrayal hurts and for which utopia im writing my songs for
For who mother and who woman she is smoking so much like me , we know each other since we were young
He touched the wounds one by one I had with bare hands
She was kissing me sweetly , she told me to never say it to mother and she learnt me how to pile them down of the carpet in the room always secretly
She never told me her name, thats the reason I call her Rosa ,every so often I turn off my phone and Im gone a bit from the guys and I go slowly to the same hotel
Same room, same keys, she will come without calling her and again she knows me so well
One cigarette lights, one after another, she is asking were is my match
Because I keep mine like my father but I have so long to take it
Ι look somewhere else and she smile ,she told me that as much features you adopt from the ones you love
You wont ever bring them so close,
She brings her lips to mine slowly, and they had the saltiness that had the tears the first time that I saw she won over me .And I had bent how the game we were playing under the carpet was a trap, but betting so much to leave I have left so many things that I havent a resolution and when the night I went home, she told me she won me , she told that we would meet to the same bar every night till she dies
Whatever I felt from the drinks and I answered ok
And when I didnt pass out ,out of the store she was putting me in the car and leaving me out of the school at 7
And like this high school spent and I said I dont wanna see you anymore ,and she laugh ,she gave me sweetly a card and told me ,come when you desire, I answered , we wont see each other again , again after a few nights in hotel Rosa Vamva ,room 101 again here , something I do wrong
Rosa Rosa Rosa dont leave me yet , there are so many secrets for me that I havent told you and wounds that I have hidden
The things that was written, was written with blood somewhere I lost you in the rain
Take the coat out there is raining, its not here for us the angel to take care of us
In this bad weather
A packet of match on it has the number, who you are, I dont remember and I dont know who I am
Rosa Rosa Rosa dont leave me yet , there are so many secrets for me that I havent told you and wounds that I have hidden
The things that was written, was written with blood somewhere I lost you in the rain
(Take the coat out there is raining, its not here for us)

How I had served His Lordship

How I had served his lordship
And in the first summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A chicken for that summer.
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
As I served his lordship
And in the second summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A duck for that summer.
And the duck there jumping slightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
As I served his lordship
And in the third summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A goose for that summer.
And those goose, honking honking
And the duck there jumping lightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
As I served his lordship
And in the fourth summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A turkey for that summer.
And that turkey, gobbling gobbling,
And those goose, honking honking
And the duck there jumping lightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
As I served his lordship
And in the fifth summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A ram for that summer.
And that ram curly horned -
Had broken his legs,
And that turkey, gobbling gobbling,
And those goose, honking honking
And the duck there jumping lightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
Oh, I served his lordship
And in the sixth summer and summer -
I earned from his lordship
A calf for that summer.
And that calf wags it's tail,
And that ram curly horned -
Had broken his legs,
And that turkey, gobbling gobbling,
And those goose, honking honking
And the duck there jumping lightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.
As I served his lordship
And in the seventh summer that summer -
I earned from his lordship
A maiden for that summer
And that maiden got drunk,
Fell off of the oven, dying.
And that calf wags it's tail,
And that ram curly horned -
Had broken his legs,
And that turkey, gobbling gobbling,
And those goose, honking honking
And the duck there jumping lightly,
And that cackling chicken
Walks in the garden there walking,
The chicks leading them there leading.

In The Car

The car door opens
And you're getting in, electrifying
My body heat is taking over, and I'm smoking up
Everyone calls you 'She who Burns'
Who collects her victims
Let me come to you by choice to be your victim.
Leave burn marks upon me with your lips
Take me as I am
A compulsive gambler who likes to play with fire
If you are like fire - I am water
Together we'll become clouds
You and I will fly together through the seasons
You answer, you don't answer
How can I know whether you're coming with me?
So once again I'm coming back to you.
The car is filled with smoke
It's not me, it's just cigarettes
I've calmed down now, so sit down, let's have a serious talk
What are your plans for tonight?
Tell me all about your fantasies
Together we'll make them come true, the age of innocence is over.
No scar will be left on me
If we make love
Love will heal everything, both in you, and in me
Together we'll soar through the sky
Hope lies in every turn
You and I will fly together through the seasons
You answer, you don't answer
How can I know whether you're flying with me?
So once again I'm coming back to you...
Leave burn marks upon me with your lips...

Cheer for Me

Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
On the wings of our happiness, take me to the handsome [groom]
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
On the wings of our happiness, take her to the groom
On the wings of our happiness, take her to the groom
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
My groom is waiting for me, and my heart is so happy
I will sing all my life
I will give him a hug with my eyelashes
My groom is waiting for me, and my heart is so happy
I will sing all my life
I will give him a hug with my eyelashes
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
On the wings of our happiness, take her to the groom
On the wings of our happiness, take her to the groom
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Well wishes to the girls to get married, and feel the happiness I’m feeling
As long as you’re with me, my sisters will congratulate me
Well wishes to the girls to get married, and feel the happiness I’m feeling
As long as you’re with me, my sisters will congratulate me
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
On the wings of our happiness, take her to the groom
On the wings of our happiness, take her to the groom
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
If you knew how much I love, and how much my love is faithful
If you knew how much I love, and how much my love is faithful
If you knew how happy I am, and slowly the sadness is disappearing
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
On the wings of our happiness, take her to the groom
On the wings of our happiness, take her to the groom
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
The veil is well kept and it’s fitting me perfectly
Say: 'cheer for me', and take me to my groom
The veil is well kept and it’s fitting me perfectly
Say: 'cheer for me', and take me to my groom
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for me, cheer for me, and walk me on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
On the wings of our happiness, take us to the groom
On the wings of our happiness, take us to the groom
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers
Cheer for her, cheer for her, and walk her on the flowers

Diary of Dawn

This dawn resembles you so much
So I’m locked in my thoughts until late
With old memories that should have faded
This deepening night is getting colored with you
With the beautiful you
And the memories I face
All the words that were left unsaid
And the scent that should’ve faded with time
Once I think of them again, they grow so clear
Although our fate went awry
I pray that the end will be different
Sometimes, I send the small memories that remain somewhere
As I draw you out
Strangely, in my world
You remain in those times that have stopped
With the beautiful you
And the memories I face
All the words that were left unsaid
And the scent that should’ve faded with time
Once I think of them again, they grow so clear
I was never able to smile
When I spent time with people without you
Whatever I do, wherever I am, I always think
You would really like this
With the beautiful you
And the future I drew out
You come to me like a habit
At night, which changed so much and I hate it
So I try to avoid you and hide but just like always
You come to me
And I can’t face you
All the words that were left unsaid
I can remember them as if it was yesterday and I hate it
As I wander alone, the place I end up
Is the dawn where I can’t do anything


See, I'm stunned by your eyes
Sit in front of me
I defeat the world
I'm watching you deeply
Sit in front of me
I defeat the world
Come and burn easily this dry and empty desert (I'm like a dry and empty desert)
Come and light all these vigils 1
Become rain, fall, calm me down
Become Leyla2, make me Majnun2
Become rain, fall, calm me down
Become Leyla, make me Majnun
You are my only heart's love, my only wings and the only crown of my head
You are my only heart's moon, my only heart's king, my only friend
Love means the sweet sorrow of separation
Love means patience and patience
Become rain, fall, calm me down
Become Leyla2, make me Majnun2
Become rain, fall, calm me down
Become Leyla, make me Majnun
  • 1. Your love makes me sleepless
  • Referring to the well-known romance story 'Layla and Majnun'


Crazy I am in love with her.
I was charmed by her lips.
She is my life and eyesight.
She is my tears and watchfulness.
And the heart flies with joy.
I love her a lot
I drowned in her sea
And I melt if I saw her
My nights housed her love.
And it affected me her absence.
On her way, I have to walk.
I love her a lot
My love is not the same as anyone.
A Beautiful of the sweetest, I called her.
I start my words in her name.
And I end my words in her describe.
On her I am jealous.
I love her a lot.


Johnny is a responsible guy
waits for the train every morning at six thirty
he is not afraid of stifling normalcy
even if it costs him his soul
Johnny is living the moment for the benefit of the future
he is not built to chase dreams
wants love, a family and a house
and still longs for Dorit from the 11th grade
And i am not like Johnny, i want to dream
i burn another cigarette, start the day
want to see landscapes and the world
to feel that in every moment, i am living fully
Johnny is starting to get tired of the normalcy
his stomach is turning over and over
the landscapes are winking and also the old dream
money is not making his happy
Johnny decides to get up and change
it is never too late to be yourself
forty years old, an apartment, a dog, a fine modest Jaguar
decided to abandon everything that he built
Suddenly Johnny is like me, wants to dream
he burns another cigarette, starts the day
want to see landscapes and the world
to feel that in every moment, i am living fully
Suddenly Johnny is like me, wants to dream
he burns another cigarette, starts the day
want to see landscapes and the world
to feel that in every moment, i am living fully


Care are more important than love.
If you choose between someone
who loves you or someone who
cares about you. Choose the one who
cares about you since there's no point
in love without care.
The splendor of life is,
Near people,
They understand the meaning of attention.
Attention costs nothing
But it means a lot.
That comes from the heart,
It never stops.
Neglect after attention
It’s like killed an innocent soul
Without adjusted ..!
Attention from the heart
makes us, thinking, missing,
searching, worrying
Even from afar...
The most beautiful thing in attention,
It's to become an a valuable
for someone who is afraid,
to lost you in one day.
Sometimes all we need,
To feel important is to have
someone, gives you attention?
on this planet surface.

Song of the drunkards (or the drunk song)

La la la la la la
La la la la la la
The boys left for the city
The hat tilting
In a merry mood
And a bottle in their pocket
Here they feel no worries
Two friends
But beneath the bottle
Again sits the black Devil
From the market we went around
And went to the tavern
A bottle there was emptied
And the pockets from money
The daggers swung, as well as fists
Brought bread as well as water
In the bottom of the empty bottle
Is a thousand Devils
Here they feel no worries
Two friends
But beneath the bottle
Again sits the black Devil
When we rode back home
Behind the never ending pain
The hag took the rolling pin
And the eye was black
Here they feel no worries
Two friends
But beneath the bottle
Again sits the black Devil
The police hits with the baton
And the hag with the shovel
So back to the tavern
Now there I want to be

Little Affairs

You're going through it. Without paying attention.
I have my life equal to me.
All my life.
Incidents.. You may not interest you.
I'm building palaces.
And live on it for months.
And I spin a lot of stories from her.
And a thousand heavens.
And a thousand islands.
Your little affairs.
When you smoke, i kneel in front of you.
Like your good cat.
And I'm safe.
I'm chasing a fan.-
Smoke strings
Distribute it in the corners of the place.
Circles.. Circles
And you leave at the end of the night for me.
As a star, as an immigrant.
And leave me, my life friend.
For the smell of tobacco and memories.
And I keep.
In solitary frost.
And all my supplies is
Cigarette debris
And a plate. It's made up of ashes.
Featuring gray.
And when I'm sick.
And you carry your precious flowers.
My friend.. To me
And you put my hand in your hands.
It's up to me to color and wellness.
And the sun sticks in my cheek.
And I'm crying. And I'm crying. Without will.
And you're giving my cover back to me.
And make my head over the pillow.
I wished all the wishes.
My friend.. If I
I keep. I'm staying aday.
To ask about me.
To bear me every day.
Beautiful roses.
And if the phone rings in our house,
I'm flying to it.
me.. My dear friend.
With the joy of a little boy.
Longing as a lost bird
And embrace the rigid machine.
And squeeze its cold wires.
And i'm waiting for the sound.
Your voice matters to me.
A double. Full.. Strong
Like the voice of a prophet.
Like the sound and impact of the stars.
Like the sound of the fall of the ornaments.
And I'm crying. And I'm crying.
Because you thought about
Because you're from the balconies of the clouds.
She cheered for me.
And the day I come to you.
To borrow a book.
To pretend I came to borrow a book.
Stretch your tired fingers.
To the library.
And I keep. In the fog of fog.
It's like I'm an unanswered question.
I'm staring at you and the library.
Like a good cat.
You've found out?
See you know?
I came to change the book.
And I'm nothing but a liar.
And he quickly went to my room..
I add the book to my ribs.
It's like I've been with me.
And light my light. And i'm going to stow away around me.
And dig between the lines. And behind the lines.
And get back behind the commas. Come back.
Behind the spin points
And my head is spinning.
It's like I'm a hungry bird.
You're looking for seed waste.
Maybe.. Hey, i don't know what you' My dear friend.
I was left in one corner.
A short love phrase.
A little longing garden
Maybe among the sheets, you hid something.
A little peace. Bring peace back to me.
And when we're together on the way.
And unwittingly take my arm.
I feel like I'm.
With something deep.
Something like a fire.
On my elbow.
And raise my hands to the sky.
To make my path unfinished.
And I'm crying. And cry without interruption
So i'm going to keep losing.
And when I get back in the evening, I'm back in my room.
And take off my shoulders.
I feel like, and what you're in my room.
That your hands.
A phone at the mercy of my elbow.
And I stay to worship, exhausted.
Where your warm fingers are.
On the sleeve of my blue dress..
And I'm crying. And I'm crying. Uninterrupted
It's like my arm's not my arm.


Versions: #1
He knew nothing about love
As he had never seen a piece of love's cloud before
To make him fall in love with someone
He gave his hands the touch of velvet
With a seductive imagination
He resumed his life
He jumped over the clouds
He flew towards the stars
But the one whom he loved went one day
Sky took pity on him
Clouds started crying
I am that low-spirited cloud
I sing with a bleeding heart
In loneliness and homelessness
Sky is raining because of my grief
The rain understood me tonight
It became acquainted with my sorrow
Drop by drop, word by word
It came in unison with my heart

A mighty fortress is our God

Versions: #1
A mighty fortress is our God, our weapon and armor.
He saves us from all the fears that trouble us here!
A cunning, old enemy is waiting to overcome us,
swarm of his evil powers leads us into battle,
On Earth he has no equal.
We cannot overcome the evil one, we would have to die soon.
but the brave Commander
of the angelic troops from heaven fights for us.
Ask who this may be. He is called Jesus.
He is Christ, our Lord, who will destroy the plan,
you haven't another God.
Though the world would be full of devils, which they would like swallow us.
We are not afraid of their betrayal, we will have a triumph.
This world's prince may rage.
it does not hurt us anymore, because he is doomed alone
through God's almighty Word.
Let them beware of the word, we do not owe it to them,
Christ himself is with us with his Spirit and gifts by his grace.
Let bad ones deprive us wives, children, honor,
let them take what they want, their profits are poor,
The kingdom will remain for us.

Te voi astepta (Psalmul 130)

Din adancimi Doamne Te chem
Raspunde-mi din Inalt
Pleaca-Ti urechea l-al meu glas
Cand ruga mi-o inalt
Din adancimi Doamne Te chem
Te strig in noapte cand mi-e greu
Pleaca-Ti urechea l-al meu glas
Asculta-mi ruga, Domnul meu
E-atat de mult al meu pacat
La Tronul Tau cum sa ma-nchin?
Dar sunt copil rascumparat
Si doar prin Har la Tine vin
Te voi astepta,
Te voi astepta
Mi-ai promis ca vii pe nor
Te voi astepta,
sigur Te astept
Sufletu-i cuprins de dor
Deci te increde-n Dumnezeu
Caci doar prin El poti fi salvat
Azi straluceste-un curcubeu
Hristos e viu, a Inviat!
Te voi astepta,
Te voi astepta
Mi-ai promis ca vii pe nor
Te voi astepta,
sigur Te astept
Sufletu-i cuprins de dor
El a platit un pret nespus
Pe cruce sus prin jertfa Sa
Sangele scump al Lui Isus
A curs sa stearga vina mea
Te voi astepta,
Te voi astepta
Mi-ai promis ca vii pe nor
Te voi astepta,
sigur Te astept
Sufletu-i cuprins de dor
Te voi astepta,
Te voi astepta
Prin furtuni, prin noaptea grea
Te voi astepta,
sigur Te astept
Doamne Tu esti Viata mea
Ca un strajer vegheaza dar
Putin mai e de dus
Caci in curand El vine iar
Al nostru scump Isus

Nu mă dezamăgi

Versions: #2
Te rog, crede-mă
Baby - este doar o amintire tristă
Te rog, crede-mă.
Baby - Jur că nu sunt atât de orb pentru a vedea
Mi-ai frânt inima și am vorbit serios.
Îți spun, iti jur - Te iubesc
Oh, te rog copilul meu - stai
Iubit-o, te iubesc- e adevărat
Oh, Baby - Nu mă lăsa în jos
Oh, Baby - Nu prost în jurul
Oh, Baby Don't Stop - Dragostea mea este fierbinte
Ia-mă, oh ia-mă în seara asta.....
Oh, Vă rugăm să credeți-mă Baby - Suntem mai aproape de Rai, este adevărat
Oh, Vă rugăm să Belive Me Baby - Nu există nici eu fără tine
Îți strig numele - Am vrut să spun ceea ce spun
Îți spun jur că te iubesc.
Dragostea mea este o flacără - Oh, arată-mi calea
Eu vă spun, te iubesc - Este adevărat .....

A venit ploaia

Ea pășea ca un vis din altă lume,
Nu mai văzusem o astfel de fată adorabilă.
Ea a zâmbit în timp ce stăteam pe nisip,
Dar, chiar când am ajuns la mâna ei...
A venit ploaia!
S-a întâmplat iar,
Tunetul și fulgerul.
A venit ploaia!
Mergeam pe malul mării de mult, mult timp.
Știam, cumva, că ea era aproape a mea,
Privirea din ochii ei asta-mi spunea.
Dar, chiar când ne-am oprit pentru un sărut...
A venit ploaia!
S-a întâmplat iar,
Tunetul și fulgerul,
A venit ploaia!
Ea îmi șoptea că-mi va fi mireasă,
Că-mi va sta mereu alături.
Ajunsesem la capătul căutării mele,
Dar chiar când mergeam la altar...
A venit ploaia!
S-a întâmplat iar,
Tunetul și fulgerul.
A venit ploaia!
A venit ploaia!
A venit ploa-ai-aia!!!
(Ploaia a venit!)

i wish i'm a sacrifice for the birds of your holy sanctuary

Imam reza , i wish i'm a sacrifice for the birds of your holy sanctuary
i ask you for a look under your feet
i came kneeling
and i know very well how guilty and bad i am
i know , your the captivator of all hearts
and the consoller of the broken ones
O your my stability and my calmness
it is enough for me that you'r next to me
i would like to say that your my safety
your generosity is greater than my sin
let me be fitted with looking at you
i came to address you from the bottom of my heart
Imam reza , i wish i'm a sacrifice for the birds of your holy sanctuary
i ask you for a look under your feet
i came kneeling
and i know very well how guilty and bad i am
i know , your the captivator of all hearts
and the consoller of the broken ones