Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 26

Număr de rezultate: 1098



Versions: #2
Persoana din interiorul acestei oglinzi nu sunt eu
Ceva în capul meu îmi provoacă dureri
Vreau să plec de aici, vreau să scap, să plec departe
(Salvează-mă) Cine sunt eu? Nu știu cine sunt
Corpul meu înnebuneşte
Nişte coarne îmi ies din cap, ce ar trebui să fac? Nu pot să le opresc
Oh, cumva sunt o ființă rea în această lume?
Salvează-mă, poate că mă transform într-un monstru
Nu mai am pe nimeni altcineva, decât pe tine
(Cine eşti?) Eşti cumva salvatorul meu, care m-a găsit complet abandonat?
(Cine eşti?) Aripile tale simt aceeaşi durere ca ale mele?
Îmi ies nişte coarne din cap, dar îmi place
Tu devii coroana mea
Se simte minunat
Inima mea este un haos, dar o iubesc
E pur şi simplu perfect
Noi doi, doi, doi
Ai pus capăt singurătăţii mele, abracadabra
Ajută-mă să opresc această suferință, abracadabra
De ce lumea mă tratează așa?
Brusc, niște coarne mi-au ieșit din cap
Există un astfel de lucru ca fericirea pentru demoni?
Aripile ţi s-au extins în fața ochilor mei
Te rog, spune-mi dacă eu sunt cel care îți completează cealaltă jumătate
În acest moment, numele meu este chemat
(Cine eşti?) Eşti cumva salvatorul meu, care m-a găsit complet abandonat?
(Cine eşti?) Aripile tale simt aceeaşi durere ca ale mele?
Îmi ies nişte coarne din cap, dar îmi place
Tu devii coroana mea
Se simte minunat
Inima mea este un haos, dar o iubesc
E pur şi simplu perfect
Noi doi, doi, doi
Ai pus capăt singurătăţii mele, abracadabra
Ajută-mă să opresc această suferință, abracadabra
De fapt, încă sunt puțin speriat
Stau, înfrunt batjocura și singurătatea
Și nimeni nu mă poate înțelege
Dar tu
Mi-ai schimbat lumea numai prin existența ta
Acum, nu mai simt durere (Am o coroană pe cap)
Îmi ies nişte coarne din cap, dar îmi place
Tu devii coroana mea
Se simte minunat
Inima mea este un haos, dar o iubesc
E pur şi simplu perfect
Noi doi, doi, doi
Ai pus capăt singurătăţii mele, abracadabra
Ajută-mă să opresc această suferință, abracadabra.

It's Staying Between us

I know separation is hard for you, but there's no alternative
Sometimes the final farewell is the only path remaining for you, no
Sometimes loneliness leads you away from doors of loneliness
When every night this bitter alcohol comes between your lips
My fragrance in your bed makes you miss me
Be patient, your place will always remain empty
I won't tell anyone to where you left
It will stay between the two of us
Be patient, no one's coming to my place
That smile won't leave your lips
I see a good future for you
I'll disappear into a world where there's no mention of you
I'm gonna disappear into a world where there's no mention of you
I know separation is hard for you, but there's no alternative
You run away from yourself, you go to a friend's house
You are scared to think of me, you closed your instagram
Your mom is worried about you, always texts you, asking you 'isn't he with you?'
I filled your place with music, the taste of your lips, everything you said
I didn't say to mom you're not here, I didn't extend your loneliness
We ran together towards the clouds
We didn't think about tomorrow
How much cursing we gave amid fighting
In the end we slept together anyways
But I'll disappear into a world where there's no mention of you
I'll disappear into a world where there's no mention of you
I'm gonna disappear into a world where there's no mention of you

To touch the sky (BRAVE OST - Persian Glory group lyrics)

When cool breeze(wind) blows
When the sky is clear
the foggy mountains will sing
will lead me to the light
I'll ride the wind
I'll fly
I'll follow the wind
'to touch the sky'
'to touch the sky'
I'll follow the wind
into the mysterious wood
I'll listen its stories
to start to dream
I'll even climb the (highest) mountains
then I'll overcome(reach) my dreams
(&) fly up to the sky to...
'to touch the sky'
the sky...
'to touch the sky'
'to touch the sky'
'to touch the sky'

My Dearest

You are right, that you could fix me
There's no one in my heart except for you
No one except for you
You are in my heart, you have become my love whether you like it or not
My love, you are the only one coming to me
You are coming to me
Even the moon itself is not as much of a moon as you are
Someone else won't ever be like that
I'm dying without you
You're in my heart
How much can someone become my life?
My dearest
I can't be without you for even one moment
Before you I don't remember anything
You made me like yourself, so I'm crazy
So I'm crazy
I saw that I say after you
No one could open as much space in my heart as you
I say this comfortably
I'm locked on the feelings my heart has for you, has for you
No one is like you for me
You that became the reason our eyes go nowhere (other than on each other)
How much better I feel
This is the way we both feel, I love you, I love you
My dearest
I can't be without you for even one moment
Before you I don't remember anything
You made me like yourself, so I'm crazy
So I'm crazy


You who’s staring at me blankly in the mirror is not me
Dizzy headaches and something on my head
Wanna run away, wanna disappear. Far away
(Save me) Who am I, I don’t know who I am
My body must have gone mad
There’s a horn coming out of my head,
What do I do, I don’t know how to stop it
I’m the only bad thing in this world
Save me, maybe I have turned into a monster
got no one but you
Who you?
Are you my salvation who found me deserted
Who you?
Are your wings the same pain like mine
There’s a horn rising up on my head
But I love it
You become my crown
The sensation of going pit-a-pat
My heart is mayhem
but I love it
We have finally become perfect
The two of us, us, us
Stop the loneliness, abracadabra
Stop the suffering, abracadabra
Why is the world treating me like this
Got a horn on me all of a sudden
Would there be light? Even for the devils?
And then your wings were spread in front of my eyes
Tell me please, I’m the one who completes your half
This moment of my name being called
Who you?
Are you my salvation who found me deserted
Who you?
Are your wings the same pain like mine
There’s a horn rising up on my head
But I love it
You become my crown
The sensation of going pit-a-pat
My heart is mayhem
but I love it
We have finally become perfect
The two of us, us, us
Stop the loneliness, abracadabra
Stop the suffering, abracadabra
Actually I’m still a little worried
I’m standing in between the cold sneer and the loneliness
nobody can understand
But it’s you
Your existence changes my world like magic
I’m not in pain anymore
I got crown on my head
There’s a horn rising up on my head
But I love it
You become my crown
The sensation of going pit-a-pat
My heart is mayhem
but I love it
We have finally become perfect
The two of us, us, us
Stop the loneliness, abracadabra
Stop the suffering, abracadabra

Chop Suey!

Versions: #2
Ia o pensulă și aplică puțin machiaj
Ascunde rănile să dispară deranjul
(Ascunde rănile să dispară)
De ce-ai lăsat cheile pe masă?
Poftim creează altă născocire
Ai vrut să
Ia o pensulă și aplică puțin machiaj
Ai vrut să
Ascunde rănile să dispară deranjul
Ai vrut să
De ce-ai lăsat cheile pe masă?
Ai vrut să
Nu cred că ai încredere
În sinuciderea mea ipocrită
Plâng când îngerii merită să moară
Ia o pensulă și aplică puțin machiaj
Ascunde rănile să dispară deranjul
(Ascunde rănile să dispară)
De ce-ai lăsat cheile pe masă?
Poftim creează altă născocire
Ai vrut să
Ia o pensulă și aplică puțin machiaj
Ai vrut să
Ascunde rănile să dispară deranjul
Ai vrut să
De ce-ai lăsat cheile pe masă?
Ai vrut să
Nu cred că ai încredere
În sinuciderea mea ipocrită
Plâng când îngerii merită să moară
În sinuciderea mea ipocrită
Plâng când îngerii merită să moară
Părinte, părinte, părinte, părinte
Parinte, în mâinile tale îmi încredințez sufletul
Părinte in mâinile tale
De ce m-ai părăsit?
În ochii tăi, m-ai părăsit
În gândurile tale, m-ai părăsit
În inima ta, m-ai părăsit
Nu cred că ai încredere
În sinuciderea mea ipocrită
Plâng când îngerii merită să moară
În sinuciderea mea ipocrită
Plâng când îngerii merită să moară

I Have A Heart

Me to myself, you to you, endlessly lying
Always staying silent, we will become stone
Everyday, everywhere, remembering each other
We'll go crazy avoiding each other
Maybe it's your heart that can't forgive
You distanced yourself from me
But understand me as well
I have a heart that loves
That tears from longing
And endlessly dreams of you
My love
I have a heart that loves
The voice in my heart tells me
That it forgives you and awaits you
Escaping from the current truth
We will regret the time we waste
Whether me, whether you, waiting somewhere
We have hope that we'll reunite again one day
Maybe it's my heart that can't forgive
You distanced yourself from me
But understand me as well
I have a heart that loves
That tears from longing
And endlessly dreams of you
My love
I have a heart that loves
The voice in my heart tells me
That it forgives you and awaits you
By distancing myself slowly-slowly
I understood that my heart remained with you
And even if for a bit and late, I want to come to you
Whether you like it or not by distancing yourself
You left me in the middle of the street standing alone
Me, in love
I have a heart that loves
That tears from longing
And endlessly dreams of you
My love
I have a heart that loves
The voice in my heart tells me
That it forgives you and awaits you
My love
I have a heart that loves
That tears from longing
And endlessly dreams of you
My love
I have a heart that loves
The voice in my heart tells me
That it forgives you and awaits you
My love...
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

On the way to Motown

Our mom is a restless ostrich
Who does her chores
And in the sauna
She puts on herbal poultices
She feels adventurous and smells of sweat
Even though she's trapped at home
Free from pressures, cleaning agents
Can find Motown music
And the porridge scoop can be used as a meat mallet
And the twill tape can be used as spaghetti
The unwavering peace of mind remains
When you ignore the risks
A powder brush or a wet kiss
Sometimes smacks the cheek
While in the middle of cooking, throwing plates
There's an explosion in the kitchen
There's crying and sauce fluids
The chicken's scorched again
But smiling gently you can handle the situation
With a proverb
You can use soap to decorate the cake
And everyone can die from food poisoning
And for desert you can lick the plates
To avoid doing dishes
Our mommy is a great mommy
Who does her chores
And in the sauna
She puts on herbal poultices
She feels adventurous and smells of sweat
Even though she's trapped at home
Free from pressures, cleaning agents
Can find Motown music
Motown music
A powder brush or a wet kiss
Sometimes smacks the cheek
While in the middle of cooking, throwing plates
There's an explosion in the kitchen
There's crying and sauce fluids
The chicken's scorched again
But smiling gently you can handle the situation
With a proverb
A proverb
Our mom is a restless ostrich
Who does her chores
And in the sauna
She puts on herbal poultices
She feels adventurous and smells of sweat
Even though she's trapped at home
Free from pressures, cleaning agents
Can find Motown music
Motown music

A Little Different

Listen, I live in the city center
Right next to the winery, that city is Rishon [LeZion]
I love [it]
I'm just like everyone else
The music flows in my blood
I think
I also know how to read between the lines
I'm chilling, having a drink with my friends
I'm sitting
A simple girl with a fragile heart
One of those hard-headed people
I'm hurting,
I want to live, want to hope
I too deserve no less
It's true that I sound a little different
But what does it matter?
It's exactly the same melody
So what if [we're] not from the same neighborhood
I'm not buying all those stories
I have a place for everyone in my soul
In my soul
Listen, I'm sick of all the prejudice
I cannot swim in a sea of masks
I get carried away
I know what most people think of me
When will you understand, it's not right with me
I'm angry
I want to live, want to hope,
I too deserve no less
It's true that I sound a little different
But what does it matter?
It's exactly the same melody
So what if [we're] not from the same neighborhood
I'm not buying all those stories
I have a place for everyone in my soul
In my soul

Black eyes

I want her and would die for her
And this life is nothing without her
She is always in my mind
She occupied my mind
I always think about her
Don't blame me, people
When you she me with a confused heart
She is living in my eyes
And excuse me, my mind is gone because of her
My mind is gone
Gone gone gone
What happened happened happened
To me because of that girl with black eyes
I am kind to her and protect her
And would give her my life
She is precious for me
I don't want anyone else
It's impossible for me to leave her

We'll do it

Versions: #3
We'll do it! We'll do it! We'll do it!1
Let's hang the Aristocrats !2
We'll do it! We'll do it! We'll do it!
The Aristocrats will be hanged!
For three hundred years they've been
promising to grant us some bread.
For three hundred years they've been
making merry and keeping whores!
For three hundred years we've been crushed.
Enough lies and smooth talk already!
We are no longer willing to starve!
For three hundred years they've been
waging war with fives and drums
while we were famished to death.
This could not go on forever...
For three hundred years they've been taking our men
and treating us like beasts of burden.
This could not go on forever !
Retribution is coming your way,
for the people is reclaiming its rights.
You really took us for a ride3
the ride is over, ye mighty kings!
You'll no longer lead us anywhere,
we will lead you to the scaffold,
for the law is now in our hands!4
  • 1. This refers to Benjamin Franklin supporting the revolution using approximative French for 'It will be alright'
  • 2. lit. 'the Aristocrats to the street lamp'. Many Aristocrats and alleged Royalists were actually hanged from street lamps and/or beheaded by the crowd during French revolution.
  • 3. the French plays on 'se payer la tête de qqun' ('buy yourself someone's head') meaning 'making fun of someone'. The next lines go 'Forget about relying on our heads, we'll have yours now'
  • 4. lit. 'for it's us who make the law now'


Time 10 9 8 run ~ 10 9 8 7 6
5 4 3 out of 5 4 3 2 1 to me
You can't just pass me by.
Let's go Let's go Let's go let's go
I can't stand my beauty.
Let's go Let's go
Revolve around contingency request also.....
I've seen it. I've seen it.
I feel it, but I feel it.
You're gonna be a little too late.
A pink room for you.
Your heart is full and your body is full.
I'll see you again.
Why don't you stop?
Once I smile at you,
1 2 3 4 5 drive you crazy
Time 10 9 8 run ~ 10 9 8 7 6
5 4 3 out of 5 4 3 2 1 to me
10 9 8 reach with 10 9 8 7 6
Me # 5 4 3
Grab # 5 4 3 2 1
Touchdown Touchdown Touchdown
This Black Country that pulled you.
Let's go Let's go Let's go let's go
I can't get out of here.
uh - Let's go Let's go
Your eyes are full of your eyes.
Shake to shake, to shake, to
Stay as it is
This is the prank of the gods.
Don't ask me where you are.
Every time the second hand is given
You'll find me more and more.
Don't Promise Me Anything.
I can turn away from me.
1 2 3 4 5 let's make you laugh.
Time 10 9 8 run ~ 10 9 8 7 6
5 4 3 out of 5 4 3 2 1 to me
10 9 8 reach with 10 9 8 7 6
Me # 5 4 3
Grab # 5 4 3 2 1
Touchdown Touchdown Touchdown
All of you are falling into me in a single moment
Wait a minute.
Look at your eyes again.
Sign up to a small one is not a secret for you
Time 10 9 8 run ~ 10 9 8 7 6
5 4 3 out of 5 4 3 2 1 to me
10 9 8
Tell your daughter 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
Get Me $ 5 4 3 2 1 Touchdown

Bring It Down

Roam through the tunnel searching for the truth
I hear the voice echo in the dark
“Can you feel my heart?”
The moment it whispers, like a ghost, it disappears
I can feel your heart
I won’t let you escape
I will surely find you myself
Passing through every Redzone
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Turning even my weakness and uncertainty into weapons
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Bring it down, bring it down,
Bring it down, down down down
Bring it down, bring it down,
Bring it down, down down down
In the gap between the towering buildings, suspicious eyes glow
Even if it is a dangerous trap, if I don’t move, it won’t start
Unreasonable pain
Countless tears
Change them to power
Now I will fly high
Leap beyond my past self
Passing through every Redzone
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Shoot an arrow towards the uncertain future
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Passing through every Redzone
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Turning even my weakness and uncertainty into weapons
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Passing through every Redzone
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
It’s all up to me Now let it free
Yeah bring it down
Yeah bring it down
Bring it down

Tunisian Hadrah

O, My Lord! Send salutations
O, My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever
Upon Your beloved, who is the best of all creations.
O, My Lord! Send salutations
O, My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever
Upon Your beloved, who is the best of all creations.
O, My Lord! Send salutations .....
Most noble of ll creations, I have none
save you with whom to refuge seek,
Most noble of ll creations, I have none
save you with whom to refuge seek,
Most noble of ll creations, I have none
save you with whom to refuge seek,
When on the world..
.. the Day of Doom doth loom.
O, My Lord! Send salutations
O, My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever
O, My Lord!
Upon Your beloved, who is the best of all creations.
O, My Lord! Send salutations
Oh, Prophet of God, may your honour great
ne'er me reject
Oh, Prophet of God, may your honour great
ne'er me reject
Oh, Prophet of God, may your honour great
ne'er me reject
When bounteous God, just punishment on sinners..
..does inflict.
O, My Lord! Send salutations
O, My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever
Upon Your beloved, who is the best of all creations.
O, My Lord! Send salutations
O, My Lord! Send salutations and greetings forever
Upon Your beloved, who is the best of all creations.
O, My Lord! Send salutations .....

for you

you´re my life , no matter who comes and loves me and how hard she tries to take my heart, i don´t lie , my heart is accostumed to you.
but when I saw you, my heart wanted that you come closer to me,
with you somehow i want that get deeper in love with you everyday.
yallah yallah come closer ,
I love you more then ever before ,
with you my heart gets somehow that i want you to know that i want to be always with you
yallah yallah come closer ,
I love you more then ever before ,
with you my heart gets somehow that i want you to know that i want to be always with you
know that I become dependent on you ,
for you , know that between all these people there is only one who falled in love with you.
for you , i will die when you´re not with me
i am the one who becomes dependent on you ,
for you , know that between all these people there is only one who falled in love with you.
for you , i will die when you´re not with me
yallah yallah come closer ,
I love you more then ever before ,
with you my heart gets somehow that i want you to know that i want to be always with you
yallah yallah come closer ,
I love you more then ever before ,
with you my heart gets somehow that i want you to know that i want to be always with you

in my eyes

throw behind your back all sadness
when you with me, don't ask about comfort
you have created to happiness
you have created to me
in my eyes
I will make your habitation in my eyes
my madness increasing
I attached with you more and more
in your eyes
I want to see the smile
be beside me and my mine
I will give you my age
and in your eyes
my heart under your order
won't carry worry of age(life)
otherwise, don't accept

Winx Club - Opening

If you'd want
you can become
one of the Winx
if your hand is holding mine
it's a legendary power
it's such a prefect team
Winx girls (are) here
with a wide and charming smile
the world will be wonderful
we will pass any obstacle
here together
if you'd want
you cab become
one of the winx
in magical pathes the skies will shine
a great adventure will be wating to start
in the star
when a cloud is born, I'll fly to the sky
I'll call then to the heaven
my imgination will have influence
on the magic wings
if your hand is holding mine
it's a legendary power
it's such a prefect team
Winx girls (are) here
with the company of the new (girl)
we will have fun all the time (every minute)
and together we will act
and we'll be then
with magical wings
we will light all of the nights
The strength of light then will wait
here with us under the symbol of Winx

My Eyes Staying Up

You whom I've lived my entire life looking for
You who between whose hands,
I forgot all this world.
You made me love my life & forget before you, why I lived !
You, in whom my soul is
You, in whom my soul is
My eyes are staying up for you all the nights
Oh, your speaking & the charm in your eyes
You made me forget myself, not knowing what took me
You fell in love, O my poor heart, & with out mercy !
Gentleness & innocence in your eyes & your kindness
And your speaking, from so long,
I've been dreaming of
I become at my best state while you're in front of me, because..
You are the nicest place that
My heart found comfort at.

Hakuna Matata

Versions: #2
Hakuna matata-what a wonderful phrase!
Hakuna matata-not a loss of senses!
That you won't worry anymore until the end of your days
Make it your motto
Hakuna matata!
(Hakuna matata?
Yes, it's our motto!
What is a motto?
Nothing at all, don't let him die from the motto!*
Listen, kid, these two words will solve all your problems!
Very true! Take Pumba for example...)
Yes, when Pumba was young
A young warthog
(Very nice.
Thank you.)
The smell he gave out was awful and terrible
All the savanna creatures left in a hurry
My soul is sensitive, but my skin is rough and thick!
It hurts me when my relatives turn their backs to me!
And oh, the embarrassment
He felt so ashamed
I will yet change my name
G-d isn't guilty**
And I always suffered so..
What is the feeling?
Every time that-
(Hey, Pumba, not in front of the kid!
Oh, sorry)
Hakuna matata-it's such a wonderful phrase
Hakuna matata-not a loss of senses
That you won't worry anymore until the end of your days
(Yes, sing, kid)
Make it your motto
Hakuna matata
Hakuna matata
Hakuna matata
Hakuna matata
That you won't worry anymore until the end of your days
Make it your motto
Hakuna matata
Hakuna matata
Hakuna matata...

Cântecul Motown

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Adu din discurile tale Motown
punem difuzoarele-n fereastră şi plecăm
pe acoperiş şi-ascultăm The Miracles
cu ecou spre aleea de mai jos, oh, da
Să dansăm împreună doar noaptea asta
să nu ne-ngrijorăm de viitor şi altceva
că aşa cum zice muzica, trebuie să ne acordăm şanse
Hai, fă-o şi ai încredere-n tine!
E un suflet în oraş
şi ne veghează diseară...
E un suflet în oraş
spunând că totul va fi bine!
Ei ne urează succes, dar ei cred că visăm
să le arătăm că greşesc, iubire
căci tu ştii ce-i norocul - norocul e să crezi că eşti norocos
asta-i tot şi să arăţi doar puţină credinţă
E un suflet în oraş
şi zău că ne veghează
E un suflet în oraş
E o lume-ntreagă ce ne aşteaptă, o, da!
Am planuri pentru noi ce se-aud ca pe un disc
prin capul meu toată noaptea
dar când ne plimbăm pe acea scară de bloc întunecoasă şi ieşim pe acoperiş,
ştiu că ce simţim nu poate fi greşit, o, da
Hai să mai cânte odată Temptations
Refren x4

The State of Loss and Woe

The State of Loss and Woe
Is the destination of a gloomy mind.
Be it a man or a woman,
No one can escape it.
The State of Loss and Woe
Is a place of tears and confusion.
Hunger, thirst, and burning heat
Bring upon untold suffering.
The State of Loss and Woe
Is a place where beings are packed together.
It's filled with vomit
And misshapen bodies.
The State of Loss and Woe
Where rebirth happens millions of times a day.
The pain is horrific,
The suffering is endless... The State of Loss and Woe.
The State of Loss and Woe.
It's the destination of a gloomy mind.
Take it away!

Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka

If it happened a moment ago, I'd remember
If it happened a year ago, I don't know
You say it's a long haired woman. There are a lot here.
Sorry. Ask somebody else
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
She quitter half year ago. She didn't even saluted us
She took a Mary client, she made an uproar
You can't have such lack of manners
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
It's a girl who came from Yokohama
She was good for jitterbugging
She was there until three months ago. One night she picked a kitten
She scaped with the kitten
I don't know to where
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
Though she said she liked Yokosuka
She looked pitiable with foreigners
Though she was a girl who didn't speak much
She talked with the kitten
She paid me in advance a month ago and she left
Hey, you got something with that girl!
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
A while ago she was sitting on a box of that corner
A client touched her somewhere and she ran from the store
Somehow that girls doesn't want to be an innocent baby
Hey, you're in love with that girl, aren't you?
Yoko from the docks, Yokohama, Yokosuka
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

La Noi

La Periş, la Periş,
Casele-au acoperiş,
Nici McChicken, nici McFish,
Minunat e la Periş !
La Ploieşti, la Ploieşti,
Lumea bea cafea din ceşti,
Toată ziua la poveşti,
N-ai cum să te plictiseşti !
La Braşov, la Braşov,
Fetele preferă mov,
Dacă n-ai pe tine mov
Poţi să-ţi iei Kalaşnikov !
La Cugir, la Cugir
Nici un fir de trandafir,
Nici popice, nici kefir,
Păi ce să cauţi la Cugir ?
La Ungheni, la Ungheni
Mimi vinde buruieni,
Trei la sută din săteni
Vor să plece din Ungheni.
La Arad, la Arad,
Toate-afacerile cad:
'Viaţa noastră e un iad !'
Zice lumea bună din Arad.
Păi Techirghiol, Techirghiol,
Apă, soare şi nămol,
Nota do şi nota sol
Nu se-aud la Techirghiol...
Iar la Cluj, dragi meseni,
Oraşu-i plin de napoceni,
Napocenii, toţi din Cluj,
Tricoloru-l au pe blugi, oh !

A Window to the Mediterranean Sea

Lyrics: Yaakov Gil'ad
Melody: Yehuda Poliker
I promised to write to you when I departed
Yet I haven't corresponded with you for a while now
Right now I am missing you terribly
It's a shame, a shame that you're not here.
As soon as I arrived in Jaffa
Hopes were borne out of frustration
I found a room and a half for myself
On the rooftops of an abandoned house.
There is a Murphy bed in here,
If the three of us want to sleep.
You, me and the child
By a window to the Mediterranean sea.
...And perhaps, far away, there lies a chance of 1 out of a million
...And perhaps, far away, some sort of happiness is sneaking into the window.
The year is 1950, end of December
Outside there is a war of spirits
The snow came here suddenly
White reminds me of lost things.
The wound is still open,
If only you were with me right now
I would sure be telling you
What a letter cannot simply tell.
Here, if you want you can come home,
And myself, o, you'll have plenty of it
Laughter of children in the evenings
By a window to the Mediterranean sea.
...And perhaps, far away, there lies a chance of 1 out of a million
...And perhaps, far away, some sort of happiness is sneaking into the window.
Avtarás Karím Elymésher

I'm the same person

By loving you, my world becomes lovelier
You made me see the world more beautiful
She is with me in my heart while I'm breathing
I feel revived by her dream
She is all my world. In her breast is my place
I will die without her
I will die without her
I'm the one who gets crazy for you
The one who's breathing in your air
The one whose heart is with you, and loves your world
The one who stays with you forever
It's like your love was in my heart since before (I was born)
I didn't exist when your name was on my heart
I didn't let anything happen to you (not a single hair fall)
You didn't let me feel like missing anything
It's like your love was in my heart since before (I was born)
I didn't exist when your name was on my heart
You are the reason behind my laughters
My heart wasn't enough for your love
I'm the one who gets crazy for you
The one who's breathing in your air
The one whose heart is with you, and loves your world
The one who stays with you forever

O people of the East

O people of the East,
It is time to repel the usurpers,
So fight the horrors
And endure them with boldness.
You have been sleeping for a long time,
But the enemies do not sleep.
Do you enjoy seeing your children
Lost in the wilderness?
They sent us into exile
And made all of us prisoners.
You will encounter dark nights,
So beware the deadly lightning.
Long live the Communist Party
And its leader, Lenin.
Long live the memory of Lenin
And all the other comrades.
O people of the East,
Through our great struggles
We will have our freedom,
In spite of the usurpers.

Breaking Down

It’s not the world
But it’s me that’s near the end
Losing you was losing everything I had
It’s been awhile
Since I’ve noticed the first crack
But your eyes always locked me up
And just had to watch myself fall
If I could live selfishly
What I need is
To turn back the time
And your heart
But I can’t
I’m breaking down
Disappearing little by little
In the dark
If all is destryed
Please find my pieces
And put me into one
You seem just fine
Almost better on your own
I don’t blame you
Cuz heart never breaks the same
If you call out to me
Once again
'I loved you,
I wanted to see you...'
Tears will probably fall
If I could live selfishly
What I need is
To turn back the time
And your heart
But I can’t
I’m breaking down
Disappearing little by little
In the dark
If all is destryed
Please find my pieces
And put me into one
I’m breaking down
Disappearing little by little
In the dark
If all is destryed
Please find my pieces
And put me into one


I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
My only one
Your love gave me everything
It allowed me to climb high up into the clouds
To live beautifully
Every tear is an embedded jewel
In my memory
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
You're my baby
I once used regret to bravely repent
I got trapped in a dream, going back and forth
From your beauty, from your lips
I met who I'll be in the future
A beautiful girl with a smile like a match
My heart caught fire, oh
The girl I love, no time to confess
To get you back, oh
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
My only one
Your love gave me everything
It allowed me to climb high up into the clouds
To live beautifully
Every tear is an embedded jewel
In my memory
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
You're my baby
I don't regret, I don't back out
Wherever you go, I want to follow
I miss your beauty and kissing your lips
I can't stand not being with you
A beautiful girl with a smile like a match
My heart caught fire, oh
The girl I love, no time to confess
To get you back, oh
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
My only one
Your love gave me everything
It allowed me to climb high up into the clouds
To live beautifully
Every tear is an embedded jewel
In my memory
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
You're my baby
You appearing in my life
Was the happiest thing
Even if I leave you
Wait for me to return baby
You're clearly not here
But my heart still feels you
Maybe I just miss you too much
Baby, please wait for me
A beautiful girl with a smile like a match
My heart caught fire, oh
The girl I love, no time to confess
To get you back, oh
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
My only one
Your love gave me everything
It allowed me to climb high up into the clouds
To live beautifully
Every tear is an embedded jewel
In my memory
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
You're my baby
You're my baby

The Season of Love

Beautiful, my wife, you are beautiful
Your lips drips of scarlet string
Walking barefoot among the vines
And among the shadows of the vineyard
Wind, a leaf had fallen as you follow me
It lands upon your hair, the silence of the desert
falls upon me
When I look at you, the sunset and sunrise connect, make love
And when I touch you, the angels of heaven, with their sound, play love
And even all the trees of the field and all the flowers, rivers and lakes smell of love
And even all the seasons with you feel like one single season, the season of love
Dressed in white,
Strolling among the paths, among the flowers of the garden
Your smile lights up the world
And when you fall asleep, there's a cloud above us
Come, open the gate for me
The day is done and the shadows all fled
Many waters shall wash over us with love, with love
When I look at you, the sunset and sunrise connect, make love
And when I touch you, the angels of heaven, with their sound, play love
And even all the trees of the field and all the flowers, rivers and lakes smell of love
And even all the seasons with you feel like one single season, the season of love
When I look at you, the sunset and sunrise connect, make love
And when I touch you, the angels of heaven, with their sound, play love
And even all the trees of the field and all the flowers, rivers and lakes smell of love
And even all the seasons with you feel like one single season, the season of love
The season of love

Ai, ne, ne, ne

Voi sta în fața văii,
Uitându-mă în cer,
Și îmi voi acoperi codițele
Cu o basma colorată.
Ai, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ai, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Cu o basma colorată.
Cum aș putea acum
Să-l privesc pe dragul meu în ochi
Și să-i cânt
Un cântec minunat?
Ai, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ai, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Un cântec minunat?
Dar frumusețea
Nu-mi mai bucură sufletul,
M-am schimbat,
Nu mai sunt la fel.
Ai, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ai, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Nu mai sunt la fel.
Voi sta în fața văii,
Uitându-mă în cer,
Și îmi voi acoperi codițele
Cu o basma colorată.
Ai, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ai, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Cu o basma colorată.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Minunatul viitor

Aud vocea minunatului viitor,
Vocea dimineții, roua umedă.
Aud vocea și pericolele care vor veni
Îmi tulbură mintea ca pe un copil mic.
Minunat viitor, nu fi dur cu mine,
Nu fi dur cu mine, nu fi dur cu mine.
De la originea pură până la viitorul cel mai bun,
Până la viitorul cel mai bun am ieșit.
Aud vocea minunatului viitor,
Ea mă cheamă spre locurile divine.
Aud vocea care mereu mă întreabă:
Ce am făcut deja pentru ziua de mâine?
Minunat viitor, nu fi dur cu mine,
Nu fi dur cu mine, nu fi dur cu mine.
De la originea pură până la viitorul cel mai bun,
Până la viitorul cel mai bun am ieșit.
Jur că voi fi bun și pur,
Nu-mi voi lăsa prietenul mizerabil în urmă.
Aud vocea și mă grăbesc cu această chemare
Pe drumul aspru către acel viitor.
Minunat viitor, nu fi dur cu mine,
Nu fi dur cu mine, nu fi dur cu mine.
De la originea pură până la viitorul cel mai bun,
Până la viitorul cel mai bun am ieșit.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Darkest Before Dawn

I was always looking for an answer
'Why?' some people asked me
A path covered with the morning haze
I used to run through it every day
I wished to go
Then came the frustration
I had to beat it back
Everyone is waiting for
the rising sun that cast light over the world
Even when you are by yourself
you are not alone
it’s not only you who is there
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
If I find the answer someday
how many excuses will disappear?
In the palm of your open hand
the future unique to you lies
Any dream you wished for
If you let go
it will belong to someone else
Everyone is waiting for
the rising sun that cast light over the world
Even when you are by yourself
you are not alone
It’s not only you who is there
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Stand up
Face it again
Clear sky
The wall higher than you are
there is someone I want to show
the strength I've earned and progress I’ve made
This moment
This urge
Put colors on the monotone pieces
If you connect them
you can see
the flower that blooms so proudly under the sunlight
Everyone is waiting for
the rising sun that cast light over the world
Even when you are by yourself
you are not alone
It’s not only you who is there
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before Dawn