Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 27


Tu nu poți

Tu nu poți,
Tu nu mai poți pleca acum,
Dragostea mea e prea mare,
Mult prea mare ca ea să moară
Într-o dimineață pur și simplu,
Cum moare primăvara.
Tu nu poți,
Tu nu poți să-mi iei fericirea,
Ca și cum ai fura o floare,
O floare ce vrea să trăiască la soare în zile frumoase,
Care sunt deja prea scurte.
Tot ce îți vei dori,
Vei vedea că vei îndeplini.
Când furtuna adoarme,
Cerul e ceea ce vedem.
Tu nu poți,
Tu nu mă poți să mă arunci în uitare,
Să mă alungi din viața ta,
Pe care am știut să o împărtășesc zi și noapte,
Tu nu poți, tu nu poți
Să mă uiți!
Am atât de multă dragoste pentru tine,
Ai să vezi, speranța va renaște,
Nimic nu s-a sfârșit, crede-mă,
Viitorul e aici.
Tu nu poți,
Tu nu mai poți pleca acum,
Dragostea noastră e prea mare,
E făcută din tristețe, chin și bucurie,
Și iată de ce...
Tu nu poți,
Tu nu poți, tu nu poți, tu nu poți
Să mai pleci acum.
Tu nu poți, tu nu poți, tu nu poți
Să mai pleci acum.
Tu nu poți, tu nu poți, tu nu poți
Să mai pleci acum.

Know why

A long story and 10,000 miles
So much lies between the old times and between us both
Who you are comfortable with right now, and if something is missing for you
We've missed in the divide, am I too late?
And I don't know what you'll say when we see each other again soon
and I don't know what I'll say when you ask me how things are going for me
Something pushes me
pushes me back to you
even though I truly know
that we don't work together
So much still holds me
still holds me to you
Even if we lie to ourselves
We know why
We know why
The fact that Morocco didn't work out still upsets me today
It only matters what you do, and not what you write
because we still find ways to not loose us
I come to the edge of the earth, I come over to you
Something pushes me
pushes me back to you
even though I truly know
that we don't work together
So much still holds me
still holds me to you
Even if we lie to ourselves
We know why
We know why


Cand incepe viata
Pe care o pot trai cu tine?
Cand vin anii de aur
Dupa care plange sufletul meu?
Vers (Xavier)
Sa nu crezi ceea ce spun,
Povestile lor false.
Adevarul este:
Vor sa ne nimiceasca....
De mult au facut planul asta
Dar dragostea mea pentru tine e mult mai puternica
Bridge (Xavier und Cassandra):
Vor, dar totusi nu pot sa o faca
Pentru ca armele lor se sfarama de iubirea noastra
Vor, dar totusi nu pot sa o faca
Pentru ca armele lor se sfarama de iubirea noastra
Refrain (Xavier und Cassandra):
Cand incepe viata
Pe care o pot trai cu tine?
Cand vin anii de aur?
Imi aud sufletul plangand....
Cand incepe viata
Pe care o pot trai cu tine?
Cand vin anii de aur
Dupa care inseteaza si plange sufletul meu?
Vers (Cassandra)
Povara se va usura
Doar cat dureaza sa iti tragi sufletul
Dar noi mergem mai departe si
Luptam contra tuturor.
Inimile noastre bat in continuare
In fiecare zi
Pentru ceea ce altii nici nu isi pot imagina
Bridge (Xavier und Cassandra):
Vor, dar totusi nu pot sa o faca
Pentru ca armele lor se sfarama de iubirea noastra
Vor, dar totusi nu pot sa o faca
Pentru ca armele lor se sfarama de iubirea noastra
Refrain (Xavier und Cassandra):
Cand incepe viata
Pe care o pot trai cu tine?
Cand vin anii de aur?
Imi aud sufletul plangand....
Cand incepe viata
Pe care o pot trai cu tine?
Cand vin anii de aur
Dupa care inseteaza si plange sufletul meu?
Vers (Xavier)
Nu ne vor nimici
SI nici nu ne vor distruge
Multi vor povesti victoriile si triumful noastru
Iubirea noastra ii va inspiratii pe altii
Generatii intregi se vor conduce dupa ea in intuneric
Vom fi oglinda altora
Ale caror suflete rezoneaza si se ating
Tu m-ai atins
Si m-ai binecuvantat
Am ajuns aici si m-am daruit tie.
Visele ne vor insoti
Cu sentimente ne vom proteja
Lumea noastra nu va cadea niciodata
Si noi stiam asta de la inceput...
Bridge (Xavier und Cassandra):
Vor, dar totusi nu pot sa o faca
Pentru ca armele lor se sfarama de iubirea noastra
Vor, dar totusi nu pot sa o faca
Pentru ca armele lor se sfarama de iubirea noastra
Vor, dar totusi nu pot sa o faca
Pentru ca armele lor se sfarama de iubirea noastra
Vor, dar totusi nu pot sa o faca
Pentru ca armele lor se sfarama de iubirea noastra
Refrain (Xavier und Cassandra):
Cand incepe viata
Pe care o pot trai cu tine?
Cand vin anii de aur?
Imi aud sufletul plangand....
Cand incepe viata
Pe care o pot trai cu tine?
Cand vin anii de aur
Dupa care inseteaza si plange sufletul meu?

I would be nothing without you

The Sphinx of Egypt stands for itself
The Eiffel Tower of Paris stands for itself
Just like all the many dwarves and fairies
From works of fiction, myths and fables
They're all well off standing for themselves
Only I, I would be nothing without you
So many of them, you just can't tell
Only I would be nothing without you
The Queen of Sheba stands for herself
The Emperor of China stands for himself
How many have found wisdom by themselves
I have also been on many a great journey
Some might say that I have lost my mind
But I, I would be nothing without you
Some might say, he's lost his mind
But I would be nothing without you


Versions: #2
(When will this life begin
That I can live with you?
When comes the Golden Age?
I can hear my soul crying out...)
Do not trust their statements, their lying narrations
The truth is they're seeking our eradication
This has been their intention all along
But my love to you is way too strong
They want it, but they will never succeed
Our love shatters their weapon into pieces
When will this life begin
That I can live with you?
When comes the Golden Age?
I can hear my soul crying out
When will this life begin
That I can live with you?
When comes the Golden Age
For which my soul is thirsting and yearning?
Our burden is lifted for the blink of an eye
We will stand our ground, we will stay in the fight
Our hearts, they are beating every day
Just for that in which nobody else has faith
[Bridge & Chorus]
They will not destroy us
And they will not wipe us out
You will hear that we're victorious
And triumphant all about
This love will be an inspiration
Lead generations through the dark
Regarded as an indication
By those whose souls relate and spark
You have touched me
And you have blessed me
I was led here
And thus I have met thee
Accompanied by faith
And shielded by the heart
Our world would never fail
We knew it from the start


[Chorus 1:]
Brother, you have to patient with me
I know, all our money's gone
Brother, you have to patient with me
Without you, it's no use at all
Just a little more patient with me
Our fortune's stuck in the mud
Like back when we were children
You will have to escape death only thrice a week
Meanwhile Shaitan1 also seeks to steal your soul
Then you have to slay that old dragon of drugs
To retrieve your belief in yourself
Deep within you hear the voices coercing you
But you don't want to kill nobody
Maybe you just want to sing
Don't let them dissuade you from your path
Then the pain will ease
And you will overcome Shaitan
And this pain will have led you to a better life
[Chorus 2:]
Brother, you need to be patient with thee
Brother, you need to be patient with thee
Just a little more patient with thee
Could you please show some patience with thee?
My mother would cry, how many mothers might cry
For their formerly small ones, who are now flinging
Cash around like pigs? - It shouldn't be like this
Brother, please come home, I can't free myself
There's so much evil in me, I... So much evil with me, I...
Those shackles, I ask you, are they coming untied?
Don't want no life on a silver thread, want a life in the Holy Garden
Want to walk on my personal paths on the way to the Father
Who was always there for me, even when I was haram2
Even when I was full of shame, because I was sick and blind
And I never saw His hand, now I'm eternally grateful
Brother, are you with me?
Ever since I've seen His hand, I'm grateful eternally
Brother, are you with me?
[Chorus 1]
  • 1. islamic demon, alternatively another name for Satan
  • 2. unclean, forbidden by islamic law

I Cannot Cry

[Chorus 1:]
This I should feel
This I should see
I cannot cry
But I cannot help it
Do you see the angels?
Do you see the sea?
I want to cry
But I can't anymore
I have lost my fears so long ago
They froze with all the other feelings on that day
But now I think I am able to repent
Believe me, I would gladly renew my life
[Chorus 1]
Where will this journey possibly lead?
When nothing and no one can still touch me
I am cold, the coldness comes from inside
And my life appears to escape me
[Chorus 1]
Crazy, the way life plays with us
By what have I earned this life anyway?
The way I trample it under my feet
I should be glad that I am still alive
I miss you so
I'll live your life for you
I miss you so
I'll bring something along
[Chorus 2:]
Cause now I can feel it
Now I can see
I have to cry
And I cannot help it
Do you see the angels?
Do you see the sea?
Now I can cry
I miss you so much...


[Chorus 1:]
And thus she freed herself
From the hands of her tormentor
Did she liberate herself
After the beatings and the screams
Did she finally get rid
From the deadly clutch of loneliness
Did she relieve herself
It is done, yes it is over
Just as soon as the first aches start to fade
You will feel the next strike instantly
And only if you start to skip a heartbeat
Will you make steps that will lead back into life
[Chorus 1]
And then, once the wrong ways lastly end
Who will go back and trace their steps?
With no step backwards most will let it slip
Self-reflexion won't lead to success right away
Some will openly become insane
As the world so starkly weighs them down
Some will walk increasingly bent over
Others yet will only zone out further
[Chorus 2]
And only in light of the scope of dreams
That so profoundly touch our lives
Do the slogans of the obstinate
To tried suffering souls begin to fade
[Chorus 2:]
And thus he freed himself
From the hands of his tormentor
Did he liberate himself
After the beatings and the screams
Did he finally get rid
Of the deadly clutch of loneliness
Did he relieve himself
Will understand and see again

A New Year

Here comes the time when all of us are busy preparing and fixing up
This time when all of us really only want to feel loved
Cause it's cold outside
And even if the winter isn't here yet, it's coming soon
We've been getting together at this place
Since so many years, no one ever stayed out
And we'll keep this reunion till we're not here anymore
And even beyond that this meeting will be popular
How is it possible, every year we're allowed to learn more
About ourselves and our loved ones, it's just starting though
To get interesting here on God's great earth
I'm firmly believing it, and a new year's starting out
This year, an abundance of experiences
Once again, though we thought more wouldn't be possible
And of course I'll be saying it this year again, more won't be possible
And more isn't possible - Are you following?
Even though I said I would not look back again1
When I look at our time, when I think of this time...
  • 1. Alludes to the song 'Schau nicht mehr zurück' by XAVAS, a collaborative project between Xavier Naidoo and rap artist Kool Savas

Little Song (Nursery Rhyme)

Fear does not know friends
Yet we all know her well
She's rather making fiends
Loves courage most to quell
No one likes to meet her
Yet she likes every one
And knows every man's metre
Be it hither, be it yon
I'll be your little song
I'll strengthen you in need
No matter what's to come
I'll be at your heed
Once I am in your meatus
I'll never ever leave
I made a vow to shield us
You and your family
Your fear is likely mine
She lives off you and me
In dark and lonely times
She nibs at you and me
We could form a bond though
Together, me and you
To fathom our sorrow
I won't leave you in the blue
Now you shall be my home space
For you make me feel safe
Your heart shall be my gateways
Your listening make me brave
The two of us together
Will chase out every fear
For in the darkest nethers
I know we will draw near

The Rock

( - Anything can happen.)
( - Yes.)
When darkness falls upon me and it won't cease to rain
When I'm hurling and stumbling and about to fall down
Then You are my railing and my light on all of my ways
My cane and my crook, my staff, my footing and my ground
[Chorus 1:]
What I mean to say, is
I build on You
I believe in You
I long for You
Like nothing else in this world
When I'm lonely, I'm weak and I'm lost, when I'm cold and afraid
When the ground's pulled away from beneath me, I'm toppled by evil and plagued
Then You give the strength and protection for which I'm thirsting
How often did You save me, carry me, did You give me Your wings
[Chorus 1] & [Chorus 2:]
All I mean to say, is
I believe in You
I trust on You
I build upon You
Lord, You are the Rock
My heart is joyful and I want to thank You with my chant
For the grace and the peace and the bliss that You unfold to me
For the fortress that You are and the refuge that You alone grant
For the love, the prospect, the insight, freedom, hope, strength, energy
[Chorus 1 & 2]

The Renaissance of Love

(The revolution of which I'm speaking
Is a non-violent revolution
And it's so revolutionary that it even revolutionizes
The very concept of a revolution)1
I can see it so vividly
It is fulfilled as prophesied
When He wipes all tears away
Then death shall be no more
The Renaissance of Love
Yes, we can all rejoice
The final chance that is left
Is love, love, all things are made new
And behold, neither sorrow
Nor any pain nor crying
Shall endure that which is done
For the former things are passed
(Halleluja, Halleluja)
From the fountain of the water
Of life He shall give freely
If you have made it this far
You shall inherit these blessings
(Halleluja, Halleluja)
  • 1. Sample taken from a TED talk by Benedictine monk David Steindl-Rast. Here's a direct link:

Not of this World - The Reemergence

[Moses Pelham:]
Namaste. It's been while.
But sometimes you come to again.
[Children's choir:]
Because we don't come from this world
Don't come from this world, don't come from this world
This is the return, oh!
[Children's choir:]
Because we don't come from this world
Don't come from this world, don't come from this world

Under Their Skin

It doesn't matter if you're strong or weak
It doesn't matter if you're fine
Just make sure to be awake, not to sleep
And to raise your voice in due time
Yeah, it's gonna be uplifting for most
Who're inwardly stoking their fire
Liberating, even reanimating to those
Who feel death drawing nigher
It's gonna get real loud when they cry shouts of joy
He who puts trust in them will be as family
It's getting under their skin like sunshine, boy
I built my house on You with tons and tons of brick
Stone upon stone, so they grew to mountains
With mighty stormwinds, snow and ice
As summiteer I'll wrap myself in gauntness
Then it'll get hot, we'll fold our hands and close our eyes
You'll have to lie in your bed as you've made it
That's how wise men are saying across the land
But if you won't get saved from the war, you must escape it
Or you're building home and goods on beds of sand
So we're mapping out travel routes in all our charts and
We're closing in on your landmarks to thwart
Our coming out of Babylon will soon be starting
We'll go through, we don't need no escort

Have You Woken Up

It won't be the last time now
For them to drop boulders in our way
But we've only got one choice left
To get back on our feet, cause we've got travelling mates
Go look the danger straight in its face
Maybe it's not even there
And all it is is an illusion of false light
Illusion of false light, don't you ever trust them
Have you woken up
And will you see this madness finally?
Did you think it over twice?
Cause with every passing day their tracks will blow over more
They're lurking for you
You've got to be watchful, go rarely alone
You'd better take longer paths
Even though they're in sin themselves, they'll be casting the first stone
[Bridge & Chorus]
They don't have a plan
Keep calm and just resist it all
That's what drives them insane
We'll find their network and we'll switch it off

Bring the Sailors Home

Bring the sailors home
Bring the merchants home
They're chanting this tune
And I'm now joining in
There is war yet again
Come bring the sailors home
[Chorus 1:]
Bring the sailors home
Bring the merchants home
Bring the whole fleet back home
And no one be sailing alone
Do you dare to look into the future?
Do you want to see what's coming for you?
Then go open your eyes and see
What's gathering in the distance
The storm after never stayed out
Call the men back from the oceans
Come flood, step on your house's roof
But otherwise you'd better not go out
No matter what happens, my child
Don't stray from my side now, child
Soon we'll feel the icy winds
But we'll also hear an air of harps
[Chorus 1]
And the creatures of the sea
Are like the creatures that I always see
The flesh that they're devouring
Oh, they're jerking and gulfing it vulgarly
We've got murderers who're still pubescent here
Yet someone had to hand them a gun anyhow
[Chorus 2:]
Call the sailors home
Call the merchants home
Call the diplomats home
And no one be sailing alone

King and Queen

He was of the Circus of Storytellers
She was of the Dancing Squadron Northern Galaxy
He had come to steel space shuttles
She had come and so he stole her
Then he took her as his dancing instructor
He became one of her hottest admirers
He told her all the stories he had to tell
And those that life had written
From this day on let us be King and Queen again
It would be nice, it would be nice
The whole land is getting ready for the party
It would be nice, it would be nice
The hour of truth strikes tonight
I'm dressing up, dancing legs shall be my standing leg
No alcohol, you see how I'm steering clear of the bar
It appears to me you're dancing on to me
Y'all make way now, I'm getting my dancing clearance!
And now they're on their way
To the intergalactic super dance tape

Sail Ahoy!

It's been a long time
No one talks about it anymore
Not since a long time
They're all dead or up and away
'Sail ahoy'
No one still says that 'round here
All new
All the old deemed wrong
Some buried their knowledge in pyramids
We'd really have to ask them in order to get clarity
I wonder if we would understand the questions
That would arise if we were to go after these questions
These are questions as old as the vanishing time
That lie in the earth, covered up by the wind
Everybody's worried for their small time, time itself worries about the great pyramids
Don't believe what they're all saying, nothing's been decided yet
Truth has fallen by the wayside
Kings and their descendants have been secluded
Witnesses have kept under wraps
Kings have stood clear of their battles
Afterwards they were accredited with grandiose deeds
Of wars won and victories so vast
A thousand years later we learn those were all lies
The usurping of power requires the deceiving of many
What if we're not the first advanced civilization?
What if we're just a cheap rehash of it?
Let me sing about it, let me bring it near to you
What if the pyramids are actually seventy thousand years old?
And what if many dates in our schoolbooks are wrong?
Because history is merely what's agreed upon
Unpleasant truths, all of them whitewashed
New borders drawn and peoples united
Myths created, so grab your weapons
There are lands to be conquered and empires to be built
New heros and new lackeys
Alas, the empereror's clothes are yet still clean
The pharao's gold is yet still in spark
They're still getting in wood to build the temple
Be that as it is - it is as it was
Some things simply have always been there...

Candles of Gold

Her eyes met with mine, the universe stood still
I wasn't willing to die of breath loss just yet
Her lips without a word said, just say nothing now
My desire became so large that I totally flipped
I need a physician, a medical doctor
Get help and fast, a helicopter
I need a host of ten thousand faes
I need a new heart from candles of gold
God is certainly involved with you
The way you present His heaven here
And if I ever lost sight of you
I could end up going out of here
And never seeing you again
(Olli Banjo:)
My concrete emotions are usually just badly managed
The hormone balance not in sync with my synapses
I'm moved by basic instincts, biochemical power resources
I dissect love like a mathematical function
No Einstein nor Darwin could tell me how many feelings do I have
No scale nor measure could say what it's like to hold you in my arms
Please doctor, the pain, it martyrs me deep in my heart
I need a light for this journey, I need those candles of gold

I'm running

Sometimes I got earthbounds
And sometimes an airshow
Sometimes centrifugal traction
And sometimes huge power
Why do I always want to go, why do I always want to go?
I run and I run and I run and I run and I run
And he runs to the west
For the east he has left
When he actually thinks that the south is the best
He's been to the northern
Grew cold at the border
Wants to bring his life once again into order
He comes into action
Like resuscitation
Had resented his life, when he lost connection
All new perspectives
Motives like locomotives get attractive
Dearest regards back from the alternative!