Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 27
Come my love
My heart brokeI was speechless
But my heart did not give up!
In your absence, life is over
Come , my love
Come ,my love!
Come my love!
Come my love
We became like an autumn day
Because of the ugly words
We broke up because of others
Look through my eyes
Come my love!
Come my love!
Look through my eyes
Is Your Love Your Torment(If I do everything)
You couldn't give me a flower from the garden in your heartI realized that my heart belongs to you I couldn't love other ones
Love was right everywhere, the time was different
I didn't be happy because of you -cruel- is your love your torment?
If you were a mountain, you would collapse without me
I'm a ruin without you, there are the wounds in my heart
Maybe your promises become real
If you really loved me, would you die
If I do everything to make you a good person, you don't be a good person
If I'm quiet ,no, if I speak you don't hear and understand my words
Tell me is it possible to give you a pasting with love
If I give you my life, will you be happy
İf I Bring Water From A Thousand Streams
You couldn't give me a flower from the vinyard that is in your heartThis cruel heart is yours,I couldn't love anyone
Love was right in every place,time was different
I didn't laugh because of you,cruel is your love punishment?
İf you were a mountain without me,you would collapse,Beloved
I'm a wreck without you,damage in my heart
Maybe it turns in a realty,the promises that I made
Would you die,if you really loved a little,Beloved?
İf I bring water from a thousand streams,you cannot be purifed
İf I would be silent,if I talk you wouldn't hear,you wouldn't understand
İs it possible to vanquish you by loving,tell me
I have one life for you,will you relax if I give it?
Numește-o tu
Mi-e dor de tine chiar când sunt cu tine,Este uniune? Este dor? Numește-o tu!
M-ai ars cu iubirea ta, asta a cauzat rumoare,
E iubire sau ură? Numește-o tu!
Ai fost prima și ultima mea iubire în tinerețe,
Ai fost floarea iubirii în inima mea,
Erai atât de zidit în templul inimii mele,
E dor de casă sau alean? Numește-o tu, numește-o tu!
Iubirea ta arde pârjolind ca focul,
Ești fiul vântului, azvârle-mă cu iubire,
Inima se oprește când privești,
E ochiul răului sau furie? Numește-o tu!
Share music and kindness! :)
You name it
I miss you even when I am with youIs it the union or longing, you name it
You burned (me) with your love, so (it) caused the notoriety
Is it love or hate you name it
You were the first and last love in my youth
You were the flower of love in my heart
You were so embedded in my heart's temple
Is it (being) homesick or yearning, you name it
Your love burns to torrefy the fire,
You are the son of wind, hurl (me) with love
The heart aches when you look
Is it an evil eye or rage, you name it
A tree in desolate forestIts brances are dead, its body is hungry
Its soil free, its face is barrel
Would you like it if it was human
What does it talk, who cares
Do you know every game
Their hair is whiter than snow
Exiled from the happy land
Some of them (gave up) on love, some of them (gave up) on their heads*
Do you know every single man
Who makes life out of life
Would you be born from any mother(?)
You are worth it
I'm flowing endlessly, like a crazy water floodHold it around, hold it, let me be your lake
Whatever comes around, I will hit it like a crazy wind
Hold my arms, hold them so that I can stay
All the things I have lived
one by one are turning into sin
Oh do not fight against time (lit. do not try defy it)
Just love me like crazy
Forbid all the forbidden things
In every breath you take, from head to toe
Pull me into you, let me stay there
All romances are always full of lies anyway
They always end up in pain and disappointment
Even though all you leave behind is (just) loneliness, still you are worth it
I connot die even if i were shooted
Snow is ready to down on to my hairI didn't wait it, I didn't wait
Let the spring and summer of my life goes by
I didn't want it, I didn't want
At the rose garden of my young hood
The haste has taken me in its hands
You don't leave me
the truth of my heart
I have fallen down to your feet
Don't stop, nights won't stop
Don't stop, the suffer won't stop
Don't stop, let my heart to stop
I will die for a thousand times for you
All prohibition and rules get broke
Making love is unforgivable
Don't forgive me
I have fear and excitement in me
As I was dizzy with your love
I cannot die even if I were shooted
Somebody else's man
Silk rope has been tangled around my hair's neckI supposed one of your shirt's sleeves as gallows
One side of the rusty scissors was you other side was me
I cut my hair which you used to cover your face with
My face has prepared at the mirror
has gathered one by one all raveled out
I am the woman of loneliness
Don't take me Somebody else's man
I come if my heart wills
I make out with an endless love
Look from the cliff of a mountain
My valley is perfectly straight
I travel around if my soul wills
In the bottomless cliffs
Love is living at the straightness
Straightness is only in the love
It is not the same of every spring's flowers and sprig
Which water can wash your hands loose woman
The patience has spilt you and plucked you out, you have finished.
I cut my hair which you used to cover your face with
My face has prepared at the mirror
has gathered one by one all raveled out
I am the woman of loneliness
Don't take me Somebody else's man
I come if my heart wills
I make out with an endless love
Look from the cliff of a mountain
My valley is perfectly straight
I travel around if my soul wills
In the bottomless cliffs
Love is living at the straightness
Straightness is only in the love
I come if my heart wills
I make out with an endless love
Look from the cliff of a mountain
My valley is perfectly straight
Valentine Day
From thatFrom this
From that too
Shall I kiss you?
On your lips
On your feet
On your every hair strands
Shall I wander?
Without I don't open my eyes
Without I don't make any noice
Without I don't tell anyone
Shall I love?
Look, dear, look at this
14 th February
Happy years to our love
Valentine Day is a just day
I love you everyday
Valentine Day is once
You are my love everybody knows it
Winter Roses
You have winter roses in your handsYou have a spring night in your face
The songs sound like love suferring
Is life really a mystery for me?
You are burning my breath
Inside of me I am ready to hope
You have my eyes, you have my heart
Am I a fun for love?
From your hair to the rivers
From your kisses to the mountains
From your eyes to the stars
From the black winter till June
You're carrying me away for a moment
Don't pride yourself on me, don't be ashamed of me,
Don't think of anything when we are together
Don't wait for anything
Don't pride yourself on me, don't be ashamed of me,
Don't think of anything when we are together
Everything is beside you
There is the song of tomorrow in my speech
I have a great fire inside
It's always scaring to break up
Is everyone that joyful?
Every heart has a beloved one
Every place has a salt trace
But you are a remedy, dear,
I get better with you.
Femeia mea
Lucrurile adunate,Cu tine împreună,
Amintirile împrăștiate în cameră,
Peste tot.
Parfumul pe care l-am iubit
Nu mai este în casa aceasta,
În fiecare ungher și crăpătură.
Zâmbetul tău e pierdut,
Te rog, nu mă părăsi,
Sigurătatea doare foarte mult,
Această lume fără culoare
Am iubit-o împreună,
Tu, femeia mea...
Femeia mea...
Amintește-ți ziua aceea, pe strada opusă,
Te-am sărutat pentru prima dată în viață,
În îmbrățișarea mea,
Primăvara dimineții mele,
S-au stins, uite, luminile,
Ce întunecată e casa!
Acea casă a noastră caldă, luminoasă s-a răcit,
Nopțile nu se sfârșesc,
Plâng acum,
Tu, femeia mea!
Femeia mea...
Lucrurile împachetate, cu tine împreună,
Amintirile sunt risipite în cameră,
Peste tot.
Parfumul pe care l-am iubit nu mai este în casa aceasta,
Masa noastră în colț
Încă rezistă,
Paharele sunt goale,
Împrăștiate peste tot,
De parcă toate duc dorul
Respirației tale,
Tu, femeia mea...
Femeia mea...
Mi-ai lăsat
Întreagă viața aceasta,
Iubirile trăite
Nu mai înseamnă nimic.
Eu, fără tine, nu pot exista, înțeleg,
Acum sunt foarte singur,
Te rog, rămâi cu mine,
Ușa aceea închide-o,
Mâna ta dă-mi.
Afară, singur,
Singur îngheț,
Tu, femeia mea...
Femeia mea...
My Woman
Belongings are packedWith you
Memories are scattered in the room
The scent I love
Is no longer in this house
In every nook and cranny
Your smile is lost
Please don't leave me
Loneliness is too hard
This colorless world
We loved together [We loved this colorless world together]
You, my woman
My woman
Remember that day, on the opposite street
I kissed you, for the first time ever
In my arms
My spring morning
Look, the lights have gone
How dark the house is
Our warm luminous home has gone cold
Nights do not end
Now I cry
You, my woman
My woman
Belongings are packed with you
Memories are scattered in the room
The scent I love is no longer in this house
Our table in the corner
Still stands
Glasses are empty
Scattered everywhere
Seems like they are all longing
For your breath
You, my woman
My woman
All this life
You left to me
All those loves we experienced
Mean nothing
I cannot be without you anymore, I understand
Now I'm really lonely
Please stay with me
Close that door
Give me your hand
Alone outside
I'm cold alone
You, my woman
My woman
here the 14th february valentine's day for you!
As the valentine day comes while everyone feels panicAs we re stony broke
when the florist laughes
A gift out of smell ?
does a food of candle fill ?
you'll go hungry or get prize
where is the odd of return?
emojis, quotes of hearts
are precious.
A stuffie or balloon with heart , what if we don't
buy them ?
here 14th feb for you!
look at that timeline!
different taste in every photo
the idea is parade
1,2,3,4 ok , I couldnt celebrate again.
Can't squeeze both loneliness and love in a day
14th feb every year
you can 't get over it
same man in every photo
the idea is parade
1,2,3,4 we have tried but
we are done!
remedy on valentine's day is
Yıldız Tilbe !
hello loneliness here we're
Te iubeam
Ce păcat, trecutul e o rușine,sunt obosită să mai explic,
am fost zdrobită în acea zi,
după ce ai renunțat la mine.
E păcat și zadarnic,
am fost ca un fulg de nea,
atingând limita suferinței.
Te iubeam
în profunzimea tristeții,
te iubeam,
cînd eram și trează și adormită,
te iubeam,
din nou, în ciuda ta,
ștreang la gâtul meu la spânzurătoare
Nu ai ce face cu iubirea, nu știi,
calm, până și trandafirul a luat foc,
te iubeam
cu lacrima mea care nu picura,
pe tine, al cărui nume e luptătorul laș,
un trădător care a vândut iubirea,
pe orice câmp de luptă,
te iubeam.
Ce păcat, trecutul e o rușine,
sunt obosită să mai explic,
am fost zdrobită în acea zi,
după ce ai renunțat la mine.
E păcat și zadarnic,
am fost ca un fulg de nea,
atingând limita suferinței.
Te iubeam
în profunzimea tristeții,
te iubeam,
cînd eram și trează și adormită,
te iubeam,
din nou, în ciuda ta,
ștreang la gâtul meu la spânzurătoare
Nu ai ce face cu iubirea, nu știi,
calm, până și trandafirul a luat foc,
te iubeam
cu lacrima mea care nu picura,
pe tine, al cărui nume e luptătorul laș,
un trădător care a vândut iubirea,
pe orice câmp de luptă,
te iubeam.
Știi că dragostea nu ascultă
Am călătorit pe cont propriu,N-am fost bună pentru nimeni,
Pe nesimțite anii au trecut,
Nu am cerut nimic.
Nu am avut noroc in iubire, oricum,
Nu am văzut iubirea nicicând,
Stii cuvântul acela numit, tinerețe, nu-i așa?
A trecut precum un surâs, nu l-am putut reține nicio secundă/
Să se întâmple? Ar trebui să se întâmple! Lasă problemele să stea departe de tine!
Lasă-le să plece și să nu se mai întoarcă despărțirile, niciodată!
Oh, Doamne, nu-ți lua privirea de la mine, ah, ah!
Când spui să se oprească, nu se va opri! Știi că dragostea nu ascultă! (X2)
Ai iubit sau nu?
Ai tăcut sau ai rostit?
Dacă mi-ai fi spus, aș fi ascultat,
Eu nu am putut să-mi mărturisesc iubirea.
Din ziua când te-am văzut,
Nici murind, nici trăind,
Am fost în flăcări și rece din nou, am murit de mai bine de un milion de ori
Am privit și am văzut pretutindeni.
Să se întâmple? Ar trebui să se întâmple! Lasă problemele să stea departe de tine!
Lasă-le să plece și să nu se mai întoarcă despărțirile, niciodată!
Oh, Doamne, nu-ți lua privirea de la mine, ah, ah!
Când spui să se oprească, nu se va opri! Știi că dragostea nu ascultă! (X3)
You know that love doesn't listen
I traveled on my ownI was a no good for nothing
Suddenly years have passed
I haven't asked for anything
I have had no luck in love whatsoever
I have never seen love
You know that thing called youth, right
It went by within a smile, I couldn't hold it for a second
Should it happen? It shouldn't happen! Let the problems stay away from you!
Let it go and let it never come back the break ups, never!
Oh god please don't ever take your eyes off me! Ay, ay!
When you tell it to stop, it wont stop! You know that love doesn't listen!
Did you love it or did you not?
Did you stay silent or did you tell it?
If you told me I would've listened,
I couldn't tell my love
Since the day I saw you
Not dying not alive
I have been on fire and cooled back down, I died more than a billion times
I looked and saw it everywhere
Should it happen? It shouldn't happen! Let the problems stay away from you!
Let it go and let it never come back the break ups, never!
Oh god please don't ever take your eyes off me! Ay, ay!
When you tell it to stop, it wont stop! You know that love doesn't listen!
Dacă mă iei departe de mine, nu te voi lăsa ție însuți
Dacă mă iei departe de mine, nu te voi lăsa ție însuți,Chiar dacă ești alături de mine, nu voi face nici măcar un pas
Nu mi-ai cunoscut meritele, dragostea mea pentru tine,
Nu vei ști
Nu ți-ai lăsat în urmă prietenii tăi înșelători, cuvintele altora,
Nu-i vei lăsa în urmă.
Această inimă s-a amestecat puțin în necazul tău?
Dar care este motivul dragostei tale fără mine?
De câte ori ai distrus-o, ai aruncat-o?
Te va ierta inima mea ranita?
Când ți-am spus „dragul meu, dragostea mea”
Te-ai ascuns, am fost târâtă în urma ta,
A meritat?
Există o dragoste și, de asemenea, un iubit
Unul cu celălalt în confuzie totală, nu există așa ceva!