Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 4
Raining All Night
It’s 2:30AM againSick of this night
The clock ticking sounds so loud
Is it just me?
Looking for an excuse
(drink drink) Drinking all night
Cuz it’s raining outside, wet wet
Wanna drench myself even more, that’s a good enough excuse
Emptiness and loneliness
Suddenly come to me late at night
Feels like my dark intentions toward
An uninvited guest have been revealed
My phone that keeps ringing has no tact
Doesn’t even know how I feel
As I battle with the noise
I’m getting a headache again
It’s 2:30AM again
Sick of this night
The clock ticking sounds so loud
Is it just me?
Looking for an excuse
(drink drink) Drinking all night
Cuz it’s raining outside, wet wet
Wanna drench myself even more, that’s a good enough excuse
Wet wet raining all night
Wet wet wanna drench myself even more, that’s a good enough excuse
Wet wet drinking all night
Wet wet wanna drench myself even more, that’s a good enough excuse
Drip drip, it’s falling
My stomach growls so tactlessly
Am I hungry or am I empty?
Just wanna avoid regret and anxiety
Am I longing for those times
Or for myself in those times?
Forcing myself to close my eyes
Will those times become this moment?
When I look back, will it be like that?
Can’t sleep tonight because of the endless question marks
It’s 2:30AM again
Sick of this night
The clock ticking sounds so loud
Is it just me?
Looking for an excuse
(drink drink) Drinking all night
Cuz it’s raining outside, wet wet
Wanna drench myself even more, that’s a good enough excuse
It’s 2:30AM again
Sick of this night
The clock ticking sounds so loud
Is it just me?
Looking for an excuse
(drink drink) Drinking all night
Cuz it’s raining outside, wet wet
Wanna drench myself even more, that’s a good enough excuse
Anck Su Namun
Obliviate Nina ma ta ta'E o cățea
Îi pasă doar de ea'
Te ignor pentru că îmi merge bine?
Da, tot eu sunt asta
Cum e răspunsul pe care l-ai primit
Pentru că m-ai sufocat?
Îți place?
Chiar și așa, nu poți fi deasupra mea
Dacă nu vreau s-o fac, nu trebuie
Știi ce zic?
Nu e mare chestie pentru mine
Ce vrei să spui, spune ce vrei să spui
De ce strângi din dinți?
Cânt rap repede, pot cânta rap
Dar toți îl pot auzi
Rămânând fără respirație cititind versurile
Asta nu sunt eu, ești tu
Doar tu ești iritat
Pleacă-ți capul
Eu sunt regina
Vino și pupă-mi picioarele
Tacă-ți gura
Și doar urmează-mă, urmează-mă
Orice cuvânt zic
Îl iei și îl răstălmăcești
O să-ți dau un răspun simplu
V-ați luat de fata greșită
O să regretați că v-ați purtat așa
O să vă arăt, fiți atenți
Acum, abracadabra
O să strig următorul, reparo
Știi ce-i asta? O vrajă pentru tine
Te rog adeverește-te, bratata
Când eram mică
Încă de tânără
Nu mi-a păsat deloc de dimensiunea scenei
Mereu am aprins-o
Ce am făcut rău?
Încă nu am găsit răspunsul
Dar de ce sunt sigură e că
Loviturile și violența fără motiv
M-a făcut cine sunt azi
Am venit de jos
Da, da, am plecat de jos
Niciodată nu am primit ceva ușor
Chiar și personalitatea mea răutăcioasă pe care mi-am dezvoltat-o mai târziu
Am realizat că nu-mi pasă să fiu rolul principal
Vreau doar să fiu răufăcătoarea
Voi fi Biblia ca să primesc toate criticile
Dar voi trăi cum vreau
Și îi voi ignora pe restul
Anck Su Namum
Obliviate Nina ma ta taShe had a bad temper
She won't care about anyone but herself
Uh she ignores others because she's successful
Yes, that's me
Strangle me
So you finally got an answer out of me
Do you like it?
No matter what, you can't be ahead of me
If you don't want to do it, you don't have to
Do you understand what I'm saying?
That's nothing to me.
What do you wanna say? You can do it too
Why do you grind and only hurt your teeth?
Even if I rap fast
Even if I rap slow
Everyone can tell what I'm saying
Running out of breath by just reading the lyrics
That’s your problem not mine, isn't that irritating?
Bow your head down
I’m the queen
Come and kiss up on my feet
Shut yo mouth
and just follow me follow me
Every single word I say
Go ahead and try to nitpick at it
Very simply
I'll go ahead and answer uh
You've got it all wrong, uh
Treating me that way
You’ll regret it
Imma show you be warned
Now abracadabra
I’ll shout the next part: repao
Do you know what it is? It’s a spell for you
Let it come true, bratata
When I was young
Ever since I was younger
Regardless of the size of the stage
I always lit it on fire ay
What did I do wrong?
No one has found the answer yet.
But one thing's for sure
Baseless rebuke and violence
Has made me who I am today
Came from the bottom
Yes, from the bottom to where I am now
I never got anything for free
My mean streak that I got later in life, too
I realized it early in life, forget being the main star
I'll just play the villain
I'll be the one to be cussed at
But I’ll live however I want
I'll ignore everyone else