Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 14


Am plâns

Am plâns pentru prima dată,
Am plâns, da, am plâns din pricina ta.
Dacă pur și simplu ai înțelege
Că eu, eu te iubesc doar pe tine,
Că nimic nu mă poate despărți
De tine, de tine!
Am plâns pentru ce mi-ai făcut,
Am plâns pentru că râdeai
Da, râdeai de mine,
Pentru că ne-am certat.
Asta se poate întâmpla,
Dar m-ai făcut să plâng.
Lo lo lo lo lo ...
Am plâns când te-am văzut plecând
Am plâns, am crezut că am să mor.
Dar am crezut că este un joc,
Că aveai de gând să te-ntorci la mine
Că nu vom mai fi pe viitor
Decât noi doi, noi doi.
Lo lo lo lo lo ...
Te implor, trebuie să mă crezi,
Nu ești decât tu în mine.
Ascultă, vorbește inima mea,
Cea care bate doar pentru tine.
Lasă-mi inima să plângă,
Dacă nu mă iubești.
Ah! Dar nu uita niciodată
Că eu, eu am plâns din pricina ta,
Din pricina ta, a ta, a ta ...

Îți dărui inima mea

Îți dăruiesc inima mea,
Dacă îmi promiți fericirea.
Îți dăruiesc inima mea,
Oferă-i toată căldura ta.
Iată, ți-o prezint,
Păstreaz-o, e făcută pentru tine.
Acest vis mă bântuie,
De-a fi cu totul a ta.
Ca o floare ce înflorește,
Iubire mea începe și crește.
Și ești tu cel pe care l-am ales
Să-mi clădească viața.
Îți dăruiesc inima mea,
Fără ocolișuri, uite așa.
Îți dăruiesc inima mea,
Ea e a ta, da, pe vecie.
Îți dăruiesc inima mea,
Pentru a ne cuceri fericirea.
Îți dăruiesc inima mea,
Ea e pentru tine, numai pentru tine.
Îți dăruiesc inima mea.


I have
Worried enough
About everything
Even though I know that In the end I can’t solve
Anything else except my own
It’s difficult
Not to help
When you see another person
But everyone needs to make their own choice
Whether they avoid or
Take responsibility
And if it was always
So simple
To find the keys to happiness
As trouble-free as you think
Everyone of us creates
Their own reality
And makes it as good as they dare
I have hoped for
Many years
That there wouldn’t be a reason to stay silent
About something so beautiful
When it should be cherished
And if something is hopeless
You could let fear choose
And if it was always
So simple
To find the keys to happiness
As trouble-free as you think
Everyone of us creates
Their own reality
And makes it as good as they dare

Abraham and Daddy

A long time ago, Yahweh came to have a cup of tea
With his old chum, Abraham
He said: 'Look here, man, you seem to doubt me
Your soul I shall put to the test
If you believe in me, if you think I’m the best
In a word, if you’ve got faith
That no-good son of yours, that lazy little bum
You will sacrifice to me.'
You would never have done something like that, Daddy
No, you never ever would have done something like that
Let it be said that, back then, Abraham
Was close to one hundred and forty
That he’d lost some of his marbles along the way
Would be quite conceivable, and yet
He started early the next morning
Taking his son with him
Without saying a word
To the place Yahweh had told him
You would never have done something like that, Daddy
No, you never ever would have done something like that
'Why so much wood?' asked Isaac
(For such was the name of the son)
His father answered without batting an eye
'We’re gonna make an offering'
'Cool! said the kid, but where is the ewe?
For no ewe means no barbecue'
But suddenly the old man raised his knife high
And suddenly, the son got his answer
You would never have done something like that, Daddy
No, you never ever would have done something like that
The rest is well-known: the Angel came down
Right in the nick of time
Apparently, Yahweh thought it a riot
Cause he pulled the same trick again
Centuries later, under another name
This time, he sent his own son
To croak on the cross, but this time, no Angel came around
To save him for this torture
You would never have done something like that, Daddy
No, you never ever would have done something like that
You would never have done something like that, Daddy
No, you never ever would have done something like that, Daddy!

Blacked Out

Without hope
Life is hard
Without the light
The darkness takes over
I can neither
Feel nor breathe
Now as the burden
Has become too great
A want for another time
A want for another place
The deepest longing
Left for all
To stand alone
The deepest longing
A sorrow too heavy to bear
A world without light
Haunted by gloom
Blacked out
When you stand on the outside
And try to understand in vain
A want for another time
A want for another place