Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 33



Hey? Where were you?
Next to the window, the sky grows brighter.
And you say to me:
'Maybe someday we'll run into each other again'
In a new town I hear the rumbling of the sea
With a smile in their face, someone waves to me.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that you love the mornings.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that, now, in your garden it blooms, oh Flowers!
Lastly, there is something I forgot to ask you
'Why did we met that day?', I mutter without thinking.
On the other side of the crowd and the festival music
I remember someone beckoning me.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that you don't fear the mornings.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that it downpours in your window.
You know, around here changed as well.
I got tired of waiting for the cry of a new-born
Again somewhere.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that you love the mornings.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that, now, in your garden it blooms.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
With all my heart I pray
For the name that I called in this darkness.
The tale continues.
Bloom in me
Oh Flower!
What's the color? Ultramarine! Rose!
That's splendid! It's the best!

To scoop you

Fluttering wind
Crying voice
And though
You are not there anymore
Soon I'll recall you
A journey of pain, still sad
In the tissue of time
In an endless flow of living, in overflowing memories
I'll scoop up the hope in the skies of tomorrow that I see
Breeze of the sea
Voice of birds
Journey through dreams
That will soak in
The colours of today's scenery
A journey through the night, a new dawn
In the tissue of time
In an endless flow of living, in overflowing tears
I'll scoop You* up in the skies of tomorrow that I see

I Love You

Versions: #1
I love you,
just for now, I don't want to hear the sad songs.
I love you,
While escaping, we reached this room.
Because this love hasn't been admitted at all,
We both are just like abandoned cats.
This room looks like an empty box buried in fallen leaves.
So you cried like a kitten.
We gathered tenderness on a squeaking bed.
We will hold each other tightly.
And then
we will close our eyes again,
the sad songs will not spoil our love.
I love you,
there is an untouchable secret for two of us who are too young.
I love you,
we can't do anything with our current lifestyle.
We want to become one and live together with love,
but that impossible dream hurt us all the time.
You will ask me do I love you.
You will say you can't live without this love.
We gathered tenderness on a squeaking bed.
We will hold each other tightly.
And then
we will close our eyes again,
the sad songs will not spoil our love.
And then
we will close our eyes again,
the sad songs will not spoil our love.

Galactic Lamp Lights

Hey, don't you wanna have a random talk with me
It's just a guess, but there's probably still some time left
The blinking galaxy
And the blue lights
On the last train
Both of us were alone
Let's go to the second-to-last station
If it's with you / doesn't matter how long it's gonna take
The sky we can't see / and our dull eyes
In a shining star / lost in the night
The dark world / now looked small to us
Us two looking at the train window / to the other side of the night
A sea of light / the panorama slides
Don't make it go away / don't go away
'We'll be together no matter where we go'
You pointed your finger to the other side of the galaxy
'Look, what a beautiful world it is', you said
How weird it is, because I can't
Even see anything at all
Hey, I wanna have a random talk with you
It's just a guess, but there's probably more time left
This is a short trip / nah, maybe it's long
Well, I guess either way it's okay / for that kind of thing
Someone and someone else / show up and go away again
And when I noticed it / there's just one lamp
Us two looking at the train window / to the other side of the night
A sea of light / the panorama slides
You drank it all up to the stardust / and chuckled at me
Move forward, galactic railroad / to the other side of the night
Me and you, I wanna be like this
Forever / it hurts1
'We'll surely be together no matter where we go'
You, to an eternity of only an instant
Only my eternity blinked for an instant
The lamp of your last moments / there the fleeting world came to surface
And there I saw your tears
  • 1. this is a pun with いたい 'want to be' and 痛い 'painful'.

Town Scenery

The winds in the town tore the fragments of dreams in the air
Shivering in the cold at the corner of the street, they are being crushed and forgotten
I feel so small among all these buildings, side by side
Caught inside these oppresive, false images, we get fascinated
Living everyday like a stray dog
Starving for love, my heart is dry
I keep on wandering around, confused
I wrote about these feelings on a gray wall
I was shaken by the emptiness of each of us
In this unfriendly town, I put my ears to the asphalt
I'd like to hear the songs that are buried under the traffic,
I am going to throw them towards an empty tomorrow
Before anyone goes to bed
Let's play the harmony of our hearts!!
Let's play songs made of glass! 1
Infinitely stained with colors, It's the town scenery
Shut up, will you? There's no need for logic!!
Even if you laugh and say I act like a spoiled child, I understand that well
A lot of lives without meaning... It shouldn't be all about money!!
For dreams, for love
I'd risk it all for these things!!
In this unfriendly town, throughout the restless days
I'll keep drawing as I want, I'll continue to sing and act the way I want to!!
Life is a canvas, life is a piece of paper
Life is a stage, on which time plays the main role
Let's play the harmony of our hearts!!
Let's play songs made of glass! 1
Infinitely stained with colors, It's the town scenery
  • Fragile, sentimental songs.

Actress - superstar

Why, I never lie
When I sing these endearing words
To a friend or an enemy
And I will sing for you in such a way
That you will be with me as if in heaven,
Though I doubt I’d ever get there
I am so helpless,
Perhaps, an actress has died in me,
An actress - superstar,
Wether I act or sing,
I’m on the verge, I’m at the edge.
I playact love, but never do I love.


There won’t be an answer, if you’d ask:
“What malady afflicts the gray hoary nights?”
Expectation is so vestal,
Just like poppies by the roadside.
Rain - a torn skies river...
Rain - swampy shores...
Rain - a torn skies river...
Rain - swampy shores...
And I even don’t have an umbrella...
I’d be glad if you would remember,
If you’d tell the whole truth, really,
All as it should be. By the way,
It would be easier, less complicated.
The city’s craving a leaf fall -
Towers, spires, pyramids...
Don’t talk about love right now!
We are even anyway...
Rain - a torn skies river...

The Name

I’ve been searching for it around the world,
I’ve been opening myself to the waves of the lagoon.
Nothing is ever sung completely,
The strings are pressed tightly under the fingers.
A heart is pressed tightly by love,
Which means you were listened to.
We are probably of a different faith,
We are not seeking love from the heavens.
I will glue together two roads - two paths,
And shed off the shroud of the playbills,
And will breathe it in, will breathe it in
Endlessly. And its name is Love.
I don’t want to be cunning, I know
It will be bitter or maybe sour,
I dream about a lot,
You read thoughts a little.
I’d been searching for it, have been searching.
And I’d been almost catching my luck.
There, up high as if on the southern mountains,
I have found it, and its name is Love.

Dark Grey Dawn

The tears of the star are scattered around the sky.
My prayers fade away before they reach you.
Even if crushed by an inescapable destiny,
I will never separate our holding hands.
Hold onto your hope even if it's covered with scratches, and spread your wings.
The sound of my beating heart slashes through the never-ending night.
I want to keep protecting you.
Like the flower that is in its full splendor under the moonlight,
Let us set off together and seek for the dark grey dawn which is more beautiful than any eternity.
Imprisoned by a vicious desire.
The bond binding us together begins to throb.
When I was wandering around, a strong truth drew me in,
As if brightened up by your vivid soul.
In my palms, are the fragments of your dreams that you placed.
The bond which binds us together,
Cannot be broken by anyone.
If you listen to the song of wind, you can always figure out where to go.
I wish to hold you in my arms, forever.
Ephemeral but unwavering is the gaze of yours.
Now’s the time to wake up, to see the brilliant future.
The sound of my beating heart slashes through the never-ending night.
I want to keep protecting you.
Like the flower that is in its full splendor under the moonlight,
Let us set off together and seek for the dark grey dawn which is more beautiful than any eternity.

By Chance, New Town

It reaches me through online news, the tale of your heroism
Generation after generation, the shooting star of this lonely town
By chance, I just happened to be there, that's all
By chance, we just happened to meet eyes that day, that's all it was
To the lifestyle of us two living in New Town,
I don't want a new type, the truth about the rumors, no thank you
In the intersection where the deadline lies in wait
Pretending to have it tough, a heroine of falsehoods
Scared of rollercoasters, there's no way you could be, right?
I'll put a ribbon on all the bothersome things, and it's a present (for you)
By chance, I just happened to be there, that's simply all
By chance, our hands happened to touch that day, that's simply all it was
Inside the case in a 2 bedroom apartment in New Town,
A nuclear family that has nothing like mutant growth going on
Deep breaths during the cooldown, with two out and bases loaded
The New Town floated up, an ordinary sweet home
New town, new town, new town,
By chance, new town
New town, new town
By chance


The city turned upside down
No light nor life found in the night
It was just you in that night
Who was laughing at such height
A broken door, air bursts in
Filling up my lungs, now, please don’t speak
It was just you in that night
Who was laughing at such height
It is just me in this city
Who is living through such affright
A word finally let out
In a foreign tongue
Anybody out there
Who speaks their tongue?
To where the fallen sign points
We must hurry, beyond the end
From here and on, it is just us
It was just you in that morning
Whose mouth was enjoying all that chat
It was just me in that moment
Who was holding back the tears for that
It was just you in that night
Who was laughing at such height
It is just me in this city
Who is living through such a fight

Iubitul meu

Soarele, lucitor și alb, dogorește.
Ah, nopțile sunt întunecate, dar o fierbinte îmbrățișare...
Inimă de fată, tu ai vorbit!
Am, mamă, mămică, nu pot să mint!
Iubitul meu, zboară ca vântul slobod!
Cu sângele tău căzăcesc și calul negru...
Iubitul meu, nu-i altul ca tine pe lume!
Nu ne e menit să fim împreună,
Iubitul meu!
Iubitul meu!
Prin stepă și iarbă înaltă până-n zori.
Fie lung sau scurt, împărțim drumul între noi...
Inimă de fată, tu ai vorbit!
Ah, oameni buni, nu ne judecați aspru!
Iubitul meu, zboară ca vântul slobod!
Cu sângele tău căzăcesc și calul negru...
Iubitul meu, nu-i altul ca tine pe lume!
Nu ne e menit să fim împreună,
Iubitul meu!
Iubitul meu!
Soarele, lucitor și alb, dogorește.
Ah, nopțile sunt întunecate, dar o fierbinte îmbrățișare...
Inimă de fată, tu ai vorbit!
Ah, mamă, mămică, nu pot să mint!
Iubitul meu, zboară ca vântul slobod!
Cu sângele tău căzăcesc și calul negru...
Iubitul meu, nu-i altul ca tine pe lume!
Nu ne e menit să fim împreună,
Iubitul meu!
Iubitul meu!

Planet Loop

(tuttururuttu ruttutturu)
In a corner of the milky way, the planets turn, going round and round
A radio wave recording, only an echo returned
how many times does this make it...
In the distant cosmos, I fell in love with you
Even though I understand that I won’t reach...
'Ah- I wanna meet you”1
My feelings loop, they loop.
I feel like I’m gonna lose it,
I can’t exchange with you any more than that2
“Ah- I wanna meet you right now” -
the coming days loop too, they loop
Even if you’re not on this orbit….
(tuttururuttu ruttutturu)
There, generally, is only love
(tuttururuttu ruttutturu)
There, generally, is only love
How many light years has it been now, following your voice,
disappearing away into the extension cord
If I could just forget about it, just like that, I’m sure it would be a lot easier...
Even though I can’t touch you, I end up seeing you, it just can’t be helped
It’s you, so close, yet so far. I understand that
“Ah- Nevertheless I wanna meet you” -
I loop around many many times, I loop.
My heart is crying with you,
that alone is certain
That alone… is all I need
Ah, just as the stars turn,
we keep on looping forever
My feelings are drawing an orbit,
only chasing after you
“Ah- I wanna meet you right now” -
my life loops around, it loops.
Even if you’re not on this orbit….
I can’t think of anything else.
(tuttururuttu ruttutturu)
There, generally, is only love…
(tuttururuttu ruttutturu)
There, generally, is only love…
(tuttururuttu ruttutturu)
There, generally, is only love…
(tuttururuttu ruttutturu)
There, generally, is only love…
(tuttururuttu ruttutturu
tuttururuttu ruttutturu)
There, generally, is only love…
  • 1. “I wanna meet you” 逢いたい is mostly translated as “wanna see you” since it’s more of a natural english… phrase. Although “wanna meet you” sounds less natural, I think it fits better with the... orbit theme? And makes sense with the “Even though I can’t touch you, I end up seeing you” line, however metaphorical that is
  • 2. “I can’t exchange with you anymore than that” - 交わせない ends up with a rather big span of meanings when translating to english, “exchange (messages/words)”, “intersect/cross” and “dodge/avoid” most of them… do make sense so I went based on my own interpretation. As noted the exchange meaning usually means… exchanging messages or contact, ‘with you’ added from interpretation for context

Andromeda Andromeda

We are aliens.
We make contact behind the school building.
We target you with your plasma
to convey our desire through our super electromagnetic waves
The galaxy feels this miraculous
after school experience
Our observations are based on you.
Your spiraling emotions awaken love in our heart
Andromeda, Andromeda, please respond
We can never make contact
Andromeda, Andromeda, please notice us
We gaze lovingly towards where you reside in the cosmos
Parura parura parura ttattara
A large discharge of electricity
paints the sky red behind my house
The mysterious sound reverberates
throughout the land at 3 AM, bothering the entire neighborhood
The secret club on the roof
wants to experience this mystery
The beam of light sets its sights on you,
and secretly shoots your love
Andromeda, Andromeda, please respond
We can never make contact
Andromeda, Andromeda, please forget
You and the cosmos look so much alike
Parura parura parura ttattara

Dance Robot Dance

The smooth and flexible stepping
is controlled by the program
Are you out of breath?
It's so inefficient of you
to dance a robot dance
Eye to eye, we exchange glances
Now we are in a hyperspace battlefield
I'm confused with my thoughts
My heartbeat becomes faster
My soaring heart motion
never stops resonating with yours!
I want to know more and more
about this irrational program
Spend more time with me, please!
Dancing a robot dance
Are you ready?
Dancing a robot dance
Not yet
Dancing a robot dance
Are you ready?
Dancing a robot dance
Wait a minute!
1. A robot may not allow a human being to come to harm
2. A robot must obey the orders
3. A robot must protect your own existence
4. A robot may not allow a human being to be excited!
My unsteady motions
are beyond the program
My vision gets blurred
Can I recover my sight?
My soaring heart motion
never reaches you
I don't know or need
what breath or temperature means
Come to me closer, please
Love is a program bug in my heart
But I want my heart to be resonating
with yours!
This is the singularity
you and I share
Sorry to bother you! Sorry to bother you! But...
Spend all time with me, please!
Dancing a robot dance
Are you ready?
Dancing a robot dance
I'm not ready yet
Dancing a robot dance
Are you ready?
Dancing a robot dance
I'm ready now!

Comet Honeymoon

The meteor shower shines brightly (meteor shower)
What I'm thinking about is 'I love you' ('I love you')
At the mercy of a star I run away
Ah, even that kind of story is not so bad
A preview from the neon city (preview)
Until I reach the world of the moon, I won't be long (won't be long)
Did you forget that star's name?
A flight toward the full moon
Comet honeymoon, a rendezvous with you
We're in love you know, me and you
Love me mon amour. Why don't we go somewhere far away,
just the two of us?
It's an unclear airline, but I don't need any words
Finally, I'm able to meet you. This journey among the stars continues
What I'm heading for is the end of the cosmos
In a small celestial body's liner during its various turnings
I've even crossed over the star of destiny. A blink of love plays back
The loop line has connected. You're the final destination rider
It's a romance flight, now
I can't move a red traffic light (red)
Till the world of the moon, I love you (I love you)
The sea of Moskva1 is the final stop,
once there we'll say our farewells
Comet honeymoon, a rendezvous with you
We're in love you know, you and me
Love me mon amour, even if there's no affinity between us,
that's fine, let's go somewhere far away, okay?
Comet honeymoon, a rendezvous until the end
That's right in this very moment, there's only me and you
Hey listen mon amour, even if it's an one-way ticket... It's fine, right?
When the dawn breaks, why don't we go somewhere else?
With you whom I can't meet for eternity, the journey to the stars continues
What I'm heading for is the point where my dream starts
  • 1. Moskva is a minor planet orbiting the sun


On the grass, in the shadow of the school building, I'm taken in by the sky
I felt feelings, both real and imagined
The chime sounded, and I took my usual seat in the classroom
I thought about what I should be doing
My heart bustled, as I meaninglessly thought about
What it was that I had, I felt lost
Staggering around in the city after school, we were walking lonely
And in the wind, with loneliness in our eyes
At a shop, filled with laughter and sighs
We competed for the high score in pinball
If only there was something to excite my bored heart
Then I would have kept blabbering on about everything in a grandiose way
I didn't care about manners, and I was never really serious
Breaking the window glass at the school building at night
I kept on rebelling, I kept on struggling, I just wanted to hurry up and be free
In my confrontations with adults that couldn't be trusted
In forgiving one another, just what was it that we knew?
I was fed up with it, but I lived with it
The one thing that I knew was
That I was graduating from this opression
Everyone gets heated while talking of someone's fight
I wanted to know just how strong I was
Foolishly believing that the only thing I needed was strength
I told myself that to follow the rules was to give in
I acted tough, even towards my friends
Even if I hurt someone sometimes
Sooner or later, everyone falls in love
Words of love and ideal love, that's all it takes to capture the heart
It's said that in order to live, you have to be pragmatic
But I strongly believed in the frankness of loving someone
What is it that's important? I was confused about
The difference between loving, and what to do in order to live
I thought
'They can take their manners and real seriousness and shove it'
Breaking the window glass at the school building at night
I kept on being defiant, I kept struggling, I just wanted to hurry up and be free
In my confrontations with adults that couldn't be trusted
In forgiving one another, just what is it that we knew?
I was fed up with it, but I lived with it
The one thing that I knew was
That I was graduating from this opression
Just what have we learned from graduating?
What stays with us apart from our memories?
Are all people bound? If we're weak lambs
Are you the spokesman for the feeble adults, teacher?
Where should we direct our anger?
What's going to bind me from now on?
How many more times will I graduate
Before I am my true self?
No one realizes that freedom is something that's been devised
The days of struggling will end
And we'll graduate from this opression
We'll graduate from this battle
'There's no answer to where the love goes. People are always lonely... But, are you happy? Even in this meager living.'
~ Yutaka Ozaki


Shelly, I’ve reached this place
Tumblin’ around
Shelly, was I too impatient?
I rashly threw it
All away but
Shelly, those days were like a dream.
I’m a guy who has lived for the dream but
Shelly, it’s just like you said,
I’m not sure what life is for, dreams or money?
Sometimes you come off lookin’ bad
Supporting my lifestyle of tumblin’ around
Shelly, gently scold me
And then hold me tightly
Your love surrounds it all
Shelly, when will I be able
To crawl to my feet?
Shelly, where must I go,
To get where I’m going?
Shelly, I sing for all those I love.
Shelly, what should I do
if I meet someone
in an unfamiliar place
Shelly, I’m a loner
I can’t smile
the way you do
Shelly, if its dreams we’re after
I won’t be afraid of loneliness
Shelly, if you’re living on your own
One mustn’t show the tears, right?
Sometimes you hold back the tears
supporting my lifestyle of tumblin’ around
Shelly, I don’t want your pity
cause I’m not a loser
I’ll walk on to the truth.
Shelly, does my singing sound OK?
Does my smile look alright?
It’s not too obsequious is it?
I’m not being misunderstand am I?
Are you still calling me foolish?
Do you still hate me?
Do I deserve your love?
Have I not made a huge mistake?
Am I walking on toward the truth?
Shelly, when will I be able
To crawl to my feet?
Shelly, where must I go,
To get where I’m going?
Shelly, I sing
For all those I love.
Shelly, when will I be able
To crawl to my feet?
Shelly, where must I go,
To get where I’m going?
Shelly, I sing
For all those I love.