Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 74


Daugher of the Sea

'Fear!, fear the daughter of the sea!'
I heard the man say.
His voice traveled with the sea foam and salt,
And in the sea, he found his end.
Blood and pain in Kalimdor,
There all his navy fell.
And he died in Theramore
Because she betrayed him.
Why why? Tell us, daughter of the sea,
Why did you forget us?
You brought honor to our noble home
And then you left everything behind.
When she fled across the wide sea,
Her father went behind her.
'Wait for me!' He implored from the vessel,
'I can't lose you!'
But, when he arrived to that new place,
He saw enemies.
And when he started to fight against them...
His daughter abandoned him.
And victim of her betrayal,
And so far from his home.
He dying, to his people warned:
'Fear the daughter of the sea!'
I'm listening to you now... father...
His voice, his voice, the air brought his voice close to me,
And clearly I heard:
'Fear, fear the daughter of the sea',
'Fear, fear... fear me!...'
  • En: Total, partial or modification reproduction of this lyrics without the express and/or written permission of the author is prohibited. All translations on this website are protected by ''.

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The Daughter of the Sea

'Confide ye not in the Daughter of the Sea
Beware ye of her!'
Thus he exclaimed
As he was swallowed by the sea
And sunk in the dark of night.
Blood red are the shores of Kalimdor1
Dost thou hearest the crying of men?
Her father fell in Theramore
For she had left him there alone.
Why, why, oh Daughter of the Sea
Why hast thou forgotten who thou art?
Thou wast the Guiding Star2of our nation
Yet now thy light has all but extinguished.
She fled westwards over the Great Sea
The father did follow with haste
And in his heavy heart, he held just one request
'Oh Sea, wherefore is my child?'
Yet suddenly in the distant shore
The enemy approaches
The daughter beheld the merciless onslaught
But turned away.
Betrayed from the only child
He cried out full of grief and pain
As he sank deep into the watery abyss,
'Confide ye not in the Daughter of the Sea!'
I hear the call far over the silvery3sea
It still resounds to this day,
'Confide ye not in the Daughter of the Sea.
Beware ye.
Beware... of me.'
  • 1. a fictional continent in the World of Warcraft universe where the city of Theramore is situated.
  • 2. lit. north star
  • 3. lit. gray
'Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise!'

Allah allah

Allah allah at those eyes
They set me on fire
Tell her what does she want from me
When she comes and goes around
Allah allah at those lips
They are peerless
My love is like a mountain
You can't reach it, as far as you go
What a beauty! Ah baba
How fine and unique
Take off your veil
The world won't fall apart
Beautiful and conceited
Elegant as a red apple
Always far away
With your attractive shape


Tonight i'll forget you
Tonight i'll forget you
Slowly i'll delete your memoirs
I'll burn your images , i'll ruin your palace's love
Slowly i'll forget memoirs
Inside of loneliness room , i forget you i forget you
Slowly i'll delete your memoirs
I'll burn your images , i'll ruin your palace's love
Slowly i'll forget memoirs
Inside of loneliness room , i forget you i forget you
I'll take you out from my heart forever
Sorry i'll resign sorry
Sorry i can't bear , my heart tired for your love
Else it's you turn to depress , sorry sorry
Slowly i'll delete your memoirs
I'll burn your images , i'll ruin your palace's love
Slowly i'll forget memoirs
Inside of loneliness room , i forget you i forget you
' Love is wise , Hate is foolish '.~ B. Russell ~

Leave me

Give me a promise to leave & never say my name
Everything you've from me , throw and burn it
Promise i'll forget you as well
Never say your name and take my love back
Coz of that i've told you
A day i'll leave & you're never meeting me else
I'll leave , i'll leave
A day i'll leave & you're never meeting me else
You're never taking my hands
I'll leave (x3)
[Navid & Bana]
leave me and never say my name ,baby
It's a time to leave you
Blinding my eyes if it's looking you
Cutting my tongue if it's say just you
leave me and never say my name ,baby
It's a time to leave you
Blinding my eyes if it's looking you
Cutting my tongue if it's say just you
If it's say just you
If it's say just you
Give me a promise to leave & never say my name
Everything you've from me , throw and burn it
Promise i'll forget you as well
Never say your name and take my love back
[Navid & Bana]
A day i'll leave & you're never meeting me else
You're never meeting me else
I'll leave , i'll leave .
[Navid & Bana]
leave me and never say my name ,baby
It's a time to leave you
Blinding my eyes if it's looking you
Cutting my tongue if it's say just you
leave me and never say my name ,baby
It's a time to leave you
Blinding my eyes if it's looking you
Cutting my tongue if it's say just you
If it's say just you
If it's say just you
“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” ~ Rumi ~


Poate altundeva ținuturile sunt mai frumoase
Și nopțile mai înstelate, și diminețile mai luminoase.
Poate verdele e mai exuberant, mai verde
Și păsările pe ramuri cântă mai voios.
Poate altundeva...dar pentru inima unora
Cântecul Vistulei și nisipurile Masoviei sunt mai prețioase.
Există amurguri pe fiorduri și umbre pe piramide,
Și lumini nordice și visătoare palme ținute sub cap,
Multicolori fluturi, grădini cu zâne
Și grădini în orașe cu farmece minunate.
Poate altundeva...dar pentru inima unora
Cântecul Vistulei și nisipurile Masoviei sunt mai prețioase.
Poate, poate tot ce e mai bun altundeva,
Și păsările, și stelele, și cânturile, și aerul,
Poate că sunt altundeva popoare chiar mai fericite
Și pomi mai grațioși decât salcia de pe malul apei.
Poate altundeva...dar pentru inima unora
Cântecul Vistulei și nisipurile Masoviei sunt mai prețioase...

La crepuscul

Și iarăși te scufunzi, albastră-argintie umbră,
Și iarăsi visul e argintiu când valul se întoarce,
Te voi prinde de trei ori, te voi pierde de trei ori,
Și iarăși te voi căuta ca să te pierd.
Pe o navă arzând, după ultima înfrângere
Să pier deja - voi lua calea cu disperare
Și încă voi căuta cu un ochi congestionat,
Înainte ca întunecimea să inude pupilele cu un val negru.

Navid Zardi - To

As always you got a soft heart and a warm hands..
I see the shy in your eyes when you are looking at me...
When i'm singing for you an old poem,
Quickly teling me: I know it!
That's why it is my duty to sing for you a new poem everyday...
The whole world is silent if you keep quiet
Be like a river and come to me
I don’t want you to be like a silent pond
Smiling suits you...
I’m geting insane if you are upset ..
I know how to drive you crazy!
I know how to make you excited!
It is all easy for me
but i'll break my heart,
If i ever make you cry again.
Come and hold my hand for a dance!
Dance with me!
My awareness is gone away in your love
I don’t know how to talk to you without breaking your heart!
You looking like a doll
I’d like to kidnap you
Even if we have a gardener, i will bring you flowers by myself!
You like it when i'm holding you in my arms and that flower is in my hand..


On the road I drive the opposite way
And I walk on the border of the skyscraper's roof
You gamble even with the things you don't have
There's a real daredevil that slumbers inside you for a log time
They say you're like a God
Streptomycin* for males
I wrap youngsters crowd around my little finger
I mistake dates a little, I mix beverages a little
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep, I feed myself unhealthy
Things that kill me make me feel alive
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep
I mix beverages a little
That makes me feel alive
Yes, I'm the queen of russian roulette
Yes, I'm an Achilles' heel for many of them
You gamble even with the things you don't have
There's a real daredevil that slumbers inside you for a log time
They say you're like a God
Streptomycin for males
I wrap youngsters crowd around my little finger
I mistake dates a little, I mix beverages a little
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep, I feed myself unhealthy
Things that kill me make me feel alive
Glass of whiskey with ice in one hand
And you smoke hundredth cigarette in a row
You'd only like to play a little
All that people see is that you're blacked darkness
Every taxi knows you in this city
You knew to choose such life
I wrap youngsters crowd around my little finger
I mistake dates a little, I mix beverages a little
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep, I feed myself unhealthy
Things that kill me make me feel alive
I drink, I smoke, I don't sleep
Things that kill me
Make me feel alive
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

Iran Contras

-You will die, you will die...
-Are they just spill the t, that we'll die?
Sabotage with a counter-revolutionary purpose was
'the conscious non-fulfillment by somebody of certain
duties or the deliberately negligent performance of them with
the special purpose of weakening the power of the government and
the activities of the state apparatus...'.
Counter-revolutionary sabotage was punished with from imprisonment for a period of one year to the maximum penalty.
Imagine that you're not and nothing has changed
You have a chance of zero so sorry, dude...
This's the most colossal in your life blowin mind
Your potential has danced a little and has not grown alas.
Well, let's try to win me don't give me an appetite to appease
Your 4th ceiling, not to reach to five in any way.
I'm a giant on your trampled path.
I'm sorry but you need to be eliminated, it's not a problem, because you're a debutant.
Everything was clear in principle, and so unfold your broken tank.
Take care of your eardrums, this bomb bites you and not only
God sees you hurt, as if for weeks you were being electrocuted.
Not easy huh? I'm not here for fun, you'll be crappy,
It's not Comedy soon
You'll feel how stone powder flutters in your garden
You don't see a happy ending, your song is sung time to cry life
All mortal way to escape I'm the switched on light, you're a cockroach.
And not because you're dressed poorly, or someone doesn't want your victories,
Yes, you just believe, I'm not that opponent, you don't have all the experience.
I broke your plan, man
Let's go out, this is war.
I broke your plan, man
Oh, come on, he has a talent for grammar
Hole for you thread*, so that fear in you is dead
Only after you. And let the bones're boil
Dash in the beam*, so that could be angry with him
Who was angry with this long-haired savage.
Abracadabra, so that the path to heaven disappears,
But there's a drop of good in me.
Although, I don't give a fuck what you think,
Run while witchcraft went into action.
Dima you're loose the battled again,
I'm your demotivator for you to go out.
Your tiny mind's don't ornate,
It betrayed you and you're dumb in a word.
Not an option to clean me up and the barricades will not help,
Go away until I punished you,
Practice will identify Daguddu in the winners
And that's why you seem to hate me.
Step, no matter how you sang or read,
One thing - you're in my shadow, and we can't be compared
And now you're already at the bottom, don't even dream.
Don't even dream of being with us
On the pedestal there are no places, believe.
Greatstep make your last great step away.
I broke your plan, man
Let's go out, this is war.
I broke your plan, man
Oh, come on, he has a talent for grammar
Yo, hello everyone, to be honest I didn't even know
That I'll go to the 4th round, Imma fool, probably it goes
Again, I'm very happy, but it's unlikely I'll go to the final
After all, I closed the entrance there a long time ago.
Call me a contras-man. I spat on the topic, I don't care for it
I'll arrange sabotage and then turn your battle upside down
- Well, in general, I'm not exactly a magician, no...
- Yes? Well, you don't know this and you don't know what you can do...
Tibor from QS-FB