The Shadow of the White Mountain
The Shadow of the White Mountain
Covered my face and my hands
And I imagined as if my soul is free
Like a dead person
A sad shadow covered the house
And the grapevine leaves
But when
In foreign land
Which is my street
A violinist
I went out for the happiness of a bride and a groom
And I saw
That they are weaving
A very gentel hope
And I saw
That they are weaving
A real hope
And so I secretly asked:
Maker of man*
May demons and pests will not swarm
On their imagination
May their building be
An everlasting building
My prayer grew
Green leaves
And I sat in the shadow of the ricinus
And I no longer knew
What the name of the station
Where my life has arrived to is
The Moon (Majora's Mask) vs The Sun (Teletubbies) - Epic Pixel Battle (April Fool's Day Bonus)
It's time for EPB!
It's time for EPB!
It's time for EPB!
The sun from Teletubbies!
The moon from Majora's Mask!
Oh oooh! What do we have here?
I don't want to make you cry but you're gonna scream in fear.
You, a big bad? Zelda's not even in your game at all!
Now prepare yourself, you're about to fall!
You're about to meet with a terrible fate
Meeting me is one of the worst events you'll have to undertake
Not even your Teletubbies are going to defend you
It's not three days, but three bars, that will be enough to end you!
You must feel so important fighting against the small frys
Or don't you have the stones to pick on those your own size?
You're controlled by a buffoon, so don't act so smug.
You've been unmasked, you don't get a BIG HUG!
Come on, Tubbies, let's zap to more informative TV.
You think you're all powerful, but deep down you're just meek.
Without Majora, you don't have any power, they say!
Now say goodbye, my children: 'GO AWAY!'
Skull Kid:
For a sun, you aren't all that bright.
Thanks to your show, children's minds aren't quite right.
If I wanted to end the world, it's because of you guys!
Drink all your tubby toasts, choke on them, and die!
Majora's Mask:
Show no mercy, I won't give your life length.
My power is growing, I attack at full strength!
You're too hot-headed, sunshine, prepare for the apocalypse!
Thus your chance of victory was Termina-ted in the eclipse.
Who deserves the victory?
Who will be next?
Pacea Mea
Pacea mea este legata, cu un fir,
cu a ta.
Și sărbătorile pe care noi le iubim,
sezoanele minunate din an
cu tezaurul lor de aromă, și florile,
și fructele, frunzele și vântul,
cu ceață și ploaie,
zăpadă neprevăzute,
și roua,
suspendați de-un fir de dor.
Tu și eu și Sabatul.
Tu și eu și viața noastra
în incarnare anterioară.
Tu și eu
și minciună.
Și frică.
Și fișurile.
Tu și eu
și autorul de ceruri fără
Tu și eu
și misterul.
Tu și eu
și moartea.