Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 15

Număr de rezultate: 747


A train is departing to a far away

A train is departing to a far away,
You’ll wave to me, fading from view.
I’ll meet other girls, this I’m sure of,
But none of them will be like you.
I still see you right before (the) battle,
A din of (the) exploding grenades.
That blue dress of yours, like the blue skies,
Your voice, that cute smile, and those eyes.
There are lots of smiles that are gorgeous,
So many intriguing great eyes,
But these such as yours, darling sweetheart,
I’ve come across only just once.
Longing will dwell in our sad hearts,
Our tearful farewells set us free.
Try to remember me, darling!
Should I come visit - greet me!

I don't need any other solace

Let the Summer rage on, or,
let the Winter cover me,
Ever since you moved into me,
it's all the same for me now,
where the wind is blowing from.
The Autumn is cruel, it defats you,
But the Spring explodes,
and if you stay next to me,
I know what awaits us,
and I don't need any other solace.
Perhaps the wounds have not yet sealed,
we stop and stand vis-a-vis, just you and me,
to decide after long fights, whether
this short story should continue.
The drama piece is over, goodbye, but
if you want, we can begin a new season.
Let the Summer rage on, or,
let the Winter cover me,
Ever since you moved into me,
it's all the same for me now,
where the wind is blowing from.
The Autumn is cruel, it defats you,
But the Spring explodes,
and if you stay next to me,
I know what awaits us,
and I don't need any other solace.
All those who know us, are watching us,
who wins today, you or I or we,
And how long will it take,
until we have the courage to say it out loud.
Let the Summer rage on, or,
let the Winter cover me,
Ever since you moved into me,
it's all the same for me now,
where the wind is blowing from.
The Autumn is cruel, it defats you,
But the Spring explodes,
and if you stay next to me,
I know what awaits us,
and I don't need any other solace.

Dragon named Nightmare

Dragon named Nightmare
Has killed a hundred knights,
But for me he was like a mosquito:
I killed him with a snap.
Although the size of a mountain,
When he met me,
I killed this giant with a snap.
My hand is as strong as an oak,
When I fight a dragon,
And I am so terrible in battle,
That I'm afraid of myself.
When I start a fight,
Raising my sword above my head,
Honestly, I'm afraid of myself.
But as soon as I'll get off the horse,
You can't recognize me,
Because, in essence,
I am very tender in heart.
Let the enemies run away,
But you run to me,
Don't be afraid of me,
My love.
But as soon as I'll get off the horse,
You can't recognize me,
Because, in essence,
I am very tender in heart.
Let the enemies run away,
But you run to me,
Don't be afraid of me,
My love.


A strictly scientific approach
Is needed for our cause.
We must fight skilfully,
If a dragon suddenly attacks.
We will derive an exact law,
How to fight these creatures.
The first question to ask:
'Who is this dragon?'
The dragon is a dangerous beast!
Do not trust rumours,
Do not trust rumours!
Dragonography, dragonography,
A visit to his beloved
Will not be easy for an ignoramus:
Maybe a swordtailed dragon
Get in the way, get in the way.
If you study with all A's
Under a harsh discipline,
Then, even a three-headed dragon
Will run away from you in fear!
Empty chatter,
Empty chatter!
A very important science,
A very false science.
Dragonography, dragonography...

Iubirea pare

Iubirea pare
Ce e în neregulă cu mine dacă voi muri nevăzându-te?
La atingerea ta pulsul se dublează,
Nu ne cunoaștem prea bine, dar îți spun:
Te voi iubi fără regret,
Ca mersul ceasului care nu se schimbă.
Dacă viața o scrie pentru noi
Să mă sculpteze în sfârșit ca o stare,
Această inimă ți-o semnează
Cad în foc pentru tine, ce e în neregulă cu mine?
Iubirea pare, iubirea pare
Această privire a ta care mă domină,
Iubire ești, iubire ești,
Pentru că ești comparat și întotdeauna exclus.
Iubirea pare, iubirea pare
Acest corp al tău care mi se potrivește atât de bine
Iubire ești, iubire ești,
Iubeste-ma pe mine si celelalte drumuri să se închidă.
Ce e în neregulă cu mine de te caut alcoolic,
Iar ochii tăi sunt pietrele mele prețioase?
Dacă praful tău de aur este simplu praf,
Voi spune că săruturile au fost un cadou
Și lasă ca basmul să aibă un final tragic.
Iubirea pare, iubirea pare
Acest corp al tău care mi se potrivește atât de bine
Iubire ești, iubire ești,
Iubeste-ma pe mine si celelalte drumuri să se închidă.
Dedic cuvintele și muzica în seara asta
doar pentru tine...
Iubirea pare, iubirea pare
Această privire a ta care mă domină,
Iubire ești, iubire ești,
Pentru că ești comparat și întotdeauna exclus.
Iubirea pare, iubirea pare
Acest corp al tău care mi se potrivește atât de bine
Iubire ești, iubire ești,
Iubeste-ma pe mine si celelalte drumuri să se închidă.

It hurts me so good

Tonight, I'm closing my eyes not to look at you
and I say: go to another woman, I have no hopes
So don't make me turn my words into actions,
my eyes might be half-closed, but my body is watching you...
Feel free to love me, love me
because that [your love] hurts me so good
this pain brings me back to life
and makes me scream out your name
Feel free to love me, love me
because that [your love] hurts me so good
so I'm throwing salt over my shoulder this night
to chase her away and to make you come to me again
I've never felt better than I feel now
and I'm sure I'll feel the same with another man, but I don't know when
So don't make me turn my words into actions,
my eyes might be half-closed, but my body is watching you...
Feel free to love me, love me
because that [your love] hurts me so good
this pain brings me back to life
and makes me scream out your name
Feel free to love me, love me
because that [your love] hurts me so good
so I'm throwing salt over my shoulder this night
to chase her away and to make you come to me again

Don't leave me

Don't leave me
Our future, a bright future
Don’t say a word about separation
A pleasant tomorrow in front of us
The world is beholden to your behaviour
Now that I’ve fallen for your fairness
This lover is praising you (circling around you)
Be better than anything or anybody
Be kinder than this to me
Don’t leave me
Without you I’m unwell
I love you madly
I’m by your side
I won’t leave you alone
So long as you’re with me
nobody can break your heart
So long as you’re with me
you’re supported
Your days are empty of pains and sorrows
I’d grant whatever is in my hands
My word is my poems which I grant
I’d even grant you my life
When you’re absent I’d die
Don’t leave me
Without you I’m unwell
I love you madly
I’m by your side
I won’t leave you alone

don't get mad

you say that I'll be here for you
you say that you will love me
yes I will be for you
if you just hold me tight
I'll turn back time again
to change a lot in the past
don't get mad, don't get mad my love
I won't change you
I'll turn back time there
in your first kiss
don't get mad don't get mad my love
I won't change you
yes my thought is asking for you
yes the heart wants you
look at what my eyes are saying
and come hug me
I'll turn back time again
to change a lot in the past
don't get mad, don't get mad my love
I won't change you
I'll turn back time there
in your first kiss
don't get mad don't get mad my love
I won't change you

Am ajuns la capătul vieții

Am ajuns la capătul vieții,
Ambele, iad și abis,
Dar mi-ai luat sufletul, ah, al naibii lucru femeiesc.
Ei bine, din cauza ta n-am liniște,
Nici în vise, nici treaz.
(refren x 2)
Cum, durerea mea?
Cum, întristarea mea?
Cum, inima mea,
Să te uit o clipă?
Atât de adâncă e, atât de departe e,
I-am simțit amarul,
Am ajuns la capătul vieții.
Acum cred în destin,
Dar nu mai ești aici,
Nici în vise, nici treaz.
(refren x2)
Sufletul mi-a fost șters
De uragane și tornade,
Dar mi-ai luat sufletul,
La naiba, femeie!
Ei bine, din cauza ta,
Nu mai am pace
Nici în vise, nici treaz.
(refren x 2)

I Ain't Like That

I light a candle to see who's footsteps are outside my window.
I'm not joking, maybe it is my enemies out at midnight. 1
Maybe we should check outside the door, see what's around : 2
Maybe it's a monster, or just maybe, it's you.
Do you want me to bring a humble cat,
To sit upon your bare feet. 3
No thanks, I somewhat lie,
I can barely keep still. 4
How about I bring you a loyal dog,
To bring you peace and joy? 5
You know I ain't like that!
The radiance of two-thousand lightbulbs boils the blood. 6
But if there is something here, it'd be your love.
Screaming sobers the brain, whispers only make you drowsy. 7
For every small sign, there are hundreds of big-names on it.
Do you want me to bring a humble cat,
To sit upon your bare feet.
No thanks, I somewhat lie,
I can barely keep still.
How about I bring you a loyal dog,
To bring you peace and joy?
You know I ain't like that!
The footsteps outside my window has stopped, so you can blow the candle out now.
If it was just the two of us here, life would be so much easier.
But simply is not, so drop everything and be here with me.
For every little step I take, there are hundreds of deep holes.
Do you want me to bring a humble cat,
To sit upon your bare feet.
No thanks, I somewhat lie,
I can barely keep still.
How about I bring you a loyal dog,
To bring you peace and joy?
You know I ain't like that!
  • 1. I could've done this line a little bit better
  • 2. Yeah, I extrapolated and mutilated this line and odds are there might've been a better way around it.
  • 3. Don't offer your bare feet to a cat, especially Silenced. And if the cat is on your bare feet, you either made a blood sacrifice or are the cat's obedient slave. Either way, you're going to lose toes in the long run.
  • 4. Yeah, you're a cat person if you cannot sit still. Running from those damn fur gremlins is an Olympic sport
  • 5. See? Chizh and Co get it! Dogs bring you joy while cats, 80% of the time all of the time are fur gremlins that bring you suffering and depression. But they're adorable so you got that.
  • 6. This is a pun of sorts, and it keeps to the lines meaning. Don't lynch me
  • 7. Yes, screaming is quite sobering.

Stalin's law

Whose big heart is burning in work,
Only that person in the USSR is celebrated,
Who grew up as a fighter, who fought the enemy
A collective farmer and a locksmith, a pilot and a commissar.
Long live Stalin,
Long live the one,
Who leads us from victory to victory!
Shine for us, his majestic law,
Shine on our eleven sides!
Before anyone we will write the name of the one,
Who led us to fight and gave us a triumph.
We remember him in the gun-smoke,
He is the first worker, and glory to him!
Our happy land rejoices,
Ruby-bright all the stars of the Kremlin!
And in a great world, on a distant earth,
You can see these stars both in the daytime and in the dark!

Honor and dynamite

The fascists are marching, leading the offensive
with their Moroccan Army.
Red Madrid is fighting hard.
Fist raised, honor and dynamite!
It means: dignity, it means: power
The one that turns old age to gravel
Clenched fist to kill,
The fist is raised to fight fascism
Shells bursts over Madrid,
The red color of the republics is covered with blood.
Honor and dynamite! Glory to the deceased!
Weapons for warriors! Arriba parias…
Mechanics, weavers, miners,
laborers from Castile and Catalonia
go to protect the workshops and streets.
To the death fight, for millions
Those who will not be slaves
go to protect you, Spanish land,
so that you will not be the same as a few centuries ago,
again royal, priestly and lordly.
Madrid is on the defensive, bloody and beautiful.
Guadarrama continues, Somosierra continues.
The proletarians will no longer kneel,
they can die standing up.
Oh, brothers! History is being made!
The battle is behind us and the battle is ahead!
And I want to send you across the Pyrenees
poet's heart: honor and dynamite!

My Sotnur land

The hills greet the morning sun,
The lake enjoys the fishes playing,
A river bank lies listening quietly
To the bird songs in tree tops of the gardens.
The blue is above the distant Ilet river
And in front of me are the earing fields.
So beautiful is our native country,
The blossoming uplands of my Sotnur!
Here on misty mornings
The birds are courting,
Here the families of kindly people
Live their lives happily.
A passing traveler is invited to come in,
Treated to mead and seen off.
The holidays are celebrated with the whole village,
And the weddings stir the entire Sotnur.
Here I was born happy,
The field grass was my cradle,
The birds sang the mother songs for me,
The village brought me up like a father.
Having got my beauty from the Nature,
Holding dear the new ways of life,
My Sotnur land, my people -
To you I offer the song of my heart.

I'll Wait

Hug me tight, before you leave
Hold my hand
And hug me again before you leave
Can you say it again
That I'm the one you love
And no one will be able to separate us
To our love
I'll wait for you to come back
I will be just here
No matter what happened
Keep this before you leave
Our happy past
I'll wait
Why did you have to leave
To reach
Our dreams
I'm hoping and praying that we'll be together again
I'll wait for you to come back
I will be just here
No matter what happened
Keep this before you leave
Tough of feelings and love
If ever you're not coming back
Inside my arms
I'm not changing
Our love
Will be keeping our promise, I'm ready to wait
In the middle of loneliness
I'll wait
I'll wait
I'll wait
Hug me tight
Before you leave

Love Corrida

Lips glistening wet
Pink hips swinging back and forth
Tonight is a colorful party night
Happenings I'm looking forward to
I'll lead you in with my frank stare
You who looks a little bit like Dave Grohl
When you roll a tequila ball my way
My feelings are suddenly a rollercoaster
When our eyes meet, they always lock together really tightly
No no thank you to vague pretenses, I raise my hands
dadida... baby
I want to bounce to this rhythm
Let's dance with our hearts and bodies
nonono... darling
What I want to know more than your name
Is your kiss
Let's just do it right here
I don't need some gentlemanly act
Little by little, the dizzier I get
I start using more words that make my heart pound
I don't want to be alone tonight, I want to just cast aside all reason
I'm going to lure you in with my insolent smile
No no thank you to vague pretenses, goodbye
dadida... baby
I want to bounce to this rhythm
Let's dance with our hearts and bodies
nonono... darling
It's not like I want to fall in love or anything, but
If you want to see where things go from here
We can't do it here
Hey, you know what I mean, right?
Girls can take risks too, you know
I don't care if I get burned
The more I'm called a 'good girl', the more I really
Want to kick out every single boring day and feel a thrill, I want to be a bad girl
dadida... baby
Let's get swept away by this unsteady rhythm,
Get stirred up, and dance
nonono... darling
It's not like I want to be a tease, but
If you want to know what my real kiss is like
We can't do it here
Don't you know what I mean?
isn't it hot?
isn't crazy?
it's crazy night
I like you


Versions: #1
Falls asleep the blue city of Zurbagan,
And beyond the horizon a hurricane
Starts its way with loud noise and thunder,
Rolling fast towards the city under.
Heavy rain will pour down strong and bold,
And will shiver lovely young Assol.
Once again, it won’t be clear to people
If it has already been or will be.
Two o’clock on a dot,
A stormy day of some long ago era,
A young girl follows a big ship from a pier with her eyes.
Shoulders hunched under the wind gusts,
She helplessly struggles with shiver.
I am hopelessly smitten with love for these times.
A night will perish and there’ll be a new day,
Just like endless waves chase after waves.
I will wake up in a peculiar juncture
Somewhere in between the past and future.
In a world where barefoot, full of joy
Runs along the tide the girl named Assol.
And she runs and laughs like a breezy gale,
Having no idea of the sails1.
Two o’clock on a dot,
A stormy day of some long ago era,
A young girl follows a big ship from a pier with her eyes.
Shoulders hunched under the wind gusts,
She helplessly struggles with shiver.
I am hopelessly smitten with love for these times.
Falls asleep the blue city of Zurbagan,
And from beyond the horizon comes hurricane.
Heavy rain will pour down strong and bold,
And will shiver lovely young Assol.
A night will perish and there’ll be a new day,
Just like endless waves chase after waves.
  • 1. Crimson Sails - a symbol of hope and destiny in the book “Crimson Sails” by Aleksander Grin

A little more dream

Nothing great, nothing serious
Here's a place for me to hide after the storm
Dry dreams in wet sand
I think about making them again even if they fall apart again
But everything is ok, everything will be alright
Now the sun has come back on the other side
You're a human because you know how to forget
Because you believe and you have doubts
Because you lose and you win
Because you live , because you laugh
I miss you...
Nothing great, an open apartment
You find electricity, a phone line and a bill
I don't need your love in order to walk the line
I just need your promise , something to hold on
But everything is ok, everything will be alright
Now the sun has come back on the other side
You're a human because you lose and you win
Because you tilt your head
Touching on a shoulder
Because you live , because you laugh
I miss you...

A winter song

Having flown their long aimless journey around the world,
Winds have turned into a lullaby song,
They made the winter storm fall asleep in the yards around,
And have frozen in the white confining snows.
The Milky Way up in the sky is all pricked with the stars,
My beloved city is wedded to a silence.
Along the white boulevards the blizzards have settled down,
Falling asleep in the snowy cradle.
Walking under the moon
And catching snowflakes with my hand,
I am breathing in this December night
After being parted from you for so long...
The unsteady world will sway between the grey buildings,
And in my memory will resurface - a girl with a violin.
Music is quietly flowing behind her,
And fading away in the tree branches.
Street lights are shining tiredly through the blind night.
Time has lost in the homeless cold,
Freezing on the window panes.
Walking under the moon
And catching snowflakes with my hand,
I am breathing in this December night
After being parted from you for so long...


I do not know the person who is in my heart and yet I feel like swaying.
You protect the flame that I lent to you by keeping it in the palm of your hand.
I call you my love.
'I want to go back'
But I don't mind going anywhere.
I realized how lonely I was until I met you.
You're my home, sweet home.
You are sparkling in the town of Panorama.
You're my home, sweet home.
My heart will long for you no matter how many nights we are separated.
I was looking for a path that I could take to get home those times.
I could see Tamagawa* from that high place.
I saw a flock of birds while returning to the forest and felt lonely.
The place that I was born turned into an unknown apartment.
I realized that I didn't have any place to go to until I met you.
You're my home, sweet home.
You are sparkling in the town of Panorama.
You're my home, sweet home.
My heart will long for you no matter how many nights we are separated.
You become my light in complete darkness.
I sway from side to side.
You're my home, sweet home.
You are sparkling in the town of Panorama.
You're my home, sweet home.
My heart will long for you no matter how many nights we are separated.
Even if we are separated, you are the person who I want to return to.

Stand UP!

In dry weathers I can feel the wind
I’ll wipe my lipstick off and look at the mirror
I’ll bend my hair and tie it up tight
I’m Ready to Go with the signal of the headwind
I’ll stop laughing at the correct things
I don’t want my life to be swept away anymore
Keep on trying
It’s new style
In a world stained by shadows, I’ll run through the deep forest
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
To reach what I desire
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
Cold nights will be over
Feeling the sound of my heartbeat through my shirt
I’ve just taken the first steps of my life
Keep on trying
It’s new style
The world’s reflection in the water, seeing the future, I can take them back
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
To reach what I desire
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
Cold nights will be over
I’ll put an end to my heart that’s shaking and is about to sink
With my small and strong clenched hands
I have an unforgettable feeling
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
To reach what I desire
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
Cold nights will be over

Who’s the Bigger Man

I broke my arm three times over
I want her leather jacket
I’m ashamed of my desires
I even worry about things that aren’t there
To be, not to be. And if, then why and with whom?
Alone, you’re all alone. I know where to go, I don’t
There’s a scar hidden in my heart
(Who’s bigger than you?)
Now I get the folks who keep to their shells
(Who’s bigger than you?)
I’m often secretly self-conscious
(Who’s bigger than you?)
I’m too shy to flaunt my feathers
(Who’s bigger than you?)
The day is yours, drink if you’ve got a check
(Who’s bigger than you, who’s bigger than you?)
Give as much as you can, live if you’ve got a check
You’ve often got circles, you’ve often got circles
I’ve often got circles under my eyes
I can hear bubbling in my ears
I can hear bubbling brooks in my ears
And I drive is fast as I can
And I drive as fast as I can
If you have her, then why am I here?
The day is yours, drink if you’ve got a check
(Who’s bigger than you, who’s bigger than you?)
Give as much as you can, live if you’ve got a check
(Who’s bigger than you, who’s bigger than you?)
The day is yours, drink if you’ve got a check
(Who’s bigger than you, who’s bigger than you?)
Give as much as you can if you’ve got the check
Who’s the bigger man, who’s the bigger man, who’s bigger than you?!
Who’s the bigger man, who’s the bigger man, who’s bigger than you?!
The day is yours, drink if you’ve got a check
(Who’s bigger than you, who’s bigger than you?)
Give as much as you can, live if you’ve got a check
(Who’s bigger than you, who’s bigger than you?)
The day is yours, drink if you’ve got a check
(Who’s bigger than you, who’s bigger than you?)
Give as much as you can if you’ve got the check
(Who’s bigger than you, who’s, who’s, who’s, who’s bigger than you?)
The day is yours, drink if you’ve got a check
Give as much as you can if you’ve got the check
(Who’s bigger than you?)

What I want to say is thank you

What is this gloomy feeling in my heart?
I bury my face in my freshly washed towel.
The small bird sings a song at dawn.
No matter how much I walk, this path just continues on.
Rather than holding hands, I would like to join our fingers.
Let's cuddle together in the cold night and sleep under the starry sky that seems like a blanket.
You who is sitting at the table, has aimed for the ends of the earth.
What I want to say is thank you.
Whether it is you or me who is lost, the fairies in the fragrant flowers will dance.
Even the rolling stone has its own symphony.
Before one can even realize it, the well cooked toast is not burned.
Rather than having dreams, I would like to become a dream.
A different sky is close to me, I will cross the desert which is full of magic lanterns.
In order to taste eternity, we must come together for one thousand and one nights.
The sound of me washing my ankles is like music.
Do not mix ice coffee.
Do not loiter around in the darkness.
I say goodbye to the sky.
I laugh at my habit of passing unsolicited remarks.
Damp biscuits are my favorite.
The blind Angel is running away.
I will make a promise to this eternal world before I can meet myself.
I will protect the trees in the forest.
Everything ambiguous is beautiful.
Even though this body will turn to sand, it is still wrapped with sound, light, heat and fragrance.
If my map gets torn, I will look at it upside down.
I swear in my heart that I will protect your smile.
I will call every tree a tree.
I will call time by its name.
I already do not have any memories and so I will search for a rainbow colored dream.
This world divides expensive things up.
There is no proof that an apple tree is what it claims to be.
I wish that the present will always continue.
All the stars of the sky are saying goodnight.
Let's cuddle together in the cold night and sleep under the starry sky that seems like a blanket.
You who is sitting at the table, has aimed for the ends of the earth.
What I want to say is thank you.

Trezeşte-te lângă mine.

de frica timpului.
În vacanţă,
zburăm spre sud.
că nu interpretăm greşit.
râvnind o primăvară.
Oricine poate fi
al meu, al tău.
Totuşi suntem aici,
poate-i întâmplător.
Doi pelegrini
ne cramponăm
de iluzii comune.
Trezeşte-te lângă mine.
Niciodată na-i crede,
că fericirea
ţi s-ar cuveni şi ţie.
Si dacă te cuprinde.
Chiar si atunci se va termina
ca o magie.
Ne mutăm
de pe pământ în cer.
Poate acolo, în sfârşit
vom fi împreună.
Oricine poate fi
al meu, al tău
Totuşi suntem aici,
poate-i întâmplător.
Doi pelegrini
ne cramponăm
de iluzii comune.
Trezeşte-te lângă mine.
Niciodată na-i crede,
că fericirea
ţi s-ar cuveni şi ţie.
Si dacă te cuprinde,
Chiar si atunci se va termina
ca o magie.
Nu e de la sine înţeles.
Dacă ţi se spune să nu crezi,
Că fericirea e pentru fitecine,
Dar trezeşte-te lângă mine.
Trebuie să porţi poverile.
Să combaţi păcatele.
Asta ţi-e viaţa înţelege odată.
Chiar că e o singură viaţă.
Nu e de la sine înţeles.
Dacă ţi se spune să nu crezi,
Că fericirea e pentru fitecine.
Dar trezeşte-te lângă mine.
Trebuie să porţi poverile
Să combaţi păcatele
Asta ţi-e viaţa înţelege odată.
Știu, știu, știu.
Oricine poate fi
al meu, al tău
Totuşi suntem aici,
poate-i întâmplător.
Doi pelegrini
ne cramponăm
de iluzii comune.
Trezeşte-te lângă mine.
Niciodată na-i crede,
că fericirea
ţi s-ar cuveni şi ţie.
Si dacă te cuprinde,
Chiar si atunci se va termina
ca o magie.
Trezeşte-te lângă mine.

We Have the Power

We used to make mistakes
Because nobody wants to be alone
The world is under our skin
Like a sunburn
How people make this place
So powerful but never show
Every smile on their face
Never let go
Each day, life is a gift
From our Father in Heaven, and Mother Earth
Don't be afraid, just learn from your mistakes
It's a part of your journey
And it opens up your heart like a thousand drawers
To go back to that innocence, and all the melodies
Like a long everlasting song
I have the power to just rejoice
With such free-love, that would make my day brighter
Defamation does not affect me
I'm lucky to have One God above me
'Cause we have the power to rejoice
To embrace life, 'cause we weren't promised another day
Let's cherish the world that He created
I don't know if this is a song or an illusion
Only God knows
I've been searching for a meaning, and only questions arose
So I hummed tunes again, which ignited fires within me
It's not too late, we have another chance tomorrow
And I've traveled far, and crossed continents
But I found out that all the answers hide at home
It's not over yet, we have another chance tomorrow
This song saves me
When I am not myself anymore
It feels real to me
A part of my body
A long everlasting song
I have the power to just rejoice
With such free-love, that would make my day brighter
Defamation does not affect me
I'm lucky to have One God above me
'Cause we have the power to rejoice
To embrace life, 'cause we weren't promised another day
Let's cherish the world that He created
I don't know if this is a song or an illusion
Only God knows
Only God knows

Fireworks of You

The bustling of cicadas lingered on a little longer in the evening
I held your hand back again so I wouldn’t be separated from you
You, colored with fireworks, were too bright to see
I had to avert my eyes from you
Like I pretended not to care
As the summer breeze gently touches my flushed cheeks
I’ll set a projectile off into the night sky
Carrying along this emotion tinged with fever
I want to tell you what’s on my mind
My heart seems to be one
Launched into the night sky
About to burst at the seams
I will never forget
Burned into my eyes
Are the summer-colored lights
And nothing but your smiling face
Lost in the sound of a big firework up above
A slip of my tongue is just about drowned out
Like there are only two of us left in the world
Gasping for air next to you at arm’s length
An instant you gave me is stronger than any wishes
Becomes a radiant light to keep illuminating my world
My wishes are sent up
In rainbow-colored lights
It even makes me believe
That eternal love exists
Let them cross the sky and echo on
Let their colors burst in full blossom
Like it’s proof that we’re right here
Right here at the moment
No matter how many years pass by
Every time this season comes rolling around
It brings me back to your voice
The warmth of our joined hands
I want to tell you what’s on my mind
My heart seems to be one
Launched into the night sky
About to burst at the seams
I will never forget
Burned into my eyes
Are the summer-colored lights
And nothing but your smiling face

The Old Testament

Everything is
So clear today: yes – no
Good – evil, love and hate
Like in the Old Testament
Like in the Old Testament
Cain is Abel’s brother
The Paradise is holding a sale
Lot’s wife went mad
But apart from that, everything’s okay
Apart from that, everything’s okay
I know ancient signs
Never change
I know it still holds true
I know the Old Testament still holds true
People keep dying
And bedding is made of feathers
We climb the heights in vain
Ever the gamepieces of fate
I know ancient signs
Never change
I know it still holds true
I know the Old Testament still holds true
I know ancient signs
Never change
I know it still holds true
I know the Old Testament still holds true
It holds true, It holds true, it holds true
The Old Testament


The sign I only can see. Suggestive behavior.
It disappears into haze. My feeling that never reach to you is turning off.
I count the nights that I couldn't sleep. The honester I am, the more I am exhausted with high fever. I madly repeat it again and again.
I make a wry mouth that tells love. Let me dream. I go into the hollow.
Admiration, if you say I can success at something without deceiving, I forecast the wind all alone and it's enough to stare at it.
I have nothing. Throwing hands, i enjoy the game I play.
But please never give up. Keep dancing like a snake.
Caress of sweet voice.
Rocking back and force in the cradle.
Let's get in the restaurant there. We satisfy our hunger and forget.
I count the nights that I couldn't sleep.
The more I try to destroy, I feel chilly happiness. On the web, I shorten my life.
I make a wry mouth that tells love. Don't say anymore. I leave alone.
Admiration, if you say I can success at something by losing, I weave all alone and just keep piling them up.
Speed up to death in the wilderness there's no one.
But please don't cry. Just keep opening your eyes like a snake.
The sign I only can see. Aroused behavior.
It disappears into haze. I swallow my feeling that never reach to you and go like a snake.

Who will Grant Me the Strength

And I, and I, and I,
I was left here all alone
I have no, I have no,
I have no one else here...
What can I say? What can I do?
Who will tell me...? Who will help me,
To decide already?
There's no one to answer the question
Who will grant me the strength?
Who will tell me not to run?
Who will tell me, 'Now's your turn'?
'Yes, now's your turn'
Who will take my fear away?
Who will march with me?
Who will tell me, 'I'm always with you'?
'I'll always be with you'!
Walls all around me
I can no longer see
Just don't stop
Don't go, don't go backwards again.
Go with confidence
Without asking what's right
Just don't give up
Let me choose, just let me choose...
Who will grant me the strength?
Who will tell me not to run?
Who will tell me, 'Now's your turn'?
'Yes, now's your turn'
Who will take my fear away?
Who will march with me?
Who will tell me, 'I'm always with you'?
'I'll always be with you'!
Now's my time
Now's my time
Now's the time to choose
Now's the time to choose for myself
(My time)
Getting mixed up again
(Now's my time)
Getting used to again
(Now's the time to choose)
Asking once again who am I –
(Now's the time to choose for myself)
Who will grant me the strength?
Who will tell me not to run?
Who will tell me, 'Now's your turn'?
'Yes, now's your turn'
Who will take my fear away?
Who will march with me?
Who will tell me, 'I'm always with you'?
'I'll always be with you'!


Drakosha Totosha sings his tales
Drakosha Totosha sings his thoughts about The Earth
About the Mountains, about the rocks
About such mysterious stars in the sky:
'The dreams are so limitless'
Drakosha Totosha quotes Lao Tzu
In the Void, in the Void, you must find yourself
On the Mountain, alone, at will
Boundless space will absorb you into your own
Infinite stars
'My way is so far'
U u u I will find you
U u u I will find you
I will dive into you, my way
U u u I will find you
I will catch you in my thoughts
My way to my home is so far
U u u I will find you
U u u I will find you
I will dive into you, my way
U u u I will find you
I will catch you in my thoughts
My way to my home is so far
Drakosha Totosha quotes Lao Tzu
In the Void, in the Void, you must find yourself
On the Mountain, alone, at will
Boundless space will absorb you into your own
Infinite stars
U u u I will find you
U u u I will find you
I will dive into you, my way
U u u I will find you
I will catch you in my thoughts
My way to my home is so far
U u u I will find you
U u u I will find you
I will dive into you, my way
U u u I will find you
I will catch you in my thoughts
My way to my home is so far
The stars are speaking with us in the distance of space
They are whispering:
'I am here, I am here, I am there, I am looking after you.
I am standing behind your wings, I am diving,
I am diving into the unlimited grove'
The stars are speaking with us in the distance of space
They are whispering:
'I am here, I am here, I am there, I am looking after you.
I am standing behind your wings, I am diving,
I immerse myself into the grove without fuss,
In the waves of the ocean'
U u u I will find you
U u u I will find you
I will dive into you, my way
U u u I will find you
I will catch you in my thoughts
My way to my home is so far


I don't learn from mistakes
walk barefoot on burning embers
and again fell for illusions
memories of old sidewalks
how we loved once
we were the closest couple in the world
and when the taste changed
you chose to give us up
you have perfect timing
do you hear...
i need you near close to me
i cannot find myself anymore
i think i am going crazy
the room is spinning
and i didn't drink anything
one in the morning i again go
the situation has become a bit complicated
because of you my heart needs to visit a garage
friends say that i have gone crazy
you left me with scars on my face
and disappeared
I don't search for adventures
feed up with falling down drunk yet another night
and sending you a SMS text: 'return to me'
you don't answer and turn the sword
how we loved once
we were the closest couple in the world
and when the taste changed
you chose to give us up
you have perfect timing
do you hear...
i need you near close to me..

You’ll Be Proud (Of Me)

I accept I’m no good
I accept I’m incapable
But still , for once
Please just trust me
Give me a chance to prove
To show you, that I can stand tall
Everyone will be so proud
And I’ll be unstoppable
You’ll have to trust me
I will never give up
I will save the day
And come back here triumphantly
Maybe then you will realize that
I am not such a failure
Sure, I've made lots of mistakes
And I know that,I've disappointed you
Still, whatever it takes
I promise,I'm gonna fix it
I’ll win your hearts(love) back
Even if I have to die
I will make you proud
I will make you have faith in me
I will prove that the way I used to be is all in the past
I am filled with so much enthusiasm
And will only return here triumphantly
You will be amazed,to see your son rising at last
The pride in your eyes
When you’ll see all new me

Third World War

Petros, Johann and Franz
were working in a factory building tanks
Petros, Johann and Franz
became inseparable building tanks
Petros, Johann and Franz
were working for Brown, Fisher and Kraft
and Brown, Fisher and Kraft
became inseparable building a corporate trust
Petros, Johann and Franz
were carefree working on the tanks still
they had never read Marx
they didn't know anything about trusts and about crashes
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
split into Brown, Fisher and Kraft
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
quickly became enemies and dissolved the trust
And before they learned what Marx said
they were taken as soldiers, they went to war
Petros, Johann and Franz
fell as heroes under the tanks
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
reflected and found that all is Marx's fault
Brown, Fisher and Kraft
joined up again and rebuilt the corporate trust