Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 24

Număr de rezultate: 755


You Still Have A Little Time

Fireworks, a cigarette and analyses
Old images in new scenes
You set your phone again to wake you up
Inside the news and detergents
And a love that was drown in words
In the soap operas and junkyards
It gives you again a chance to choose
What channel you will wake up to on Sundays
You still have a little time,
to see what is ahead of you clearly
I still hurt a little,
to be losing another time
Fireworks, disposable feelings
Expired dreams and sedatives
You're searching for a body to touch at night
Inside reality and cop shows

If I fall

Whenever I stay alone
An old film comes back to me
Fear of thing that they'd set us apart
Pushes me to the wall
And I dial your number
I know the time is not decent
What to do if I'm not strong (enough)
A telephone would call you by itself
Just to hear your voice
To tell you that I'm yours
What to do if you're all that I want
What to do if I fly with you
Only you lift me to the sky
If I fall, it's sure I die
What to do if I love you so much
That I still exist because of you
Why are you crying because of it now?
I need you as strong one, if I'd fall
I know the time is not decent
What to do if I'm not strong (enough)
A telephone would call you by itself
Just to hear your voice
To tell you that I'm yours
Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

Oh, What A Wild Stupendous Canyon...

Oh, what a wild stupendous canyon!
Toward me brook runs from the spring -
It hurries down to vale homecoming...
I climb up where spruce stands as king.
At last I've reached the lonely summit,
And now relax in joyful calm...
Brook hastes to people in the valley -
Why don't you taste of their qualm!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


At nights, if I came with you
Dawn would find us
Your figure was nice and sweet
Ah, the kiss, the kiss was resurrection
Beloved like the river
This year has found me
This year has found me
I'm alone like a reed, like a reed
I cound the years of isolation
And wish that you come back like before
I pass through roads, seacosts and countries
But, I can't find you,
Find you.
Beloved like the river
This year has found me
This year has found me
I'm alone like a reed, like a reed

You don't listen

You left a life behind like a child on the streets
You throw away your dreams and vows to the waste basket
And I, that always knew how to only love you,
Am telling you ''it's your fault'' but you look away
You don't hear me calling ''wait''
Where will you go without your dreams
You'll be hurting but I'll be apart from you then
You don't listen although I want the best for you
You always have been in your own world
Your selfishness will burn you once again
You said that you couldn't do it any longer and found a lie
And it was the only easy thing that didn't need though
You made the start first to get to the end
But like always, you avoided looking into my eyes

Anthem of Wisla Krakow

As long as on Wawel castle (1)
the bell of Sigismund will toll (2)
A long our (Club) Wisła,
Will continue to prevail (X)
Victory to the white eagle, Victory to the Polish Tribe!
Our Wisla will win, because it is a Krakow club!
Faithful to the team,
I will come again to her match,
And sadness from the heart will vanish,
All my cares will go away.
Even if you lose,
It must last a while,
Because this master wins,
Who can play.

Why does it have to be like that

Many times one story
has been sung with sorrow
many times the same picture
he's parting* from her
I can't believe
that we're in that story
that we've searched for happiness
in the wrong love
Why does it have to be like that
why isn't everybody
given happiness equally
When I think about losing you
that I'm leaving you to someone else
I wish not to wake up
so I don't watch that
Many times the same look
the same question
why does it hurt so
he's parting from her
I can't believe
that this is the truth
that I've lost you
that you're another's destiny
When I think about losing you
that I'm leaving you to someone else
I wish not to wake up
so I don't watch that

Power of attorney

Next to me you've had everything
but that wasn't enough for you
you've wanted everything to yourself
always more, the most
And I in love with you, crazy
took down stars from the sky for you in vain
because of you my honor
like without a soul, been losing everywhere
In a multitude of mortals,
mere sinners
I've played a lucky guy,
but I knew well
that I've fallen to the bottom,
that to hell
you were my shortcut aaaaaa!
*I'm still trying to get out
rebuilding my demolished dreams from the ground up,
getting back into life,
and paying my debts, your unfaithfulness
I belong to myself again
but once I belonged to you
gave you money, gold, power
over mu body and soul
you've had the power of attorney!

That's how they do it

Mom tells me 'why do you need tattoos?
And don't be, just don't, with anyone before the marriage
Don't wear short (clothes), be at home before the nightfall (darkness),
do you really would like everyone to think you're easy?
Don't trust anyone who goes out at midnight,
that's the way you fall down and you'll need help.
Don't listen to the heart, this way you'll only got (be) stupid'
I won't, I can't, 'cause I hear the way it (heart) beats!
Am I the bad girl?
(Even when you're the best at everything,
even then you're in trouble)
I slept with him
(and your whole life got ruined in just one day)
I love everything that youngsters love, hours pass by,
and we'll all pay for wasted time one day,
'cause everything that youngsters do is supposed to be written as a mistake,
but everyone has two or three mistakes in his life
I got drunk, so what, so I ended up (performed) stupidly,
so what, this is the what youngsters do, because that's the way they do it –
with a little bit more of heart and less cleverness in head

Daddy tells me 'you're still (too) young for such things,
why do you need a boyfriend if he only spoils you?
Stay at home a little, you're out too often'
forgive me, dad, but I know well what I do
'Don't trust anyone who goes out at midnight,
that's the way you fall down and you'll need help.
Don't listen to the heart, this way you'll only got (be) stupid'
I won't, I can't, 'cause I hear the way it (heart) beats!
Am I the bad girl?
(Even when you're the best at everything,
even then you're in trouble)
I slept with him
(and your whole life got ruined in just one day)
I love everything that youngsters love, hours pass by,
and we'll all pay for wasted time one day,
'cause everything that youngsters do is supposed to be written as a mistake,
but everyone has two or three mistakes in his life
I got drunk, so what, so I ended up (performed) stupidly,
so what, this is the what youngsters do, because that's the way they do it –
with a little bit more of heart and less cleverness in head

[DJ Mateo]
You're good, you're good, when you're mine, you're mine
That's why I come, I come, it's almost midnight now.
You're good, you're good, if you're mine, you're mine
That's why you could, you could be my first aid
I'm go to the city, (I'm) free and young
[DJ Mateo]
You're good, you're good, when you're mine, you're mine
'Cause that's my nature (personality) and I'll cause a scandal
[DJ Mateo]
Be, be good!
I love everything that youngsters love, hours pass by,
and we'll all pay for wasted time one day,
'cause everything that youngsters do is supposed to be written as a mistake,
but everyone has two or three mistakes in his life
I got drunk, so what, so I ended up (performed) stupidly,
so what, this is the what youngsters do, because that's the way they do it –
with a little bit more of heart and less cleverness in head

Greetings from Poland. If You see any mistake, just let me know or improve the translation. Thanks! | Pozdrav iz Poljske! Ako vidite neku grešku, javite mi se ili jednostavno ispravite prijevod. Hvala!

The Dragon

Versions: #1#2
Dried all over are spring wells forsaken
Faded heather for long miles around
And I’m watching the sun rolling over
The cold heavenly vault of the sky
To lose what’s left of the warmth
Dressed in night hues are dark granite slopes
Dressed in blood tint is waterless ground
Dressed in amber are dragon’s eyes, mirrored
In a piece of the crystal around
This is the treasure I guard
Maledicting the wretched gold treasure
For this treacherous glint of the warmth
I’m remindful of her who once used to
Used to also have wings long ago
But she’s living no more
And over mountains and deep seas, off so far
Where people lack vision and gods don’t put faith in
He - who’s the last one of my kinship- to the light
Will spread young winglets – ferocious feathers
And this scale-ornament pictorial design
Will drive off misfortune with embodied passion
And braving fate he’ll soar up high into the sky
Forever impending, insanely attractive
And it’s the pinnacle of magic in the world
The sun’s exulting indeed on the crest edge
And this is it, and that is all, and nothing more
There’s only skyline, eternal heaven.
And the heroes are feasting in shelter
In the royal grand chambers of oak
Bragging over the goblets of heady
They’ll get this mystic treasure of gold
Not later than Christmas Day

One more kiss

When I'm in pain
I ask where you might be
now that I've chosen the uphill path
the difficult path without end
the difficult pain without a tear
Your step resembles dance
and it entices me
and I don't fear time
don't ask how much I'll take I'll give
I just want one kiss
Your step resembles dance
and it entices me
and I don't fear time
When I'm in pain I ask what's happening to us
which unknown voice is misdirecting us
which distance does it always claim to unite
I ask and the silence destroys me


If all that doesn't fit into your brain
is forgotten lyrics
If all you forgive before even thinking about it
turns into sad tunes
Turn off the light and listen...
While you were here,
this song
was somewhere well hiden
Thoughts like fire
and the lips burst
a song that seems unknown
How does the light inside you
look like a shadow
that meets you at night
Hoe do you become blind
and let your dreams overlook you
Come close and listen...
While you were here,
this song
was somewhere well hiden
Thoughts like fire
and the lips burst
a song that seems unknown

It's me

The mountain is covered with snow. The land is frozen.
An isolated kingdom and queen is me.
The wind is blowing, the clouds are thundering.
What will I do, alone up here?
Don’t let them see you, be hidden even from the ones who love you.
Good girl for a life. But still for how long?
It’s me, it’s me. I wouldn’t like to be hidden anymore.
It’s me, it’s me. I want to live free.
I don’t care what the others are going to say.
I live in snow. The cold belongs to me for a long time now.
The distance makes me see everything small.
And the fears that controlled me, yes I got them now.
It’s time for me to be opened, to remember my dreams.
My soul is alive, again.
It’s me, it’s me. I’m one with the sky.
It’s me, it’s me. I won’t cry anymore.
I’ll be staying here, I’ll dream. I live in snow.
My power is getting even stronger.
I’m freezing the earth with an intensity of certainty.
I won’t go back I don’t care what they are going to say.
I forget the past. I don’t look back anymore.
It’s me, it’s me. I will always look the sun.
It’s me, it’s me. The girl of snow.
I’ll be staying here, in the light of sky.
I don’t care anymore. The cold belongs to me for a long time now.

Look into the light

Get up
You know you're awaited
A new song
Has been boilt
In you by the one who sees everything
It poured away
What was long ago
Nobody would understand by now
Neither is a mistery any more
You couldn't sing
There's nothing else but faith and defiance
Yours will remain only what you give to others
Always look into the light
As you've never seen anything more beautiful
You'll certainly reach the light
If you can stand up when you fall down
You must bear
You can't forget
That that unresting heart
Flutters in you
Vitalizes you
The soul
But meanwhile the desire burns you away
The sea
Once swallows you
But leave a nice memory here
There isn't anything but one song
That you carry with yourself everywhere
Always look into the light
As you've never seen anything more beautiful
You'll certainly reach the light
If you can stand up when you fall down
You must bear
You can't forget
That that unresting heart
Flutters in you

Someone Rich

(America, Austrailia, Arabia, Africa, Spain, Romania, The Philipenes, Columbia)
Does it help to run away from me?
Did you run away from the memories?
Wherever you go, I'm in your head
Even if you go to another country
Even if you go to another planet-
What we had we had together-
you will miss it always!
You need someone rich,
(someone) to buy you the whole world
Breakfast in Dubai, Dinner in Paris
you to shine on magazine covers.
You need someone rich
(Someone) to buy you the whole world
And then take it all away (from you)
So that you see that with me you had everything
(America, Austraila, Arabia, Africa, Spain, Romania, The Philippines, Columbia)
Have you forgotten how we needed each other?
Have you forgotten how happy we were?
Have you forgotten that is was enough for you that you had me?
Even if you go to another country
Even if you go to another planet
What we had together-
You'll miss it always
You need someone rich,
(someone) to buy you the whole world
Breakfast in Dubai, Dinner in Paris
you to shine on magazine covers.
You need someone rich
(Someone) to buy you the whole world
And then take it all away (from you)
So that you see that with me you had everything.
You will miss it always
You need someone rich,
(someone) to buy you the whole world
Breakfast in Dubai, Dinner in Paris
you to shine on magazine covers.
You need someone rich
(Someone) to buy you the whole world
And then take it all away (from you)
So that you see that with me you had everything.


Vedeniile amestecate, cu tine...
Nu vreau să te întristez,
te voi lua în brațele mele,
dacă îmi vei da măcar o șansă.
Ține-mă strâns în noaptea asta pustie,
mereu vei fi lumina mea,
Mă cunoști mai bine decât mă cunosc eu
vom fi bine, eu și tu.
O voi lua și o voi respira,
ne va elibera,
dacă nu ești aici,
mai bine aș fi o visătoare.
Respiră, ne va elibera,
dacă nu esti aici,
mai bine aș fi o visătoare.

Nu pleca

Sunt singur în lume fără tine,
inima mea doar pe tine te dorește,
(jur pe tata*)
Sufletul meu suferă fără glas,
vino să vezi,
vino să vezi,
vino să vezi!
(Vino să vezi)
Te implor nu pleca,
nu pleca, nu pleca, nu pleca,
stai in brațele mele,
in brațele mele stai, stai,
iți ofer iubirea inimii mele,
doar dacă rămâi cu mine...