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From the Edge
I don't want to be enveloped with sadness
I don't want to keep shedding tears and looking down
Unleash your destiny
Surely, you're able to break into a run
Surely, your wishes will come true
Crush the conflicts of yesterday
cry for the future from the edge of darkness
Seize the headwind,
Even if you can't see the end of the storm
You can no longer choose a path, just survive!
Doubt always weighs up love against anger
Come now, get up again once more
Now, where will you strike down
That blade of yours?
I don't want to get used to kindness
Even if your hands can reach them, there aren't many things that can be saved
Move your legs forward
Surely, to some sunny place,
You'll eventually arrive
Surely, you'll be able to laugh together
We break the advancing darkness
cry for the future from the edge of darkness
No matter what you screamed and cried about
It will be stained with the grief of this stagnant world
There's no going back, a spring of love
The things you lost that your memory froze in a snowstorm
Hey, they won't come back, not one
Even the weakness you wanted to throw away
It won't let go of your hand
It had become the final chain
cry for the future from the edge of darkness
You're able to keep running
Even if you can't see the end of the storm
You can no longer choose a path, just survive!
Doubt touches your emotions with the pain called freedom
Come now, get up again, no matter how many times it takes
Right now, in the land you're headed to
Snow is piling up
A future of pure white
GLORY DAY ~That Shining Day~
Glory Day! Even in pouring rain,
Glory Day! Even in a strong north wind,
Glory Day! Just accept it all,
And push ahead! Glory Day!
The clouds flow into the distance,
Revealing the sun.
When the sweat pours down
I feel I'm alive!
There are times I'm so down,
It seems the worst, but
Surely I can keep going
If I believe in myself.
Glory Day! When you lose your way
Glory Day! You should ask the wind
Glory Day! If you listen quietly
You will hear it: 'Believe Myself!'
Mega V
Dragon, Ghost, Ground, Flying
Poison, Bug, Water, Electric, Rock, Grass, Dark
Ice, Normal, Fire, Fighting
Steel, Psychic, Fairy
Come on, this adventure continues ahead even through the darkness
Just shine like a shooting star and don't hesitate
Come on, use your will power to be better than yesterday
On the way there's sure to be something
Super exciting and dangerous!
Someday I'll become proud of myself
That's what you taught me, and that's why I fight on
Once you've packed the power of a dream into your heart
It's certain that someone will call out your name
When the wind laughs through the trees of the green forest
The yellow flowers open
Dragon, Ghost, Ground, Flying
Poison, Bug, Water, Electric, Rock, Grass, Dark
Ice, Normal, Fire, Fighting
Steel, Psychic, Fairy
The yellow flowers open
I want the light
You say that you're not strong enough to left me go
But do you think that I'm strong enough to let you go
You say that you're not strong enough to left me go
But do you think that I'm strong enough to let you go
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
You say that it's been a year since I stopped loving you
But how can I love you if you think I don't love you anymore
You say that it's been a year since I stopped loving you
But how can I love you if you think I don't love you anymore
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
I want the light
I want the light
Give me the light
You say that you're not strong enough to left me go
But do you think that I'm strong enough to let you go
You say that it's been a year since I stopped loving you
But how can I love you if you think I don't love you anymore
God, touch me
God, touch me,
God, touch me,
Athena, touch me,
Athena, touch me,
God, touch me,
God, touch me
With your grace,
God, touch me,
Athena, touch me,
Athena, touch me,
God, touch me,
We’re all so beautiful
Everyday we have to face the world
And at the end of the day, lonely night makes us insecure
Why do we have to hurt our feelings ourselves
Each and everytime we remember the cruel words others say
Sometimes it’s hard to accept everything
Everything doesn’t seem going right at all
With eyes full of tears dropping your heads
I want you to smile no matter what
When it makes you down
No matter what you do
The sun will always be shining up there
The clouds will always bring rain down on here
So you do you, and you be you
Because we’re all so beautiful
We know we’re more than beautiful
Sing with me now
We know we’re always standing strong
I see you always standing strong
Sing with me
If we go together we can go further
Our souls are connected as you finally grab my hand
No one can take our free spirit away
You’ll see you’re always shining if you look in the mirror
When you wanna give up everything
Or even if you don’t feel you deserve this
Even though you’re still hurt and pain has not ended
You just let it go
I’m sure you can get over it
We’re all so beautiful
We know we’re more than beautiful
Sing with me now
We know we’re always standing strong
I see you always standing strong
You know that
I know you’re still worried
If you’re heart is still aching and crying
woo~ woo~
I know, I know
Because I’ll always be there if you just believe
You know
We’re all so beautiful hey~
You are not alone anymore because I’ll be there
We know we’re always standing strong
So you do you, and you be you
We’re all so beautiful
We know we’re more than beautiful
Sing with me now
We know we’re always standing strong
I see you always standing strong
sing it
If we go together we can go further
Our souls are connected as you finally grab my hand
No one can take our free spirit away
You’ll see you’re always shining if you look in the mirror
Yes you’re always shining…
I have told you,
That here we did not move forward.
I have told you
and now it's pointless to think about.
I have told you,
yes, so why didn't you listen to me?
When I told you, where were you?
And anyway if I told you it was already too late.
Now I don't remember
what you replied to me
I am almost certain, that for you I
am like a dead man.
So therefore do me a favor now.
Go back to my past,
and if you can bring me a nice/pretty flower
Because my funeral has already happened.
I have told you.
Don't look at the lives of others.
I have told you and now look
You live with regrets.
I have told you many times, more than a thousand,
but now what can I do?
If you want, I will repeat it another time,
If you want to listen to me.
'Hello'... it's a word that is too nice, 'Hello'
although in these cases I prefer 'Goodbye/Farewell'.
Hello, I am happy if you tell me 'Hello'.
You cannot respond to me with 'I love you'... to tell me 'Hello',
but it is a word like any other now... hello!
'Hello'... it's a word that is too nice, 'Hello'
You cannot respond to me with 'I love you'
'Hello'... it is a word like any other now... hello!
We're Setting Out Now
This world is big, but you know where to find me
We're together and we follow our own path
We're friends and we trust one another
Going on adventures together, you and I
The world is waiting, come along already
We're setting out now!
We're setting out now!
We're setting out now
Ce bine ar fi fost daca toate acestea erau doar un vis
Chiar si acum, inca te mai visez
Ca si cum m-as intoarce acasa pentru a lua ceva uitat
Mi-am incinerat amintirile vechi adunate
Ultimul lucru pe care l-am invatat de la tine
Este acela ca sunt tipuri de fericire care nu se intorc
Trecutul intunecat pe care l-am ascuns
Ar fi ramas pentru totdeauna intunecat daca nu te-as fi cunoscut
Stiu ca in nici un caz
Nu m-as putea rani vreodata mai mult decat acum
Pana si tristetea acelor zile, pana si durerea acelor zile
M-am bucurat de toate cu tine alaturi
In inima mea, fara iesire, este mirosul acru de lamaie
Nu pot merge acasa pana cand ploaia nu se va opri
Pana si acum, tu esti lumina mea
In intuneric, ti-am pazit spatele
Imi amintesc asta foarte clar
De fiecare daca cand intalnesc ceva ce nu pot accepta in totalitate
Nimic nu imi iese inafara de lacrimi
Ce faci? La ce te uiti?
Chipul tau intors pe o parte
Fara expresie
Daca te afli undeva acum, ssa cum ma aflu eu
Prins in singuratate
Suferind si plangand
Te rog uita de mine
Imi doresc asta foartem ult, din toata inima mea
Pana si acum, tu esti lumina mea
De atunci, cand ma gandesc la tine
Cineva pe care l-am iubit
Mai mult decat m-am gandit vreodata
Respiratia mi-se taie
Chiar daca tu erai de partea mea
Este aproape ca o minciuna
Dar nu o voi uita niciodata
Este singurul lucru pe care il stiu cu siguranta
Pana si trsiatea acelor zile, pana si durerea celor zile
M-am bucurat de toate cu tine alaturi
In inima mea, fara iesire, este mirosul acru de lamaie
Nu pot merge acasa pana cand ploaia nu se va opri
Precum o singura jumatate a unui fruct taiat
Pana si acum, tu esti lumina mea
I have my eyes closed now
and donť know which way to go in the dark
I'm just seeking the right direction
recently it seems to me that I'm just drowning
We only wanted more and more and more and more
And our bodies ain't enough, not that, not that
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
When the vultures arrive to a bit lower
You hammer down the last cross to my grave
When you will go to wash away my blood of your hands
You have what you wanted
Now you can move on to the next
We only wanted more and more and more and more
Then you don't feel the shards in your hands, not that, not that
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
I can not even move
You are standing above me
We only wanted more and more, more and more
That deamons you have inside
you can't bind them down, you have to live with them
you are wandering and don't know which way to go
So I only wish you to find your peace
That deamons you have inside
you can't bind them down, you have to live with them
you are wandering and don't know which way to go
So I only wish you to find your peace
That deamons you have inside
you can't bind them down, you have to live with them
you are wandering and don't know which way to go
So I only wish you to find your peace
My hand glides over the velvet of thy neck,
My soul dances within the discotheques of thine eyes.
I roll along with thy laughter,
Eat cherries from the fields of thy cheeks.
So perhaps not tonight, O Desdemona,
I shall give thee one more night.
So perhaps another kiss, O Desdemona,
And then - slowly, slowly, slowly...
So let us pull open the sails of thy bed,
Thou shall be the storm, I shall be the captain,
We shall go unto a place in which thine happiness
shall make a hunter's hat for me, and a bunny's tail for thee .
So perhaps indeed tonight, O Desdemona?
We will not have another night.
But we mustn't forget, O Desdemona,
That later on - slowly, slowly, slowly...
'Tis the end of the journey, my hands are upon thy neck,
It has been nice, such a shame, but thou must understand...
Send Cassio another wave with thine handkerchief,
For I have bought thee a ticket from here to God's embrace.
Believe it, for it is tonight, O Desdemona
Clear sky, 'tis easy to find the way.
The angel awaits, my hands are upon thy neck, O Desdemona,
And now - slowly, slowly, slowly...
I Haven't Forgotten Anything
From my window I see time,
Time that goes by and you inside –
All the promises that I kept
And all the others that aren’t promises any more.
Face to face, in front of the reflection
Of my face that you loved –
The memory, our sweet excesses
Kept a secret in a sigh.
I haven’t forgotten anything – you looked at me.
I haven’t forgotten anything – you saw only me.
I haven’t forgotten anything – everything is there.
I haven’t forgotten anything about you.
All our photos are about love.
For you my heart will always burn
And my smiles think of tomorrow.
I know you
I Owe You a Dance
I want to avoid the tiling that dances
And goes and steps on the foot of winter
You will tell me that they are things that pass
Like this other ambulance pases
I’m going go remove all these z’s
From the drowsiness my lyrics infuse in you
The next time you raise your eyebrows in disbelief
Let it be to the world and not at my
Condition of bewilderment
I find that all is lost
But now the damage is done
The good will find its chance
Now don’t let me speak
I owe you a dance and not an explication
I’m never going to ask you
To trust me
The Tree of Life
[Verse 1]
We begin to die at birth
Then the seed of fear sprouts
That of hatred after
And they rise up like flares
The din of the city
Hides the heat of hell
Heaven above sings like the blackbirds
A beautiful song full of sadness
To live is certain, death as well
Life takes, life gives
Life gives, life takes
Life takes, life gives
[Verse 2]
They will cry for you until the end of the duel
While I caress the trunk and the bark
Of the oak trees on the back patio
And the church bell rings
We go towards kindness
On the longest road
With impatience
And fatal charm
[Chorus] x2
Versions: #1
I counted in depth
Dance which divulged it, your choice space, your steps
I was not alone
Blossoms, you count them all on your fingertips
Which defy darkness's dark dice
But me, I am attracted by vice
Competent specificity
But can you wait for me?
And when day's achieved, I become toward that
You which I perceive, quite the void in me, sat,
Abuse, errors I live on, your words coup d'état
Like a premonition, on its honest that's that
Our shouts may tumble
Walls of a life if all's pleased to double
The limits of bodies
Those which share in our frolics, preambles
Fall in love with grief
All is attracted by our disbelief
Destroy us completely
But can you wait for me?
And when day's achieved, I become toward that
You which I perceive, quite the void in me, sat,
Abuse, errors I live on, your words coup d'état
Like a premonition, on its honest that's that
Waiting for
Breathing hard now that I'm relaxed.
My dry lips missed the long night, my love
Memories are always afterimages.
You're not getting caught.
I need to know you now. This dream that will never end.
(You) I know it's you. Hold it tight with that touch.
(Fake) Pretending not to. Just get deep. Low, low.
(Whoa) If you come and leave me, you'll come back.
(Wait) Na-na-na, na-na-na-na, tonight.
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Go ahead and analyze it. Rule you're coming to see me.
And it's also time to draw you. You get lonely all the time.
Why in the end I want a deeper dream no
Maybe it's not you, but I'm calling you. It's true.
(You) I know it's you. Hold it tight with that touch.
(Fake) Pretending not to. Just get deep. Low, low.
(Whoa) Even if you make a mess of it, you'll go crazy again.
(Wait) Na-na-na, na-na-na-na, tonight.
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
I'm a slave in this dream (Why, why)
So long (Why, why)
Gradually. Down, down, down. Swallow me deep.
It's you, it's you, it's you, yeah
(You) I know it's a dream, but I still hold you.
(Fake) Pretend you don't know, get deeper, low, low.
(Whoa) I wanted to have you by my side again.
(Stay) In this dream, Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Waiting for wait, wait, waiting for
Na-na-na, na-na-na, na
Fiu de rege
Poți să fii fiu de rege sau șef de stat,
poți să fii ca pâinea lui Dumnezeu sau rău și needucat,
poți să fii nebun sau normal, câine ori pisică,
paznic sau hoț, treaz sau beat,
poate să-ți zică doctor sau om de știință,
poate să-ți zică funcționar ori soldat,
poți și să mori:
în orice caz, dragostea se găsește acolo unde ești gata să suferi,
lăsând totul la locul lui
și plecând...
Și tu, ca și mine...
Fie că o iei la dreapta, fie că o iei la stânga, de-adevăratelea sau doar în glumă,
adevărul e că impresia ta e doar un punct de vedere.
Nu contează cu cine te căsătorești și cum o cheamă pe aleasă,
ce ai făcut în viața asta sau într-o viață trecută,
poate să-ți zică doctor sau om de știință,
poți să-ți schimbi numele mare și să folosești unul inventat,
poți și să mori:
în orice caz, dragostea se găsește acolo unde ești gata să suferi,
lăsând totul la locul lui și apoi plecând...
Și tu, ca și mine,
dragostea, numai dragostea te poate vindeca
Și pe tine, ca și pe mine...
Orice ai fi, Dolce sau Gabbanna,
fiul unui război sfânt drept sau nedrept,
fie că dormi într-o vilă sau pe stradă,
fie că ești bărbat, femeie, homosexual, Lucio Dalla sau Sinatra,
fie că ești doctor sau om de știință,
funcționar sau soldat,
chiar și de-ai muri:
dragostea, numai dragostea te poate vindeca
punând totul la locul lui
și plecând...
dragostea se găsește acolo unde ești gata să suferi,
punând totul la locul lui
și plecând...
și plecând...
Hey, you are not alone here, lonely silence
How can you live on with this truth
Forward and back, clear water all around
And not to hide in it any more
Willkommen, get undressed quickly
Willkommen, you can swim, can’t you
I won’t get any worse, nor any better
Inhale me and dive in bravely
If you close your eyes again, it still won’t be any different
Paths with no end, no beginning
Missed calls in the silence of the ether
We burned up too quickly this night
Willkommen, get undressed quickly
Willkommen, you can swim, can’t you
I won’t get any worse, nor any better
Inhale me and dive in bravely
Willkommen, get undressed quickly
Willkommen, what can you cry for
I won’t get any worse, nor any better
Inhale me and dive in bravely
Willkommen, get undressed quickly
Willkommen, you can swim, can’t you
I won’t get any worse, nor any better
Inhale me and dive in bravely
Willkommen, get undressed quickly
Willkommen, what can you cry for
I won’t get any worse, nor any better
Inhale me and dive in bravely
We do everything to run away or to calm ourselves
We could talk about it, but would it be honest ?
I kept my notebook, I make my lemonade with it
I make my lemonade with it, I make my lemo'-lemo' with it
We do everything to run away or to calm ourselves
We could talk about it, but would it be honest ?
I kept my notebook, I make my lemonade with it
I make my lemonade with it, I make my lemo'-lemo' with it
If I do swishes it's for the noise, not for thepoints
A tear leaves a stain on paper, not on a body
Our souls are as grey as the city but I smile for my job
Pretty like surfing on an avalanche, we'll do it for show
I walked in circles so much, it wronged me
I think about it sometimes, distracted when I think positively
I tell myself wandering shouldn't be a thing when you follow your method
Admitting your wrongs, every morning becomes a new schoolday
Sometimes, I block my feeling, as if I needed liquid coolant
Toxic like the air we breathe, don't take it personally when I stay away
I was confused when I stared at you, it was insulting
You were right to run away, only a few things are worse than indeciveness
But for good or bad reasons, we find compromises
We're at war while agreeing
Every second becomes a door, I avoid monotony
I ascend to fall better, my mind turned towards memories
We do everything to run away or to calm ourselves
We could talk about it, but would it be honest ?
I kept my notebook, I make my lemonade with it
I make my lemonade with it, I make my lemo'-lemo' with it
We do everything to run away or to calm ourselves
We could talk about it, but would it be honest ?
I kept my notebook, I make my lemonade with it
I make my lemonade with it, I make my lemo'-lemo' with it
[Verse 1]
I wake up dishevelled
from the emptiness you left me
But I’m already getting used to it
And now it starts to clear up
How ironic! The truth.
Now I find myself alright
Every time I fall
Someone gets hurt
If I look for you I find
Only substitutes
[Verse 2]
The irrational simpathy
That I always felt for you
At the top of my lungs!
Its already coming to an end
The crisis is fatal for me
And this permanent state
You will have the same luck
And every time I fall
Someone gets hurt
Those unpleasant memories
That left their mark.
Only a substitute...
It's Nothing
Versions: #1
The wind that blew between us
Brought loneliness from where?
The sky I saw after tears
Was strikingly transparent
Father’s voice, though usually very harsh,
Sounds somewhat warmer today
I knew nothing about kindness
About smile, about sharing dream
I learned them all by copying you.
Just a little more, just a little longer
Only just a little more
Just a little more, just a little longer
Just a little longer can we stay together?
We fly through the time
We climb up the cliff of time
I’m tired of playing hide-and-seek in time
I’m tired of being left alone in time
You cry tears of joy, you smile smiles of sadness
That’s because your heart has gone ahead of you
The toys I got by wishing upon a star
Now lay forgotten in the corner of my room
The number of my dreams has reached 100 today
Tomorrow I may change them with just one
“See you tomorrow” I said today after school
To a girl who I usually don’t talk with
It’s good to do something unfamiliar once in a while
Even more so when you are by my side
Just a little more, just a little longer
Only just a little more
Just a little more, just a little longer
Just a little longer let us stay together.
We fly through the time
I know you from long time ago
Even long before I remembered my own name
The world without you may have some meanings
But the world without you seems like August without summer holidays
Like Santa that never laughs “Ho-ho”
The world without you…
We fly through the time
We climb up the cliff of the time
I’m tired of playing hide-and-seek in time.
Tired of being left alone in time
Never mind, yes, never mind
I’m coming right away
We fly through the time
We climb up the cliff of the time
I’m tired of playing hide-and-seek in time.
Tired of being left alone in time
You are such a loud crier
I wanted to stop your tears so much
But you refused and your tears left streaming
Made me realize:
I cry tears of joy, I smile smiles of sadness
Because my heart has gone ahead of me.
Prague Demon
Where is that fool going with that black case?
He's walking around, he is almost elegant.
Always, every Tuesday, he stands in front of the fence for a while
Then in the garden, poor bush
He's not Verdi, nor Stradivari,
Nor Paganini, just some big beat
He is coming from Malešice*, from that strange district
He doesn't care about my garden
And it's him, it's him, Prague demon, that demon
It's him, it's him, that demon
And it's him, it's him, Prague demon, that demon
It's him, it's him, that demon
And it's him, it's him, Prague demon, that demon
It's him, it's him, that demon
And it's him, it's him, Prague demon, that demon
It's him, it's him, that demon
Where is that fool going with that black case?
He's walking around, he is almost elegant.
Always, every Tuesday, he stands in front of the fence for a while
Then in the garden, poor bush
He's not Verdi, nor Stradivari,
Nor Paganini, just some big beat
He is coming from Malešice, from that strange district
He doesn't care about my garden
And it's him, it's him, Prague demon, that demon
It's him, it's him, that demon
And it's him, it's him, Prague demon, that demon
It's him, it's him, that demon
And it's him, it's him, Prague demon, that demon
It's him, it's him, that demon
And it's him, it's him, Prague demon, that demon
It's him, it's him, that demon
Început de crestătură de iepuraș
Picurând, sexy, sexy, dragule
Dirijat, acum înțeleg
Bani mereu
O să-i las să urască
Pentru că întreaga echipă mă adoră
Fetele mele sunt în linie
Făcând să picure, picure pentru mine
Ce crezi că faci, dragă?
Ce faci, nu vii, mă auzi?
Te voi lua, nu-mi sta în cale, copile
Ca să nu aud zgomotele altora, cresc viteza
Uite, cea mai bună clipă a ta va veni alergând
Acum, de două ori, nu, de zece ori
Inima îmi va sări un pic, oricum vreau
Dublează volumul, nu oricum vreau
O să te duc la înălțime
Ăsta e cel mai înalt loc din viața ta
Cel mai minunat vis al vieții tale
Nu ne cere să ne oprim
Demonstrează, demonstrează
Hai, hai, dragă
Acum hai și ia asta
Dragă, știu, știu că îți dorești cu adevărat
Ridică-ți capul, cine e acolo?
Acum pleacă-l, vezi acolo?
Nu e nimeni, doar noi, acum peste capul meu
Ar trebui să urc un pic mai mult?
Mai real începând de acum
Nu-ți fă griji de nimic
Lasă-te în mâinile mele
Acum, de două ori, nu, de zece ori
Inima îmi va sări un pic, oricum vreau
Dublează volumul, nu oricum vreau
O să te duc la înălțime
Ăsta e cel mai înalt loc din viața ta
Cel mai minunat vis al vieții tale
Nu ne cere să ne oprim
Demonstrează, demonstrează
Cel mai înalt loc ca să te amețesc
Un vis minunat din care nu te poți trezi
Până nu vezi finalul
Demonstrează, demonstrează
Hai, hai, dragă
Acum hai și ia asta
Dragă, știu, știu că îți dorești cu adevărat
Plec când vreau
Dau și primesc
Mănânc, beau și sunt fericită
Dragă, e acel anotimp
Mișcă-te când ți-e cald
Te-am făcut să transpiri
Când ți-e frig
Trecem în retragere
Oricând nu ești
Sus în min, atunci
Orice vrei, oricum vrei
Așa cum am promis prima dată
Orice vrei, oricum vrei
Ca să mă poți duce la înălțime
Ăsta e cel mai înalt loc din viața ta
Cel mai minunat vis al vieții tale
Nu ne cere să ne oprim
Demonstrează, demonstrează
Cel mai înalt loc ca să te amețesc
Un vis minunat din care nu te poți trezi
Până nu vezi finalul
Demonstrează, demonstrează
Hai, hai, dragă
Acum hai și ia asta
Dragă, știu, știu că îți dorești cu adevărat
Saving Grace - Ceremony
Hear us please, all mother.
Take this spirit into you,
and breathe her back to us.
Let her walk among us
As one of The People
How good it would have been if this were all just a dream
Even now, I still dream of you
Like I’m going home to get something I’ve forgotten
I dust off my old, worn memories
The last thing you taught me
Is that there are types of happiness that don’t come back
The dark past I kept hidden and unsaid
Would have remained forever dark, if I hadn’t met you
I know there’s no possible way
I could ever be hurt any more than this
Even the sadness of those days, even the pain of those days
I loved every bit of it, with you by my side
In my heart, never coming out, is the bitter smell of lemon
I can’t go home until the rain lets up
And even now, you’re my light
In the darkness, I traced your back
I remember its outline vividly
Each time I encounter something I can’t fully accept
Nothing wells up but my tears
What were you doing? What were you looking at?
Your face turned to the side, expression unknown
If you’re somewhere now, just the way I am
Trapped in loneliness, suffering and crying
Somehow, please, just forget about me
I wish for it so strongly, with all my heart
That even now, you’re my light
Since then, when I think of you
—Someone I loved
More than I ever thought—
My breath stops
Even though you were by my side
It’s almost like a lie
But I’ll never forget it
That’s the only thing I know for sure
Even the sadness of those days, even the pain of those days
I loved every bit of it, with you by my side
In my heart, never coming out, is the bitter smell of lemon
I can’t go home until the rain lets up
Like one half of a split fruit
Even now, you’re my light
Namakemono (Sloth)
Ahh, I don’t wanna do anything
(Even in my dreams I wanna be asleep)
Ahh, I probably won’t be able to forget about it at this rate
(Not like anyone cares anyways)
I can’t buy dreams with just 60 cents,
And even in dreams I don’t know myself well,
And little by little I’m going to get pickier,
And the things I think about also seem dumb.
Trash bags are piling up in my room,
And somehow the weather is bad today,
And I don’t necessarily have any plans,
And going outside is also a pain in the butt.
Ahh, I don’t wanna do anything
(Even in my dreams I wanna be asleep)
Ahh, I don’t wanna be told to do anything either
(Cause I don’t even know where they’re from)
My ringtone echoes in my head,
And no one listens to my troubles
And I can’t find a way to keep my motivation together,
And the things I think about also seem dumb.
My trashy feelings are piling up,
And above all I’m in a bad mood today,
And that guy somehow is in good mood,
Won’t he hurry up and switch spots with me
Ahh, every day is worthless.
Even though I’m fine with the uneventfulness
Don’t worry about me anymore than this
Ahh, I don’t wanna do anything
Ahh, I don’t wanna do anything
(Even in my dreams I wanna be asleep)
Ahh, I probably won’t be able to forget about it at this rate
(Not like anyone cares anyways)
Ahh, I don’t wanna do anything
(After all, there’s no guarantee that there’s a tomorrow)
If I exposed inner-thoughts I wonder if a nice person would save me
Translated by Rachel @minini_1 on Twitter and 1-mini-1 on Tumblr.
Lunatic Vs. Morsay - Epic Pokemon Battle #10
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Morsay! Back for revenge.
You're good at fighting, but in rap I'm one step ahead.
You're show off because you beat me a few times?
But, man, give me a break! You've always been behind me!
I didn't need anyone's help. I defeated all the champions.
I'm not the one who needs a CUT to stab bushes!
Can't you swim? Seriously, what a jester!
You don't need training, you need re-education...
Personally, it's not my grandfather who forgot my first name.
I could have called you ASSHOLE so keep it down a little bit!
Let's not talk about speed, let's talk about haste.
You may come first, but I made you finish second!
I can swim but I prefer to SURF on victory!
I have TCs, CSs, I'll show you my STRENGTH, you'll see!
Choose your Pokémon. I'm sorry! I'm first.
It's not my fault your grandfather always liked me better.
Okay you have a good DEFENCE but I have a better ATTACK!
You think you're proud of your Nuzlocke? All I lost was my RATTATAC.
I'm much more epic than your whole clique of pissers,
Pack up and leave or I'll take you in my sofa-bed!
Don't mention my grandfather, I haven't had a family in a long time.
I treat myself with HYPER POTION no need to go home to my mom.
Did you get a discount coupon to get your free bike?
I spent 1 Million and I didn't even use it!
Go back to your love life with your nurse.
While my grandfather, we all know it, is banging your mother!
And while you were hanging out, while you were training,
We shared to the little brothers and your mother, what a bitch!
123Pathetic, I can call you as I please too!
You'll never be as EPIC as my CHHHHAAA-RI-ZARD!
Your team, STAB! Your PAYNYSS, STAB!
All you can do now is crying and you know what? STABBBBB!!!!!!!
Insulting my mother and my team, everything I hate!
Do you want me to talk about your family? At least, what's left of it....
Your grandfather did great things. Your sister is respectable.
You're the bad little duck, buddy. Just a loser!
Professor Chen:
You disappoint me, Morsay!
Those words signalled your decline.
To be denied by your last loved one, hard to be an orphan....
But... what do you think you can win?
I already took everything from you, don't make me keep going!
I killed your RATTATAC, stole your dream of being a Master,
To finally take away the love your ancestor had for you.
Did you forbid your sister to give me the card? She did it anyway!
Call me brother-in-law, she and I love each other!
Nah! Nah! Naaaaah!!! He's lying...
Wake up, it's just a nightmare, everything will go back to the way it was.
I have money, I have talent, I have a team of thugs!
I was master before him. For a moment....
Come on, GO AWAY! Take your girl and go away...
All I've lost against you is time, so let me go!
You didn't experience anything, you didn't suffer anything, you don't know me!
Why don't you go cry about all your Pokémon that died in battle?
Face it, you're just a dirty kid
Who's trying to erase the traces of his past as an orphan.
You abandoned your sister to prove your worth
And you failed, now you're alone, so go ahead and cry!
It's not a nightmare, look in the mirror.
You will see a vanquished man, consumed by despair!
You're just a poor rival. Braggart and not social.
You dreamed of light but you are only my shadow, I embody your ideal!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
Thefish Vs. Magikbal - Epic Pokemon Battle
Hello, geeks! What's new on the disses? We'll see about that right now!
You've had too much!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Raaaaah! I have CHARI-RAGE!
No time to play ball, so get out!
Get out of your Pokeball and show me your face.
Unless you're afraid of my carnage!
I am the king of the waves, that's for sure.
No one can defeat my flow and certainly not a loser.
Don't take your chances or it'll end in drowning,
My rhymes are violent and will take you away like a CASCADE!
No matter how electric you are, the power doesn't flow.
I don't know what Lunatic has, but one day he'll realize
That you're not his type, so listen to me...
You don't belong on this team GO AWAY!!
What have I got to fear against such a small creature?
You're insignificant, your whole life is just a erasure.
One thing is certain, at the slightest opening,
Your life will take a whole new turn, you will suffer my BIT!
Start-up in progress... please wait...
Threat search... no danger!
The opponent is in front, the victory is certain.
Launching arguments about a hundred.
The enemy is not very smart, a lack of analysis.
Has he forgotten that my electricity paralyzes him?
Considering his weight and build, there's nothing to worry about.
An ETINCELLE and it will definitely be a breaded fish.
You talk about fighting, but I do.
You splash people while I electrocute them.
You're tall, impressive, but you scare people!
As for me, looking like an object, I'm interesting!
Humans think I'm a toy. They think you're a tuna!
Then change your tone before the thunder thunders!
No matter how much you weigh three tons, it wouldn't be in good taste
That for you the storm growls. So be careful....
Who's talking to me about weakness? Water is only conductive.
I have strength and my strength is destructive!
You're a degenerate! A failing Pokeball.
You don't even have sex!!! You'll have no descent...
You're not a magic ball, just an imitation.
I impose respect through INTIMIDATION!
I'm tall and heavy, but at least I have some elegance.
Then learn DESTRUCTION it will give us a break!
Infomercial Host:
Good morning, everyone! I offer you a Flash sale!
You will finally be able to get rid of this stain!
Hey, big guy! All that grease and dirt...
We took it away from you, admit it, it's less disgusting!
You got washed, rinsed, by the wash ball.
So go and fail elsewhere, to other shores....
I'm done with you and I have to admit it,
Your rap was powerful... like your DIP attack....
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
Council of the 4's Diss (First Generation) - Epic Pokemon Battle #8
This is Bob.
Bob is not on the Council of the 4
So he decided to spam the comments.
Because Bob is a very dumbass.
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Make way!
I'm Olga, ice mistress.
I'm the one who throws a cold and freezes you on the spot.
Freezing you in horror, sublimated by my class!
I am the most deserving and important,
The first to turn down all these rookie vermin.
Sometimes I let it go, but not without making the slightest gesture,
Leaving you, you wankers, finishing the leftovers!
Are you done, Lady Glagla? I'm Aldo and I'm hungry.
For me it's snack time and for you it's the end!
Poor girl! You're crazy... let me break the ice.
I'm strong, I'm hot, it's going to be SUPER EFFECTIVE!
I have concrete muscles, a team of body-builders,
Victory? Drop it! None of you are scary.
I'm going to turn you into yogurt, except for you, the witch...
You're so out of date that you belong in a cemetery!
Huh, what?!! Who's talking about me?
May he be cursed for life! But rap I don't like it...
So let me do it mistress, I'll be there in a hurry.
These idiots who attack you will learn politeness!
My flow from the DARKNESS sounds like a funeral song.
My PSYKOS attacks, Aldo, will break your vertebrae!
As for Olga and Peter, Type ICE and Type DRAGON,
You're the only ones in the world using these stupid types!
The darkness BREAKS you, blocked in the HYPNOSIS.
It is serious to insult the black queen and anyone who dares...
Will get cold in the poison, end up with necrosis.
Death is a symphony of which we are the virtuosos!
Not another word, Pokémon! Peter is speaking to you.
Fighting? You're crazy! I'm not afraid of anyone.
On your knees in front of the master or I'll get out of my hinges.
I knew how to tame dragons, I will be able to submit you!
Agatha represents death? That's what's waiting for her.
I already have some stronger and much stronger substitutes.
Hey, athlete! Hit me! Ha ha! All in your arms, nothing in your head.
On the back of my DRAGOLITE nothing stops me!
BOREAL WAVES!!!!! So, does it hurt?
May your dragons weep, welcome to the icy age.
Considering my position, I've fought more battles than all of you combined.
I have more experience and I'm especially the sexiest.
WHAT?!! You're just a frozen tuna! Your number of fights is for sure, I have it!
I'm so trained, I'm eating your ice types with a frozen bite.
Peter! You dirty kid. Come and fight if you're a man.
Drop your dragons and I'll fight you in five seconds at the most!
Oh, what the hell! Let's get to the point... I'm not going to let some slut do it to me!
Or by a young moron, the PSY type shoots the bullies.
Peter, your dragon type is beautiful but it's useless...
The three of us are so good that almost no one has reached you.
But my dragons have no weaknesses.
Just a reduced resistance to the type everyone's leaving behind.
Being first is no use, I'm the last of the guards.
In a show you always have to save the best for the end.
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
Bolde-Lee Vs. Rouroulette - Epic Pokemon Battle #7
Nooo, not rouroulette!!.. Oh hello and welcome to the Hard-Corner! Fortunately, death is not a fatality in video games. I have a tape to show you all this!
Come on!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Go! Go!
Welcome to this dojo, you little beetle.
Oh! But I recognize you, you're that little bird.
Who has not been able to fly far enough, nor high enough,
To dodge my assaults, thus resting in peace...
Are you asking me for a rematch? So don't disappoint me.
Let's go for an avalanche of kicks and punches!
Attention! This is not a training.
You may die... more seriously.
I accept all challenges but do not accept defeat.
Let's let the facts speak for themselves, my victory is already made.
I knocked you down once, didn't you find your grave?
Then let me drive you down, dig, to the next world!
Look at you! An egg that has never been able to hatch.
METEORE FIST! I'm sending you out there!
And if you come back again, braving death forever,
FIRE FIST! I will burn your soul on the flames of your body.
I'm coming back from heaven to make you go through hell.
From where I am, you're just a speck of dust.
You're right to have gloves, be careful with my claws!
You're just a little worm I'm eating for dessert!
I'm crazy! Nothing scares me.
Death is neither a fatality nor a mistake.
You beat me, and then what? Nothing left!
Locked up forever in site number one.
But you're a rock, Lee. I feel sorry for your adventure....
You beat me, but soon after you're overwhelmed with wounds.
Your master is ashamed of you, he abandons you, what a bastard!
While Lunatic loves me, I am his second capture.
I will be remembered. We already forgot you!
I wander in the heavens, watching your captivity.
So did you like my TORNADO of rhymes and violence?
Yes, I know, I'm CRU-AL, we call it revenge!
Revenge is a dish that I enjoy with delight.
Seeing this rage that emanates from our altercation.
Are you losing your temper? You lose the fight!
I have a STEEL mind your NORMAL type does not affect me.
You're so memorable, Lunatic replaced you.
You're so pathetic you've never evolved.
And you've never learned to fly, so get ready to fall.
It's time to get rid with a STRATOPERCUT!
No wonder, my dear friend, I am not finished yet.
Let me correct a couple of things because you're full of shit!
The first is to dare to talk about my estate.
A pathetic replica, made in your nation.
The second is to say that I lost my temper.
I told you I'm crazy! That I am without faith and law!
And the third, your STRATOPERCUT, is not for this time.
I trained in heaven and I send it back to you 100 times!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
Kenshi Yonezu - Lemon レモン
Versions: #3
I wonder how nice it would be if this were all just a dream.
Even now, I still see traces of you in my dreams.
As though I were going back home to grab something I'd forgotten, I clear off the dust from these old and worn memories.
The fact that there are some kinds of happiness that don't come back was the final thing that you taught me.
Even my gloomy past, which I silently hid away, had you not been there, would have been that way forever.
And the things which hurt more than I already have - I already know that they don't even exist.
Even the sadness of those days, and even the painfulness of those days, I loved all of it, since you were by my side, and the lingering smell of bitter lemon will never come out of my chest.
I can't go back home until the rain stops falling.
And even now, you're still the light within me.
In the darkness, I traced out the shape of you - I can still vividly remember that silhouette.
And every time I encounter something I can't come to accept, the only thing that doesn't stop welling up is my own tears.
What were you doing back then? What were you looking at, with that turned-away face that I could never comprehend?
If you're out there somewhere right now, just like me, lost in your tears, in the middle of loneliness, the could you please, somehow, forget all about me?
And even as much as I mean that from the bottom of my heart, even now, you're still the light within me.
The ''you'' who I loved more that I even knew - when I think of her since then, I lose my breath.
And even though I was by your side then, it feels like nothing more than a lie.
And the fact that I absolutely cannot forget about you, is the only thing I'm certain of.
Even the sadness of those days, and even the painfulness of those days, I loved all of it, since you were by my side, and the lingering smell of bitter lemon will never come out of my chest.
I can't go back home until the rain stops falling.
And just like one half of a sliced fruit, even now, you're still the light within me.
Giovanni Vs. Morsay - Epic Pokemon Battle #4
Seriously truand2laGalère raps better!
Epic Pokemon Battle!
Morsay! Truand 2 La Galère!
Send me your henchmen, share to your little brothers
By the tens, by the hundreds, they won't be able to do anything.
I'm not afraid of anything... I'm a real gangster!
So you steal the kids' pokemons?
ZUBAT, RATTATA, what interesting pokemons...
While you're at it, steal some great candy from them.
And just to prevent... also some potions!
Because I'm going to murder you, verbally, morally,
Mentally, violently, even literally!
I have no mercy, I take your henchmen one by one.
I'm going to stab them so much... they'll call me godfather!
I'll bleed you to death. It'll make tomato sauce.
And since you're Italian, I'm going to cut off all your legs.
You're making a mistake by confronting a guy this big...
But at least you have enough to make spaghetti bologna!
All right, are you done? Can I go back to my business?
Taking care of a kiddo... I don't have all day!
Go back to school! Go learn respect!
Or I'll call your parents..........well, I won't need it.
I have Italian roots and I am proud of it!
I know where I come from, I knew my mother, I knew my father.
And today... I respect my brothers.
My henchmen are my family and we're going to blow you to dust!
Your shitty humor won't hurt me
I'm stirring billions! What do you say, kid?
You think you're tough, but you're going straight into the wall.
You're not a little gangster... just a scumbag!
Stop it! I'm going to cry! I never knew my father...
On the other hand, the whole world knows my grandfather!
And how are you talking about family? You don't have any friends!
Your henchmen are here for your money. Not for your Panzannis!
I have a rare and class pokemon and, look my Charizard!
Let me see yours? Oh my God, my eyes hurt!!
Only dinosaurs? You have a prehistoric style.
I understand why you lose so often against Lunatic.
Why so arrogant? You have a lack of confidence?
Look how you're dressed, it looks like you just graduated from first grade.
You want to be a champion? Here, here are some TCs!
Because you lack technique, so go back to training!
If you want a duel, come on, my victory is certain!
I'll tell you a secret I'm the last arena champion!
And frankly... you're talking about my Pokemons
But Lunatic beat me twice, you, the triple minimum!
Who deserves to win?
Who will be next?
You have the power!
amazarashi - Monster バケモノ
Versions: #3
He was a monster. A beast that feeds off lies.
I met him in the park, like an abandoned dog on a Monday morning.
Amidst the dew-coated morning glories, collapsed beneath the midsummer sun, he was gasping, and he looked at me with frightened eyes.
When I stroked his patchy fur, his mouth twitched, in spite of his starved body.
Perhaps out of pity, or sympathy, or something else entirely, I thought, ''Maybe I should give him one of my lies''
Like how even though right now I want to disappear, I'm pretending that I don't.
Or right in front of my family, ''I always leave for school right on time'', and when I get home, I'll say ''Today was a fun day, too'' - lying about that.
''Eat these up, little monster. You seem to be enjoying them plenty, aren't you?''
He was a monster. A beast that feeds off lies.
After I filled his stomach, he took a liking to me, and grew right before my eyes.
Me, an outcast. The bridge where I jumped.
The window of a hospital room. My sobbing mother. The evening glow in a grove of trees.
A greedy expression showed on his face, and as time went on, his body grew fatter.
Since he keeps pestering me more and more for my next lie, I guess I'll give him another one, shall I?
Though the truth was just that I screwed up at killing myself, I lied about it.
Right in front of my family, timidly smiling, ''I was so lucky to have survived.''
And so now today, just as easy as breathing, I tell lies.
''Eat these up, little monster. You've grown plenty big, haven't you?''
And now the monster has grown even taller than I am.
Since I'm just a pile of lies, won't he eat me up once and for all?
''Living was so hard! It was painful, and I couldn't take it anymore! But it would have been the most painful to have other people think that I was suffering!''
When I finally screamed out what I really felt, the monster shrivelled before my very eyes.
But hey, I'm still hiding some lies - lies that even I fall for.
Even though all I want is to live happily even after, I keep telling these lies.
If they're trifling delusions meant to fill the gap between our ideals and our reality, then maybe lies are inevitable for us, being so weak.
And now today, everyone out there is telling lies.
''Eat those up.'' Don't we all have two sides to us: the real thing, and the shadow lurking behind.
He's a monster. A beast that feeds on lies.
One by one, each and every one of us hides him behind our backs.
And that secret, the swelling that we try to cover up, is like a shadow that looms behind you. It's pretty big, isn't it?