Rezultatele căutării pagină 9
Număr de rezultate: 260
Demonii interiori
Ei spun sa nu i las inauntru
Inchide ochii si limpezeste-ti gandurile din nou
Dar cand sunt singura, apar de unii singuri
Pentru ca demonii interiori isi infrang luptele cu focul
Demonii interiori nu respecta regulile
Ei spun 'da i la o parte, lupta te cu ei mai tare
De ce ai renunta la asta atat de repede?'
Asa ca ingerilor, ingerilor continuati sa luptati
Ingerilor, nu renuntati astazi la mine
Pentru ca demonii sunt aici, continua sa se bata
Pentru ca demonii interiori nu vor pleca
Asa ca ingerilor va rog, auziti-mi rugaciunile
Viata inseamna durere, viata nu e dreapta
Asa ca ingerilor va rog, stati aici
Luati-mi durerea, luati-mi frica
Ei spun ca n-o sa fie greu, dar ei nu-mi pot vedea luptele din inima mea
Dar cand ma intorc
Demonii par sa stea
Pentru ca demonii interiori nu se inteleg bine cu ingerii
Ei inseala, mint, fura, sparg si zdrobesc
Ingerilor va rog sa ma protejati de rebeli
Asta e o lupta pe care nu vreau sa o pierd
It's Nothing
The wind that blew past the space between us brought loneliness from somewhere far off.
After we had cried, that sky always appeared to be so clear.
My father's words, always seeming so sharp, felt somehow warm today.
Knowing nothing about how to speak of Kindness, Smiles, or Dreams... I followed your lead every time.
It's only a little further... just a little longer... we're almost there.
It's only a little further... just a little longer...
So shall we stick together just little longer?
We're time flyers! Time-scaling climbers!
We're sick of being left out of time's game of hide-and-seek!
The reason you cried so happily, and smiled so sadly,
Was because your heart had grown far beyond you.
The toys we received, after going as far as to wish to the stars... are now lying about in the corner of this room.
The dreams we wish to have granted reached 100 today. Someday, let's trade them in for just one.
Today, I tried saying, 'See you tomorrow,' to that girl who never talks.
It's nice to do something out of character every once in a while... especially if you're there beside me.
It's only a little further... just a little longer... we're almost there.
It's only a little further... just a little longer...
So let's stick together for a little bit longer!
We're time flyers! I've known you all this time -
Long, long before I learned of my own name!
I'm sure some kind of meaning still exists in a world without you...
But a world without you is like August without a summer vacation.
A world without you is like a Santa who doesn't smile.
A world without you is...
We're time flyers! Time-scaling climbers!
We're sick of being left out of time's game of hide-and-seek!
But never mind that... yeah, never mind-
I'm heading your way now!
We're time flyers! Time-scaling climbers!
We're done with being left out of time's game of hide-and-seek!
You're a dramatic crier! I wanna try putting a stop to those tears!
But you refused... and I understood why once I saw those tears that fell.
The reason I cried so happily, and smiled so sadly,
Was because my heart had grown far beyond me.
Pokémon Theme (Tv)
My way of living
Nobody has never lived like this
My duty is to make
The good defeat the bad
I'll travel across the world
Trying to find
A Pokémon and with his power
(make) All change
Pokémon (We have to catch 'em)
That I'm suere
To catch 'em I'll try ! (Pokémon!)
Together we'll have to
Protect the world
Pokémon (We have to catch 'em)
That I'm sure
To catch 'em I'll try
It'll be a big Thrill
We gotta catch
We gotta catch
Demonul meu (1830-1831)
Doar relele în el le-adună,
Tăind întunecatul nor,
Iubeşte groaznica furtună
Şi foşnetul pădurilor.
Iubeşte nopţile posace
Şi luna palidă-n abis,
Amarul zâmbet, ochiu-i place
Pustiu de lacrimi şi de vis.
Deprins să-şi plece-a lui ureche
La josnicii şi la arţag,
Îşi râde de credinţa veche
Şi de cuvântul bun şi drag.
Iubirea, mila-I sânt străine,
Căci se hrăneşte neîncetat,
Cu fumul luptelor haine
Şi izul sângelui vărsat.
Când un martir apare-n lume
Pe tată-l umple de necaz
Cu zeflemele, crude glume, -
Sarcasm răsfrânge-al lui obraz.
Iar când coboară-n groapa rece
Vreun om, el cel din urmă ceas
Cu muribundul şi-l petrece
Înveninându-l cu al lui glas.
Şi mândrul demon, viaţa toată
Mă va-nsoţi, în orice loc,
Zvârlind în mintea-mi zbuciumată
Lumina unui straniu foc.
Îmi va vădi desăvîrşirea
Pe veci smulgându-mi-o şi-apoi
Momindu-mă cu fericirea
Va lua-o veşnic înapoi.