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Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 2


Beauty On The Menu

ABCD Take your time and I’ll get you a cup of tea
Everyday filled with wonders is on the menu
Once I do up my belt, my heart feels cramped
But it cuts me some slack in the end
Because I’m out there in the paradise of my beloved Wagashi
When tea stem floats upright on the surface, let’s hang out today with rabbits
I get a hunch that I run across some Yokans as sweat as Anko paste
ABCD Take your time and I’ll get you a cup of tea
Everyday filled with wonders is on the menu
I’ll close my eyes and depict ‘The Moon Climbing over Thousands of Nights’
That would be a sweet story, wouldn’t it? Come on, it goes out to you
When I wear my school uniform, my heart feels elated
And I feel like sitting around for a while
Because I became friends with someone lovely
Palm reading, did it get me right? We have a potential in common
It’s a secret Anmitsu time for you and me, so kind like Anko paste
Before I knew it, I’ve taken down some Haiku lines with relief
All of my happy feelings are on the menu
I’ll close my eyes and see ‘The Gleaming Stars and Moon Reflected onto the Sea’
That would be a story of sweets, wouldn’t it? I wouldn’t have the other way
I’ll bring more prosperity to Amausa and make my dreams come alive
They have a rich flavor like Anko paste, so I adore all of them
ABCD Take your time and I’ll get you a cup of tea
Everyday filled with wonders is on the menu
Before I knew it, I’ve taken down some Haiku lines with relief
All of my happy feelings are on the menu
I’ll close my eyes and see ‘Three Glossed Gems in the Blossoming Capital’
That would be a sweet story, wouldn’t it? I hope you’ll like it