Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 18


100M Before I See Her

I see that yellow tea house over there
Today is the third day of meeting her
My heart wants to run to that place
But I’m so nervous
My new shoes feel so awkward
I keep checking myself out on the store window
But I feel so awkward and I can’t take it
It’s 100m before I see her
Should I give her a single stemmed rose?
What should I say, how should I say it?
She fills up my head
Slowly, she’s coming to me
The clouds in the sky seem like cotton candy
Should I jump up?
I wanna confess to her today
I’m gonna have courage
Is she already waiting for me?
There’s still 15 minutes left
This watch I picked out last night
Have the clock hands fallen asleep?
My gently brushed hair
Is flying in the wind
Will it get messed up?
Why does this street feel so long today?
It’s 100m before I see her
Should I give her a single stemmed rose?
What should I say, how should I say it?
She fills up my head
Slowly, she’s coming to me
The clouds in the sky seem like cotton candy
Should I jump up?
I wanna confess to her today
I’m gonna have courage
She fills up my head
Slowly, she’s coming to me
The clouds in the sky seem like cotton candy
Should I jump up?
I wanna confess to her today
I’m gonna have courage
I’m gonna have courage

Clear As Water

There is somehing inside me
That wishes to go out
That tells me about the horizon
And takes me beyond
What was born by the storm
Where does it go?
Everything is as clear as water
Let it flow even when it collapses
For this much harm there’s nothing I lack
Oh my heart
Let me go how I am
Until I’m far away
While I breathe
I know where I’m going
So clear as water
How dark the sky may be
Which stops at sea
How dense the air may be
Which is stuck in my chest
There is something inside me
That gives me a reason to stay here
Everything is as clear as water
Let me flow how I am
For this much harm there’s nothing I lack
Oh my heart
Oh my heart
Let it run
Everything is as clear as water
Let it flow even when it collapses
For this much harm there’s nothing I lack
Oh my heart
Let me go how I am
Until I’m far away
While I breathe
I know where I’m going
So clear as water

How Cruel You Are

Not merely to entertain you
Here I am, honey
Nor merely to help you release
Your yearning oh honey
My heart is aching
You make me this way
You come and go
As you please
Oh... how cruel you are
How could you do this to me
You come and go
As you please
Oh... how hurt this heart
How much I loathe you
This heart is really aching
But I do still miss you
This heart is filled with hatred
Yet I do still miss you

My Soul is Silent

Free in the sand, you
Think of tomorrow by the sea
My feet are warm in the sand
But the heart is still cold
Like yesterday and the day before
My mind is silent to you and why
I'm here, free and alone
My mind is silent to you and why
I'm free, happy dreaming
Like a soaring bird
I shout your name
On a small waved Venus dream
Salty blood flowed to me
But the heart is wetted with a brush
Oh, how much more
Will I be here alone?
Oh, how much more
Will I be here alone?
Free in the sand, you
Think of tomorrow by the sea
Your heart is already cold
Like the sea sweeping me
To space
My mind is silent to you and why
I'm free to go from here
My mind is silent to you and why
I will also return by the sea tomorrow
I shout your name
On a small waved Venus dream
Salty blood flowed to me
But the heart is wetted with a brush
Oh, how much more
Will I be here alone?
Oh, how much more
Will I be here alone?
Free in the sand, you
Think of tomorrow by the sea
My feet are warm in the sand
But the heart is still cold
Like yesterday and the day before

Come with me, come (Reprise)

Look in the distance and how the moonlight meets the water,
Now, come along - our way is clear!
I don't doubt anymore, now I'm a traveller
The way is nice.
It will be easy,
I will be able to make it!
Any new order, any hard way
Is tried by me, I'm worth it,
Wherever I go, whatever I can do,
I don't feel regret.
In the dark I can see the illuminated way,
It's a sign.
My way is clear, I'm a traveller.
Moonlight leaves its light in the dark water
It delights the heart.
My way is clear,
And it's endless!

Come with me, come

I'm listening again to the voice of this sea.
Who am I? Where is my heart? Only the water knows that.
A hundred time I have sworn to myself,
But it's calling me, as if I were its wave.
Every hard way1 consists of turns,
I caress every passing day.
The horizon asks me openly to experience the life,
Now I am going far away.
If you can see this spot where the sky meets the sea,
Then go with me - our way is open!
The dream is close but it keeps itself far away from me.
I will find out what is expecting of me for so long.
I know that everyone loves this land
And appreciates it... I agree.
Everything is the way it should be.
I know that everyone in this wonderful land
Plays a role, after one another,
I wish I had found my glory2...
I will become the master, I'm not afraid at all,
Life, every next New Year, will be better,
But I'm listening to the voice of my heart,
What's wrong with me now?
Look into the distance and see how the waves are glittering,
Now, come with me - our way is open!
And I know that it's going to reveal its secrets to me soon.
I hear my name...
The first step is mine, I'm worthy of it!
Look into the distance and see where the sky meets the sea,
Now, come with me - our way is open!
The dream is close, but it keeps itself far away from me,
I will remember my name,
Come with me, come!
  • 1. of life
  • 2. respect

Pisica Roz

Sărutul tău de ieri încă
Îmi controlează inima
Ce metodă nedreaptă
Dacă așa vrei tu să-o faci
Nu-mi place aspectul tău liniștit
Nu te voi ierta niciodată
Te voi face să înnebunești
Te voi prinde și nu-ţi voi da drumul
În ziua acestui joc
Îmi pun rujul meu roz favorit
Îmi ascund colţii
Cu o deghizare docilă și strigăte dulci
Îţi par irezistibilă, nu-i așa?
Nerăbdare este un tabu
Hai să ne liniștim
Tu ești un adversar formidabil
Şi asta mă face să te doresc mai mult
Pe celelalte fete nici să nu le atingi
Nu-ţi voi permite să te uiţi la altcineva
Singura care te face să înnebuneşti
Nu poate fi nimeni alta decât mine
Faţa mea modestă şi părul seducător de roz
Extindându-mi ghearele
Pot muşca câteodată
O voi grava pe tine
Nu-mi place aspectul tău liniştit
Nu te voi ierta niciodată
Te voi face să înnebunești
Te voi prinde și nu-ţi voi da drumul
Așa se simte pisica roz când joacă strategiile dragostei
Îmi ascund colţii
Cu o deghizare docilă și strigăte dulci
Nu mă voi opri
Faţa mea modestă și părul seducător de roz
Extindându-mi ghearele
Pot mușca câteodată
O voi grava pe tine
Așa că fii gata


Când Luna se ridică, dezvăluindu-şi strălucirea
Şi felinarele roşii sunt aprinse
La semnul festivalului muzical
Un fluture ne aduce invitaţia
Doar uită-te înăuntru şi aruncă o privire
Odată fascinat, n-o să mai poţi scăpa!
Dar dacă vrei să faci ceva distractiv
Vino aici în Paradis
Cântă! Cântă! Din toată inima ta
Lasă-mă să-ţi aud vocea!
Dansează! Dansează! Uită de timp.
Ȋn seara asta, vom înflori nebuneşte amândoi
Chiar şi cele mai frumoase flori
Vor cădea cu trecerea timpului
Dacă-i aşa, doar pentru această noapte
Vreau să iubesc chiar mai pasionant!
Hai să încercăm ceva ,,amuzant''
Este ăsta un vis, o iluzie?
O lume fără minciuni sau adevăruri
Să mergem în Paradis!
Cântă! Cântă! Din toată inima ta
Să nu-ţi pese de respiraţie şi părul tău nepieptănat
Dansează! Dansează! Uită de timp.
Ȋn seara asta, vom înflori nebuneşte amândoi
Hai să încercăm ceva ,,amuzant''
O lume fără minciuni sau adevăruri
Să mergem în Paradis!
Cântă! Cântă! Din toată inima ta
Lasă-mă să-ţi aud vocea!
Dansează! Dansează! Uită de timp.
Ȋn seara asta, vom înflori nebuneşte amândoi
Ȋn seara asta, voi înflori nebuneşte cu tine!