Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 98
Vei pleca, voi pleca
Nu fii tristă,
Vei pleca, voi pleca,
va fi așa.
După ce am vorbit
de tine, de mine,
s-o sfârșim e mai bine,
fără să ne rănim.
Până acum a fost frumos...
De ce eșuează?
Vei pleca, voi pleca,
va fi așa,
fără un adio,
fără o întrebare,
fără resentimente, fără reproșuri,
fără durere, în pace.
Să nu uităm că am fost
până ieri...
E mai bine așa...
De ce să continuăm,
dacă știm amândoi că nimic nu mai e ca înainte?
Vreau să încerci să mă uiți,
cel puțin așa vom fi foarte fericiți
de fiecare dată când ne amintim tot ce-am trăim
în timp ce eram îndrăgostiți.
Iubire de-o vară
Acest soare nu e același,
Nici măcar marea, marea noastră,
Nici eu, ceea ce am fost pentru tine.
Și căldura s-a dus, când ieri
Fără să vrem, ne-am spus adio...
Credeam că pot să mă prefac
Că nu era o dragoste adevărată,
Că totul putea trece,
Credeam că pot uita.
Ai rămas lipită de pielea mea
Cu sărutări de sare și de miere
if you ever see her
Ay, ay, ay, ay, un!
He left and I refuse to believe that he left
And you who travel one day at a time
Tell me, tell me
Tell me if the smell is in your hair
Of what I wanted love to be
If I am still the owner
Of his big dream
Promise me if you see
You will not put in his skin
What I put delusions, delusions
I hugged her without fear and she hugged me
And the fire still burns me
That I burn its shine, oh, its shine
Is the age of the first heart
Of the king of Arabia of the wedding of love
Of a naked flower, of a silent history
I let her escape one night
And I laughed without knowing how to cry
If the lost time
Tell him to change his life
Promise me if you see
You will not put in his skin
What I put delusions, delusions
I hugged her without fear and she hugged me
And the fire still burns me
That I burn its shine, oh, its shine
he went away
(And you who travel if you ever see it)
And you tell me
Yes tell me
Tell him i'm
Willing to give, everything for her
And much more
Here here
Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump
Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump
Jump jump
If you have your hand, give it up
Out, out, out, out
Out, out, out, out
Out, out, out, out (come on)
Promise me if you see
You will not put in his skin
What I put delusions, delusions
I hugged her without fear she hugged me
And the fire still burns me
That I burn its shine, oh, its shine
he went away
(And you who travel in one day at a time)
Tell me
Yes tell me
Tell him i'm
Willing to give, everything for her
Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump
Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump
Jump, jump (the movie)
It's over
The owl
They are all ears
your eyes,
waking nightly,
blazing eyes,
of wisdom,
directed to
inner spaces,
you are a shell,
a snail
in its shell,
a silence vowing nun.
On my Fateful Day
On my Fateful Day, you were crying, on the verge of death
Swore that your love was only mine, only mine
I believed in the words you spoke
I believed your love were everlasting
Now I realize, your love for me
Shattered like an illusion
Why do I feel
Your heart belongs to someone else by now
Yet another disenchantment from you
I always believed in your words
But now you deceived me, let me down
There will be one day, when my pain, my regret
will reach to you, then I know you will beg for my atonement
I put so much faith on you, my forgiveness you cannot have it
I want to display my carnival block in the streets
There are those who say that I slept with my bonnet
That I lost my mouth, that ran away from the fight
That I felt from the twig and that I saw no exit
That I was frightened when the quarrel started
There are those who say that I don’t know anything
That I belong to nothing and that I don’t apologise
That I’m not guilty, but I faltered
And Durango Kid almost caught me
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
I, myself, would like this and that
One more kilo of that, one less of this
This is what I need or it’s nothing related to this
I just want everybody in this Carnival
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
There are those who say that I slept with my bonnet
That I lost my mouth, that ran away from the fight
That I felt from the twig and that I saw no exit
That I was frightened when the quarrel started
There are those who say that I don’t know anything
That I belong to nothing and that I don’t apologise
That I’m not guilty, but I faltered
And Durango Kid almost caught me
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To play, to make it roar
I want to display my carnival block in the street
To swing endlessly
I want to display my carnival block in the street
Just for you
Just for you, straight to the heart
I send you this missile made song
Just for you, who give me strength every day
Erasing my total melancholy
For all that you gave me and that I gave you
The best of my life I do it just for you
Just for you, who know how I am
What little I have I give it to you, mmm...
Just for you, who have treated me like nobody else
Taking care of every detail
For all that you gave me and that I gave you
The best of my life I do it just for you
If you knew how much you figure in my life
You would have no choice but to live it with me
You're the force that pushes me to the void
In your world and mine one can still be happy
And that's why I sing just for you
Just for you
Just for you, straight to the heart
I send you this missile made song
Just for you, who give me strength every day
Erasing my total melancholy
For all that you gave me and that I gave you
The best of my life I do it just for you
If you knew how much you figure in my life
You would have no choice but to live it with me
You're the force that pushes me to the void
In your world and mine one can still be happy
And that's why I sing just...
If you knew how much you figure in my life
You would have no choice but to live it with me
You're the force that pushes me to the void
In your world and mine one can still be happy
And that's why I sing just for you
Just for you
Porto Here So Close
Go, train, my train
Full speed ahead
Only stop when we get to the city!
Hello, city of Porto
The tear in the corner of the eye
It has been shut for ages with a bolt
It cost so much to get here
A thousand and one incidents
When least expected, the devil weaves them
Oh, I was almost dead in the desert
And Porto here so close
Not long after arriving, I caught a glimpse of
Two thieves
Going through my letterbox
Ah, rascals, I caught you
Surely you don't expect me to compromise
It is not what you think
We came to bring you a message
That was given to us by a skulking man
Oh, I was almost dead in the desert
And Porto here so close
The message says:
In the Palace there are varieties
If you go there, you'll see that you'll kill your longing
Me, I don't like to kill
But longing is different
It's like killing fleas, it relieves people
I got there and I came across
A skulking woman
I told her: Stop with this bullfighting
Oh, I was almost dead in the desert
And Porto here so close
We revealed our faces, come on
And by the way, spit it out
With that hood, you look like a witch
Tell me what you're doing here
I play there with the attractions
In the ensemble of 'Godinho e seus Godões'
I've been on to you for how long
I didn't set my eyes on you
Tell me whether you are or are not Etelvina
Oh, I was almost dead in the desert
And Porto here so close
I am Etelvina, yes sir
Don't tell me, Etelvina
That you walk around like this because you're on the run
On the run? You're not OK
Me, a fugitive? Never
This outfit is just to add suspense
I'm a singer in the ensemble
And we appear disguised
And the audience gets creeped out
Oh, I was almost dead in the desert
And Porto here so close
But in life it's different
I walk with my face uncovered
With my head and my senses well aware
I've seen many injustices
I speak from within me
And what comes out from here inside me comes out like this:
I make music for the people
And you, the people, give back
You inspire me sharps and flats
Oh, I was almost dead in the desert
And Porto here so close
And I too do the same
With what the people give me
The Do-Re-Mi plus the La are free
I spent the whole night there
Getting into the improvisation
Regenerating my body and heart
Oh, I was almost dead in the desert
And Porto here so close
Bajo la tormenta
Versions: #1
He who wants (to succeed), is able
Iubiri și iubiri
Încă o dată ajung și tu nu ești.
Unde vei merge, știind că
las totul și pe toată lumea și mă duc acasă
asteptandu-te nerăbdător?
Ceasul râde de anxietatea mea,
de furie și gelozie mă vei ucide.
Iubire, prieten sau dușman în favoarea mea
sau împotriva mea.
Există iubiri flămânde de dragoste
iubiri însetate de pasiune.
Există iubiri din inimă
iubiri care vor să fie, și nu sunt.
Există iubiri și iubiri, oh oh...
Există iubiri flămânde de dragoste
iubiri însetate de pasiune.
Există iubiri din inimă
iubiri care vor să fie, și nu sunt.
Există iubiri și iubiri,
există iubiri și iubiri...
Rămâi zâmbind cu o mie de scuze
și cu un sărut vrei să mă câștigi.
Ce-ți pasă de sentimentele mele?
Dacă sunt ale mele, asta e tot.
Există iubiri flămânde de dragoste
iubiri însetate de pasiune.
Există iubiri din inimă,
Există iubiri și iubiri,
există iubiri și iubiri,
există iubiri și iubiri...
Există iubiri flămânde de dragoste
iubiri însetate de pasiune.
Because I Was Insane
Because I was insane,
Mountains and firs combined
I grabbed them by the waist
And we danced all together,
Because I was insane.
Because I was insane,
I was making guitar strings
From the gazes of a virgin,
And I sang on them,
Because I was insane...
Because I was insane,
I was turning the darkness into light,
The night into a clear day
And I was flying to the sun,
Because I was insane...
Because I was insane,
I sent the clouds away instantly,
I took the sky by a wing
And I was fighting it,
Because I was insane,
Because I was insane!
Because I was insane,
I was turning hatred into love,
The passion into happiness,
And I sang, and I laughed,
Because I was insane...
Because I was insane,
I was turning the darkness into light,
The night into a clear day
And I was flying to the sun,
Because I was insane...
Because I was insane,
I sent the clouds away instantly,
I took the sky by a wing
And I was fighting it,
Because I was insane,
Because I was insane!
Because I was insane,
I thought I was the infinity,
I thought I would decide the end,
'Cause I didn't know,
Because I was insane,
That the twilight, dressed in chain mail,
One day it will get in my way...
And I, a poor old man,
How do I break it with a staff?
What do the teachers say
School has started once again
And we are all confused now
A whole year ahead of you
So show off what you can do
Listen to
Your teachers
Do your homework, study well
Put good faith in your hard work
What do the teachers say,
Be organised in the classroom
Prepare all of your textbooks
Be the best in everything
What do the teachers say,
Set aside some time for play
Be real funny when you can
Keep some jokes always on hand
What do the teachers say,
Everybody you'll respect
Good deeds we will expect
Give good examples to everyone
What do the teachers say,
Be better in all you do
Lots of study you should go through
Study with a lot of passion
What do the teachers say!
Your parent want you to learn
So you can arrange and earn
To get a future much more good
So you find your happiness
It's important
To improve
Elevate your character
With much hard work
And elbow grease
The best books you should just re-e-e-ead
The library vi-si-ting
At home lending a hand
Accumulate experience
Become examples
Help your classmates
What do the teachers say,
Avoid all vices
Have courage, be manly
Good will spread all about
What do the teachers say,
Always have curiosity
Everything bad avoiding
The best buddies you will be
What do the teachers say,
Don't forget about the love
Give everyone good example
Charge your soul up while you're at it
What do the teachers say,
Say few things but do a lot
With caution carry yourself
Give everyone a good example
What do the teachers say!
O-o-o-o arya ayo,
obá, obá, obá
O-o-o-o arya ayo,
obá, obá, obá
Get out of my way that I want to pass
Because the samba is exciting
What I want is to sambar
This samba
Which is mixed of maracatú
It's the old black's samba
Your Samba black
A samba like this so cool
You will not want
to reach no end.
From that time I haven't seen it again
What happened to my town
I've travelled the world and I wonder if
I'd be the same if I still were there.
I don't know why I'm thinking 'bout you tonight
Flowery road of my youth
How much I'd wish I was a tree that knows
where he was born and where he will die.
It's too late to come back
Nobody's would recognize me
The night is a dream that never comes true
To be another, but it's always me.
From that time I haven't found you anymore
Flowery road of my youth
How much I'd wish I was a tree that knows
where he was born and where he will die.
How much I'd wish I was a tree that knows
where he was born and where he will die.
There are days when I don't, I don't want to live...
Everything goes wrong for me and I have to apologize,
To apologize
I take the blame
Now consider my apologies
Forgive me
I know it's hard but you have to understand.
There's a grey sound that it's inside of me
And when it grows more it doesn't let me live
Forgive me, forgive me
It won't happen again.
It's still so early, the night will continue
If I had the power, it would end now.
Sorry, forgive me
I know it's hard but you have to understand.
There's a grey sound that it's inside of me
And when it grows more it doesn't let me live
Forgive me, forgive me
It won't happen again.
Forgive me, forgive me
It won't happen again.
Sorry, forgive me.
Being a real romantic
Is commitment to the end
It's a road to travel
An existential question
It's much more than flowers and chocolates
It's much more than composing a few songs
Being a brutal romantic
Who despairs to love
He doesn't back down from his duty
And always stays true
It's much more than painting hearts
It's much more than not falling into temptations
Everything I have,
I give it
When I don't have it,
I go
Everything I brought
For today
Punished heart
All I am
All I am is this love
When you are (here),
How beautiful it feels
Being a romantic is to keep
Giving everything until death
It's in the soul to decide
How deep will you go
And it will pass, it will take your life
Being a romantic is depressive insanity
Everything I have,
I give it
When I don't have it,
I go
Everything I brought
For today
Punished heart
All I am
All I am is this love
When you are (here),
How beautiful it feels
All I have is for you (is for you)
All I have is for you (is for you)
All I am
All I am is this love
When you are (here),
How beautiful it feels
I Just Wanna Say
I just wanna say
You are my sexy lady
My beauty, my pretty
I just wanna say
You are my sexy lady
Without you is empty
I'm happy now 'cause we have a story
Now we are two, take my hand honey
Please dont worry 'cause I'm with you
Everytime when you kiss I feel the smile
Makes me feel good, trust I'm not lyin'
When I'm sayin your love is my food
I just wanna say
You are my sexy lady
My beauty, my pretty
I just wanna say
You are my sexy lady
Without you is empty
(Drop your booty like, drop your booty like
Stick it in the floor mine
Drop your booty like, drop your booty like
I want to call you my world
You be twerking, you be twerking, you be twerking all the time
I've been working, I've been working, doing money for a run
You be twerking, you be twerking, you be twerking all the time
Hola, hola, baby love me)
Show me what you can do for me tonight
Just do it nice
When you do it think about your weekness right
My chinese eyes
Everytime when you kiss I feel the smile
It makes me feel good, trust I'm not lyin'
When I'm sayin your love is my food
I just wanna say
You are my sexy lady
My beauty, my pretty
I just wanna say
You are my sexy lady
Without you is empty
(Drop your booty like, drop your booty like
Stick it in the floor mine
Drop your booty like, drop your booty like
I want to call you my world
You be twerking, you be twerking, you be twerking all the time
I've been working, I've been working, doing money for a run
You be twerking, you be twerking, you be twerking all the time
Hola, hola, baby love me)
It's me
If a lilac flash shines on you
don't be afraid, it's not me
If an unknown peace dresses you blue
don't be surprised, it's not me
If from the sky the moon dragon descends
Tell them to call me, for God's sake
Cause your good angel, your Ogum Mege
Your Alar Dede, is me
If a lilac flash shines on you
don't be afraid, it's not me
Cause your good angel, your Ogum Mege
Your Alar Dede, is me
More Emotions
We arrived here, a little tired
And hungry for poetry
Our hands full of love
That didn't want to leave.
We've lived and had children,
Planted trees and flags,
Written a thousand songs and more
Maybe beautiful, maybe useless.
More emotions will come
I promise you,
My friend.
And we've come so far, singing
For those who want to here,
We've lived in the shadow
Of too many false promises
The Unique who Know You
So, ¿what happen My Love?
I beg your pardon, if in something I've fa•a•ailed...
But, ...don't will be a truth...
that you want to fly...leaving me ha•a•anged...
I am the unique that know you...
I am the unique that hear you...
The same one you are always calling,
...when help are you•u needing...
I am the unique that know you ...
I am the unique that love you...
With me you have 'all thing'
...and whithout have 'nothing'...
Come on, look at me,
¿what can you desire, that I hadn't to gi•i•ive you?
Then, think it very well,
if it's someone more atte•e•ention...
I am the unique that know you...
I am the unique that hear you...
The same one you are always calling,
...when help are you•u needing...
I am the unique that know you ...
I am the unique that love you...
With me you have 'all thing'
...and whithout have 'nothing'...
Your voice
Your voice, your voice...
Man forgets the anger,
forgets pain, happiness,
But of song and field
and your voice, Maria, he knows
The song of fortune
told with fire
whispered in tears
from deep inside the heart
The song of the people
from the forest's density
for a girl and a boy
fascinated by your voice
Your voice, your voice...
Raspy as the whistle of the sickle in the grass
sweet as the wine that didn't get to boil
soft as the story told by the fireside,
alive as the spark from the stone
Broken by the storm like the troubled sea
Warm and wild like the girl's breast
And when I hear his commotion,
It's like the tulnic sounds.
The tulnic, the horn,
The tulnic, the horn, ...
If you went asleep
I put you on the wall, holy icon
And as a flapper comes
with a thread of weed,
Like the wind's power,.
the moan of the earth
through the density of the dust,
the cry of the band,
They'd tell about you,
to know, Maria, to know
and every girl and boy
Would love at your voice!
Your voice, your voice...
Your voice, your voice...
Your voice
Your voice, your voice...
Man forgets the anger,
forgets pain, happiness,
But of song and field
and your voice, Maria, he knows
The song of fortune
told with fire
whispered in tears
from deep inside the heart
The song of the people
from the forest's density
for a girl and a boy
fascinated by your voice
Your voice, your voice...
Raspy as the whistle of the sickle in the grass
sweet as the wine that didn't get to boil
soft as the story told by the fireside,
alive as the spark from the stone
Broken by the storm like the troubled sea
Warm and wild like the girl's breast
And when I hear his commotion,
It's like the tulnic sounds.
The tulnic, the horn,
The tulnic, the horn, ...
If you went asleep
I put you on the wall, holy icon
And as a flapper comes
with a thread of weed,
Like the wind's power,.
the moan of the earth
through the density of the dust,
the cry of the band,
They'd tell about you,
to know, Maria, to know
and every girl and boy
Would love at your voice!
Your voice, your voice...
Your voice, your voice...
Goodbye Perhaps Forever
Goodbye perhaps forever,
shed me a tear
and then I will leave.
Our summer, you know,
is a countdown
that you cannot stop.
Blue umbrella up there, up there
flying in the wind,
you call me and I do not hear you.
Happiness that goes, that goes,
burns out in a moment.
October is already here inside,
inside of us.
Goodbye perhaps forever
and to make it less painful
I will not even give you a kiss.
(Our love, you know,
is a countdown
that you cannot stop.)
Blue umbrella up there, up there
flying in the wind,
you call me and I do not hear you.
Happiness that goes, that goes,
burns out in a moment.
October is already here inside,
inside of us.
Goodbye perhaps forever,
shed me a tear
and then I will leave.
Our summer, you know,
is a countdown
that you cannot stop.
(Goodbye you cannot.)
My people, pay attention
In the wheel I made for you
I want to show those who come
What the people say
I can speak, as I know
I take the others for me
When I have lunch, I don't have dinner
And when I sing it's like this
Now I will enjoy
Now I will start
I want to see who will leave
I want to see who will stay
Who doesn't want to hear me
Isn't forced to listen
Who has money in the world
The more they have, (the more they) want to win
And those who don't have anything
Become worse off than they are
Mister, have shame
Stop the impudence
Leave the money of the poor
And steal from another thief
Now I will enjoy
Now I will proceed
I want to see who will leave
I want to see who will stay
Who doesn't want to hear me
Isn't forced to listen
If the rich person and the poor person die
Bury the rich person and me
I want to see who separates
The dust of the rich person from mine
If down there there is equality
Up here there should be
Whoever wants to be more than me
One day will suffer
Now I will enjoy
Now I will proceed
I want to see who will leave
I want to see who will stay
Who doesn't want to hear me
Isn't forced to listen
Mister, be careful
With your exploitation
If not I'll give you as a present
Your grave in the floor
I want to see who will say
I want to see who will lie
I want to see who will deny
What I said here
Now I will enjoy
Now I will end
I want to see who will leave
I want to see who will stay
Who doesn't want to hear me
Isn't forced to listen
Now I will end
Now I will discourse
Whoever knows everything and says it immediately
Ends up with nothing to say
I want to see who will return
I want to see who will run away
I want to see who will stay
I want to see who will betray
This is why I close the wheel
The wheel I made for you
The wheel I made for the people
Where what is said is said
Song of the People's Revolutionary Army
Born in the People's Revolution,
The young and famous Mongol Army,
Together with fellow Soviet soldiers,
Freed its people from oppression.
The strength of our invincible Army,
And the driving force of the Party,
Are thanks to our Soviet neighbors,
And the workers' unwavering support!
In Khalkhin Gol, Kalgan and Je-Khen,
With the courageous Soviet Army,
We crushed the foe with our joint troops,
Defending bravely our Motherland.
The strength of our invincible Army,
And the driving force of the Party,
Are thanks to our Soviet neighbors,
And the workers' unwavering support!
Raising our mighty power and courage,
Ensuring the brilliant success of labor,
And rendering our sacred duties for peace,
We protect these deeds with valor.
The strength of our invincible Army,
And the driving force of the Party,
Are thanks to our Soviet neighbors,
And the workers' unwavering support!
Without A Woman
It's not the way,
it's not the shortcut, baby.
How are you?
I'm here,
Healing my wounds,
And... Where are you?
From here,
Watching the beach,
I haven't eaten at all
I haven't even tried to... I can hear you: you're laughing at me!
And it doesn't scare me anymore,
I can be...
Without a woman!
The distance keeps us apart...
Without a woman,
The sun's light fades out!
Without a woman
Over whom I only suffered.
Without a woman,
Life's like this... I don't know why
You spend your time, baby.
You know why...
If you want to play,
Don't hold back: shoot straight to your heart,
if you do have one.
I'm your slave,
What are you asking me to do?
Take a good look at me:
I love you... I can hear you: you're laughing at me!
And it doesn't scare me anymore,
I can be...
Without a woman!
The distance keeps us apart...
Without a woman,
The sun's light fades out!
Without a woman
Over whom I only suffered... Oooh...
And from here,
Watching the beach,
Not knowing
How can I look at you... I can hear you: you're laughing at me!
And it doesn't scare me anymore,
I can be...
Without a woman!
The distance keeps us apart...
Without a woman,
The sun's light fades out!
Without a woman
Over whom I only suffered... Come here!
Without a woman!
Today I feel that you're closer.
Without a woman,
The countdown has begun...
Without a woman
Over whom I only suffered... And isn't with me anymore...
Învârtire în cerc în jurul lumii
Dacă toate fetele
Fetele din lume
Și-ar împreuna mâinile
Și-ar împreuna mâinile
Atunci ar fi o învârtire în cerc
În jurul lumii
În jurul lumii
Și dacă toți băieții
Băieții din lume
Ar vrea o dată să devină marinari
Atunci s-ar face un mare pod
Cu multe bărci în jurul mării
Și dacă toți oamenii
Și-ar da o mână
Dacă lumea în sfârșit
Și-ar da o mână
Atunci s-ar face o învârtire în cerc
În jurul lumii
În jurul lumii
Love me just like I am
I am like this ...
It's my way of being ...
¿ What can I tell, Honey ?
I'm good, I am bad ... at times ...
And I can't to be better.
I have my cross,
my lunacies,
my dark evenings,
my way of speaking ...
I'm serious, I am sweet ... at times ...
And naught will get me to change.
Love me just like I am,
with my nights and my days ...
With my way of loving,
with my pains and merries ...
Love me just like I am,
and if not, keep going ...
Never you will find, Honey,
best friend, best lovelace ...
Stay, Honey, but before ...
Love me just like I am ...
Think it wisely,
is the cruel reality.
Don't delude you,
there's nothing to do.
I'm tender, I am rude ... at times ...
And this is how I will be ...
Love me just like I am,
and if not, keep going ...
Never you will find, Honey,
best friend, best lovelace ...
Stay, Honey, but before ...
Love me just like I am ...
Love me just like I am,
with my nights and my days ...
With my way of loving,
with my pains and merries ...
Love me just like I am,
and if not, keep going ...
Never you will find, Honey,
best friend, best lovelace ...
Stay, Honey, but before ...
Love me just like I am ...
Love me just like I am,
with my nights and my days ...
With my way of loving,
with my pains and merries ...
Love me just like I am,
and if not, keep going ...
Never you will find, Honey,
best friend, best lovelace ...
Stay, Honey, but before ...
Love me just like I am ...
Love me just like I am,
with my nights and my days ...
[ With my way of loving,
with my pains and merries ... ]
Să ne iubim
În saloanele cele mai importante
Printre otrăvuri și aperitive
Printre arginții nerușinați
Și gulerele scrobite
Deja se vorbește în plină zi
Plec, văd, câștig și mă întorc
Printre pahare de cristal
Sau îmbrățișați într-un dans
O glumă la Carnaval
Un război sănătos
În oglinzi venețiene
Deja se arată indienii
Un miliard de chinezi
Îi găsești în ceai
Ajunge un nimic și am închis
O mișcare și șah la rege
Și noi să ne iubim
Cu inima și cu mintea
Cu unghiile și cu dinții
Să ne iubim
Cu pene și cu puf
Cu aripi de pește și cu solzi
Să ne iubim
Cu ghearele și membranele
Cu sânge rece ca broaștele
Să ne iubim
Cum a fost prima dată
Daca într-adevăr aceasta este ultima Posibilitate
În palatele de carton
De la stadion la gară
In vagoane de clasa a doua
În îmbulzeala furibundă
Discursul nu este nou
Vom exploda precum un ou
Pe trecerea de pietoni
Printre rândurile ziarelor
O glumă la Carnaval
Un război mortal
O înșelăciune primită
În punga de cumpărături
Printre otrăvuri și digestive
Și prezicerile din cafea
Deja se sting luminile
Noapte bună la valeți și rege
Și noi să ne iubim...
Ultimul romantic
Ultimul, sunt eu ultimul romantic,
Sunt eu cel ce-ți poate dărui o floare
Și să înțeleg din asta,
din expresia feței,
Din tremurul mâinii, dacă mă iubești.
Ultimul, ultimul romantic dintr-o lume
Care se poate emoționa
privind doi porumbei
Sărutându-se într-un parc
nepăsători de cei prezenți
Care pot să-i calce în picioare din graba de a ajunge acolo.
De ce, dacă un trandafir e un trandafir
De când e lumea, eu trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, dacă marea și cerul,
Soarele și vântul nu se schimbă niciodată?
De ce, dacă iubirea e iubire
De cand e lumea, eu trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, sunt deja multe lucruri
Care stau să se schimbe, dragostea nu poate?
Ultimul, ultimul romantic dintr-o lume
Care se poate emoționa privind doi tineri
Sărutându-se într-un parc
nepăsători de cei prezenți
Cum facem acum, cum facem noi doi.
De ce, dacă un trandafir e un trandafir
De când e lumea, eu trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, dacă marea și cerul,
Soarele și vântul nu se schimbă niciodată?
De ce, dacă iubirea e iubire
De când e lumea, eu trebuie să mă schimb?
De ce, sunt deja multe lucruri
Care stau să se schimbe, dragostea nu poate?
La la la la la la ...
Douazeci de ani ai tai
Douăzeci de ani ai tăi
Sunt precum stelele
Strălucesc în ochii tăi
Când mă privești
Douăzeci de ani ai tăi
Sunt precum florile
Înfloresc pe buzele tale
Când îmi vorbești
Strângi puternic degetele peste ai tăi douăzeci de ani
Mâine se va termina
Chiar și carnavalul tău
Douăzeci de ani ai tăi
Sunt chinurile mele
Când râzi și nu vrei
Să-mi dăruiești un sărut
Douăzeci de ani ai tăi
Douăzeci de ani ai tăi
De ce nu vrei
Să mi-i dăruiești mie?
Douăzeci de ani ai tăi
Dar ce papagal frumos
Tot verde ochiul galben
Ce faci ce vrei
Vorbește vorbește vorbește vorbește
Vorbesc vorbesc vorbesc vorbesc
Dar ce papagal frumos
Tot verde ochiul galben
Dar ce papagal frumos
Vorbesc vorbesc vorbesc da
Tot verde ochiul galben
Dar ce papagal frumos
Dar ce papagal trist
Tot verde ochiul galben
Dacă ești trist ce faci
Cântă cântă ca
un cocoș
Cânt cânt cânt cânt
Sunt un papagal trist
Mereu singur ca un cocoș
Sunt un papagal trist
Cânt cânt cânt da
Mereu singur ca un cocoș
Sunt un papagal trist
Sărăcuț papagal
Tu ești bătrân și ești copil
Cine știe câți ani ai
Un copil de o sută de ani
Plâng și râd plâng și râd
Sărăcuț papagal
Am o sută de ani și sunt copil
Sărăcuț papagal,
Am o sută de ani și sunt copil
Am o sută de ani și sunt copil
Sărăcuț papagal
Papagal brazilian
Brazile este de-acum departe
Tu care te-ai născut liber
Ai uitat
Tu care te-ai născut liber
Ai uitat
Vorbești tare și gândești încet
Papagal brazilian
Ai uitat
Vorbești tare și gândești încet Papagal brazilian