Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Atomic Kitten - It's OK versuri traducere

E În Regulă

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Ei bine, îmi amintesc toate nopțile în care stăteam acasă
La telefon, toată noaptea
Obișnuiam să vorbim despre lucrurile pe care chiar vrei să le faci
Am crezut în tine
Ei bine, îmi amintesc cum obișnuiai să spui
'Nu te teme, vei fi bine'
Că mi-ai spus că tot ce-ți dorești e posibil
Am putea avea totul

Am crezut în tine
Trebuie să fi fost o fraieră
Toate visele mele au fost cu tine

Eu spun că e în regulă dar nu-ți promit
E în regulă, nu mă lași baltă
Toată noaptea, nu mai mult, tu nu ești aici
Dar e în regulă dar nu-ți promit
E în regulă, nu mă lași baltă
Toată noaptea, nu mai mult, tu nu ești aici
Dar e în regulă

Ei bine, am ajuns acolo unde ai vrut
Așa cum am știut că vei face
Bani, mașină, casă, totul e bine
E motivul pentru care nu mai vii pe aici, nu mai vii
Așa cum făceai înainte
Ai totul, așa se pare
Pare că îți trăiești visul
Și mi-ai spus că nu te întorci niciodată
Când nu ești prin preajmă

Am crezut în tine
Trebuie să fi fost o fraieră
Toate visele mele au fost cu tine


Este în regulă și este bine și...
Este în regulă și este bine și...
Este în regulă și este bine și...
Tu nu ești aici cu mine


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Atomic Kitten

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Mai multe traduceri de versuri


Cucurrucucú, dove

They say that in the night
When the moon appears on the hill
The shadow of a dove
Returns to the sky
It returns to fly
They swear that a sweet song
Passes in the wind
Like a lament
They swear that, in the enchantment
It seems you can hear
The echo of a cry

Cucurrucucú, dove
Cucurrucucú, it sang
Ay, ay, ay, ay, dove
Ay, ay, ay, ay, it cried
Cucurrucucú), dove
Ay, ay, ay, dove


A Gentle Breeze I Once Saw

Crimson bus path
Someone's rolling up their sleeves
Pretending to sulk, I
Count the small lamps

At that walking pace
You plan on leaving me behind someday
No longer even touching me
A gentle breeze I once saw
Enveloped the two of us
I thought we'd always remain together
I don't want to mistake
Becoming a grown up with
Showing a bored expression

After rugby jerseys are taken off
A somehow lonely school ground
The words we exchanged fade away
The faucet is running low

A growing shadow that I'm nestling against
Those wide shoulders
Now appear resistant

A gentle breeze I once saw
If it were to blow once more
We can regain that feeling...I believe it
You looking down like that
Makes me weak, you know
Before knowing it, I was just waiting

A gentle breeze I once saw
Is an illusion enveloping us both
So I'll now softly close my eyes
What I want to have radiate
Are things that aren't memories
I'll bid goodbye to the weakling in me


And tell me that you love me

And tell me softly,
With a sigh,
That you love me so much,
And then kiss me.
If you say it in a whisper,
It’s so sweet,
I lose sleep and peace
If I don’t hear you say it.
Love is like this:
Those who love always want to hear
A little word, a “yes,”
A sincere promise.
So say it softly,
With a smile,
And I’ll rise to Paradise
For the happiness.

Love is like this:
Those who love always want to hear
A little word, a “yes,”
A sincere promise.
So say it softly,
With a smile,
And I’ll rise to Paradise
For the happiness,
For the happiness!



Red, red
Red, red

[Verse 1]
No words are enough
When I try to describe you
They won't even reach half of it
How you excite me
Whenever you lie next to me
I can't calm down
What's going on in my mind
I can't suppress it

You're so hot, it's almost too much
And all my gauges are red, red
Red, red
Hey, what are you doing to me?
I'm on my knees in front of you
My body is red, red next to you
Red, red

[Verse 2]
Here, no scale is enough
A big number is not enough
To tell you how beautiful you are there on my bed

I'm falling apart because of how much I want
I want (you) so much that I lose my mind
I'm in danger, I'm in danger
You too

You're so hot, it's almost too much
And all my gauges are red, red
Red, red
Hey, what are you doing to me?
I'm on my knees in front of you
My body is red, red next to you
Red, red

I'm falling apart because of how much I want
I want (you) so much that I lose my mind
I'm in danger, I'm in danger
You too

You're so hot, it's almost too much
And all my gauges are red, red
Red, red
Hey, what are you doing to me?
I'm on my knees in front of you
My body is red, red next to you
Red, red