Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

BTS (Bangtan Boys) - MIC Drop versuri traducere

Se scapă microfonul

Da? Cine spune că lingura mea este murdară?
Nu-mi pasă, când pun mâna pe microfon am mai multe linguri de aur.
Câteva fripturi crude de acolo o să mă enerveze.
Dacă o dată vă voi devasta pe toți, într-o noapte înstelată
*World Bussiness*
Numărul 1 pe lista de recrutare și locurile sunt epuizate.
Clasa asta nu e o clasă obișnuită, bucură-te de ea.
Parfumurile care miros nasol nu sunt acceptate
Microfon (×2) *Bungee*
Microfon(×2) *Bungee*
Lumini puternice cu mine în față.
Ai crezut că o să eșuez, dar sunt perfect, scuze.
Scuze *Billboard*
Scuze întregii lumi.
Scuze mamă, dar fiul tău a devenit cel mai popular dintre populari.
Sunt un fiu bun, nu ca tine!
Nu mai sunt bilete la concertele mele!
O fac, o fac, tu ești doar un *ratatouille* fără gust
Dacă ți ciudă, dă-mă-n judecată
Dă-mă-n judecată
Mi-ai văzut geanta?
Mi-ai văzut geanta?
Geanta-mi plină de trofee
Ce crezi despre asta?
Ce crezi despre asta?
Haterii deja au renunțat!
Succesul meu e mare
Sunt la fel de înflăcărat ca cel ce a fost ars cu torța.
Te grăbești să fugi
Cum îndrăznești
Atâtea trofee în mâinile mele...
Nu le mai pot ține!
[Rap Monster]
S-a scăpat microfonul(×2)
Ai grijă unde calci
Ai grijă ce spui
Lodi-dodi-lii, nu mai am timp!
Sunt prea ocupat! Corpul îmi e extenuat]
[Rap Monster]
Se scapă microfonul(×2)
Ai grijă unde calci
Ai grijă ce spui
[Rap Monster]
Asta e zicala adevărată
Draptatea v-a câștiga cândva!
Au fost cândva
Fabulele lui Esop, zboară!
Uită-te la realitatea ta!, păcat...
Chiar daca ar trebuii să mor acum, sunt al dracului de fericit!
În ce țara mergem acum?
Câte ore vom zbura?
Da sunt pe munte!
Da sunt pe mare!
Exasperat pe scenă
S-a scăpat microfonul! BAM!!
Mi-ai văzut geanta? (×2)
Geanta-mi plină de trofee!
Ce crezi despre asta?(×2)
Hatearii deja au renunțat!
Succesul meu e deja foarte mare!
Sunt la fel de înflăcărat ca persoana ce a fost arsă de torță.
Te grăbești să fugi
Cum îndrăznești?
Atâtea trofee sunt în măinile mele
Prea multe! Nu le mai pot ține!
[Rap Monster]
Se scapă microfonul(×2)
Ai grijă unde calci
Ai grijă ce spui!
[Rap Monster]
Hate-ării vor urî
Jucătorii vor juca
Trăiește-ți viața omule!
Nu mai trebuie să ne întâlnim, ăsta e un adio
Nu mai e nimic de spus!
Nu ai de ce să ceri iertare!(×2)
Uită-te mai bine! La personalitatea ta patetică!
Ne ridicăm ca și Coca Cola în club!
Nu vei putea să-ți crezi ochilor!
Din cauză că suntem așa de șmecheri!

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: BTS (Bangtan Boys)

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Mai multe traduceri de versuri


Falling More in Love with You

Thank you for always being you
Who with much patience understands
My difficult moments
So many of which you are not to blame
And that I inadvertently cannot avoid

Thank you for always being like that
Sharing your days with me
Loving and romantic
Putting so much joy into things
Telling me, love, that my life is your life

Falling more in love with you
Every minute, every moment
Falling more in love
Those two kisses that you give me
After the loving
After the many times that I have slept in your arms
You look at me and tell me
I love only you
Falling in love together
And when you are not here
I really do not know what to do

Thank you for always being like that
A companion and lover that is
Loving and romantic
That always gives me another opportunity
For me to understand that I have to change

Falling more in love with you
Every minute, every moment
Falling even more in love
Today I promise to truly put my heart
Into everything that I do
Because you and I
Must understand each another,
Truly love each another

Falling more in love with you
Time goes by and I
Love you more each day


The day starts

The day starts for me and her at the same time early in the morning
I'm already there, at her house, and soon she's stepping out.

It's bright, she's hurries, walks to the tram, I join.

She doesn't see me at all. She reads a book, it's a romantic novel.

Accidentally I bump her toes with my foot.
I say 'please excuse me', then she whispers 'please' and nothing else.

And she doesn't look at me, she reads the novel.

This has been going on for weeks. How will I ever get lucky again?

The ride back has to be different, I take my chances, I invite her: 'Reality', so I start, 'will be better than your novel, my lady. Put the book away and become mine.'

Then the tram came, she read her book, it was the same novel. But as the tram rolled in everything I wanted to say, what I had planned got under the wheels. And she didn't look at me, she read the novel.



Empty space

I guess I didn't know at the time that I was lonely
That after a while it'll pierce my heart
When even the familiar air becomes murky
When even cruel love turns its back on you

An empty space in the corner of my heart
That can neither be filled nor replaced

Empty space
There's a hole
The pain that only grows
Please come back to me come back

Empty space
Emotions that can't be fulfilled
Alone anymore
Please come back to me
Come back to me

I don't even have any regrets anymore
When even the promised love turns its back on you

An empty space in the corner of my heart
That can neither be filled nor replaced

Empty space
There's a hole
The pain that only grows
Please come back to me come back

Empty space
Feelings that can't be fulfilled
Alone anymore
Please come back to me come back


Come and play with me

Come and play with me
The game of love
How it'll be with us one day
Come and play with me
The old game of love
Of tenderness
And the game of fortune
And of sorrow
What will you love me for
What will you hate me for?
And when will you
Let me walk away from you?
Are we loyal to eachother, again and again?

I often think about
What will be
When it's not spring anymore
Will love last or not?
When we know
How one feels
When one doesn't play
This game anymore
When one lives it
Will it all be over
Will it just start?
What will we cry about
What will we cry about?
Life will be,
What we make it.

I often think about
What will be
When it's not spring anymore
Will love last or not?
When we know
How one feels
When one doesn't play
This game anymore
When one lives it
Will it all be over
Will it just start?
What will we cry about
What will we cry about?
Life will be,
What we make it.