B.U.G. Mafia - Românește [Viața noastră] versuri traducere în engleză
Translation In plain Romanian
[Verse 1: Tata Vlad]
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut the hell up!
If you say another word, I think my head’s gonna explode
You’re a senator, giving people hope on TV
When all you really want is to steal in the future
I accuse you of abuse, you’re stealing my future
And that of a few million other Romanians, and I
Say shove it up your ass! I won’t accept, I won’t stand
Some guy who’s just here for the cherry to put on his cake
What more stories are you gonna spin? You’re killing us slowly
Every four years, you hand out pills
Like a dealer peddling hits, only in a suit, white shirt
And tie, you’re nothing but a stain
On this map made for all of us
With dreams of better days from people long gone
In plain Romanian, if I had to compare
I’d say every inmate in prison should be set free
[Chorus: Uzzi & Tata Vlad]
You, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison
‘Cause you, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison
[Verse 2: Caddillac & Tata Vlad]
It’s getting worse and worse, but you’re still talking it up
Promising every time that brighter days are coming
People are sick of all the shit
That you’ve fed them with every mandate
Meaning you’re the one burying us alive
The one robbing us of our last chance to survive
You’re just a wannabe living the good life, motherfucker
And as for the rest of us, fuck you, you don’t give a fuck
Kids are born with no future ahead
So, Mr. Minister, Deputy, or Senator
Just as you always show up with your mask
I’ll wish death on you just as many times
Your greed is enormous in a country where
People have to steal to put food on their plates
In plain Romanian, if I had to compare
I’d say every inmate in prison should be set free
[Chorus: Uzzi & Tata Vlad]
You, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison
‘Cause you, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison
[Verse 3: Uzzi]
Didn’t you steal a villa from me? A car?
A trace of hope that I could ever see the light again?
Stop telling me what’s right and what’s not
Don’t talk about justice, you don’t know what it means, man
It’s not some scam, it’s not some joke
You’re stealing from yourself, you get why?
Because a kid who steals from a store gets four years
But a corrupt minister? What’s he do? Sleeps on cash
Fuck him, I’ll take it all and live like him
And he should live like me, broke, in the ‘hood
At the same level as everyone in the streets
Worrying about what shit he can put on the table
‘Cause if I’m a criminal, then what are you? A legit one?
Oh, right! You’re just a “legal” criminal
In plain Romanian, if I had to compare
I’d say every inmate in prison should be set free
[Chorus: Uzzi & Tata Vlad]
You, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison
‘Cause you, you’re the one telling me that you
Want to help me live when you
Want to gift me death instead
Not me, you’re the one who should be in prison
Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist:
B.U.G. MafiaToate versurile în limba engleză de pe acest site pot fi utilizate numai în scopuri personale și educaționale.
Toate versurile sunt proprietatea și drepturile de autor ale proprietarilor sau proprietarilor respectivi.
Mai multe traduceri de versuri
number one girl
Tell me that I'm special, tell me I look pretty
Tell me I'm a little angel, sweetheart of your city
Say what I'm dying to hear
'Cause I'm dying to hear you
Tell me I'm that new thing, tell me that I'm relevant
Tell me that I got a big heart, then back it up with evidence
I need it and I don't know why
This late at night
Isn't it lonely?
I'd do anything to make you want me
I'd give it all up if you told me that I'd be
The number one girl in your eyes
Your one and only
So what's it gon' take for you to want me?
I'd give it all up if you told me that I'd be
The number one girl in your eyes
Tell me I'm going real big places, down to earth, so friendly
And even through all the phases, tell me you accept me
Well, that's all I'm dying to hear
Yeah, I'm dying to hear you
Tell me that you need me, tell me that I'm loved
Tell me that I'm worth it, and that I'm enough
I need it and I don't know why
This late at night
Isn't it lonely?
I'd do anything to make you want me
I'd give it all up if you told me that I'd be
The number one girl in your eyes
Your one and only
So what's it gon' take for you to want me?
I'd give it all up if you told me that I'd be
The number one girl in your eyes
The girl in your eyes
The girl in your eyes
Tell me I'm the number one girl, I'm
The number one girl in your eyes
The girl in your eyes
The girl in your eyes
Tell me I'm the number one girl, I'm
The number one girl in your eyes
Well, isn't it lonely?
I'd do anything to make you want me
I'd give it all up if you told me that I'd be
The number one girl in your eyes
Your one and only
So what's it gon' take for you to want me?
I'd give it all up if you told me that I'd be
The number one girl in your eyes
The number one girl in your eyes
What Yould You Do
You're the living death of me
The darkest corner of a dream
I'm in peace with both my eyes closed
And I'm in pieces when the lights go down
Your shadow standing next to me
The ghost of what you used to be
You strip me down to skin and bones
Then took my heart and made it stone
I eat, live, sleep, think, breathe you
At least, I used to
What would you do
If you were me and I was you
If I just, if I just put your heart in your stomach
Then tore you apart like it’s nothing
What would you say
If I treatеd you this way
If I just, if I just
Ruined your life in a second
Hurt mе like you, you, you, you, you did
What would you do
So, tired of all these politics
So pretty when you talk your shit
We pushed too hard, the circuit broke
'Cause you love me, then you hate me so
I eat, live, sleep, think, breathe you
Then you broke my heart in two
After all you've put me through
We've still got no clue
What would you do
If you were me and I was you
If I just, if I just put your heart in your stomach
Then tore you apart like it’s nothing
What would you say
If I treatеd you this way
If I just, if I just
Ruined your life in a second
Hurt mе like you, you, you, you, you did
What would you do
Oh, what would you do
Oh, what would you do
Oh, what would you do
Oh, what would you do
Oh, what would you do
Oh. what would you do
Oh, what would you do
Oh, what would you do
Ca el
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Bă, coaie, de fiecare dată când mă uit la tine, jur pe Dumnezeu
Coaie, ai picioare din-alea de bărbat
Ai corp din-ăla de bărbat
Ai brațe lungi din-alea de bărbat, degete și toate astea
Picioare plate, pula mare—
Ea a zis că fac expresii ca el
Picioarele până la umeri și bărbia ca el
Talie și postura ca el
Ca el
Ca el, ca el, ca el
Mamă, alerg după o fantomă
Nu știu cine e
Mamă, alerg după o fantomă
Nu știu unde e
Mamă, alerg după o fantomă
Arăt ca el? (Ca ce?)
Ca el (Ca ce?)
Ca el (Ca ce?)
Ca el (La-la-la-la)
Dă-mi dragoste și afecțiune
Protecție, protecție (Hai)
Cum aș putea rata o șansă (Hai)
Pe care nu am avut-o niciodată?
N-aș putea să te judec niciodată
Că totul a mers și fără el (Ca ce?)
Ca el (Ca ce?)
Ca el
Mamă, alerg după o fantomă
Nu știu cine e
Mamă, alerg după o fantomă
Nu știu unde e
Mamă, alerg după o fantomă
Arăt (Hă?)
Ca el
Ca el
Am decis să scot iubirea aia din tine
N-aș putea să te mint vreodată, yeah
N-ai nevoie să-mi ascunzi nimic
Sunt tot ce vreau să fiu
Deci, arăt ca el?
Arăt ca el? (Ca el, ca el, ca el, ca el)
Arăt ca el (Ca el)
A fost vina mea, nu a ta, nu a lui, a fost vina mea
Îmi pare rău
Știi, a fost vina mea
Nu a lui că el a vrut mereu să fie acolo pentru el
Și îmi pare rău, eram tânără, dar el a vrut mereu să fie un tată pentru el
Deci am făcut-o de căcat și îmi asum asta, deciziile și alegerile mele, și îmi pare rău pentru asta
E un tip bun
Așa că nu-l învinui pentru asta, pentru că a fost vina mea
Ca să știi, iartă-mă
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Vezi, um, sentimente grele față de tine, da, da, nu este un secret
Ești prea cool pentru mine și nu încerc să împietresc
Ca familia Johnson, spun doar lucruri fără sens
Și dă-ți seama că sunt mai mulți pești în mare, o voi spune din nou
Gen, fato, știu că arta mea bubuiește, este ca o eczemă
Așa că nu mă voi plimba cu capul în jos de parcă aș fi bătut
Um, tu faci ce faci tu, eu voi face ce fac eu, voi arunca doar pacea în sus
Nu încerc să țin pasul, pentru că
Nu te mai iubesc (Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah)
Pentru că nu te mai iubesc (Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah)
Pentru că nu te mai iubesc (Mi-ai pierdut timpul şi ştiu că lucrurile astea nu sunt grele)
Pentru că nu te mai iubesc (Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah)
Dar asta ar putea fi mai bine pentru noi, știi?
(Pentru că nu iubesc așa cum obișnuiam să o fac)
Unde a trecut timpul? Am nevoie de locaţie
(Pentru că nu vrei să vorbești despre asta, iubito)
Asta e tot ce știu eu, eu, eu, eu
Unde s-a dus timpul?
Dar acum, trec peste, dar cum?
Uh, ceva mi-a pus sentimentele în cele pierdute și găsite
Acum sunt blocat pentru totdeauna, și întotdeauna, și vreodată
Și mereu, și mereu, și mereu
Și mereu, și vreodată
Pentru totdeauna, și pentru totdeauna, și pentru totdeauna
Nu te mai iubesc
Spune-mi, unde să mă duc?
Pot să-mi recapăt inima? (Inima înapoi)
Nu te mai iubesc (Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah)
Pentru că nu te mai iubesc (Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah)
Pentru că nu te mai iubesc (Mi-ai pierdut timpul şi ştiu că lucrurile astea nu sunt grele)
Pentru că nu te mai iubesc (Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah)
Dar asta ar putea fi mai bine pentru noi, știi?