Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Charles Baudelaire - Une charogne versuri traducere în engleză


The Carcase

The object that we saw, let us recall,
This summer morn when warmth and beauty mingle —
At the path's turn, a carcase lay asprawl
Upon a bed of shingle.

Legs raised, like some old whore far-gone in passion,
The burning, deadly, poison-sweating mass
Opened its paunch in careless, cynic fashion,
Ballooned with evil gas.

On this putrescence the sun blazed in gold,
Cooking it to a turn with eager care —
So to repay to Nature, hundredfold,
What she had mingled there.

The sky, as on the opening of a flower,
On this superb obscenity smiled bright.
The stench drove at us, with such fearsome power
You thought you'd swoon outright.

Flies trumpeted upon the rotten belly
Whence larvae poured in legions far and wide,
And flowed, like molten and liquescent jelly,
Down living rags of hide.

The mass ran down, or, like a wave elated
Rolled itself on, and crackled as if frying:
You'd think that corpse, by vague breath animated,
Drew life from multiplying.

Through that strange world a rustling rumour ran
Like rushing water or a gust of air,
Or grain that winnowers, with rhythmic fan,
Sweep simmering here and there.

It seemed a dream after the forms grew fainter,
Or like a sketch that slowly seems to dawn
On a forgotten canvas, which the painter
From memory has drawn.

Behind the rocks a restless cur that slunk
Eyed us with fretful greed to recommence
His feast, amidst the bonework, on the chunk
That he had torn from thence.

Yet you'll resemble this infection too
One day, and stink and sprawl in such a fashion,
Star of my eyes, sun of my nature, you,
My angel and my passion!

Yes, you must come to this, O queen of graces,
At length, when the last sacraments are over,
And you go down to moulder in dark places
Beneath the grass and clover.

Then tell the vermin as it takes its pleasance
And feasts with kisses on that face of yours,
I've kept intact in form and godlike essence
Our decomposed amours!


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Charles Baudelaire

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Mai multe traduceri de versuri


Os Reinos e os Imperios poderosos,

Os Reinos e os Imperios poderosos,
Que em grandeza no mundo mais crescêrão
Ou por valor de esfôrço florecêrão,
Ou por Barões nas letras espantosos.

Teve Grecia Themistocles famosos
Os Scipiões a Roma engrandecêrão
Doze Pares a França gloria derão
Cides a Hespanha, e Laras bellicosos.

Ao nosso Portugal, que agora vemos
Tão differente de seu ser primeiro,
Os vossos derão honra e liberdade.

E em vós, grão successor e novo herdeiro
Do Braganção Estado, ha mil extremos
Iguaes ao sangue, e móres que a idade.


Click to see the original lyrics (German)

Inimile noastre sunt cusute
Te doare când îmi curge sânge
Trebuie să ne cunoaștem
Același trup, cu doua nume
Nimic n-o să ne separe
Două corpuri în spermă

Când bocești, mă doare în cur
Frica ta mi-e hrană - mâna-ţi tremurând

(Condu-mă, ţine-mă!
Te simt, nu te voi lăsa)

Inimile noastre sunt cusute
Două suflete în aceeași piele
Dar când vorbesc, tu ai tăcut
Ai fi mort, dacă aș fi vrut

Când bocești, simt și eu
Fiorii cei reci, ale mele lacrimi

Condu-mă, ţine mă
Te simt
Nu mă părăsi -
Nu te voi părăsi

Două poze într-o ramă
Un corp cu două nume
Două flăcări la lumânare
O inimă cu două suflete


I had this perfect dream
Un sueno me envolvio
This dream was me and you
Tal vez esta aqui
I want all the world to see
Un instinto me guiaba
A miracle sensation
My guide and inspiration
Now my dream is slowly coming true
The wind is a gentle breeze
EI me hablo de ti
The bells are ringing out
EI canto vuela
They're calling us together
Guiding us forever
Wish my dream would never go away

It was the first time that we met
How can I forget
The moment that you stepped into the room
You took my breath away

La musica vibro
Yella nos unio
And if God is willing
We will meet again

Let the songs begin
Dejalo nacer
Let the music play
Ahhhhhhh ...
Make the voices sing
Nace un gran amor
Start the celebration
Ven a mi
And cry
Come alive
And shake the foundations from the skies
Shaking all our lives

Such a beautiful horizon
Like a jewel in the sun
Por ti sere gaviota de tu bella mar
Suenan las campanas
Abre tus puertas al mundo
If God is willing
If God is willing
If God is willing
Friends until the end



Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Nu cumva tu, rateu,
mă alimentezi
cu dorinţa
de a merge mai departe?

Nu ştii, iubito, că iubirea-i un joc
loveşti sau ratezi, aşa că ia-ţi ţinta
trebuie să te ţii bine, să tragi în mine.

Nu cumva tu, rateu,
mă alimentezi
cu dorinţa
de a merge mai departe?

Nu cumva tu, rateu,
mă alimentezi
cu dorinţa
de a merge mai departe?

Arma ta e-ncărcată şi-arată spre mine
e doar un glonte, aşa că nu-ntârzia
trebuie să cronometrezi bine, să ţinteşti în noapte
Haide şi trage,
trage-n sus spre mine
nu rata de data asta,
nu da rateu!
