Eminem - Remember Me (Echale Mojo Remix) versuri traducere
Aminteste-ti de mine !
Daca ai avea
O sansa
Sau o oportunitate
Sa obtii tot ce vreodata ti-ai dorit
Intr-O clipa!
Tu ai folosi-o
Sau ai lasa-o sa se piarda?
Palmele transpirate, genunchii slabiti, bratele-i sunt obosite
Voma pe-al sau tricou, spaghetele mamei
El e nervos, dar la suprafata el pare calm si pregatit
Sa detoneze 'rimnele', dar el tot continua sa uite
Ce-a scris, intreg publicul galagios devine
El gura o deschide,dar cuvintele sunt de negasit
El se sufoca, toata lumea glumeste acum
Ceasul se scurge, timpul a expirat, terminat, bloah!
Brusc se intoarce inapoi la realitate,oh, iata gravitatea
Oh! Iata-l infuriat, s-a sufocat
Atat de suparat e, insa nu va renunta asa usor, nu
Nu va permite asta, el stie, ca e incoltit
Nu conteaza, el e tare, o stie, insa e lefter
El e atat de impotmolit ca stie, cand se intoarce in mobila sa casa,
atunci cand e...
Inapoi la studio din nou, toata aceasta rapsodie,
Bine-ar face sa 'captureze' acest moment si sa spere ca
acesta de el sa nu treaca!
Ai face bine sa...
[Amy Lee]
Tu de mine nu-ti amintesti, dar eu-mi amintesc de tine, da..
Stau treaza si incerc din rasputeri sa nu ma gandesc la tine...
Sufletul evadeaza, prin aceasta 'gaura' care se largeste
Lumea asteapta cucerita sa fie
Fa-ma rege, in timp ce ne indreptam spre o noua
ierarhie mondiala
O viata normala e plictisitoare, insa celebritatea e similara cu
un test
Devine tot mai dificila, tot mai fierbinte
Ne tot 'imprastie' peste tot, tarfele astea toate ii sunt
'in spate'
De la o tara la alta, vazut ca un mare calator
Drumurile singuratice..,numai D-zeu stie
El departe de casa a 'crescut', el nu-si spune 'tata'
El acasa se duce si de-abia isi recunoaste propria fiica
Dar 'tine-te bine' fiindca iata 'apele se racesc'
Tarfele lui nu-l mai vor,este un 'produs rece'
Ei trecand la urmatorul fraier ce rime face
'El se prabuseste si nimic nu 'vinde'
Asa ca zvonurile sunt imprastiate si auzite
Cred ca-i este o cunostinta veche, dar beat-ul mai
departe merge!
Da da dum da dum da da!!
Ai face bine sa ...
[Amy Lee]
Tu de mine nu-ti amintesti, dar eu-mi amintesc de tine, da..
Stau treaza si incerc din rasputeri sa nu ma gandesc la tine...
Fara eschivari, voi schimba ceea ce numesti tu furie
Voi 'rupe' nenorocita asta de incapere, precum doi caini
in cusca
Eu ma jucam la inceput, dar situatia, totul s-a schimbat:
'Am fost rumegat, huiduit si scuipat de pe scena'
Dar am continuat rimele si sa scriu urmatoarele versuri
Mai bine, platind costul pentru a mea reusita
Toata durerea, amplificata de faptul
Ca eu nu pot avea un program strict
Prea mult pentru mine e,... sa vreau
Sa tau intr-un singur loc,... o alta zi de monotonie
M-a adus la o stare , eu sunt precum un 'melc'
A trebuit sa elaborez un plan, ori sa sfarsesc in inchisoare
sau impuscat!
Sa reusesc este singura mea optiune, sa esuez nu ...
Mama, eu te iubesc,dar rulota asta eu trebuie in urma sa o las
Eu nu pot viata s-o petrec in Salem Lot
Asa ca eu plec, este sansa mea.
Picioarele sa nu ma lase, pentru ca poate este singura
oportunitate pe care o am!
[Amy Lee]
Tu de mine nu-ti amintesti, dar eu-mi amintesc de tine, da..
Stau treaza si incerc din rasputeri sa nu ma gandesc la tine...
Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist:
EminemToate versurile în limba engleză de pe acest site pot fi utilizate numai în scopuri personale și educaționale.
Toate versurile sunt proprietatea și drepturile de autor ale proprietarilor sau proprietarilor respectivi.
Mai multe traduceri de versuri
Hey, March Forward!
Hey, working class, march forward!
Hey, working class, march forward!
Hey, working class, march forward!
Hey, working class, march forward!
Hey, working class, march forward!
Hey, working class, march forward!
Bye Bye
Through life, we went like everyone else,
But we went down a little harder,
Everything what was normal to them,
We received all that constantly.
Whatever we came up with, we did it,
Through our future we didn't peep,
For all those years that I bounced,
For everything, It was me who fell.
Bye bye, everybody, bye,
Im leaving for hell,
Maybe even to heaven,
Bye bye, everybody bye,
In each darkness, honey,
I see the shine.
All the things I went through these years,
I can say there were hundreds of them,
As much as my body strained,
All of that came crushing onto me.
Bye bye, everybody, bye,
Im leaving for hell,
Maybe even to heaven,
Bye bye, everybody bye,
In each darkness, honey,
I see the shine.
Bye bye, everybody, bye,
Im leaving for hell,
Maybe even to heaven,
Bye bye, everybody bye,
In each darkness, honey,
I see the shine.
It's nice being in heaven,
When your head is in a kite,
It's nice flying everywhere,
Being here, then somewhere else.
Then slowly, as a baloon,
Make a slalom on a card,
And then very quickly breathe out,
And tell everyone 'Its over'
Bye bye, everybody, bye,
Im leaving for hell,
Maybe even to heaven,
Bye bye, everybody bye,
In each darkness, honey,
I see the shine.
Bye, bye
Bye, bye
Bye bye, everybody, bye,
Im leaving for hell,
Maybe even to heaven,
Bye bye, everybody bye,
In each darkness, honey,
I see the shine.
Bye bye, everybody, bye,
Im leaving for hell,
Maybe even to heaven,
Bye bye, everybody bye,
In each darkness, honey,
I see the shine.
Bye, bye
Bye, bye
Bye, bye
Bye, bye
Bye, bye!
Until the Last
Me and you!
Me and you!
In the air of nothingness,
we'll love one another, we'll love one another.
If the darkness of a night,
of an endless night,
erased the colors of dawn,
there was no more fire from the sun,
the blue of the sky disappeared,
all lost in serene nothingness,
in the endless nothingness
but love will be, but love will be
until the last ray of moonlight,
until the last ray of light,
until the last moment of life
as long as the world lives,
love will be for me, for you,
it will be.
In the endless nothingness
but love will be. but love will be
until the last ray of moonlight,
until the last ray of light,
until the last moment of life
as long as the world lives,
love will be for me, for you,
it will be.
We'll love one another, we'll love one another,
me and you,
me and you,
me and you,
me and you...
Festivals, Carnivals
I'll be an Indian,
And you'll be my princess.
Maybe I'll come as a stranger,
Or a gambler who's fooling around.
I'll be a first lady,
It's known that you are Harlekino.
Maybe I wont come alone,
That's not known, I beg your pardon.
Where will I find my mask?
Festivals, carnivals.
Who can manage around here?
Festivals, festivals, carnivals.
Im circling around this night,
All playfully, jokingly,
I need to find another mask.
Festivals, festivals, carnivals.
I'd like to be a cowboy,
Searching for a girl from a saloon.
Maybe I'll come as a playboy,
Or a soap merchant.
Afterall I'm a fine girl,
You should know that already.
Maybe I'll be a ballerina,
With a cavalier escorting me.
Where will I find my mask?
Festivals, carnivals.
Who can manage around here?
Festivals, festivals, carnivals.
Im circling around this night,
All playfully, jokingly,
I need to find another mask.
Festivals, festivals, carnivals. x2