Gracie Abrams - Normal Thing versuri traducere
Lucru Normal
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
E un lucru normal să te îndrăgostești de staruri de cinema
Când luminile sunt slabe, și ochii roșii în toate barurile lor favorite
Și povestea pe care o vrei e povestea pe care o primești
Ești oare specială sau totul a fost un scenariu din capul lui?
Mmm, mmm-mmm
Îmi amintesc când nu de mult ți-am vazut chipul
Eram pe canapeaua mea, tu erai pe ecranul meu, unul dintre noi era drogat
Și intriga era rară, jur că te-am simțit pe aceiași undă cu mine
Poate ăsta a fost începutul aventuri noastre amoroase
Am avut răbdare și m-am zdruncinat
Chiar mi se părea că era drăguț câteodată
Știu că e mai mult decât acel centiment
Nu l-am simțit pentru marea parte din viața mea
Nu îți fă griji, știu că te voi revedea
Sau mă vei face să plâng când vine vorba de sfârșit
Tu ai fost minunat, ce show genial, dar nu îl recomand
A deveni apropiați, așa stau lucrurile, dar te voi vedea din nou
E un lucru normal pentru mine să fiu neimpresionată
Dar am prins ideea, văd totul, ești alt ceva
Nu puteai să pleci fără tam-tam? Nimeni nu a observat, eu am făcut-o
Dar eu am observat tot deci nu ești așa de diferit
Am repetat discursuri în privat
Am fost impresionată de fiecare replică de a mea
Cred că putem numi asta o performanță
Nu așa vreau să îmi petrec viața
Nu îți fă griji, știu că te voi revedea
Sau mă vei face să plâng când vine vorba de sfârșit
Ai fost tot ceea ce noi ne doream, dar nu pot recomanda
A deveni apropriați, trebuia să îmi dau seama, dar te voi vedea din nou
Ne-am simțit bine, dar bănuiesc că ne vom mai vedea
Ești un băiat bun, dar bănuiesc că ne vom mai vedea
(Ești un băiat bun, bănuiesc că ne vom mai vedea)
Și mi-ai schimbat viața, dar bănuiesc că ne vom mai vedea
Pentru că s-a încheiat acum, decibănuiesc că ne vom mai vedea
Știu acum, dar bănuiesc că ne vom mai vedea (bănuiesc)
Știu acum, dar bănuiesc că ne vom mai vedea
Știu acum, dar bănuiesc că ne vom mai vedea
Știu acum, dar bănuiesc că ne vom mai vedea
Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist:
Gracie AbramsToate versurile în limba engleză de pe acest site pot fi utilizate numai în scopuri personale și educaționale.
Toate versurile sunt proprietatea și drepturile de autor ale proprietarilor sau proprietarilor respectivi.
Mai multe traduceri de versuri
Definitely heading for chaos
When I dance with you
I change for a moment
When I dance with you
Then I'll dance forever
Sitting on the sidewalk in the city
Everything's spinning, but my tire is flat
I don't have a dime in my pocket
Looking back, it's all I've ever longed for
Forever young and connected
Numb and lost
Devoured, in love, and insane
I know what I want, and I want what I see
All these signals, they care for me
And I'm already afraid that I'll lose this someday
But that's not how I think right now
We're definitely heading for chaos
I pick the night and devour it too
You definitely want it as well
Dance with me until white smoke rises
When I dance with you
I change for a moment
(When I dance with you, I dance with you, I dance with you)
When I dance with you
Then I'll dance forever, hey
(When I dance with you, I dance with you, I dance with you)
When I dance with you, I dance with you, I dance with you
When I dance with you, I dance with you, I dance with you
And suddenly it's day
I've lost everything I had last night, everything I knew last night
And no matter how bad I feel, I'm definitely doing it all over again tonight (Right?)
Forever young and connected
Numb and lost
Devoured, in love, and insane
I know what I want, and I want what I see
All these signals, they care for me
And I'm already afraid that I'll lose this someday
But that's not how I think right now
We're definitely heading for chaos
I pick the night and devour it too
You definitely want it as well
Dance with me until white smoke rises
When I dance with you
I change for a moment
(When I dance with you, I dance with you, I dance with you)
When I dance with you
Then I'll dance forever, hey
(When I dance with you, I dance with you, I dance with you)
When I dance with you, I dance with you, I dance with you
When I dance with you, I dance with you, I dance with you
It's Good
It's good, it's good, it's good!
The little Jews yell it's good!
The wild enemy
Moves cruelly and fast
Whenever he appears,
Life becomes ruined.
And the little Jews yell it's good,
And the little Jews rejoice it's good,
It's nice, it's fine,
It cannot be better.
It's good, it's good, it's good!
The little Jews yell it's good!
The enemy goes ahead
With blood and disgrace,
And swallows day by day
Land after land.
And the little Jews yell it's good
And the little Jews rejoice it's good,
It's nice, it's fine,
The more he gulps down.
It's good, it's good, it's good!
The little Jews yell it's good!
The enemy gobbles up countries
And takes without end,
The stomach is full
No space for more.
And the little Jews yell it's good
And the little Jews rejoice it's good,
It's nice, it's fine,
His stomach isn't clean.
It's good, it's good, it's good!
The little Jews yell it's good!
The enemy has half of Europe
Already occupied,
And continues to take more,
His belly is almost bursting.
And the little Jews yell it's good,
And the little Jews rejoice it's good.
It's nice, it's fine,
No more can go in.
It's good, it's good, it's good!
The little Jews yell it's good!
From taking the enemy
Is already tired and sick,
He overate
And has no way out.
And the little Jews yell it's good
And the little Jews rejoice it's good
It's nice, it's fine,
His end will soon come.
Tick tack, tick tack, punds my heart
It knows what this means -
You are leaving already, Malkale,
Over the far seas.
Tick tack, tick tack, tolls my heart
It knows the meaning of the sound
Without you, Malkale,
It will be sad and somber.
You are already leaving, Malkale,
Over the far seas.
Tick tack, tick tack, pounds my heart,
Have a healthy journey.
Here and now with you
If it were up to me, we'd be alone
Without speaking, we say the most
You don't have to claim me
You break me
Take it easy
You need this
It's unnecessary for me
Just let it go
You keep wanting to know what it is
Want to know how it is
Want to know what's coming
But you know just as wel as I do
That this is what it is
Until it's over
If it were up to me, we'd be alone
Without speaking, we say the most
You shouldn't ask about what I don't know
Because when you're silent, that's when I want it the most
I can't see into the future
But I want to be here and now with ou
I let chance guide me
I want to be here and now
Yes, here and now with you
I can know
I have a past
Without you
And it went exactly like that
Back then, the boys promised everything
And it always went wrong
You keep wanting to know what it is
Want to know how it is
Want to know what's coming
But you know just as wel as I do
That this is what it is
Until it's over
If it were up to me, we'd be alone
Without speaking, we say the most
You shouldn't ask about what I don't know
Because when you're silent, that's when I want it the most
I can't see into the future
But I want to be here and now with ou
I let chance guide me
I want to be here and now
Yes, here and now with you
Yes, here and now with you
Yes, here and now with you