Griffinilla - Stay Calm versuri traducere
Stai liniștit
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
E o umbră pe perete, stai liniștit, stai liniștit
E ceva pe hol, stai liniștit, stai liniștit
Îmi păstrez mințile și rămân în viață
Ce-aș vrea să un program de la 9 la 5
E un străin în noi toți, stai liniștit, stai liniștit
Fiecare păr se duce, n-are nimic, n-are nimic
Simțindu-mi adrenalina, n-are nimic, n-are nimic
Îi pot alunga pe ciudați
În siguranță de pe scaunul meu rotativ
Ceva se târăște prin aerisire, n-are nimic, uh-oh
E o fantomă în mașinărie, stai liniștit, stai liniștit
Se uita prin ecrane, stai liniștit, stai liniștit
Poate mă înnebunesc
(Dă-n mine!)
Freddy: Hei, copii, mă bucur să vă cunosc! Sunteți pregătiți de niște pizza Fazbear?
Bonnie: Cine-i ăsta care lucrează noaptea?
Foxy: Nu știu și nu vreau să-l cunosc
Chica: E atât de drăguț! Îi simt cum îi bate inima!
Bonnie: Era și timpul să avem o jucărie nouă
Freddy: Auziți, aș zice să ne pregătim
Ei se apropie încet, stai liniștit, stai liniștit
Găsește-ți o putere din tine, stai liniștit, stai liniștit
Dacă am fi învățat o chestie e că:
Să nu răspunzi la anunțuri pe OLX
Le pot vedea al doilea corp, stai liniștit
Dă-n mine! (x4)
la sfârșit sunt doar eu, bine, bine
Soarele de dimineață mă elibereză, bine, bine
Am stat cinci nopți la Freddy
Chica: Hei, unde ni s-a dus prietenul nostru nou?
Freddy: Nu vă temeți, îl veți vedea din nou mâine
Bonnie: Deci, uh, nu se duce la baie sau se ține toată noaptea?
Foxy: Aye, face într-un recipient
Chica: Ew!
Foxy: L-am văzut cu propriul meu ochi. Pur și simplu ne uitam unul la altul. Era extrem de jenant
Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist:
GriffinillaToate versurile în limba engleză de pe acest site pot fi utilizate numai în scopuri personale și educaționale.
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Mai multe traduceri de versuri
I took your hand
And we ran away
Escaping from the path we were meant to follow
We got scolded
But I don’t regret it
It wasn’t just a late-night rush of emotions
It was like suddenly stopping putting sugar in my coffee
It felt right
Because you were nearby, looking happy
If you try and you don’t like it, you can stop, right?
If you try and get bored, you can quit, right?
I just thought I’d give it a go
And I did it
It’s just one day out of the year
Just one moment in life
I ran as fast as I could
Toward the place that smelled good
Hot feelings spilled out from a cold cup
I ignored the traffic lights
Even if I forget to turn the calendar page
It’s just a day I forgot to flip it
I’m not stuck
Tomorrow I’ll flip the second page
That’s all there is to it
If you try and you don’t like it, you can stop, right?
If you try and get bored, you can quit, right?
I just thought I’d give it a go
And I did it
It’s just one day out of the year
Just one moment in life
I took your hand
And we ran away
I Am a Pilot
It’s raining, my body’s getting wet
But I don’t mind at all
It’s raining, probably just here
I can’t really say
People are in the universe, and I’m an alien
My mind is an infinite dimension
When I close my eyes, I’m instantly outside the atmosphere
The streetlight I saw earlier, look, it’s now appeared as a galaxy
I’m the pilot, on a time airplane
Taking many versions of myself with me
I move through the darkness
It’s not a lie, a lie won’t do
If it’s a lie, I won’t become a cute old lady in the future
It’s raining, my body’s getting wet
But I don’t mind at all
It was raining, and now the roads have increased since back then
People are in the universe, and I’m an alien
My mind is an infinite dimension
When I close my eyes, it’s instantly years ago
I tightly fasten my seatbelt at my low waist
I’m the pilot, on a time airplane
Taking many versions of myself with me
I move through the darkness
It’s not a dream, a dream won’t do
If it’s a dream, I won’t become a cute old man in the future
Silence is a child's cry in the courtyard
The first cry of love
The cry of a train leaving
Silence is the storm before the sunshine
The last cry of love
The cry of a train returning
Silence is when the song
Fades in silence before the thrill
But silence is your life at the end of my life
That gives life back to the words of love we forget
Silence is a dying man praying
Silently as he sees his mother at the bedside
But silence is my deserted heart waiting for you
Pins and needles in my hands thinking that tomorrow you'll return
And silence is your voice at the end of my voice
Busting with joy to forever break the
Between us
One Person
I want to go somewhere
Listening to the radio
That song we used to listen to
Is playing again
If I drive by the seaside
I’ll want to talk about
That story we’ve told so many times
What should I do now?
So what’s next?
Despairing over people
Encouraged by people
Hated by people
Loved by people
Doubting people
Falling in love with people
Watching the paths people take
Alone, I watch
One person
I saw a ghost
In a white dress
Her calves submerged in the sea
When I looked again
She was gone
That night, I developed a fever
This is “that story”
So what’s next?
Despairing over people
Encouraged by people
Hated by people
Loved by people
Doubting people
Falling in love with people
Watching the paths people take
Alone, I watch
One person