Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze


Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: U

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Mai multe traduceri de versuri


The War to Come

The war to come
will not be the first one. Before it,
there were other wars.
When the previous one ended,
there were winners and losers.
Among the losers, the lesser people
were starving. Among the winners,
the lesser people were also starving.


In the meantime

Tell me, when will you come back to me?
Don't think that you're hurting me
And in the meantime, I'm not bored without you
When you're not around
I meet up with my friends at night
I take life as it comes
In the meantime, sweetie, every night
I'm chasing after love, and in the meantime
I'm chasing after day and night, waiting,
In the meantime, until you're here

The loneliness
I'm not made for that
Lack of habit
If you wait, I can't guarantee anything
One never knows what tomorrow's made of

Be careful, sweetie, every night
I'm chasing after love, and in the meantime
I'm chasing after day and night, waiting,
In the meantime, until you're here
To change everything
You'll come back, I know
To forgive me
For the life I've led

I live like a madman
I gotta confess it to you
I'm up to all sorts of mischief
I beg you, come back to save me
It's not me who's going to stop you
Sure, but in the meantime, sweetie, every night
I'm chasing after love, and in the meantime
I'm chasing after day and night, waiting,
In the meantime, until you're here...

I live like a madman
I gotta confess it to you
I'm up to all sorts of mischief
I beg you, come back to save me
It's not me who's going to stop you
Sure, but in the meantime, my angel, every night
I'm chasing after love, and in the meantime
I'm chasing after day and night, waiting,
In the meantime, until you're here

Until you're here
Come back to me
And hurry up...


It's Hard for People to Love Each Other

It's hard for people to love each other
It's hard to love, it's difficult, it's burdensome
Look at anyone who's in love
Oh, they suffer until they're gloomy and estranged
It's hard for people to love each other
They love so much, to the point of heartbreak and groaning
They stagger and fall, nearing death
Seeing things fall apart is so heartbreaking

It's truly hard for people to love each other
I've seen people intimately in love
Lavishing love until their hearts are empty
Deceitful love can still destroy their hearts
It's hard for people to love each other
It's hard to love, yet they still want to love
Why, oh why
Finding someone to love easily is impossible


To sleep, sleep

All I want is to sleep
To sink down and forget
All I want is to sleep
Nothing to hear or wonder about

Neither to see nor to be surprised
There is too much news under the sun

Kind of weight upon my eyes
Please, shade me
Just to sleep, to sleep now, just sleep
Under the sun

My eyelids are as iron
Please, give me some shade
Just to sleep, to sleep now, just sleep
Under the sun

All I want is to sleep
And not to wish to someone like her
All I want is to sleep
Neither touching nor knowing

Only what is worth should be filtered in
Not everything could pass through the darkness

Don't want neither matter, nor spirit
I have no patience
Just to sleep, to sleep now, just sleep
An eye toward the darkness

I have no power anymore
I have no patience
Just to sleep, to sleep now, just sleep
An eye toward the darkness
All I want is to sleep
Total sleep, that's all I want
All I want is to sleep
I have had enough, I'm done

Maybe I'll wake up with the coming spring
To find myself as a flower

Kind of weight upon my eyes
Please, shade me
Just to sleep, to sleep now, just sleep
Under the sun

My eyelids are as iron
Please, give me some shade
Just to sleep, to sleep now, just sleep
[na-na na-na-na]