Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

IVE - ELEVEN versuri traducere


Click to see the original lyrics (English, Korean)

Ochii mei plictisiți
Fața fără expresie
Strălucesc uitându-se la tine
Ochii plini de tine, ciudat

Ceva care înflorește în mine, trist
Aceste emoții pe care le simt chiar sunt adevărate
Numele necunoscut care mi-a gâdilat buzele
Nu știam că inima mea este atât de colorată

Mă face să visez un vis lung, această cameră este un mic paradis
Dansez din toată inima până amețesc
Oh, Doamne, oh, Doamne
Completează încă un spațiu
Privește acum: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Mă faci să mă simt ca 11

Ceva transparent, între mine și tine
Privesc spre ele
Spre valuri
Mă îndrăgostesc și mai mult

În acea zi, atmosfera parfumată violet
Un vis care mă face să mă simt bine de nenumărate ori
Nu știam dacă cineva ar putea îndrăzni să-mi facă inima să tresară
Nu știam că inima mea este atât de colorată

Mă face să visez un vis lung, această cameră este un mic paradis
Dansez din toată inima până amețesc
Oh, Doamne, oh, Doamne
Completează încă un spațiu
Privește acum: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Mă faci să mă simt ca 11

Tu, cel din fața mea
Reflecția mea în acei ochi
Aya, aya, aya
Tu, cel din fața mea
Reflecția mea în acei ochi
Doar uitându-mă la ei

Nu spune acum
Nu te grăbi
Îmi place acest moment
Nu știam că inima mea e atât de colorată

Mă face să visez un vis lung, această cameră este un mic paradis
Dansez din toată inima până amețesc
Oh, Doamne, oh, Doamne
Completează încă un spațiu
Privește acum: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Mă faci să mă simt ca 11

Tu, cel din fața mea
Reflecția mea în acei ochi
Aya, aya, aya
Tu, cel din fața mea
Reflecția mea în acei ochi
M-am îndrăgostit

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: IVE

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Mai multe traduceri de versuri


Interesting Woman

Do you know what trucks are for?
Do you know why there are stars and constellations?
That I don't know, I only know
that it's very interesting.

Do you know why planes fly?
Do you know why I have to write songs?
That I don't know, I only know
that it's very interesting.

Stars are there for you to see them shine
Trucks and Trains, to see them pass by
Songs are to say
that everything is interesting,
everything is very interesting.

Do you know why you have to go to the bathroom?
Do you know why we work all year?
That I don't know, I only know
that it can be interesting.

Do you know what Martians eat?
Do you have an idea of what's inside of a piano?
That, I will know and be able to
become interesting

With work and the bathroom you can kill time,
You have to talk about Martians and pianos,
with time you can be
an interesting man,
or an interesting woman,
someone very interesting

But if some day I get bored (cha-la-la-la)
and I lose all interest,
if I don't ask more questions (cha-la-la-la)
abandoning knowledge

That would also be interesting. (cha-la-la-la)
an interesting matter, (cha-la-la-la)
because I'm very interesting, (cha-la-la-la)
the interesting woman, (cha-la-la-la)
the interesting woman, (cha-la-la-la)
the interesting woman, (cha-la-la-la)


Movin' on without you

Nothing's gonna stop me
Only you can stop me

3 o'clock am in the middle of the night, with a PHS at my bedside
I'm waiting for it to ring, aren't I a fool?
The bell of the clock rings, just like in a fairy tale
But it doesn't matter if I find any glass slippers

If caring about me is troublesome, hurry up and tell me
I don't have that kind of time to waste
I'm movin' on without you

I can't pretend that I don't know about your alibi for playing around anymore
And to think of all the memories we had together

It wasn't supposed to end up being painful, why?
I guess it's still too early to pretend to be a good girl

Nothing's gonna stop me
Only you can stop me

Even though the lines I had prepared were perfect
The signal still isn't reaching, it's 4 in the morning
On this all too quiet night, my thoughts start to run wild
I get it, and yet I end up sleep deprived

I've already forgotten those promises
I'll give back the ring, so give back my heart
I have to go without you

Since it's frustrating, I'll break us up
It's not easy to pretend to be a good girl

It wasn't supposed to end up being painful, why?
I guess it's still too early to pretend to be a good girl

I don't care if I'm confused, I want you to love me
Even if you won't say it, I want you to understand

It wasn't supposed to end up being painful, why?
I guess it's still too early to pretend to be a good girl


I think

Ajá Ajá Ajá.

I think
that giving an opinion is necessary
because I am intelligent
and that's why I'm always opinionated.

I think
that if I say aloud a thought
that comes to my head
I'm doing social criticism.

I think
about the human and the divine
and sometimes I say wisely:
'My opinion is to have an opinion'.

I think
that the government is in the right
and also wrong
depending on what side.

I think (ajá)
I think (mjm)
I think (ajá)
I think (ajá)

I think
with judgement and eloquence
and I never ask for mercy
if they accuse me of dementia.

I think
because I read newspapers
and I read them every day
to keep having opinions.

I think
without knowing how to read or write
I'll never know my opinion
But I'm very opinionated.

I think

with respect to your person
and I'd give my life
defending your opinion.

I think (mjm)
I think (ajá)
I think (ajá)
I think (ajá)

I think (ajá)
I think (mjm)
I think (ajá)

I think (ajá)

That's what I think.


The Danger Zone

If you don't say goodbye to me
Then that means this love isn't over, right?
You scoundrel... using grown up tricks, huh...
He'll entrance me back with a single exhalation
My crush on you has blindfolded my heart
I'm not sure that we should go much farther...

I want to go back (to who I once was) , but I can't... My feelings are upside down
My love staggers too close to the danger zone
We can still play around because we're safe for now
It would be nice if I could love someone else
But that's something I just can't do... no further discussion

Even the shadows pull me in for some reason
Now, I know what you meant
I have a feeling you're thinking
'It's time to move on...' with a different looking profile
That mysterious smile makes no sense to me
As I walk home in the twilight, I turn back around

'A mediocre love is alright with me...' But my feelings are upside down
I no longer love you for any other reason than the sense of danger
As my kiss gets blocked, my heart stirs
In other words... I'll have to say goodbye first
That's something I just can't do... no further discussion

I want to go back (to who I once was) , but I can't... My feelings are upside down
My love staggers too close to the danger zone
We can still play around because we're safe for now
It would be nice if I could love someone else
But that's something I just can't do... no further discussion