Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

José Vélez - Despiértate mujer versuri traducere

Despiértate mujer

Despiértate mujer
que el río está bajando turbio,
dejemos de fingir
con este matrimonio absurdo,
que haciendo del amor, alarde,
no somos más que dos cobardes,
extraños en la misma cama,
que el amor inflama
muy de tarde en tarde.

Despiértate mujer
que el cielo se tiñó de rojo,
despierta por favor,
despierta y mírame a los ojos,
que estoy cansado y ya no aguanto,
más noches de tristeza y llanto,
tapando todos los ultrajes
con el maquillaje
de mi desencanto.

Basta ya,
no prosigamos con esta locura,
que ya se terminó nuestra aventura,
nuestra casa es un teatro,
tú y yo la sombra de los comparsas,
nuestro amor es un fracaso,
seamos sinceros
y acabemos esta farsa.

Despiértate mujer
que el fuego ya no está encendido,
despierta por favor,
despierta que me siento herido,
que aquel amor que ayer juramos
se nos escapa de las manos,
vivimos siempre tan distantes,
que de ser amantes
ya nos olvidamos.

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: José Vélez

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Mai multe traduceri de versuri


The Destination of the Sufi

O Mullah, don't rebuke me
Let me cajole my beloved
Becoming a dancing girl does not cheapen us
Let us cajole the beloved by dancing
I became a roaming beggar-mystic in pursuit of the beloved
Let us wear the devotee's beads around our neck
Ghulam Farid, he knows his own heart best
Let us just fulfil our own pledge to the utmost

I am really just a thought (2x)

Now I can only be met with
I can only be met with through a thought

I am really just a thought

I am the vision and the vision is in me (2x)
I rove in the land of union (2x)

Now I can only be met with
I can only be met with through a thought

I am really just a thought

Sachal the Truthful, makes the truth apparent (2x)

Except that it would result in battle (2x)

Now I can only be met with
I can only be met with through a thought

I am really just a thought (3x)



I thought I was dreaming
But no,
You’re truly mine.

In my arms,
Only mine, like this.
On my lips,
Sweetly yours, like this.
Forever mine.
It seemed impossible,
But it was so easy
To bind you to me, my love.
In my arms,
To dream together,
To die like this,
Finally mine, like this.

In my arms,
To dream together,
To die like this,
Finally mine, like this.



Like a gigolo,
I'll walk alone,
And I won't love anyone.
Like a gigolo,
I know I'll kiss,
But I won't love anyone.
Maybe I'll cry,
Maybe I'll suffer,
But I won't love anyone.
Maybe one day, who knows,
If destiny wills it so,
But not now, no one.

(Like a gigolo,
I'll walk alone,
And I won't love anyone.
Like a gigolo,
I know I'll kiss,
But I won't love anyone.)
Maybe I'll cry,
Maybe I'll suffer,
But I won't love anyone.
Maybe one day, who knows,
If destiny wills it so,
But not now, no one.

Maybe one day, who knows,
If destiny wills it so,
But not now, no one.

(Like a gigolo.)


Everything would be so good again

Everything would be so good again
If near and far away all those lasses
Could make move so skillfully their brains
As they now move and twerk with their asses
