Julio Iglesias - Sono un pirata, sono un signore versuri traducere
Sunt un pirat, sunt un domn
Click to see the original lyrics (Italian) Uneori sunt un ticălos și alteori un om bun
uneori nu știu nici măcar cum sunt
îmi place orice lucru ce e interzis
dar trăiesc din lucruri simple, trăiesc viața
Am avut multe femei care m-au înțeles
și altele care din rea credință m-au rănit
dar a venit momentul potrivit pentru mine
să spun cum sunt, cum simt.
Îți voi spune
îmi împrumut sufletul sau inima
sunt un pirat și un domn
Mai mult dragoste de sine decât pudoare
Îți voi spune
iubesc luna și iubesc soarele
sunt un pirat și un domn
profesionist în dragoste
Sunt cei ce îmi spun acum că sunt mai bun
și acolo unde condamnam azi iert
nu merg la o întâlnire fără o floare
dar nu confund sexul cu dragostea
Nu merg la o întâlnire fără o floare
dar nu confund sexul cu dragostea
Îți voi spune îmi împrumut sufletul sau inima
sunt un pirat și un domn
mai mult dragoste de sine decât pudoare.
Îți voi spune
iubesc luna și iubesc soarele
sunt un pirat și un domn
profesionist în dragoste.
Îți voi spune
imi împrumut sufletul sau inima
sunt un pirat și un domn
mai mult dragoste de sine decât pudoare...
Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist:
Julio IglesiasToate versurile în limba engleză de pe acest site pot fi utilizate numai în scopuri personale și educaționale.
Toate versurile sunt proprietatea și drepturile de autor ale proprietarilor sau proprietarilor respectivi.
Mai multe traduceri de versuri
Waltz for a friend
Here, you don't sing anymore
And everything is already out of tune
The orchestra is gone
Everything ends here
And among the stars of a city
The anger goes away
Among these streets without reality
Hope will rise for me
Here, I can't hear anymore
There is no sound
Everything ends here
The people are leaving
And among the stars of a city
The anger goes away
And in these streets without reality
A woman will run with me
Here, you don't sing anymore
And everything is already out of tune
The orchestra is gone
Everything ends here
Slowly, tomorrow will come
Slowly, tomorrow will come
And these strange dreams will go away
Slowly, tomorrow will come
The branches will seem stronger to me
I see new flowers hanging
And then, maybe, even new loves
Slowly, tomorrow will come
You hold my hands tight
So tonight, listen to me
Let's live well, without haste
Let me enjoy this atmosphere
And make this evening last longer
Count how many stars are in the sky
Can you feel how a true love warms?
Slowly, tomorrow will come
And we won't have thorns in our hands
From tomorrow
Tomorrow, I will walk
And with every step, I'll find courage again
You will be beautiful and full of joy
Because tomorrow we will keep each other company
Slowly, tomorrow will come
And these strange dreams will go away
Slowly, tomorrow will come
And you, laughing, will spread your wings
Two strong wings, strong enough to fly away
That way, we will be a breeze of joy
Slowly, tomorrow will come
And we won't have thorns in our hands
From tomorrow
Tomorrow, I will walk
And with every step, I'll find courage again
You will be beautiful and full of joy
Because tomorrow we will keep each other company
Tomorrow, I will walk
And with every step, I'll find courage again
You will be beautiful and full of joy
Because tomorrow we will keep each other company
When I believed
When I believed that the sea
In the evening ate the moon
When I believed that every star
Like a woman, would make herself beautiful
When I kept my body pure
Pure like the spring
When I thought of the darkness
As a safe corner, safe
And now here you are
One more mistake
No, I wouldn't be surprised
If she returned to my side
When I believed that the flower
Like me had a heart
When I thought of the sun
Like a man filled with love
With love
And now here you are
One more mistake
No, I wouldn't be surprised
If she returned to my side
And now here you are
One more mistake
No, I wouldn't be surprised
If she returned to my side
I’m Taking the Step
I know that I know the picture of the stars
But something new is calling out to me
Suddenly my life here is changing
Because I’m being forced into the distance
But this is bigger than before
New wind, the current’s dragging me up
What lies before me? Do I leave my home
And sail away from this so beloved place?
Do I take the step? I’m following the path of the stars
Just what might be waiting for me? Will I lose myself?
Do I take this step? Do I let go of what I love?
And by doing so what could happen to my people?
Do I take this step?
Destiny is in motion now
Everything’s running its course
Do I give up on this life I love for this?
They’re calling me, I have to react
But if I go I might lose my people
Do I take the step? And in rough seas
Will I lose myself and understand what I will find beyond?
Do I take this step? Do I let go of what I love?
And by doing so what could happen to my people?
Do I take the step now?
If I can’t be there for her
Could she understand it one day?
I’m taking the step and although I don’t know yet when
I might be able to return, I know who I am
I am Moana! Land and sea are my home
And I swear that, no, I will never give up
I must go, I want to see and understand
What lies beyond