Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Kali Uchis - ¡aquí mando yo! versuri traducere

Eu sunt la conducere aici

Click to see the original lyrics (English, Spanish)
Sunt mica ta mamacita,
Faci tot ce-ți spun
Dacă ești cu mine, eu sunt singura care conduce,
aici nu contează cum și când ceri
Eu sunt la conducere, aici eu sunt la conducere
dacă vrei să te obișnuiești cu mine
Sunt atât de mulți care mă caută,
și dacă nu-ți place, te cheamă altcineva
Eu iau deciziile, eu aleg pozițiile,
Poate că tu ai tupeul, dar eu am pantalonii
Nu, nu, ea nu poate face ca mine
Arunc-o în jos, aș vrea să poți vedea
privirea de pe fața ta
Sunt mica ta mamacita,
Faci tot ce-ți spun
Dacă ești cu mine, eu sunt singura care conduce,
aici nu contează cum și când ceri
Eu sunt la conducere, eu sunt la conducere aici
Știu că sunt obsesia ta, ca și Romeo Santos
Atât de mulți mă caută,
și dacă nu-ți place, și dacă nu-ți place, alta...
Nu am de gând să mă păcălesc
fac ce vreau, nu am nevoie de nimic
Sunt șefa, știi unde sunt
Elegantă, dar tot nebuna ta sunt, dragă
Ei nu pot face ca mine (Atât de obraznic)
Nu, ei nu pot face ca mine, iubitule
Știi că am să călăresc acel P, la fel cum am făcut-o și cu ritmul ăsta, iubitule
Mă descurc cu afacerile, sunt șefă, iubesc diamantele, sunt o femeie cu ață dentară
Ei vor să știe cât m-a costat, m-am săturat de târfele alea
Credeai că sunt ușoară, sunt elegantă,
Nu, nu-mi pasă dacă se uită, sunt mai mult decât Versace
Aprind acel foc acolo unde ajung,
și ei vor să ajungă la mine, dar eu îi opresc
Mai târziu, mai târziu, vom vedea mai târziu,
Am spus: dacă ești norocos, atunci ne vedem mai târziu
Faci tot ce-ți spun
Dacă ești cu mine, eu sunt singura care conduce,
aici nu contează cum și când ceri
Eu sunt la conducere, aici eu sunt la conducere
dacă vrei să te obișnuiești cu mine
Sunt atât de mulți care mă caută,
și dacă nu-ți place, te cheamă altcineva

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Kali Uchis

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Mai multe traduceri de versuri


A summer without heat

The still air, the empty sky
The birds no longer fly

A summer without heat
Everything is gray around
No love between us
One cannot hope
In silence to think
To understand together
How much harm we do
With our own hands

A summer without heat
God, but why?

The still air, the empty sky
The birds no longer fly
The world is silent to rediscover
The love that no longer exists

You look at me, you want to speak to me
But you hear a cry down there
A child playing alone
Waiting for a tomorrow for him
A tomorrow that knows how to give
What is missing today

A summer without sun
God, but why?
A summer without heat



Why are you crying
And I drink my cognac, and as if out of spite it doesn’t get to me
I greet the dawn hugging a bottle, what an idiot
I greet the dawn, what a fool, what an idiot, I greet the dawn

I’ll close myself off from everyone, I’ll forget who I am
A psychological death, but I’ll muster the courage to call you, albeit still numb and detached
Just understand that I am who I am, I’m still yours
Just understand that I am who I am, I’m obsessed with you

Why are you crying
And I drink my cognac, and as if out of spite it doesn’t get to me
I greet the dawn hugging a bottle, what an idiot
I greet the dawn, what a fool, what an idiot, I greet the dawn

You’re no longer here, I can’t accept that
No, you’re alive, but died before my eyes
It hurts so, having lost you that way
I won’t wait for your anymore
I loved just once, and then searched for something similar
Thousands of faces, but not one of them (It’s not you)
Oh how I long for your touch
Oh how I’ve become accustomed to you

Why are you crying
And I drink my cognac, and as if out of spite it doesn’t get to me
I greet the dawn hugging a bottle, what an idiot
I greet the dawn, what a fool, what an idiot, I greet the dawn


She Will Leave

Mysterious is
That feeling that
Makes your eyes rest on her
You are a child
You suffer because she
When she passes, doesn’t notice you
You don’t know why
But you search within yourself
Emotions never felt with her
And at night now
It’s fire inside you
You wake up suddenly crying

When she leaves
Nothing of her will remain
And on the empty beach, you will walk
And the cold of autumn you will already feel
When she leaves
Nothing of her will remain

You head toward a train
You still seek her
The game of love is not over
You run among the people
Who pass indifferently
Your fantasy flies away from her
You see on her face
The shadow of a smile
Maybe she understands, maybe she knows

Now she will leave
Nothing of her will remain

Now she will leave
Nothing of her will remain
It’s not strawberry time
You cry and scream inside yourself


The Jester

Why don't we laugh anymore?
Silence now waits for you

Come to entertain
Jump and joke again
You must satisfy
Your demanding lord

Laugh, but inside it’s not like that
You can't cry if you want

Sing and play, come on
You can’t stop
You must give up
The desire to run away

They are laughing, you did it
Return to yourself, in your pain

Laugh, but inside it’s not like that
You can't cry if you want

Sing and play, come on
You can’t stop
You must give up
The desire to run away

They are laughing, you did it
Return to yourself, in your pain

Sing and play, come on
You can’t stop
You must give up
The desire to run away